Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/24

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M A C English into Mackenny, or Mackenzie, and hence arose all cons’nt, Miss t’oc’hn’ane Chamber’s, by whom he bad no Issue; the faniili’ a of iilarki’,izie iii Scotland. From this Kenneth, asumt Brolly, in 7sf,, Cbs’ietian, nitty child of Wifhiam Hera— 3rd baron. sec paas to tile groat £n’at.Trantlsor,, A Ls:xas iou. 7th hiaron of Kbitail, who a. let, 1.101 Agnes t’ani1’bs Ii, antI rut cite San. Ks’s SF TI! (air!. sIb Itrtron f Kintrtii, anceolor of the Chiefs of Kintait hi- grea’ great gntsotson. itcasi TEL, tin I Shaken rio of Kirutait, ‘.1st, .351110, thrill of (tear n’ lies, c I ltainal.owait, rust ha 1 by t.or Sin’ hleetcu’, aalttt sat’s I ‘r’t-lienten,antof Ross-shire, it. ha a sill,, Gout’,,,, ii eel of Seafo, lb. so hose direct male April, 1 siSt, ,unuul s,tss e. by trio eolr, r’e ,i’osOuitrillO 0. loss ‘10tics’ son-v se Si aorc serf.. was created a peer Th2tu, Kythe C.’ue’Iirie, oldest tlr,sr. of S. Snuith-Wright, Req. of ti rot it,’indn, limo Sr 5501 TI!, Jr’r,OnJIm’”’U . ‘fKr l ‘,in I 710 Itis I’ ‘o.tobul’s 31 sly. tan. lip’ i- t 1,-by, 1)11., ‘tear’‘ft.iehriet,t anti it. in of Ro,nlietm ‘, ansi lrao by Iltat tridy (svho is deceased) ITt 7,. to,oilig t,,r,t (seitti fern’ cons, whir 1. before him, tw’n corn, ..) six tiatus.. sic., 31 aov-i’,i,ieAnt TI! -l’nrnonrc.s. s’. let, in 1001, to Sb’ Fr’tureis ti. Irudly, 13 Oct. 13035, Mary, dan. of Osgood Viec.A’liiuirat Sir Saniuct ii,isrt, liar-I - who 1. o. p. ar,’i Snutly, to 110 It’. It’,,,. .t ames —Atexarr’ier ll’rrrbriry. Es’1. of Hntldehnl Grange, iso Essex, and had by Stewart. oslo’ ns,ar runt the tot,1! Ii, nat osrrii:utne her smile eon, St texrsz re, tint ,t in thiS. teaving lot itta Stewart- Mta,kc’izie, Esq. of Seafnrtb, arsul other Sir Frar,cis 1. 2 June, 1043, wben he was e. by Iris oldest son. isone. to . it ti,1.OWAT, K. no). 2 l’ranoeo Catherine, tI. to, t540. 3 Car’,’iino. it. to iSIS. 4 (‘hart,ttto Ktiau,betb. 5 AugnotaSmie. 6 Iloten-Anno, a it Jan. 1521, to ,iosbna-H iliacko,ucie, l”sq.. Lint .Stackenzic, of the court of sinus to.’’ See-ion, wtso is deceased. Kenneth, Limed M’uetco,raie, ii. lndiy, tsabol, rtatr. tif Sir Gilbert Ugitty. if leone, ancestor of the Earl iii’ Sb-lie, an,t had by tier a son, Tirosixs(Sh’). of l’luscarty, tabs ii. Jean Grant. of the famdy of G,r.ssee ‘r,fIn”,, I, intl wits father of SIBILs.A, wife of With-tm Ttu’iiertser,, Laq of Inahes. 20 May, i°’lG ; o. aT 9th tract., at the deceaoe of his (See Ii ions’s Lt’ uteri 0’ ,,tr’.) TIre Baron of tthitsit ui fndly, Margt,ret, d-su, of ,tsrhii hrrnther, 3 Jan. 1856; as. N Ang. 18.58, Agnes, 2nd iii nr’dotugai, Lor’t of Lorn, lty as’t,’ ‘sirho trait, Iii er’,n St .ro-nrszorr, it rirtirshatr d by rite ttigtrtanmlrrs en. Lonolonolorry. EecTia Boy, fruit, the eolossr of his h,,ir a ttcs’otai of’o— abilities ,,,at i,r,,I,sunted t,’oormgt’. TI is tiretnu’ e’btatr,e’t a grant of tho Ilarsty of Gairit,otr, irs 1454, from of Csnl, en. H’ ss (hr’oibnn nf ttcnrioth ,Maekerizie, Baron of J tars 5 I V. be ia. Am,, lan. of tlta’ Lair’! ,tf