Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/222

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Q IT E 1038, Earl of Qsroosltrrry, with remainder to lois heirs male bearhig the surname and arms of Douglas. his lordship Isabel, dan. of Mark, lot Earl of Lotbias, by whom l]e had (with two tI one.) four sons, the two elder of whom alone loft issue; namely, 1, Jittir.s, who s. to the peerage. ii, William (Sir), of Kih,ead, an officer in the army, and governor of Carlisle 1,1 1017 ; created a hart. ol N ova Scotia, 20 F0h. 1608 ci. lot, dears, doss. and heir of l’awoi,ls of Fascetle by wits a alone Ito had insole and dysug in 167:1, svas c. ho his eldest son, Sin Jones h)outt ‘‘as, oi,d t,aroo,t’l of killsoad wit,, itt Catherine, 2is,1 dan. of lames, end Earl of Qneeuo4ioory, and woos. 1704. liy his only con, Sir, Wn,r.iAM. 3rd los unet; who to. 1785, Helen, dau. t’fCol. Jcl,n Erokine, andkad, with otherissne, 1 Juno’, his s,lccossor. 2 Clsarles, if iireconwhat, to. Mrs. Young, lint it. o. p. I Jamex MItts dan. of Sir I’atriok Maxwell, hart., s,i’l load, with tore sc’ns. who is, it ito., five dons., viz., Hehi’n, is. to — Maxuell, Esq. of london; Siary, is. to — ,llidillemore. Eeq. of Lioenlnslnre t Charlotto, itt. to .kloxander )l’ixwsll. Esq. of ‘l’crraugisty Joanna, so. to John Forbes, Eo,1. sf Londt’n; and Elizabeth. 4 Stt’,rart, a distinguished military ollicor, il. it otti. 5 Eroktise, 11.11., vi. Mrs. Witters, and load fonr claus., Princes-Catherine, to. Ii Oct. 1790, to the Right Rev. Dr. Iloniel Sandford, Titular llisltep ,,f Edinburgh, wlso ii. 14 Jan. 1930. Sloe t. 11 .1 an. 10:17. Wilhehnina, widow of Col. W. Douglas; ohs 2. 1542. Cls,usntina, widow of It. llaeksnnrdu, Esq. lloleto, to. Capt. 11-33’. Hardy; both tu-e deceased. 6 David, at. to Miss Thompson, and had fifteen children, of whom, Willisni, a eel. in the army; is. 1st, 27 Oct. 1795, Catherine, dan. and co-hetr of William Johnstuno, Esq. of toekerby, and had, liavid-13’illiane-Archib aid, who so. lhla, lIllo. Suzan, and it. 1041, leaving issue, three chins., Catl,srine ; Jane; and Christian; end a dan., Mary, ci. S April, 1021, to Lieut. Den. Sir Charles- William Maxwell, CR., lOCH., who ii, hi 1548; she ci, 9 Jan. 1823. Ccl. William Douglas m. endly, Wilhslmine, dan. of Dr. Erokino Douglas; and ,i. May. 1831. Jubn-Erskinc, admiral ION., ss. in 1815, furs. White, s,Oe 0,115th, and ii. 23 July, 1847, leaving, Helen-Catherine, vs. 21 Nov. 1843, to Major Cohn Mackenzie, Mastrt,s service. Louisa. Dunbor-ilaiullton, 2. ness. helen, is. Robort Holiday, Esq., and is deceased Catherine, 2. in 1831. Margaret, 2. sins. Jane, 2. 1833. Fauny. I Catherine, ci. to Sir William Slaxwell, Bert. of Springkoll; and 2. in 1701. 2 Jean, a. to Ilugh llaxwell, Esq. of Lialswinten, eo. Dnmfries. 