Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/259

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ROS William Joliffe, Esq., and widow of Sir Gilbert East, Dart., Harriet-Heather, Nt. 17 April, 1797, to the late Hen. Gel. which lady 1. ]7 Dec. 1830. He see. 2ndly, 23 July, 1842, Anne, dan. of the late Lassie-Charles Daubas, Esg. by whom he has a dau., Slary-Anne-Wilmot, so. 25 Aug. 1067, to Lord Ae’eas—Qeearterty: let coed 4tls, par bend, or sod arg., in Hastings, only Sen of Fraorte-Theephilus-llenry, 12th and chief a tree, med in base a sea-leerse, rog-ardani, in waves, all present Earl of llssntingdon. iv. Charles, b. 23 Aug. 1800; lieu.t. 0th hussars; ‘1. uses. a. Marianne, see. 17 July, 1824. to Sa,nusl-Gist Gist, l13sg. of three neullets, within a bordore, arg., for MuRRAY Bed and SnI Wormingtsn Grange, cc. Gloucester, and it. 14 Feb. 1841. His lordehip sic. 2ndly, 3 June, 1019, Augusta, 4th sbus, of t’rssf—A lien rampant. Francis, Lord Etchn, and sister of Francis, 7th Earl of sword, all ppr.; sinister, a horse, bridled and eadeiled. Wesnysn, which lady sl. 23 anly, 1840. Otis lordship ri. Atolls—-Post preelia pra’osiadcof—htassmore 10 Dee. 1842, and seas a. by his eldest son, Haney-BonneT, 3rd barer who was 5. 24 Aug. 1702; md see. 25 Jan. 1020,, dan. of Douglas, 0th Duke of Hamilton (she it. a. p. 20 Aug. 1244). lIe see. 2ndly, 10 Hay, 1216, his cousin, Josephine-Julia-Helen, 2nd dan. nf Henry-Jesse Lloyd, Esq. of Farristrery, no. Tipperary (by Harrist.Ameia his wife, dais, of Sir Joins-Craren Car- den, Bath.), and by her (who us. 2ndly, 12 Jenee, 1201, SlaJor Staepoole, of Eden Vale, Essnis) had issue, s. REMan-CAirNs, present peer. 51. DERsIeK-WARNan-WILLIAM, 5.7 Feb. 1951. in. Eiehanl-Ilasniten, 5. l5fay, 1054. sv. Fries-Craven, 5. 12 Sept. 1855. s. Stary-Augusia-lfarriet, 0. 22 Fob. 1050. is. Anne-Douglas, ef. 11 Nov. 1051. in. Frances-Kathleen. iv. Norah-Jsstphine-Hn.rcsnrc. His lordship, who was deputy-lieutenant of Buteshire. and lord-lieut. and cnstos-retolornm of eo. Slsnaghan, and f ormerly H.P. for that eonnty, rI. 1 Dee. 1660. jtaiutlp of Wcttnra, The WnwrssmaAs, descended from the family of VAN Leelie, 3rd som oI William, 8th Eon WTaldegvave. WAssrNAsa 51 Wasscnlssry&, were of great antiquity in Holland; acid they bore the augmentation of the Sea-horse, Bogresotonew NE LNss.YN, a noble Hungarian, settled in referesee to the valour ofan ancestor who, during the with his followers in the dietrlet of Garioeh, in Aberdeeesshire, Puke of Airs’s campaigns, was actively employed against the enemy. and esndertoak to swim acress an arm of the varisees families of Leslie, Ihoss of Lathes, L’alquhain, sea Sri th importaist intelligence to his besieged ronntryman. Wardes, Warthill, &e. (See Busiste’s Loeedeit Gentry.) The Of the branch still remaining in Holland, was Jaush Aaron 6th in succession from Bartholomew was Van Waeseuaer, a noble, whs ss. Lady Amelia lientinek. WAnNER WEOTEN0A, settled i,s Ireland, fessp. CnaseLns II, SIR Aannew na, Not., who us. leesp. Honest I., and witis his brothers, Derrick and Petar Westenra, heeame Mary, dan. and es-heir of Sir Alexander Ahornethy, of a free denizen e’ that kingdom, hy act of parliament, in Ahes’nethy, by whom ho obtaiseed the bareniee sf Rothee 1662. By deud, dated 25th, aud enrolled the 27th Nov. ased Ballrnhreieh, Sir Andrew was one of the barons who 1667, Col. ilr,see sold to this Wanser Weetenra, of the city signed the letter to tise pope, in 1320, asserting the ludcpeudonce of Dublin, the town and lands of Clenleagh, Breskennagh, GennoR, of Hothes, was elevated to tbo yesemge of and Lyagb, n the King’s County. H e 55. Elinabeth Scotland, before the 20th 51 arch, 1157, by the title of EARL Wybranle, and had issue, HENRY, his successor, and OF Boans, es. Rltica. His lardsleip se. let, Hargaret, dan. Eizaheih, see, to hisnon Dighy, PD., Lord Bishop of Elphiu. He it. in 676, and was s-by his son, HENRY Wesvrsoa, Esq., who inherited likewise the ilargaret, ss. to George Leslie, of Leslie. Tire