Grant, an,! Ktntail), was o. at his deem ase. tru 1530, by his son, han it 5011, hi cvoe. who a’, a risir, of flonstnt Its tlor,nit’I, of Itieidrn’t arid was a. by his sirn, Jons, at Agnes a Baconi,l gf _S’aee boOn, is (tel, 1573. lie at. let, the Fraser, dat,. ni Plrsiniob, anti tarts a. by luis son, ilecaoo, eldest dan. hi Aicx’snder Chiobslnr, of Corner, by whsm he who war s by Ins broth r, .1 ons, wit,, ,,. Elieatnetlt, clatr. r’f hat 0tL,x srrnr.n, his aneeessoe ; Tim,,n, ancestor of the MactonsIl of Gtongsn’y and was,. by trio sOrt hose ‘remwin’ .,. a dan. of Mackenzie of Betlrruotir, cmiii ss,ss r. by Ins tIne Slsekorrzios of Del, inc ; asnd eeyens ds,no. Sir Kenneth son, Krsereevse, at lie i,, Mntrguu’et, drm. sf Sir .1 obn Grn,,rt, of i. 2ndi5-, a dun. ‘fM,,okenzic of tnvertsil, by whom he Grrnil, arid was s. by Iris smi, ALE XtNinr’lt, otto i. tlarbars, had st’ns, who left ns issue, and feur d-ins. Ibe wee s. at da,r. ‘fSir ,Jt,bn itiaehu’,izie, of Tarbuit, sad was s. by Iris sort, his decease by his eldest corn, I. ltrsarvn Mxenrszre, sob fennrai lt:,rsirr of CabInets, n’Iro Ss as create’l a But i’srril of ifeu’a Perils, in ltslt. $15’ Sir btabert Gon’dmnru, Start, of G,’rdonstown, by whom he Ken,retts it. Margusret, dat,. of Sir Bo’ia’riela aSiaclaenzie, if had two eons and tw,u dine. Sir Alexander obtained a Fir,dort. arid was 0. iii 170-I, by trio rt,trot sari, Ii. Sir, ALrX.Or. ron, This gentiu.rn-oi it. Stand, ‘lair,of Cool, Be., ss’ere, o1idtsr Iris reoijntstion, erected into one Sir Rory Mackenzie, ‘fSn nrtwnli, aitd wits o at his decease, free barony, irs f:,vssn’,mf tri,,aoalf end his heirs mete, Bc., is treg, by his el’lost son, iii. Sin Atrxxsrrs’rr, wise or. lot. Margaret, dtm. ni Sir’ his elm st soms, Robert Si-rekertela’, of Ito lcastln_-, by wirarir he Iran! in nirily soit, Iii hymn, his sueta’ssrnr ; errol Srtdty, ‘LunatIc,only drsts. of proceedings of tIre Feel of Sian’, was included in tbe act J. Grnrroy, Faq , hy tab si ho hued tar s’ Sorts lsr’l Circe dasrs., of sttr,tsidr r trmtssenl nu5sirsot that nioblemasu and his adherents; m. John, a general, antI, a1 the tinic of his ‘tori’S,tbe ‘‘blestbnnt dybrg with’,ut nutsle issare. ssrd the elt.sinrder rout oxterrdirug t’flrt’sr in tbr British .irmy. ha servo’! mdli lti.rli dirunction. ant wilhtt’rtt c-so chum fr nrr 17711 iii 1514 hi’ estrulea rler’elyu ft up’ ‘nlute brother, itec,toa general in ls37. 5,, rtra, kr I n’.o Iris nterintg stint pers u.d ssl’,nr Iliat Ire n’as knn’wrr tm,sig his eominiti’nm’ of lhssnsttntrsi ; 1. tnt 1740, enid wi’s o. by Iris eldest son, or arnss to ‘‘l’igbrtimtg hack ‘‘tin stt’r,rl 31 aekeneio, tn. t,nb’,s. yr ‘tirrgeottlrsnr f Aloxan,ter Ctuieboiro, of Chishantie, unnter the groat seal, dater! 