Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/257

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ROS George Hamilton, and niece of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, Lawxeaee, his snceessor, 2nd Escrf of Rome. by whom he had two Sons and three dans. lee ii. Jottn-Clere, 5. in 1700; a barrisler of eininenco, chief cantmissiaRar in 1102, and waa a. by his elder son, tieensan, 2nd viscount; who was advanced to the Eterleluco cf William, 5. in 1764; in haty orders; ci. ttvw. in 1838. Rome, 10 June, HIS. His lordship si. in 1715, Mary, eldest elate, of Lord William Poedet, by svleaas he had two sons and Tleontas-Clare, 5. in l7t6; barrister-at-lots’, asd ehairtnan of a dan.; and dying in 1741, was o. by his elder son, lilcuARn, 2nd carl; at whose deceaer, 27 Aug. 1764, a. p., all Sir Witliant ci. in 1791, atot v-set, by his ridestsen, the lsononrs expired, and ehe represenlation of the family V. Sea LAWRENCE, v-ha represented, in ilce tifetissse of his father, devolved upon Sir William Parsons, 4th bae’onot, of liirr the University of ltublin, and afterw-at-cts the iCing’s Ceunty, in Castle, of erleom hereafter. LAwRENcE PARSONS, Esq., brother of ties Lord-Justice Sic eloquent and popular speaker, particeilarly in Isia elTorts against William Pamons, was appoinled attorney-general for time province tha legislative union between Great Britsist and Ireland. After of Munster in 1612, when he nenetved ihe honour of list Union, Sir Lawrence continued to represent tho King’s hniglethood from lice Lord-Deputy St. John. In 1620, Sir Lawrence Coecnly in tise imperial parliament until his accession to the seas joined in the surveyor-generalship with his brotitet-, peerage, 21 April, 1817, at the decease of ltis fattier’s half-bra— and appointed, four years afterwards, 2nd baron of the Exrhequer. - the-c, Lawrence, 1st Earl af Rasse (refer to youttgtsr san af 3rd He a. Jane, dau. of — Malham, Esq. of the en. of York; lcoronet). llis lordship, 5. 21 May, 1758, to. 5 April, 1797, and dying S Sept. 1020, 0-ass. by his eldest son, ReenAan PARses’s, Esq. of Birr, ICing’s Co.; at whose decease, 13’ her (v-had. 4 Ilay, 1867) hod, without fssne, 23 May, 1634, the estates devolved upon his WILLtA5I, 3rd earl. brother, Wea.LeAee Paotaes’s, Esq. of Birr, who v-as made governor, in Lawrence, 5. 2 Nov. 1503; ic. 1st, 10 May, 1836, Elizabeth, 1041, of the territory ef Elye O’Carrotl, and of leis castle at tIler, which, having garrisoned with his tenantry, stood a siege of vhich lady ci. 9 Dec. 1844, teavitig issue, Lawrenee-ItardressIhecrar, fourteen or fifteen nsonihs, but eventually surrendered, 20 Jan. 1642. Mr. Parsons cit. in June, 1636, a dan. of Sir Yhomas Philips, of Newtown Limavady, co. Berry, by wisone lie had fenr sans and three dans. lie 0. in 1653, nnd by his wilt, dated thme years previouely, diesels his sacs and heir, when rIce estate shall be to hint one thousattd pounds a year, to build an alnes house at Birr for fear aged persons (prolestanis) allowing Jane, us. 12 Dec. 1835, to Arthor-Edward Knox, Esq. of Castle each poor’henae a garden and orchard, and to each person l2ei. every Sunday, the gracing of tv-n cows a-piece nmattg the stock of the honse, free