Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/258

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ROS I. CITARLES ERSRINe, Eoq. of _lva, who is’os crusted a JsaIna-AnexA050a, 3rd esr]. £acs;iel of .2’sva Seslia, 30 April, 1 6ff. Sir Charles us. llesry—Franeis, eaplain in tIle gsssrde, 8. ill 180-1; 5<. tOBa Christian, dan. of Sir James Dundas, of Arnieton, by whom Janet, an. tO Nov. 1829. Ia Dethell Watreud, Esq. of Dulford he had four sons aix! one clan., JAMes, his successor, killed at the labile of Lanslen, 1693, ,i. Tise earl, solio was a eosmeillor of slate to the king to Seatlaod, siilm. JOHN, successor to Isis brother. Charles, lord -justiee-rlrrk, sisoter the title of Lord Tinwald, JAMR5-ALEXANORR, P.C., 3rd earl, a gen. in the srssy, eol. father of Jaoses Erskioe, also a Scottish judge, by Ilso Bile of the ThIs bussars; fraus 1841 lo 1018, master of lIce buck- of Lord Alva. Robert, M.D., physician to the Czar of Itssosis. Itelen, 01. to John ltaldane, of Girn Eagles. Sir Charles u-as o. by his eldest son, Sirs JAairs. This gen llesnan stying s1eoi. , the title 5. James-Alexander, Las’,l Los’rjl,beroorsh, 0. 10 May, 1830, in devolved upon his brother, SIR Joins, wha sa. liarbars, 2nd clan, of tlenry, 7th Lord is. ttoeescr-Fc.sarss, present peer. Sinclair; and dying us consequence of a fall from his horoe, s. ttarrtet-Eliaabcth, a,. 22 Aug. 1865, to Count do Manster, in 1739, u-as a. by his eldest son, SIR CuanLes, who fell at the battle of Laffeldt, in 1747 lOis lordship ,l. 16 Josr, 18ff, and was a. by his sent Iiesen. and dying sea., tho l’araetey devolved upon his brother, EseRete, ltls cud present EARL or Rasss.xx. SIR Iteasex, a hoot. gon. in the army, and eel, of the Royal Sests ; wlso ‘a. Janet, <lan. of Peter Wedderbsirn, Crcsflo,se—garoneh, 30 April, lfff. Reran, 31 Get. 1792. Esq. of Cbeoterl,all (a lord of Session, as Lord Chesterball, Earl, 21 Apn], loot. and descended frolic Walter do W’ectderburn, one of the Arsse—Qaarlerly; let, arg., a cross, engrailed, ta. for Sr. great barons of Seotlassd wba swore fealty, ill 2296, Ia CLasel 2nd, org., s isle, S,L, far EsIsRsxo; 3rd, as., a bend, EnwAan I. of England, for the lands he possessed in the eo. bets-sen six eross-erssstets, or, far MAR; 418, arg., on a ehev., of Derwiek), by whom (who 11. in June, 1707) he had issue, go., beta-ten three roses, of ll,s last, bashed, verb, a hour-dc-us, JAaIes, 0. in I 7f2, his successor, tale Earl of Rosslyn. John, eoniptrsllsc of army accousts ii. 10 Feb. 1817; sa. in Crests—let, a phunhx is flames, ppr., and over it the device, 1802, Mary, dau. of Sir Jalsu Merdaunt, tore., which, lady <I. “Rismsea pih glorioso.” 2Isd, for Wcnnossou,sx, an eagle’s Ii July, 1821. Ifenrietta-alaria, u-ho obtained, by sign Inannal, 1801, has rank Supportera—Dextcr, ste eegle, wings expandee, ppr., gsrgcd and precedency of an earl’s dsu. ; and C. olal. 10 Feb. 1820. wills a collar, arg., thereon a hleor-do-ns, go. ; sinister a grithe, Sir Henrysl. in Feb. 17e5, and was a. by his eldest cole, SIR Jaxr.s, who inherited the peersge at the decease of JIshls—Ftghst. his maternal sinele, ALEXANORe Wennr.ecrr.x (eldest son of the above-mentioned Peter Weddorbsorn, Lerd t’hesterball). This eminent persosa wao 0. at Edinburgh, 13 Feb. 1732, and was early distinguished Isy these powers of reason and eloqslenee which ultimately raised him to the highest dignity of the state. Well a’lapted to the legal profession by great ssstural talents and isdefaligable perseverance, be was eafled to the Scottish bar whess only nineteen years of age, and was coming rapidly tots notice, when all illiheml attack from the bench disgsssting 1dm witls his au-n ceuntry, determined his soaking a wider sphere for his professieotal pursuits. lIe became a member ef the 11111cr Temple in 1753, and nuder the tuition of )laeklin, cix eleaveisred, with nai’e than doubtful success, to lose his national accent. lie was called to the Engliab bar in 1757, and by his talents soon wan the sppbsose of Lord Camden, and the assistance of Lords Bute mId Mansfield, pleading ROS9MORE, BARON (Henry-Cairns Westeura), of in the Douglas and Itansilten cause, and successfully Ttossmore Park, en. Munaghan, in the peerage of defended Lord Clire. tie was appointed salteitsr-general, 20 Jan. 1771 ; promoted to the attorney-generalship iia Ireland, Baron Rosomore, of the same county, in the 2778; and elevated to the bench, as lord-chief-justice of the peerage of tho United Kingdom, 8. 