earl cii. 2ndly, estates of bin cousin, Peter Westenra, Esq., H.P. for Christian, dan. of Sir William Halyhnrteo, Lord Dirleton, Athhoy (son of DerrIck.) He so. hi 1700, Eleanor, 2nd dan. by whom he had, pf Sir Jeshna Allen, Knt., and sister of John, 1st Viscount s. Asnarw, Heater 5! Ref/tea, who es. Majery, dao. of William, Allen, by whom be had surviving issue, WARNER, his successor; Ilenry, rapt. in the army, it. sate; Peter, ise holy orders, so. SIre. Bernard, and it. a. p. in 1702; Elizabeth, see, to Arthur Welden, Esq. ; Jane, see. in 1734, to John Msnekton, let Visrersnt Galway, and sO. in 1788; and Penelope. Sir. Westenra was s. by his eldest son, WARNER WR5PENRA, Esq., SIP, for Haryberough in s. Christian, tee. is William, Lord Sinclair. 17ff, who us. hi 1730, Lsdy Hester Lamhart, 2nd dan. of is. Elizabeth, see, in 1405, to Wihians 3rd garl of Errell. Richard, 4th Earl of Cavan, and had issne, HEaRT, his successor, Richard, so. in 1773, Bridget, youngest dan. of Jareb.Peppard Grnssos, 2nd earl. This nobleman and his brother, Warren, Esq., of Laragh, es. of Carlow, and had issue. Jeshna, lient.-eol. 9th dragoons, Re. Amelia, dan. of — Dodd, devolved upon the sose of ties latter, Esq. of Swallewdeld, Bsrka. John, It.N. Peter, in the army. Casthinna, so. 1st, to Capt. Dodd; and lndly, to the late Sir Agrees, dan. of Sir John Semee’vilie, of Camleuanetbaee), Edward Crosbis, Hart, Eleanor, sic. Is Daniel Lewis, Eeq., and has issue. SIr. Westeora was a. by his eldest son, HENRY WE5TENRA, Esq., SIP, for Slensghan, and JAMes, bInder of Item/tee, who ci. before bios, leaving an only eenesehai of the king’s manors in Ireisand; se. 1 Dec. 1754, Harriot, dan. of Col. John Murray, 51Ff or the so. Slooaghan, by Mary, his wife, widow of Cadwallader 7th Lord The earl ste. 2udly, Jane, dan. of Patrick, 3r’t Lord Ruthren, Illayney, and dan. and heiress of Sir Alexander Cafi-nes, by whom he had two daoo. ; and Irdly, Janet, dssn. of Hart., and had issue, Waesms-Wsrasarg, 2nd Loan EossuesiR. Henry, lient.-eol. in the army, 5. 1 June, 1770; ne its 1929, LEsseE of Newton, aoeestor of ALr.xANnL5e LseLse, Lord Anna, youngest dan. of the late Isaac Cony, Esq., who if. Lhsderos, whosc only nor!, Francis-John, Lord Lireele’res, 6 Jan. 1831. Hary-Franres, so. 14 Feb. 1788, to Sir John-Crayon Cardcn, Spital of Lenqoieat, ro. Fife, ansi was msiher ef t’aptaha Dart., and is deceased. 961 H 0 T Edward Wingileld, and ii. 16 Bee. 1358. Cawahiote—19 Get. 1716. ppr., fur WusTesteA; 2nd ansI 3rd, qoartarty, 1st and 4th, as., arg., three birds, close, within a berdnre, so., for CAsesEs. ,See;epsrlsea—Bexter, a soldier, resting his riglst hand npen a Park, eo. Sisnaghan. ROTH ES. Hopnss, COL’NTESb OF (Henrietta-Anderson-Morehead Leslie), and Baroness Leslie and Ballonbreieh, in the peerage of Scotland; s. hor brother 2 Jan. 1859; see. 22 Jan. 1861, the Urns. George Waldegrave itIlidEfic. in the reign of WiLLIAM I., and was ancestor of the of Scotland. lIfe descendant, of Limdin of Lnxsdin, Co. Fife, by whom he had one dan,, Earl of Orkney, and dyisg e. J., left three sons, I John, who predereased lets grandfather. 2 Gcoaar, successor to the eanidom. 3 WillIam, who ses. Slargaret, dan. of Sir Michael Balfenr, of Itlentqsthaoie, and had, GeownE, who a. as 3rd earl. Lord Rotbes or. 3rdly, Elizabeth Cssmpbell. He rf. about the year 1488, and was e. by bis grassdsen, William, falling tegether at Flodden, in 1513, the peerage GronoR. 3rd earl; who if. in 1218, at Pieppe, in returning to Scotland, and was a. by his eldest aese (hy his 2nd wife, ANnacw, 4th sarI; who see. let, 162 terse,. 1249 Griosi, dan, of Sir James Hamiltoo, of Finuart, Icy whom he had, sen (by his 2nd wife, Cathes-ine. dan. of Pats-hek, 3rd Lord Ps-esmmond), JouR, who inherited the verage. David fluids, of Done, en. Fife, ased had, with a dan., Isabel wife of James, Master of Sinclair, a eon, Sin .lonN ci. e. p. in 1775 ; his lordship’s aunt, Elizal,cth Leslie, set. James Drnmmsnd Spital, of Lsuqnhat, who so. Hiss Fs-aocee SQ