liberty to cut turf for firing, and a nese red Alicia, uc. in 1837, to Sir Edward Cenray, Dart, and has o gown, with a badge, once in tsra years, lIce preseettalian Ia ba always in the Isands of the heir of lice fatnit)-. Mr. Parsons was The earl ti. 24 Feb. 1841, and seas a. by his eldest sen, a- by his eldest san, I. LAWRENcE PaRsons, Esq. of Dire Casile, who was created a ilnblin, a representative peer for Ireland, and at one thne pee- Baronet 15 Dee. 1677. Sir Lanrenee 01. S’rances, youngest dan. - sident of the Royal Society; 5. 17 June, l8iOc he nc 14 April, and ca-heir nf Wllliam Savage, Esq. of Rhehsn, ea. Kildare ; and 1836, Mary, elder don. and ce-heir of the tale John-Wilncer dying in 1898, was a. by his eldest son, it. SIR WILLtAM, who en. 1st, Eltaabeils, dan. of Sir George 1. LAwRENcE, preseRt peer. Preston, Earl. of Craigntiler, N.E., by wham (svlta 1, in 1701) is. Withiam-Wilmer, 5. 20 March, 1544; ci. 7 SepI. 1833. he had an only eon, WILLIAM, v-ha to. Slartha, darn of Thomas Pigalt, Req. of tv. 1iANOAL, 5. 28 April, 1848. Chetseynd, ea. Cork; and dying before Ins failser, left issue, 1 LA5VRENcE, sneeesser Is the baronetcy. 2 William, who ci. in 17-li, leaving Lawxraee, seho served nt Bunker’s Hill, and seas tnn)ar Itis lordship had been 32.P. for Gte King’s Counly from 1821 to in the 10th foot. 3 Pigott. 4 George. 5 Tisomas. 1 Eliaabeth, ste. to Robert Persse, Esq. of Rcxboraugh, eo. Tite earl’s nasne will for ever be identified with the wonderful Gaiway. 2 Jane, tce. to William Arton, Esq. af West Aeten. Sir Williane ta, 2ndly, Elizabeth, eldest dan. and co-heir of Sir - George St George, lCnt., but icy that lady had no issne. He ci. was a knight of the Legion of Honour, and a member of namerona 17 March, 1740, and was a. by his grandson, 111. SIR LAWRENCE. This genileman ot. 1st, in 1730, Mary, was e. by Isis eldest son, LAWRENCE, 415 and present East or eldest dan. and co-heir of 5X’illiam Sprigge, Esq. of Clagnavoe, - Rosse. lting’a Co., by whom he Itad to only son, WILLIAM, his successor, Crealiaao—Barenet, 15 Dec. 1077. Baron, 25 Sept. 1792. 5. 1731. Sir Lawrence ne. 2ndty, in 1742, Anne, only dan. of Earl, in Feb. 1886. Artca—iln., three leopards’ faces, arg. Wentworila Harman, Esq. of Meyle, by Prances, his 2nd wife, C’c’rol—Ont of a docal coronet, em’, a cubit-tens, helding a sprig of sister and heir of Anthony Shepherd, Esq. of Newcastle, ca. roses, all ppr. Scp;earfo’a—Two leopards, arg., pehlotfd. cads Langfard, and niece and heir of the Very Rev. Cntts Harman, gorged wirh a collar, go., charged with fosr l,ezanti. .llIolte— dean af Waterfard, by wham he had, ss’itlt ather issue, 5. SVenewarth, 5.25 Bet. 1745; a capt. in the army; to. Charlotte, Heaton Hall, Ds-adfard, Yorkshire. 3rd dan. of Paul Winter, Esq. of Dublin, and left at his decease an only dan., Anne, so. to H-B. Deverell, Esq. is. LAWRENcE, of Newcastle, eo. Laagferd, 1’. 28 July, 3749; H.P. for es. Lengford; elevated to rIse peemge, 25 Sept. 1792, as Boron O.caeaolsseme, with remainder to ehe then baronet, his nephese, Sir Lawrence Parsons. His lordship was ad- vaneed to the Viaessttcly efOxtaaoloaen, 6 Oct. 1795, v’ithoat, (lair -Erskine), go. Mid - Lotlaiao; Ram-on Laugh- hoseever, the reversionary clause in favour of Sir 1.awrence, and created EARL OE Boson in Feb. lSO6, with remaindershitt borough, of Looghburough, o. Surrey ; and a to his nephew aforesaid. Lord Resse 0.11 Jane, 1772, Jane. Baronet of Nova Scotia; 1’. 