Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/223

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QUE ILAD Scotland in 1677, and constituted justice-general of that Caroline, 3rd dan. of Henry, 3rd Duke of Ilnocleuch and kingdom in 1680. ills lordolnp wao advanced in tho poorago, Queensborry, E.G., and had ioono, 31 Feb. 1681, by the titles of Lord Douglas, of Kilrnouns, C’arolino-Elioaboth, d. young in 1813. .ltfiddlebie, and Dor’aork; Viscooal Hills, Torttersoald, ttItst Louisa-Anne, so. 11 April, 103:1 to Thomas-Charlton Jlooo; Earl of Drosolanrig osssf San guitar, and JIssrqseso of Whitmoro, Esq., SIP., of Aploy Park, on. Salop, who d. Queeasterry, with romeinder to his heirs male whataoever; 31 March, laOs. and ho obtained, in 1662, an addition to his coat-arinorial of Jlary-Elmaheth, so. 17 Feb. 3831, to the Rev. Thomao Wontworth Gage. vicar of Uigbsm F’errers, who 1. in i837. the donble tressure, as it is in the royal aehiovomont. In llarriet-Christian as. 13 May, 1841, to the lion, and Very hay, 1682, ho wao constituted lord-high-treasurer of Rev. Augustus bsincombe, dean of York, 3rd eon of Scotland, andappointed, in the Septembereuauiug, governor Chance, let Lord Feveraham. of Edinburgh Caslie, and one of the extraordinary lords of Jane-Margaret-Mary, m. 27 Jan. 3811, to her kinsman, Seaeion. Go the 3rd Feb. 1683, his lordship was fortherele- Robert Johnstosse liouglas, Req. of Leekerhy, who cf. 1066. vated, as Marquess of Duesf rice and DUKE OF Qucasssurnav, Frances-Caroline, d. 25 Get. 1827. Elizabeth, o. 7 Nov. 1061 to henry-St. George Foote, Rsq. with remainder to the heirs male of his body. His gmee as. Anne-Georgina, vs. in Dcc. 3841, Charles-Home Drum- in 1657, Isabel, dan. of William, 1st Marquees of Douglas, mend, Req., and has issue a son, is. in Sept. 1846. and had (with a younger son, George, who 8. Rosa., and a dan., Anne, m. to David, Lord Richo), The marquess was created a Peer of the empire, as Raven Selscag, of Kinssseual, 00. Dsssafries, 3 Jnoe, 1833. He 8. I. JAsles, his successor. 3 Dec. 1837, when that title becameextiuct, but the Scottish n. WILLIAM, who got from his father the castle of Neidpath, and a considerable estate in the en. of Peebles, hononrs devolved on his brother, purchased from the Tweeddale fasnily. His lordship n’as Joust, 6th snarquess, 5. 1770, who m. 16 July, 1817, Sarah, elevated to the peerage of Scotland, 20 April, 1627, as dan. of Jasneo-Shs,lto Douglas, and d. 10 Dcc. 1856, leaving BARON DounLAs, of Neisipalh, Lgne, ssad Jfssnaerhessd, by her (who s5. 12 Nov. 1864) issue, a dan., Georgina, and an Visoecrer Po.rsLcs, and EARL OF lhancn, with remainder I only son, his successor, to the hsice male of his body failure of which, to the ARURIRALD-WILLIAM, 7th Marquess, 5. 18 April, 1816 vs. other heirs maIn and of entail centaiued in his enfeeffments of the lands and Barony of Neidpath. Hem. lady 2 June, 1810, C’aroliue-Margaret, youssgei dan. of Geu. Sir Jane Hay, 2nd dau. of John, lat Marquess of Tweeddale; I Wm.-Robert Clayton, Dart., and had issue and dying in 1701, was s. by his eldest son, , JN5RLTn, present marquess. WILLIAM, 2nd Earl of March; who cc. Lady Anne si. Francis-William-Donverie, is. I Feb. 1847; killed 14 Jssly, hamilton, eldest dau. of John, Earl of Selkirk and I 1865, by an accislcntal fall ever a precipice, In deeccnding Ruglen, who on her father’s decease, became Cssnntess Mount Cervin, or hlatterhorn, Switcerlassd. of Ruglen, and was s. in 1731, by his only aen, Archibald-Edward, 1,. 17 June, 1850. Iv. James-Edward, is. 28 May, 1058. WILLIAM, 3rd Earl of hlareh: who, upon tlse decease i I. Gertrude-Georgians. II. Florence-Caroline. of his ms,ther, in 1748, inlserited the Earldem of Ruglen, and was 4th Duke of Queensherry. his lordship, whe was a P.C., and lient. and sheriff principal Tbs duke d. in 1682, and was s. by his eldest son, of Dumfrieeshire, and had been an officer in the 2nd life JAMES, Sod dnke, 0. 