Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/236

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It E A. sons, Francis ansi Daniel, and a sian. Margaret, so. to Fredeeich- iwo hands, issnant from the ends of the chevran. earls holding (sitso-ite-Ttornberg ilcidcn) an eldest son; Faeas. a a tagger, all ppr. colonel in the itatch service, who os. itaroocss Urselsssa— (ri, —A dealer am; frosts use dIsuse, erect, holding a dagger, I’isilli1iina—ilc—iiacftosi Mass Waiienoycn, and lssssl far sons, in hale, sill lslsr., posansel asad hilt, or, three of whom it. a. p., and lisa fourth, ltaoaoocn-JosisCssr,sori ,‘So;i;si u-tero — Two soldiers in regimentals, their muskets .s’a, a tiaras; tnn-3t.sgstatess 12,srsiness de—ltencaac— rested us their exierisir hsssi;sls, sill psr. ste—Wilts, assst hail two sos;;, its,, I Ratio, tiaras; lEa; Isay d’ttr;ihsesocrl, nsioiohrr cf stale iss Jtsoiitr;irc—55’isudsor ‘ferracc, I’lynsou,tth. lisa tshssgihssiss sif lisa Nc;iscrlssssslN oust 5 ics’—1irc:i’tcnt cit the Jisutcis tirisy rs’ssarsi, t . 1.3 Jan. I O5isi ii I so,. . 2 (let. I °3 Mssri,s—t ‘atiso risso—.tnn.s—J;scotisi- t”ap-t, 555,1 hi,;; ts,sd tis a si’sss, I), geisilesisan of lisa ehs;sssslis’s’ lii lisa itiisg sit the Nc;lscrl,issit;. 1, 22 I)cr. I 29 aunt Ii hiss, ilo,’s’ascd. 2 .li’hn- F’casscis—llcesirirl;, Ii. s3 3t’srcls, 1997. ssiso iS. Mar— g.srclta’4 ‘tans—I ros,ccs Van t.s’sssios;, asisi hsas three sons, Enea;, Tiscoslisr, a;ssl 1i’illoa;. sit. Robert, a rots;;;;1. it. o; is. at’l’ssngs;c, 1696. Join, 2s;ii 1,sirsi Ilcay, sans .s. lsy isis crasssisoe, (mason, 3rsl iso; is;. FItS. Thsis ss;itilrsis,sss io. 1st, Margaret, dais, of Ltcoh.-Gcss. I loch; Mackay, of Seassrs’, csslosscl of she 21st erginscat of fssi;, (is Is; tell sit Stoinkiets, in 1602), by who;;; tie hail (isa sass, i5saaas,is. isis successor. his isirdshi1i iii. 2sssily, Jasuct, stssn. if John Sinclair, of I2ihisii’r, en. Cal tisuess, assd had, hissghs, of Rigisi issse, a cot, in tlse arsssy Os. twice, assst left at his dcccasc in 1 770. dangisters only. Anise, a. to bun W’alsisss, Esq. ef .Shsshr liosise, en. FAinburgh assd a. in laO, leaving liaise. Lanl Rcay si .Jrdiv, in 17i3, 1tary, dan. of John Powell, Esg., by whom he hail lii a sans, i. George of Skiho, who was rciornesl to pas1iamcnt by the RP,DESDALE, BARON (John-Tbnnsae Froomon-Sfltf;srsl, cs Sutherland in 1704, nest at Isolated in lisa sears afler— nlsoirss;suu of hjomtnitteoa. house of Lortlo is. wssrits, nsastcr of lisa Must in Srotlassil. lie as. I a liar. i 766, ft Sept. 1805; a. as 2nd boron, on the decease of bin Anne, 3rd slass. sf Eric Snthserlassd, riimssss;nlo railesh Lorsl DtsiJsts. ant;’ sass of Use aihointed t.ersl Dsstt’ssi (si ho wsss father, 11) Jan. 1830. attainhrd, lost ss isssse peerage scsi; restored lip Art sif I’arhia— meat in I s2dl, is;’ wisicts tails lie left a; Isis decease, 2.5 ,Tssec, 1793, the fidia;cissg issue, who were raised to the rank of sons assd dassghiors of a baron. George, if. in the East tndies, s;oos. in 1790. 