Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/260

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1 noon, of the family of hines of that ilk, anti had an only Hsnniette-Anee, sm. 16 Nov. 1427, to Charles-Knight Murray, child, ELIZ.sntTH, who ,a. RoBerT Born e-Buvnao, Esq. of Mana-FSLueAenrn, ne. 11 Aug.ltlO, to Hertimm-E. Hawsnth, Elsie aetle, en. Perth, representative of the gnat hose of Bruce ,f Airtho, anti his by him a son anti heir, the Prr sent Mason Ricn situ-Lesiar liite’rr-lluvn is, of 111Cr t’as,lr. Annum-ltamia, em. C lan. 1411, to the Hon. H.-]!. Cons-honey. The 4th Earl of Iliithes 1. in 1201, an,] wane, by his grain1- Catheninst’arshine, us. in 1841, to John Parker, Eaq., capt. san Jone, 5th earl. This nobleman is. Anne, dan. of ,Jshn, TIme countess F. 10 Jan. 1019 (her husband 21 March, 1829), Earl of liar aisi dying in lu I, s. by his a Jona, 6th earl wi,, earn] the siv,’rd of state when amm’l was s. by her son, Ci terra 11. was craw-neil at Sroiie, in ifS I. II is lsrdship’e ns, 7 Slay, 1071, hoists u, 3rd dau. of Colonel Asedsrsou Hors- estates were sal’seqnentlv n,,ifscatert fir his a,thesi,s, ti head, col.-commaedsnt if engineers; end dying 10 March, that msnareh , ‘nd he hecinie a ],ns,inar himself at the 1041, left a dau., blnsamorra-_t-,nrneux-Iiuinannan, the baltic of Worn ster. After the Hi st,,ratiOl,, leiivever, he present countess, and an only son his successor, in-possessed his property, was aenotminteil president of time Ge,ismon-WmeLmasm-lSvnLvN.t,nsm,mn, 12th earl, 8. 4 Feb. council, and a1ip’ammteil high-tressiirer and high-chancellor of 1411, w’ho it. wseu. 2 Jan, 19:9, when the family honnurs Sent] mud. His lontolnp obtained a elms, ter, 1661, conferring devolved smpon his sister, the present eesusteas. the Random of Rethes and Baronies of Leslie and liallenbreich, in ,lefanlt ef mali’ issue, upon his eldest dan. and her Ceeatts n—Earl, before 20 March, 1457-50. descendants, male and font ‘Ic; and acquired an accession i/rise (sew iii is laceegQ’—Quartenly: 1st and 4th, erg., on a of hen,iure, 29 May, lfbO. being created Buena Aachms sty nod bend, cc., three buckles, on, for LeeLme; 2nd and Ird, or, a t’ast’ioiim’ry, Vin,’s,esl a! Lapismsis, Earl n/Leslie, ,llfarqse’m if liuni, rampsmut, gu. dsbnuieed by a ribbon, sa. far Aeenaernv. Boll,m,l,’miclm, used Bate s/Rat/its. His grace cm. the Lady Ci’o’b (when used)—A demm-gnifiiu, ppm-. beaked, ensued, Anne Ltndsiy, eldest dan. of John, Earl of Cremford, by Ssppartors—Twn griffins, ppn.,heaked. armed, end winged, whem he had tics dane, hut as he died without male issne or. in 1641, the dukedom and inferior titles of 1640 expired, Jfslfa (when used)—l1 nip faat. while lbs Earldo,n of Lathes, according to the limitation of Seub—Lsshe Houss, cc. Fife. fill, devolved os]ion hts grace’s eldest laughter, r,sny Sl.taoaemer Lrscme, as t’,,nntess of Bothes who rn in 1674, Charles lfanmiitss, 5th tar] of iladdimmgton (etc l/,ot ROTIiSAY, Ti. or, are ammfe, ROYAL FAMeLY, P. ov i/ignite), and dying in 1706, was . by her eldest son, JOHN, who assumed the suroamne of I,esmic, and became 7th earl of Lathes. His lordship was appointed vice— admiral of Scotland in 2714. He is, Jane, dan. af John, 2nd Marquess of Twecdd.mle, high-chancellor of Scotland; and dying ha 1722, was s. by his eldest sun, JOHN, 8th earl, ItT. ; a lieutenant-general in the army, and commander-in-chief ‘if the f,,rces in Ireland, Ills lordship si. let, in 1741, Hannah, ysungest dan. and es-heir of Matthew Howard, Reij, of Thorpe, to. Norfalk, by whom he had Joau, ins successor, wilh another son end two dane, Hem. 2ndly, Miss Lloyd, dan. of Mary, Countess of Haddington, by hrr let husband, hut hy her (who e. tndly, Ilenuet Langtsim, Req of Langtoim, and F. in 1020) bad no incite, He F. in 1767, amad was o. by his elder son, JOHN, 8th earl, who m. Jane, dan. of Thomas 1]aitlsnd, Esq., bitt dying n.p. in 1771, was e. by hie slier sister, Leny Jane Emaz.serTmm Lesnir, as Countess of liothes. Her ladyship’s right of succession was disputed by her uncle, the Hon. Andrew Leslie, squerty to time Princess-Dowager of Wales, hut the court of Session decided in her favour. The countess us. 1st, in iiGf, Gearge-l’iaymond Eveiymm, tisq., RoTeqecHsLD, Sist A7cTHos’v, Rant, of Grosvenor yosmngest snu of William Evelyn tilauvihle, Esq. of St. Clere, place, Iuudium ; a harms of the Auatnisu Empire; and had atm only sursmenmg son, Geonns-WmLea.sat, her successor. 