Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/235

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REA s. Susan, so. to Captain Irvine, RN. Is. Harriotl, deceased. us. Lucy, deceased. Sir John d. 9 Nov. 1773, and was o. by his eldest son, V. SIR Jona, I. S March, 1762, who as. 19 Jan. 1791, Jane, only dan. of Sir Chaodoo iloskyns, hart., and by her (who ci. in 1947) left, ‘. JOIIN-CnANnOS, 9th baronet. is. George-Coosplon, 9. S Jan. 1788; as. 6 March, 1999, his coooia, 3laria-Jaae, dan. of Sir Itoagerford liosbyno, hart., and d. 24 Dcc. 1866, leaving by tscr (svho d. 1937), 1 Gnoaoc, present baronet. 1 tlaria-Loaisa, as. 1 Oct. 1947, to her cousin, Jolsn-Edmond Reade, Iisq. 2 Caroline-Jane. I. Juiia-Janc, d. in April, 1937. . t:: j. twins; d. young. Sir John d. 7 Nov. 1799, and was s. by his elder son, VI. SIR Jona-Cssannos, who was 9. 19 Jan. 1795, and so. 6 Jan. 1814, Louisa, youngest dau. of lIce late hand Slnrray, Esq., and niece ol Alexander, 7th Lard Elibank, by whons (who d. 6 Feb. 1921) he had issue, I. Complon, b. 17 Oct. 1814; if. 31 July, 1951. i. Lonisa-Jane, if. usia,. in 1937. is. Emly. Its. Cla;a-t.onisa, as. 13 Oct. 1946, John-Taltcot Rice, Esq., and sl. 1853. Sir John d. 14 Jan. 1968, and was s. by hia nephew, Ssa Y Stocky as. 2nstly, Christian Sinclaim don. of the Laird of Dan, Gnoaon Rcane, the 7th and present baronet. Crcolioa—4 hlarch, 1660. A seas-—Ga.; a saltier, between four garbo, or. Creas—On the stamp of a tree, vert, a falcon, rising, ppr., to that of his predecessors. lie is slcserilscd as “very liberal, if bctlcd and jessed, or. Afalte—Cedant arnsa togw. feat—Sisiptan Court, Oxfordshirc. ECAY, Loun (Sir Eric Mackay), of Reay, co. Caithnoaa, )n the peerage of Scotland; and a Baronet of cHest lou. of Kenneth, Lord Kinloil, by wicoas he had (svith Nova Scotia; 1. 1813 ; hia father an 9th baron, o dan. Mary, wife of Hector Stonro, of Clynes) a son, 18 Feb. 1863. LIiicagc. This very ancient fansily, accordimsg to the best authorities Lord Rcay as. 2ndly, Lady Mary Lindsay, dats. of Henry, ihtls held possessions in lice north of Scotland seven cent;sries ago; Earl of Crawford, and had by tscr 0 san, Donald of tsysart. which possessions were originally denominated Strathnaver, hot He as. lrdty, ilachel Wisstcrflctd, or Ttarrisen, by whs,m he host more recently Lord Reay’s Coewiry. Ono StArRy, descended from Assgus Dose Stacky, (who is ion., Anne, to. to Aex;snder Slocdsucald, hrolher of Sir .lascscs styled lcadcr of 4090 Otackys of Strathnavcr), olstained cxlensive Tlacdnnold, of Sleat. Lard ttoay, sa. Sthly, Slat5ory, dose, of territorial grants in tlsc eonntics of Cailhness and Saucer— Francis Siccclair of Stircoke, ansi had by her tisree sans lxnd in hIS and 1907. lIe fell at Flodden, and was a. by his son, and tsra datss. Of his nsarriagc stills SIlos Wtssterflsld, JOHN ltt.aemcv, seho was a. by his brother, Isow&s.n 9IAcRY, cisaracterized by historians as “a great Elizabeth, dan. of Raison ‘thossspson, of Greenwich; lost tho general, and a wise and political gcntlcncan.” This pemonage jssdges’ delegales at London having fonnd that Roeltel ‘shinier— was at the battle of Soiway 9toss, and returned to Edhsborgh field was the wife of his lordship, she went info Scotland, in w’ith the king three days after tics conflict, when his majesty 1637, ta prosocntc hhn far an ahintent, and he roos ordered In bestowed mopon him the fortified lands of several individssals, by pay her £2500 sterling for Icy-past snainlenance, acid £300 charter, dated 29 Nov. 1542. Tied, in 1565, and was his son, yearly dorhtg his non-adherence. tie nasa. by his eldest son, Y ist*cxy, who obtained his father’s lands frons the Earl of JasoN, 2nd baron; who, like his father, took tip arsns in the Hnntly, to whom they had been grantest by the crown. Hchad royal cause. His lordship so. 1sf, Isabella, dan. of George, Earl several conflicts with tho Earl of Ssmtherland, to wisom sssrrendering of Caithness, by whoes Ice had George, who sl, ,snsa. r. p., and hhnsetf in 1550, he oas sosst prisoner to the castle of Jane, who was twice mssarriod. Lord Reay so. hodly, Barbara, Edinburgh. Being released, he retnrned to Stmtlcnaver, where doss. of Itssgh Stackay, of Scanty, by whom hr had, he condsscted hintself tnrbnleatly nntil his death, in 1571. Ho I. DONALD, Slasher of Reay, wiso as. Anne, dna. af Gm, Sir as. 1st, hh cansin, a dan. of High Stactood, and by her had a son, s. Dosnn, of Scoury, b. about 9510; who as. Euphcnsia, dan. mx. Kweas, a brig-gm. and cot-proprietor of the Stachay of TOugh Slnnro, of Assint; and ef. in 1612-13, leaving, I Hunts, appointed by the Seats parliament colonel ef the Reay Countrymen. By his wife, a dan. of Carbet of in 1602, lice Baroness Slargoret, dan. of Lioat.