1 Helen, ci. to Capt. John Erskine. Sir William d. in 1733; aud was s. by his eldest son, Sm Juno’, 4th bart. ; SIP, for the co. Itnmfries in 1741, who was eemsoitted to the Tower, in 3740, on a charge of aiding the Stnarts, but released on bail in 1748. Sir Job” sit. Christian, d:au. of Sir William Conninghomn, of Capriogton, and bad four sons and fourdaus., of svhom Wms,m,sasm, s. as 5th baronet. Charlss-Jomes-Shelto. collector of the Customs in Jamahno ; am. lot. M.ssil’sa. dan. of James Dawos, Esq. of Recksprimtg, in tht’t island, by whom he had, James-Sloelto, a major in the ornoy, 5.3 July, 1757; is. 23 31,u’ch, 1781, Sartd,, dan. of James Vetoes, Esq. of Itockspring, Jamaica, and had, with ether isoue, James-Dawes (Sir), G.C.B., gen. in, and eel. 42nd rvgt. ; stone timeltcnt.-gov. ofOusrusso’; distingnislsed as col. of the 8th Portugnese, and in command of ti brigtsdo at Bosaco, Salaseassea, Pyreaces, Niselle, Nive, Orthss, and Toulouse, hi. 14 Jan. 1785; ci 7 Sept. 1815, Slariaunc, youngest dau. of William Bullock, Esq., and 2.. 8 March, 1861, boring bad James, auajor, 60th rifles, b. 1817, sit. 13 Nov. 1531. OsorginaAguos, William, let Earl of Qaeenebcrry, 2.. in 1640, and was s. by only surviving ebld of the late Cii. W. lleresfsrd, of Stapleford hall, Notts, and 2.. lois eldest son, 23 April, 1818; Shelto-James, barrister-at-low hi. 1820, is. 17 Slay, 1853, itnn.liarriot, dau. e JAamas, 2nd earl. Tbie nehlesnan was zealously attached William Stills, Esq. of Saxham Mall Sosifolk ts, and a grest sufferer by, the royal csnse. Ha as. 1st, and has issue, thre,’ sons and a da,,. Stair’ Olary, youngest den, of James, 2nd Msrquess of Hamilton, C S., Mtooriti’is, 1’. 1827, itt. 6 May, 1858, Jtmst by avhesn be bad ns issmss; and Sadly, lliargarct, dan. of Mary, ,tsn, of llsc l,,te -JIm Marshall, Esq. of lle.sdiugley, Yorkshire, and ii. 12 July, 1861 haviitg le,,d a rl,ou. ; Edn’t,rd, hi. 10 April, 18:11 five darn, : Isis 3rd semi, John, nyse killed in 1873, at the Williasis, lid.. ii, holy i,rders, 0. 22 Sept. 1s3J siege of Tcooos, and his 4th son, Robert, was killed in 1678, Charles. lie,it. 15 rogt. 11.N.l., to. 21 lan. iso’i at the siege of Maeotrieht. The earl 2.. 1671, and was e. Charlotte, eldest dais. itt Capt. J. H. Areictrseg by his eldest son, John; Marianne; Caroline; Elizabeth; ani, 3rd earl; whe wee sworn of the privy council of Sarah. Shelto, late majorohrdregt. ito. 15 Mar. 1830, henrietta-Patrieio, * Of this issnethoss that survived, the 5th llarqness had, dau. of J. Burnett, Esq. ; and 2.. 24 by patent datetl 16 Slay, 1537, the tithes and prscedesoee of Dec. 1838, leaving lty her (who sit. lndly, in 1841, a nsarqneas’e children. Q I] E the late Lt.-C,’l. Ferdinand Wbite, CM., 40th regt. and 8. in 1800) aeon, Edward-Sholto, RN,, ci. 30 Feb. 1853. Basilia-Ilary, d. mssnm. Assne, deceased. Sartil,, to. 18 July, 1817, to her cousin, John, 6th Slart1uess of Queensbcrry, and ‘t. 13 Nov. 1884. John-Graham, dsp. in 1007. Stair, reor-odonr.d of tlte Blue; hi. 27 Oct. 1784; sit. 24 July, 1802, Anise, d,,n. of John Payne, Esq.,ond 2.. 