2 Esir, ssiso taisoriled the I eorage as 7th t.srd liray. 3 Aennasnee, Osh Loot lleay. 4 Donaht—Ittsghs, viro—a;lsssirai RN.; si so sit.26 IlJarrh, t850. tiass cit. Es,1, of Lssss;loss, and had instue, I, Wut.s,iass is, Sansssel, I Mary, if. us;. 1917. 2 Anne, it. 11 Sri;;. 1910. is. Alexandes’, lieni.-gen. in hho anny, a1s ahited ron;n;nndrrin-chief is. Ilarbora. Mr. 3tittsird a. isa 1720, aad ssas a. by his eldest of the farres is; Scotland iii 1700. Ito io.Margoret, sass, dais, of Sir 51’it0sisn Cssre, liar;, of Etah ; bitt ‘1. a. js. is; 1 7;9. t. Christian, 0. to the 11ev. John Ershine, PD., of Carnork. llassls, ii hose only survis iusg sass, 55. 3tas’v. iii. Itarriet. iv. Olariais, ii. ississs. The bacon .1, in 1749, and w;s a. by isis clIent sots, D000Ln, 4th boron. Ills issrdshii; so. Is;, in 1732, Marianne, Williassi of Exb;sry, liansisshire, Iiont.-roi, at the South Plants dais, of dir Rs’bert D;stryisuple, of (‘asUe;siwn, tsy sohons iso hosl Gronon, his sncrrssos’, and Huon, alto a. as dlii Raron. Lsrd Reny si. 2ndiy, in 1741, Christian, dais, of daisies Ssslhoriansl, dons, of whom presently. Fig. of Pronsy, by srhoni he had, Mary, st. to Major Edgar. Illary, it. os,,;. Frances, His lordship it. in 1761, isn’t seas s. hsy h;s non, Geonon, bib haran. This nobleman io. 1st, 3larian, dan. of Pisiiadolplaia, St. susssuu. in 1830. the hiss. Cot. iltsoli .Slackay, of’, but lsssi no issue to The 2susl isa, sunvire isitancy. lIe si. 2ndty, Elizabeihu, dssa. sit John F’nirhic, Jon-a 3hsxs’oeo, Esg., behsg I’red to the bar, and having filled Dig., by ssl;sssss he issssl, Jean, who it. coos, in 1773. Marianne, silo the lisle W’illian; P;sliarlo;s, Rig. of Fullartnn, lhc Earl of Close in 1o02, ossd etevatesl to the peerage of thus MI?. for the mAy;; and it. in March, 1939. Georgiana, d. 2 Aug. 1817. lIe a. in 1704, nail was a. by his half-brother, liunn, 6th baron, nun it. unns. 20 Jan. 1797, and the hanears 22 Aag. 1817) he I;od issue, reverted to his cousin, Eme, 7th baron, S. Dee. 1773, who sb. ssssso, at (moldings, Jossa-Tnoosas, present peer. Ilerts, 7 July, 1 o47, and ivas s. by his brother, ALnxsasnesi, Otis hares, who nan 6. in 1773, and as. 8 April, Lord Itesicailale, n’lso assusmeil, in 1809, the surname and arms 1809, Marian, dnsi of Cal. flail, military sceuvtas’y to Wsrreis of O’nae;uao, a. to Jan. 1830. llasisngs, sail a idow of David Ross, Esq., eldest son sif David Ross, Lord Ankervillc, of A silsnroille, Jisioshiro, a lord of session Ars,i.s—Quae;etly; 1st and ‘hths, arg., a