Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/23

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M A C MACGREGOR. MACoREGOn, SIR CHARLES, Bart., in holy orders, ?Issef of tise nse,hcal stair is the exclitiess ag:nnst the MA., rector of Swallow, Lincoinshiro ; 6. 8 Nov. 1805, we fissd him placed at tlse l,c,s<l of the sssa’lical staff 1819; e. as 3rd baronet, at the decease of his brother, of the Assglo-lndiasi army i’s Egypt, first n,s,ler the ce,ssmasd 29 March, 1846; ice. 2 Oct. 1845, Eliza- Catherine, expe’hitian nnder Sir David llair,i freTs,, through dan. of the late John Joifroys, Req. of Fynonc, near the deserts of ‘l’lscl,eecud Snoz to ,tlexan,lria. After l,ie Swansea, and has, z. WILLIAM-GO5SOOH, 9. 11 Sept. 1946. is. Ctcarlea-Rsginald, officer 90th foot, 6. 22 Oct. 1847. i,i. Patrick-Eugene, 9. 1856. iv. A son, is. 1867. s. Annie-Frances. ii. Helen-Grant. 515. Alma-Anna-Margaret-Gwyss. Sir Charles is vicar and rural dean of the diocese of these detailissg tlsc s,srro,sder of 11atajoe and the victory Lincoln. ILIllcztgc. I. PATR5cR MAcoas000, Esq. (son of James Margregor, industrious, and essecessfnl public servants I have ever Req. of Ballimors, co. Invsrssess, by Margaret, dan. of met with.” For all these emhsout services, Mr. )l’Grigor, Alexander Grant, Req. of Tnllochgornm, i,, ti’s same sl,irs), at the conclusion of the war, was knighted, and obtained having filled the situation of sorjeant-snrgeon to the King, pernsissien to wear the decorations of the Pertssgnese order and personal surgeon to H.R.H. the late Duke of York, of a knight-commassder of the Tower asid Sword, conferred was created a Baronet 17 Slarch, 1828. Sir Patrick as. its upon him by the King of Portngsd. In 1515, he was placed Nov. 1886, Bridget, dan. and hoir of James Glonny, Esq. o at the head of the nse,hical de1,artmcut of the army, Quebec, and by her (whod. 24 July, 1863) had issue, I. Wsu,Ls.s, 2nd baronet. Ii., present barosset. s. Anne-Grant, si. 22 Dec. 1840, to Robert Walters, Esq.; acid fellow of the Collsgos of Plsysicians of london and and if. in Feb. 1948. is. Georgina, ii. 14 Jan. 1865. ITT. Bridget-Margaret, ci. in 1833, to Her. I. Ssrtain, BA., who ,f. 1968. iv. Frances-Stuart, 5. 11 Feb. 1842. v. Clara-Jane, 4. 2 May, 1864. vi. Helen-Sophia. Re d. in July, 1828, and was a. by his eldest son, II. SiR WsttsAss, 6. in i8l7 capt. 93rd Ilighlanders; who if. un’s. 29 March, 1846, and was a. by his brother. Crealisa—17 March, 1826. Arias—Arg., from a mount, in bass, an oak-tree, surmounted Sir James 5. 2 April, 1938. Since his desnise, a bnet of him by a sword, in bend, ppr. and in chief, two has been placed by desire of the governors hi the Wellington Eastern crowns, gn., all within a bordurs, engs-ailed, of the last. - Crest—A human hand, ceuped at the wrist, and holding a subscription in front of the new barracks at Cheleea. dagger, erect, ppr., pommel and hilt, gold. Melts—Over the crest, “Em do, and spare not.” iNi ‘GR I G 0 R. M’OniooR, Sin CMARLRS-RH0DERIcIC, Bart, of Camden Hill, Middlesex; 6. 2 May, 1811; a. his father, as 2nd hart., 2 April, 1858 ; sic. 17 Npv. 1550, Elizabeth-Anne, 2nd dan. of the late Major-Gon. Sir Robert Nicklo, K.H., and has, s. JAesEs-EnonER,cE-llcsw, 9. 27 April, 1857. s,. Charles-Rhederiek-Mobert, 9. 5 Sept. 1860. Iii. William-Cclquhonn, 9, 23 Nov. 1861. s. Mary-Jane-Dallas, n. Elizabeth-Anne. is’. Dona-Edith. IttucRga Cos.qunome M’Gaioou, Esq., merchant in Aberdeen, ,,s. Norway, was rewarded by a grasst of the lasids of lonstasi, Ann, den. of Lewis Grant, Esq. of Lathendry, and left charter, dated 9 Jan. 1266. issue, at his decease, in 1890, three sons, JAMES, created a Baronet. - Robert, merchant of Aberdeen; if. in 1803. Charles, lient.