2 Nov. 1828, leaving by her (who ii. 4 June, 1501) issue, Stair, 31. A., pcrpolnai coirate efPnntington, Soissex, assd canet, of Cbichostor: hi, 28 Sept. 1802 ,‘ sa, in 15:11. Mtu’io-Edith, dau. of Woodbine l’orisb, Esq. Mlieahseth-I.ouisa, sa. 5 Slay, 1010, to the Mer. Henry J. Legge ‘mid d. 18 Dot. 1040. Anna-Slaria, ci. imsim. Harriet, 2. usm. Lucy. Helen-Frances. Mr. Janses-Clsorhes-Shoito Douglas so, lndly, Mary, dou. of the Rev. Dr. 14. Bnll”ek, and bad by locr, Charles, it. e, p. in 1800. Edwar’l-Bnhhoek, hi. 26 Jitno, 1774; is. 14 Feb. 1811, Harriet, dau. of the 14ev, Michord Bullock, lID. and ml. 7 Joshy, 1830, leering by her (who ci, 2 Nov. 1550’, one ems, Edo-aid, t. I lIce. 1810. lucy-Maria, oi. to time 10ev. T. Newton; and 8. 1011. Sir Jobn was e. in 1778, by his eldest son, Ssa Wsc.s.m.aos, 5th baronet, SIP.; svho vs. hi Mar. 1772. brace, eldest mien. asod cit-heir of Wihbom-Johstmstonc, Esq. of b,ockerhy, cc. I tnmfrtes, and by her (who 2. 21 March. 1030) had issue,5 CnaaLss, his stmcecssor, Juno’, 6th nsorqusss. henry-Alexander, hi. 7 Oct. 1761; ma. H Aug. l81b Eheahoths, end don, of the hate Robes’t Dalzel,Esq. (ice Conecwsvss, Eonx or); and d. 15 Slareh, 1837, hovtiog bad issue, William-Henry, I. 8Jumso, 1811; cI. 10 Dec. 1810. Robert Jo,hsmstone, of loclccrby, hi. e Oct. 1514; es 27 Jan. 1841, Jane, daio. cf Charles, 8th Slarquese of Quee,tstterry, and ‘1. 12 Nov. 1868, leaving, Arthin’-llonry, t. 21 June, 1816; Cecil-Frencis, 0. 111 ttct, l°’47; tlmce-Elieelncth; Alice.Loussa;and Coroliioe-L’iey. Jehso-D,dz,’hl, hi. 2 Slay, 1810; it. 11 Dec. 1819. Charles, R.I.C.S. ; 8.10 Jan. 1810:2. 10 Aug. 1845. Henry-Alexandor, in looly erde,’s : demus of Cope Tosas, ; hi. 22 Feb. 1821; ma. 20 Nov. 1840, Ellza, eldest dams, of Jamooos Hoskine, Esq,, and has, lieery-Valzcli, hi. 26 Oct. 1,314 ,‘Arcbib,uld-Charlss 0. 2 J,in. 1061 ; Edihh-llhiot:hrtts ; Slargaret; Cathcrinc -Story.t’irey; asod tlraec Emil;’. Hiogh-Slaxwoli. hi. 1 June, 1824; is, s’s July, 1862. Jolts,, hi. 6 Iloreb, ISIs; a. Jan. 1861, SIam’y, dan. of doe hlov. J. Sinopoon, amid witlow oh William H ‘svo, Req ofOlcm,lcc, N S. 33’t,les. Edward-Oetavius. hi. 19 Sept.1930; om. 1 Nov. 1859, IIanntth-Cliai-lm ‘lie, yocsoogest don, of the late Sir J.-J. Scott-Douglas, hart. Mica, es, 23 June,ISSI, John-CampbehlShairp,Esq, William-Robert-Keith, ma. 24 Nov. 1821, Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Welter Irvine, Esq., amid ci. 5 Dec. hooP, having by her (n-ho 8. 25 April, 1064) bed issue, William Ilongles-Irvins, Esq., see. ci legatiess at l’ioimmoa,an,i subsequently Seorstery of T’cgation at Wtmsbiegteot, hi. in 1824. Walter, hi, 7 July, 1825. Chas’hcs, 8. in 1837, so. st Toros,to, Canada, 4 March, 1860, Margaret-Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur Hohnsstcd, Esq. of Toronto. Catherine-Grace. Elicahsth-Chrietian. Mary. Edvrsrd-Ochsriue, of Iheltechossie, cu. J’em’tb. Mary, am. 20 llarch, 1817, ts Mtojer-Gen. Sir Thomas- Sidney Msckwith, 11CM., who 2.. 12 Jan. 1631, Shed. 15 Jan. 1541. Christiaso, ti. 27 Jan. 1647. Csthertne-Ileron, it. 20 Jan. 1540. Sir William 2. 16 Slay, 1783, and was e. by his eldesl sen Ssa CuAam,Es DOUOLAe, 5th Marquess of Qnscnsbcrry. John, let Earl of Traqmsetr, by whsns lie had four sown and