6. May, 1810 um. in March, 1840, Louisa, dau. of the Her ladystnp ss. tndty, 1772, Sir l,ucas Pepys, Hart., late Ahi’nhaue Moutefiore. Eeq.. and bce two dens., (see en?, Coxrs,ruu.sam,’mL by whom (who F 1810)she bet], l’onstammee anti Ansue. Sir Anthony was created a CHARLeS, who mm. his fmthet’. and was the late Sin Cnxctes lianouet in 184C, witie (imitation, failing isis own LesLie, Hart who,!. in 1412. Ilesov, in holy onlens, who s. his brother, and became annie inane, to the suns of his brother, Lionel. Sin llemoay Lescie, East. tie si. 1410, Ehicahieih-,tane, (For lineage, mIme., see pact, under BARoN ROTHscHILD, dan. of the Her. ,lamea Oakes, hut F. n.y. 9 Dec. 2849, Foreign Noblemen.) when ]us baronetcy bse,imc rxrnetr. Frederick, 0. 24 Sept. 1781 it. in infant. Harriet, ne. to the Earl of Devon, and if. in 1219. Mary, if. an tefani. The conntess F. in 1810, and was s. by her eldest son, GeonuE-Wmt,s,txem, 10th earl; 8.28 March, 1MS whit ai. 1st, Ic time l,aae, are. 4mb, or, a lien narspael, ppr., langned, gu., 24 Slay, 1759, henrietta-Anna Pelbam, eldest dau. nfThsmaa, axtei’, tipr. 1st Earl of Cbiehester, by whom (who ‘I. in 1787) he had, dtaptayeul, as. Dexter, out of a dsmeet coronet, or, between epeem Heunmexve-Amcue, his sneeesear. Amelia, d. cain., Feb. 1817. Ham7, el. un’s. 11 Jan. 1850. tiumaale’s hems, lien fesse. sr and ca., a emellet of six points, or. Its ci. Indly, in 1790, Charlotte-Juha, dan. of Colonel John centre cue erg., and tlme exterior sees se. Campbell, of Duneon, by whom (who F. 21 May, 1446) he had .tnpsiun’ti ‘s—On the dexter side a lion rampant, or, and on Elizabeth.Jano, nm 16 Dee 1910, Major Augustus Watimee, time eimmiel,’r a mmmmie’srn, neg. 11th huesans after, majar 11th It. drgu., only s ,n of St:ijor JJetta—Csneoi’dia, immtegrilss, indastmia. Wethen. She became a widow, I Slay 1v41, and F. 19 By reysl lieenu’e dated If Inne, ISIS’, Lianel Rothschild, eldest Jan. 1061. Charlatte.Julis, F. an infant, Jan. 1801 Georgians, if, 11 Nov. 1s14. His lordship F. in 1017, and was s. by Inc eldest dan., sleanierrA-ANNe, as Ird eeuntees. 0. in 1796; who me. in In the said Naths’s-Ileyor llsthaehild, deted st Vienna, 29 Sept. 1006, Geerge Gwyther, who assumed the surname and arnie t011(, heimmg respectively mmatnrat toni subjects, to accept the of T,esi,mn., and had issue, from Its,,—! 446 Am-iss—Qearterly, Is], or, an i’agle displeyed, ste., laegmmed, gil. InC amid led, ac., huh ag froism the utexten end sinietet sides ef tIme slurhel. mmmi amen cailiaceed. tsr., gnamJsmmg five semen, points acer all aim esroelmeen, gum., thereon a target, the point to the f’s’muts—Centr,’, ioeuael from a dmecal earenet, or, en eagle Simulsler, out of a dues] earanel, ar, three ostrich feathena, the eon aed Imeir of Nathan-Iloyer Rethsclmitil, coat aulhmsrieod and tIme bites nmale of site body of his maid father (upon whom the uligeiti of a harsn of the Ausirian Empire ohs]1 descend in virtue of the limitations of the letters patentor diptama granted digeity af a baren ol Anstrie, end to been the emote annexed llmem’ote. Geosnn-WmLtmAnr-EveLYN 11th earl. TsaIn1km: Ho, mura Sew umd omiydau fMsturTles Faw5allaii5etinotvcnsmPcou Eurrewes, of Stradone Reuse, en. Caren, and ii. 11 July 004t). ROT ROT Esq., banristcrotlaw; and F. 14 April, IslI. Esq., efthe 60th rides, of Ealbam Wood, Ilerts, end has issue, Martimm.Loalie, Ii. 1419. 06th regt. and F. 11 lan. 1944. tlronoe.WmtLm,sem-Evnm.yN, 11th earl, Ii. 8 Nov. 1009; who amid w’tnged, or. Tamen Hasee—1 0 e. am’lry Stmwet. WALES. PLOT H SC H IL U. 9132