2 March, 1833; a. his eldest dati. of Edward, 1st Earl of Kingston, by wltsat (wha father no 4th earl, 16 Jccnn, 1866; to, 8 Not-, 1866, el. in 1938) he had, FRANcEs. we. in 1799, to tiahert, Viscor.nt tartan; and ‘1 lilanche-Adoliza, 2nd dan. of Henry FitzRoy, Eeq. of 7 OeL 1641. lbs lordship dying thus without male issue, 23 April, 1807, Salcey Lawie, Northansptnnsbiro, aced widosv of the the visconnty expired, while the other hanaurs passed an- MonO-H. Maynard (aecpaof, MavEAltil V., I’LEEAOES cording to ice limitation. Sir Lawrence 6. in 1749, and v-as e. lsy his eldest son, IV, Sea WILLIAm, 4th baranei, ELF. for the lCictg’s County, v-ha This is a bs’anch of the noble house of Erskh’o, Earls of beeasoe chief of the family of Parsons at ice decease of Richard, 2nd Earl of Rasse (of the 1st creation), 27 Aug. 1764. Sir XVilham Mar, springing from to. 28 June, 1734, 3lary, only dan. and heir of John Clere, Tne Hon. CnAoLEs Esc5XINE, 4th eon of John, 7th earl, Esq. of ltilbury, descended Irons the CLears sf Qt-es.sby in Ner who ot. in 1838, Shary, 3n1 dan. of Sir Tbom,ss Hope, Dart, folk (tee Bnxae’a Extinct Barsnefape, and lied Issue, 959 1105 of the Insolvent Coesrt in Ireland, deceased. the quarter-sessions of the Kiag’s Co.; ci. in 1525. tise trists ttas’liatstent, v-here ha dtislinDusltcdl lnnsself as an - .Sliee, clan, of Jatsit Lteyet, Eeq. of Glaster, ICing’s County, and Jahn-Clere, 5. 17 Aug. 1802; ci 13 Aug. 1828. eldeat dast. af llectcr-Jolto-Grahane, 2nd Earl of Norbnry, capt. BA., 5. 31 Jan. 1839; William, ileut. RN., 5. 16 May, 1810; hector-Lawrence, 5. 19 3tarett, 1843; and Eliaabeth-llelen, a. l8Nov. 1861, to Fergnsaan-Ftayer Hagg, Esq., B.C.S. (v-Iso ci. 19 Dee. 1962), 3rd son af SirJ.-W. liogg, Earl. The Han. Lawretsce Parsons ‘cc. 2ndly, 11 April, 1849, Jane, eldest ian. of WillIam, 2nd Lord Fevershasn, by wham he has, Ahhert-Willionp 5.25 April, 1850 Ilandalph-Cocil, 5. 23 July, 1852; Loecisa-Altee; and Ftorenee-Ileten-lsabella. Rea, co. Slayo, and has issae, two sose, Stnjor LssereneeEdward Knox, Arthnr-Hrnry Knex, and three dana. sen John Conroy. WILLIAM, 3rd earl, H.P., chancellor of the University ol Field, Esq. of tteaton Hali, eo. York, and had iasoe, see. John, 8. 7 Sept. 1846; 0. 9 April, 1837. v. Iliehard-Clere, 5.21 Pet,. 1821. iv. Chartes-Algec’neo, 5. 13 June, 185-1. I. Alice, 0. 1 Aug. 18-87. 1831. He seas highly dittingisished for isis knew-ledge and practical ability in oeience, especially in regard to astronomy. telescope lie erected an his estate at Parsonstow-n—a ovark of great labour, expense, and tinee—comsoenced in 1828, and comicpleted in 1845, at the onilay of upwards of £20,000. The earl home and foreign learned societies. lIe ci. 31 Get. 1867, and Pro Des et rege. Senlo—iirr Castle, t’arsaostown, Icing’s Co. ROSSIE, BARON, ref LORD KONNAIRD. ROSSTJYN. RO9SLTN, EARL OF (Sir Robert - Fe’ancis - St. RECEIt’rLT EXTINCT), and has a dan., it, 20 Oct. 1867. ad Cs’aig Hall, and was a. by his oldest son,