18 Dee. 1672; E.G., lord-high-trea- guards, was killed at Kinmonut by the accidental explosion surer of Scotland, and lord-high-commissioner in the reign of his gun, 6 Aug. 1858. of King WILLIAM; and secretary of state and lord-high-oem- Crealisssa—Vteceuut, &0., 1 April, 1628. Earl, 13 Jouc, misaioner in the reigss of Queen Aasto; and subsequently i 1632. Marquess, 11 Feb. 1681. Daronet, 20 Feb. 1668. drst commissioner, on the part of Scotland, to discuss the I Arose—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, arg., a hnmass heart, go., moasure of Union. For these important services, his grace I imperially crowned, ppr.; on a chief, Sc., three mullets of obtained a pension of £3000 a year, and was, 26 Stay, 3708, the field, for DonuLAs; 2nd and 3rd, Sc., a hessd, between cs’sated an English peer, as Bareso J?ippan, Marquees of I six crooa-ernaolots, fitcb6o, or, for SIAn; all witlsin a bordure, of the laot, charged with the double tressuro of Scotland, Bsees’ieg, and DuKe oc Dovea. His grace had surrendered which treasure was. ,ddcd by CuARras 11., when he to the crown iu 1766 the dignities cossferred upon his honessred the fasuily with ths Slarqnesaate of Qneenaberry. father, ansi obtained a new gmsst of these houours, dated Creot—A human heart, gu., snaigued with an imperial 17 Juns, 1706, extending the rcnsaindorship to the heirs crown, between two wings, or. male or female descended from William, let Earl of Queens- Stspjseriero—Gn each side a pegaeus, arg., winged, msned berry ; leavtng the Marqssisate and Random of Queensberry, sod hoofed, or. Jialls—Fes’ward. with the Viscounty of Drnsnlaurig, and Barony of Douglas Seol—Khsmenut, eo. Dnrnfries. of Hawick and Tibbers, untonched, and to descend accord- I ing to the original patents of creation. His glare as. Dec. 3685, Mary, 4th dan. of Charles Boyle, Lord Clifford, and granddau. of Richard, Earl of Burlington and Cork; and -_ RADCLIFFE. dying in 1713, woes. by his eldest surviving sou, ___________ RADCLIFFE, Sia JOSEPH, of SHine. CMARLeS, 3rd duke; who had been created during the 1799 ; a. as 2nd barosiot, nn the Earl of Sslszoy, with remainder to the heirs of his fathernot decease of his grandfather, 19 Fob. successors to the Dnke,lom of Qneensbes-ry. His gmee m. lifetime of the late duke, 17 Jnue, 1706, Fieeeunl Titters gad “cr bridge House, cu. lurk; is. 5 June, 10 Slareb, 1720, Catherine, dan. of henry, Earl of Clarendon 1819 ; no. 29 Oct. of the same year, and Rochester, by whom be had two sons, Jacobina-Maria, youngest dau. of Benny, Earl of Drssmlanrig. is. 30 Oct. 1722, who was killed the late Capt. .Jchn Macdolsnell, of by the accidsutal discharge of his own pistol, in 1784, a Lcagh, 00. Inverness, a branch of the ancient fondly few months only after his lordship’s man-lags with Lady of Glengars’y, by whom (svho 4. 10 May, 1868) he had, Elizabeth Hope. Charles, Earl uf Ils-ssmlannig, and Of.P.fnr the en. Dnnsfries, I. JosePH-PeRcIvAL Plcaeono, 5. 4 Oct. 1814; so. 20 Get. is. 17 Jnly, 1726: he narrowly escaped from the earth- 1034, Katherine, only surviving child of the late Sir quake at Lisbon in 1731, and st. tuna. in 1786. EdwardDoughty,Bart.,assdhaaissue,J000vu-EowAers, The duke 8. aged 80, 22 Oct. 1778, when the English 5. 1858; henry-Joseph-Francis, is. ISlil; Philip-Johnhononrs expired, but the Scottish devolved npon his kins- Joseph, 5. 1863 ; MaryAgnea-Cntbeninc, Mary-Fun- man (refer to Lord William Douglas, 2nd ecu of 1st duke), meua, and another dan. W5LLIAIO, 3rd Earl of March, as 4th duke. ifie grace was sI. Chas’les-John, is. 23 Sept. 1820; as. August, 1860, created an English peer, H Aug. 1786, by the title of Baron Cloinenthsa-Slaria, 2nd da,s. of the late Antbny-Ws-tght Douglas, sf Aessesisury, and installed a knight of the Thistle. Diddniph, Rsq., andsisterof A.-J.-WrightDidslnlph, Esq. He 8. scam. iii 1850, aged 88, when the English Barony con- of Burton Park, Sussex. (See Donxe’s Lr’snlest Ceo try.) ferred upon himself snd the Scottish Rarldom of Ruglen Iii. Artbnr-Regioald-Stnelair, is. 3 Nov. 3830; sss. 13 SepC expired. Tbe Random of March and inferior dignities of that 3860, Georgiana, 3rd dan. of the Rev. F. Fiekford, rector creation passed to the Earl of Wemysa. The dukedom and the of lfagwertbhsgham, Lisscelnshire. inferior titles, provided for by the renewed patent granted Iv. Gadfrey-Edward-Alister, is. 27 June, 1832; CshI April, to James, tbe 2nd duke, devolved, according to the extended 1883, Gerahilne-llary, Ird dan. of the late Anthony- limitation therein specified, upon the Duke of Bncoleueh; Wright Bidduiph, Esq. of Dnrton Park, Sussex. while the original peerage descended to his grace’s kinsman, I. Jacohina-Sharia-Sophia, vs. 1 Jssne, 1841, to Samuel- Sin CuAns.eo DorxsLAs, 6th Baronet of Kilbead, so 5th - James Drowue, Req. of Chapel .Sllerten, 00. York. 3tarquess of Queensberry, Ac., (refer to descendants of ths n Eliza-Hatilda-Ilary, as. 1 Jssne, 1841, to Sir George Mon. Sir William Douglas, of Kilhsad, 2nd eon of the lob I Armitage, Dart, of Kh-klces, eo. York. earl.) his lordship, a K.T., was is. in 1777, In. lb Aug. toOl5 III. Amelia-Frances, is. 5 Nov. 1846, to David-Arthnr tt25