-Csl. Baron Rheirns, he was father of Hoca Stanscay, “the Great General,” killed at tIcs hatile of Steinisirk; his grandson, Itnass Slacway, ticssL-gen. 937 It E A In the Dutcls service, and colonel of tiso ttaclsoy Dutch regisoettl, ,f. at tlreda, in lfl5, te;sving ss doss., wito a Lseot.-hiccs. I’revost, wise obloined license to bear tlsc nasne and arms s,f M.srxav. 2 Donald, of Bortey, who a’. Clsrislian, dao. of rho 19ev. Itobert Slonro, and lead issssc, Wcccsass, of Barley, I,. icc 1620, selso d. in 1703, tcavirg by tsis ,efs’, a class, of l’atris,lc s’erl,et, issssc, whcse, seals, ussr is cxli;set. Tlcrassgls the female, tile rcpress’sclzclicss decs’ls csl on tire 31 a’escesoss of ,s/si,,s, rca, assecotars of 8cr ‘looses Stalisesoss, hart., MC. Angsss, wisese deacenslacsts csssigralcd to i’rissce Edward’s lslas,l in 1910. 3 Jyc, snajor iss Ihe arncy. 4 Donald, faiher, Isy Janet his wife, of Donald Stachay, at Clasisnessc’h, 8. in 1672; who sss. ]larbara, doss, of Joust Ssttlscrlassel, of Keodale, and ba’l a sacs, Gnoacu Stacxav, ls. 1723; nccsnher of council at Madras, who so. Sarah Stnstton, and 1. 1792, leaving a son, AtzxAence-flsotsr.c, late of Hcsgtlsorpe, Norfolk, t. 12 May, 1763; who s’s. t.ssey—Eliza, only stars, of Joists Jones, Esq., of hell, co. lsemsbigh, l’y Lucy his wife, oldest dots. and co—heir s,fSir Wiltiom Fowler, thrf., s’f ilas’nage ttraoge; and shin 1827, lcavingsnrviringiasne, llevssv—Fosvs,rts, caistain Oils strsgeons ; 5. 18 Nov. 1901; as. in 1839, Carouse-Matilda, don, of Gen. G.-ti. Ainslic, and has issue. Esssasa—Floresct inn. Elizo-Lucy. Charlotte. assd by her host two sons, Jima, of wlsons see treal ; acsst Wil— lions, ancestor of lice tlighonse lsrsnch. Re svas a. by his son, ilcass Stacay, of Far, a personage ofo veQ-dilherentdispasirian not rather inclisccsl tossarsis prodigality, assd yet prescrvissg tlsc oncieni inlseritonce of his fansity free franc ocsy burden of debt.” He or. 1st, Lady Elizabeth Sinclair, 2nd doss, of George, 4thgarl of Caitlsness, hy whosss he hod ass ossly child, Christian, as. to John Slacintosh, of DaIzell. tic sss. lndly, in 1509, Lady Jean Gordon, etstest don. ufAtexnssdcr, IStis Earl of Ssstlscrland, and by her had DONALD, his heir; JoIsts, ef Dirtet assd Sirathy; and threc dons. Dying, beloved and bewailed, in 1614, he woos. by his eldest son, Ssa DoaALn StAnxay, hInt. of Far, who was created a Baron, I cJ Novss Sealia, 30 March, 1627, and elevated to Iho peerage by the dignily of Baaoy ReAr, with resssoiecster to his heirs nsatc for ever bearing the noose and ornss of Mackay, 26 Jssoe, 1628. The further potent, erealissg Lord hteay East of Strothnaver, never was coocpletcd, crc ing to the civil war, and the parliasssont rcfasing to perfect tlsc creation. t.ord bieay, who was a distissgaished and F_shoot soldier, look ass acuicc part during the civil war in favour of royally; bs,t being one of those excepted franc pardon in the treaty heisseen the Covenantem and King CuAaLrs, he was obliged to retire to Donnsark, n’here he ci. in Feb. 1640. Tic 5,,. IsI, in letS, ilorbons, JOHN, his snecossor. a son. Mc sss. 4thly, Ehzot,cth Thoncpsssn, and by her had a Lord Rcay procured a sentence csf nollily, and tlsen ns. George Shssnro, of Cniraiu, mid ci. v. p. leaving a son, Oeoact, 3rd baron. Dutch reginsonl, in tIme servis’c of the Stales -General, who as. Francis t’hckler, by his wife, Jacaba do tile, and had a ss’n, Doaano, 8. leN, who fell, in 1745, at the siege of Toornay, a eel, in his father’s regiment, and who em. his cousin, Rareness ArnoldaMnegaret.Van-dln-Slolns and had wilh two atlsee RE A Y.