1742, of tIre whole estate of anti ‘tIi J ni, , 1050. agt it inS, having hrei a sort, Alastrnr, err Ultin’er SOils light irufarrtt’y, annt treasurer of Cant, as t eir of his grandfather. ile rut - Janot, dart, of Sir Ihe c’Itmsry of Victoria; o . is, 10:10, Watle-lillen, nlars. of (Ieorgc I htsyter, Lag., e,tstsnl . geruerrit if the L’mnle,t SImile,, anil I’ renab consul in the hlalram’ts, sod ,l. in in 1792, by trio eldest earn, 13d. l’aaing h:td issno, George Withrim-Rnssefl and intl mm’ ‘visnriuslci rrrrmusni,ler-iiuu-cluic’f in Bengal, 1780-1793 h,th:,- lhtary.t’hish’itnio. in. K e,intetli, err officer in Intlia. He ,tt. Fisra, d,,s. of Farqnihmir whmn ,,,, in 1775, Kstlres’iste, ds,r. ,f Robot-I Ranrtay, Eoq. of ill ‘Rae,I ‘eq, nut has, Atex’t,irier anal I arqnh:ir t’,,nasi,n, by wln,nir, lie turd rn’ niruly snnrvivirmg child, GooneeS’sousnv, mu’1 f ‘hrmlrttio. , .Issro, Si ‘try,Christittn, asr’i ,Jessis. I Margaret, om to ilnt’teriek Sin,okesieie, Iloq. n. Janet. i to John .Sie -kenele, Sir ,lexar,tior rT 1.1 April, 1770. an’! ta-as e. by his eldest em, Iloyiul Stnciety of Enlhrbnre’h, tar,, Be., 8, 22 June, 1780; 01, IV. Sin Ii r.OTrtit. Tlno gesrtlonutua at. 1st, irs 1777, Ins lst. I Jnnue, 1s02, Mary, 311, dron, of Itonatd Mae Leod, Esq. i’1r x c dcroatr, Faq., by ‘stromhe bad, u. Fn.srcors-ALEflNDOR, his heir. ii, Sviltisnr. ni. J,’hn. ra. Miss Mary tnglie. and has tlector; John; Barry-ilaxwett; Mary; Christins, ti. to C-A Hemrbus-y, h-sq.; Ks-the; Lisette; and Georgiasra-Elizabetb. iv. Ro’lerick. mu. _Stiao 14’uy. t,f Ireland. V Siur Fruarrors-AtrIc smut r, Ii. in 1790 ,‘ou. let, 10 Aug. Kote’rrvn Srrrrn. present hart,rret. Francis-tlarfimrd, b. 5 Slay. 1033. Osgeod-Iinunbnry, Ii. 13 Slay, 1042. f’eenrli,,ut—t tilT. Aetrr.t—Quaetcrly: let and 4th. az., a bnck’ehead, caboesed, or; hurl err’! let, Sc. - tirree feasero, rrrg. f°re,’l— dexler stun, l,olnhisg a garland of leorel, ppr. JI,.lln,cr—Uver erect, ‘‘Virtutc et sstore ;“ nuder, “Non Ee’rto’-’—Uostsss itonso, and flairloch, l3tngwsll, Reos’shns, MACKENZIE. MACKEEZIF, Sin WrhLI,tM, of Con], co. Ross, b. tlau. of Roos-Thonrjmoon Idmyth, Esq. of .Ardmorn, Itiltcagc. ALE.x.n.rennn uM.soncorczre, Esut., the fonnuder of the family I. Ks,rrrcrrn ilt.rcnr.rczrr’, Es,1. of ConI, who as-as crested Mackeruzies of Tcrr-idon erud hrentnon ; John, ssreeoter of It. Pro ALrix.srcnon. This gentleman at. Jean, dan. of ehr,rter, in 1511, unitor the gmat seat, whereby the lends of hn,tdin n,f tire crown, Be. lie tb, in 1702, and was e, by Hi. 3m JInsiN. This gentleman perlicipating in the ti en4laen mai bn-srin,’Iras of the family, the title and IV. am Cotrro, who or. s dat,. of Sir Patelek Henetorur, V. Sm Aaixaanoa. Tiule gesitleisnan obtained a charter Jainas Mac Moirald, Bait, of Sleet, and ta-as a. at his decease, VI Snis Atr:xa’onrn, a nssjrur-gen. in the Bengal annoy, the lab bsta’omret. Sir Alexander ni, in 1756, and was o. by irie an, VII. Sin, F.R.S., vice-president of the of Gceruieo, sheriff n’f Reso-al,in’e, by whono (wire ci. 13 Jasm. 1513) Ire had issue. lie svnte yonager brtnther and heIr of the gallant Cmul, 1. Arexo,r,norn, late hat-i. n. Wir.n.maan,s’esent beet, mu. George, 8. 21 July. 1887; d, at Medeire, Juine, 1139, my, RosenaR,sams,sy, late colonial treeenrer, Queeushsnrd, Thi,mmmo.i’reiterick Maekenzie-tinnrber.slon, who seas killeul ii, lrmdis in 1713, airni son of Major William .Sleelaenzie, by illery, uunty den of Matthew ltumberatrrnu, Enq. of fltnmbes’shin, in hisreelnohmre. 726