-col. in the army; if. in 184i. lAssEs, the eldest eon, 6. 9 April, 1771, entered the medical isis son, department of the army us 1793, as surgeon of the 88th or called Kennotls Mac Kessssotl’, which became cormpted us Connaught rangers, and served the Holland and Flanders 725 M A C campaigiss of the tsve fe1lswissg years. is, 1756, he was island of Gres,ada. in i758, lie prsreedcd to lr,,h,, ; miii i,, of Sir Arthur Wellesley, and subseqssss,tly in the rotor,, from I,,dia, ho was ap1,einte,l cisief of tise ,,icdieal departmesst an the expedition to Wssleheress; scsi his so,— vices npon tlsat snsfsrtsmate occasioss ale lssiseurably noticed in many of ti,e official doepatchee. lIe was-Use clsiof of the medical depsi-tmes’t of the army snider the Duke of Wellington sss the Pessinsnlar war; and he weTs tise approbation of l,is great comnsass,lcr, being freqnentl3- and fav,,nrably mentioned iii his grace’s deepatches, partireslarly us of Vittoria. On the 26th July, 1814, the mice wrists time of Mr. M’Grigee ‘‘Icosssider him one of the mast able, which office he ossitinned to hold fcr 19 years ; hs was created a Baronet in Sept. 183i, and a taCO, in 1831. Sir lances, who was physiciass cxtraerdhsary to her Majesty, Edinhnrgh, see. 23 June, 1810, Mary, yosusgeet dan. of Dnsscass Grant, Eeq. of Lingeistesse, cc. Moray, and had, CRARLE5-Moonr.nsc, presesst hart. Welter-James, MA of Cambridge, barrister- at- aw, 6. 11 March, 1817; oi. 29 Aug. 1849, Maria - Anne, eldest dan. of Vice - Admiral higby, H N., and granddan. of the late Moss. and Very 15ev. W. Dighy, P.O., dean of Durham, and has by her (who ci. 24 Sept. 1851) a san, James-Digby-Wslter, 9. 12 Sept. 1851. Jane-Grant, 55. in April, 1845, to the 11ev. Frederick-Pare Phillips, rector of Stoke d’Alborsse, Surrey. Csllege, and a statue of hun lsae heen erocted by public Crestie,,—l891. Arses—Arg., a sword, in bend, az., ansi a fir-tree, eradicated in bend sinister, ppr. ; in chief, ass antique erewss, gil. Crests—A lion’s head, ppr., crawnid with an antique orowsi with points, or. Sc’pjisrtera—Dsxter, en nsicoru, arg., crowned and horned, eel sinister, a stag, ppr., tysicil, az. MolTe—Sriogal me dhream. Feint .lfesichessce—6, Hyde Park Street. M A C K E N Z I E. MACKENzIE, SIR KEBicETH-SssITn, of Gais’loch, co. Roes; 6. 25 May, 1832; a. as 6th barssnet, upon the decease of his father, 2 June, 1843; see. 11 Dcc. 1860, Eila-Frodorica, 2nd dan. of the lssto Waltor-Frederick Campbell, of Islay, and has issne, s. Ksseaovn-JoRN, 9. 6 Oct. 1861. is. Francis-Granville, 9. 31 Aug. 1865. 5. Slnriel-Katherine. JLulcagC. There is a tradition, not barns ont, hon-ever, hy any evidence or confirmation, that this very ancient fsmsly dednced its descent from a member of the house of Gerald, us lrelassd (whence sprang the noble fasntliee of Lcinster, Desmond, &c.), who, with a ccneiderable number of his followers, settled in Scotland about the year 1261, and having powerfully aided ALExAN5IEa Ill., a few years afterwards, in repelling the invaeioss of Macu, King of in the cc. Moae, which were erected into a free barony by CoLsN, let feudal Baron of Kintasl, so easd to have ma. a dan. of Walter, lord high-steward of Scotland; acid dyisig in 1278, was e. by his eon, Ksyaevn, 2nd Baron of Kintail, who was a. s’s 1104, by KENNETH, 3rd llaron of itintail, whc, in the Gaelic, u-ac