14 Nov. 1851 Csurt of Common Pleas, ill ilto, when be was created a. his father, as 4th baron, 1 Dee. 1860. Jfarsi, Leoghhsreegh, of Leoghtsi-segh, cc. Lsiesefec (14 June, 2780). In 1703, his lordship was appainlecl first eolsunteeisner for keeping the great sad; and 27 Jan. 1703, ceoetituted DEN. Hcacox CutssNonAalo was elevated to the peerage of LoamHTun-CnANer.Leon or CREAT BRITAIN. Cn Ireland, 29 Oct. 1796, in the dignity of BARON Roesasoae. eg the list of Cet. i7ea, the chancellor obtained a new patent, Rommos’s Park; and having no issne by his wife Elhaabetb, creating bim Darers Looghtarsogh, of Le,’ghbe,-o0, Cs. dan. of John Murray, Seq., and en-heir of her mathes-, Mary, Sors-cy, with resoaloder, in default of male issue, to his Dosvager Lady Dtayoey, sole heir of Sir Alexander Calms, nephew, Sir Janses St. Clair-Erokine ; and sfter him, to Dart • the patent of creation eolatained a reversionary cLause Jobn El-oleine, Es,1,, the brother of Sir James ; and ea,sforring the barony, at his lordstnp’s decease, npan the 21 April, 1881, he was advanced to the dignity of EAOL heirs naale, at the tiuse being, af twa of bor ladyohip’s Rusoucas, es. 3lIisf.,Lslhiaa, with the same remahsderebtp. sisters successively; viz , Anne, the wife of the Bight Ilis lordship i. 1st, in 1787, hletty-Alsne, dan. end heir of Olin. Thenpbflne Jones ; and Harriet, the wifa of henry John tlswoon, Es’. of Morley, ci,. Y,,rk; and 2ndty, in Westenra, Esq. Otis lordship if. in 1881, and the 0013- eon 1722, Charlotte, dan. of William, let Viscount Courtenay, of of M,s. Jones, Alexander Janee, havissg prsdeeeased him, Powderham Caotle ; but sl. wilhout issue, 3 .J,sn, 1803 ,stsi,i., the barony devolved upon Mrs. Westetsra’s eldest son, (his romaine were isaterre,l ill St. l’anl’s l’atl<edral), whela WAONRu-WILLTaM WE5TONRA, 8. 14 Oct. 1765, 2nd 0-aeon; the original Barony sf Langhls asssgh ‘4 Leieester expired, who was created a Baron of the United Hhngdom, as BARON while that c’f Lcugbbar’ osgh cf So,-rey, and the Earldom of Rosm,eon, 23 June, 1838. lOis lordship a. lot, I Oct. 1701, 1105513-n, slevolved, according to the linsitatisis of the patent, Mary-Anne, 2nd dan. of Charles Walsh, Seq. of Walsh npoo his ncpbew, Stn Jaxea Sr. CLAIR-EesaINr., Dart., as 2nd earl. His Faa-k, ca Tippes-ary, and by her (who ii. 12 Aug. 1801) bad, lordship was a general officer, es’l. of the Otis legi,nsnt of Ti. Otto-bud, 0.21 Pet. 1796; ‘a. 8 Jsme, 1022, lfen,helta, only dragoons, ssad a knight-grand-cross of the Ibstb. Ifs -si. ill 1790, Henrietla-Etizabetb, eldest dan. of the late lloo. Edu-ard Donverie,° and by her (who d. Aug. 1810) had issne, LOS 2-1 OOay, 1829. house, Dsvoo. (dre Iluaae’s Lassfcsl &‘elslces.) and lord-it, of Fifeshire, ii. 18 Jan. 1837, sod seas shy his coo, hounds; and in 1859, nuder soerehary sf stale far war; 8. 11 Feb. 1002; svha ci. 10 Oct. 1838, Fmnees, doss. of the Isle Lteut.-Ges. William Wesnyss, of Wemyss, and by hoer (who <I. 30 Sept. 1858) had, the lud life-gssarde, <1. us,,,,. 28 Dee. 1801. hereditary marshal of list late kingdom of hanover, sod ci. 28 Nov. 1887. arg., fsr Wooooesuscri. head, era.sed, ppr , with tlae wards, “ tlta’so lsssntue sslem.” ppr. Sea l—Dyeae-t Eotseo, Fifesbiro. R 0 S S M 0 R E. I iiincsgc, i. tlexer-Ros,cwr, 3rd baron. cidid of Oats Scott, Esq. of Cl550lnulla, cc. llonaghen, and d. 9 Jose, 1838, leaviogbyher(svho sa. lushly, in 1811, A-C. Lesvis, Eeq., and /, in 1860(, thmc dens., vie., 1 Mary, S. in 1843. 2 Aogosla, If. in 1840. 3 lisot-ietta iii. Jobs-Craven, 0. 31 Olareh, 1198 formerly liP. for the * The Ibis. Edward Bonxerir, u-ho repressuled Northampton King’s Ca.; lEnt-eel, in the army, late sf the Seats fasilier— guards; so. 31 Oisreh, 1834, Eleanor-Mary, daos. of the laIn in eeverat psrlislenlO. svae san of Jsesd,, 1st Viscount Polite— stone, end broiher of William, Earl of Bashnor. 9130