frito, between three in Scotland, ond isy her (who it. 2 July, 1860), hail, i. George-Alcxondcr-Cas’r, a. to 1911. St. Ease, peasant leer. s. Anoe-3las’iaa-Erstine, it, 9 June, 1932, is. Soplsia, so. 10 Ang. 1833, to Cl,anies-strthsne Aylmcr, Esq pr., ginspiec a ss’ord creel, org., the paint and hilt, or, the and ‘1.24 Sept. 1868. its. 3lary, it. Is lan. 1802. Iv. Clara, it, 17 M,irch, I s82, v. Elioabath-Gnons lie, vs. Charlotte, as, daly, 1832, to Joisn Drover, Rig. of Madras. sree.sths of shiasersirk, ‘iir., sssssl earhi beaked, membered, nod Ills lnrdslnp it. 18 Peb, 1863, and was s. by his eldest surviving rhsargcd an the breast will; a hull, or. son, Pose, 9th and present tiaron. Cecnsioss.L’nroaeh, 18 March, 1027; Psren, 20 June, 1028. A rsoa—As., on a chevron, between three bears’ heads, Touts Zfo,’oe—0, Pork Place, St. dames’s. enulsed, org., nunzzled, gn., a roebuck’s hsead, erased between 9,33 [ E D .ddo ‘ti;—3tar us fnrli. RED ES BALE. 31 iiirttc, Jest-a Shuvrenn, Eoi;., nses’rhssul, of the city of London, 3rd son (if Ih,hcet 3lstfsrd, Esg. of 3titfoed, in Norilssusssberland, (soc Ilteae’s Ls; f*obr5), a,. Sarah, class, snil co—heir of Itenry sl. teavhssg issue ; sIt. Johus, it. o. i. iv. Charles, it. a. 35. ; 5. Phsiladotjshis,ssi . to Sir Georne 3iettisss, EssI .,anil it. in 1722 51’us,s,sass 31i’rroon, Pig. of Newbon, and of Gilihury llouoe, Jussa Msvconn, Es,1. of Ness ton, and of Extiury, ro, hlanhs, so. l’hiI.sds’tphia, don. of 55 illIry Ilovehey, Fog. of Nesoby, Tech— sisire, ausil sole heir of her brsitiser, anit laos, militia, 31.1’. fnr tleeratsts,o and Neso tiomney, usd1 hsaoss’n as ISo historian of flrccoe s Ii. in 1744. lIe as, in 1700, yeaarei, slat;, of daisies Jlollo;’, Rug. of Dssbhin, and hod isaac, fur sohichu ocr Runssn’s Lass,te,t Gessl;’y. lisa sidircs of ssslicitor an;l abtors;ey—general in Engiansi, Sons ahituoisusteil Lord-Ihigh Chanoofl,sr at Ireland, npon the decease sf Unilcil ltingshons, 13 Pci’, in Ilse sauce year, as Rono-s lInens— nau,o, s;t’ Re 5u’i,totr, cc, A’erlhie,sibtrtooit, He us. 0 dome, 1803, Frssusrcs, si;;;, of Johsn, 2nd Earl of Egmont, by wham (who d. Fniuircs-Etinabeth, rt. 7 Nov. 1160. f’rroiiois—lb Feb. 2802. nsoledewsrps, so., for 3huTronn; 2ssd and 3rd as,, hhree fnais in tense, or; (for distinction) a canine ems., for PennasAx, Ci’estt—IoI, 3ts’renep, two human hands rotsped oh the wrist, blade enflled with a hoar’s head erased, so.; 2nd, PennasAw, a dcissi-s’ssif, org., snppou tissg between hue pairs a fussil, or (for ulistinctios;) gorged with a collar d,snrehtde, gss. Sojsjsos’le,’s—Two eagles, rising, so., corh gorged with a ilIsule—Equahiihbce et diligesuler, .S’eal—Rnlsbord Pork, ltorsian-in-the-3laiah, Cheneestershire. F’. S.A.), of Rosleoulo(c, cts. Northosnbos’lnnd