Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/268

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fl Y U 1854) a son, Henry-John Brinsley, 6. 16 April, 1552. His henry, in holy erdece, vicar ef Mumby, co. Lincoln; 6.28 Feb. lordship so. tndiy, 13 Slay, 1066, Janetta, eldest dan. of Thomas Heeghan, Eag. of Airdo, Galloway, and the late Charlotle. s,,. in IsiS, to the lace General Sir John Hanbury, Lady Louisa Huhan(et ST. AL5ANO, Dunces). and by her 11.0.16., ROll., cal. 99115 regl., bretl,er Is lbs 1st Ird Bate- has aeon, Elward-Williiin-J,ihn, 6. 3 Aug. 1864; a eon, 8. 4 Fob, 1060 ; and a tee. lIt. George-John, colonel lots royal horse-guards, H.P. for Combridgeohire 8. 22 Juno, 1828; so. 4 Oct. 1035, Adsliea-Slatilda. youngest dun. of llsar Charles, 13th Duke of Norfolk, KG., and has loot Ch,orle-t George- Edmund-John, 8. 26 Sept. 1856 ; Georgc-Dspee-John, 8. 17 June, 1866 a eu 1,. 27 Feb. 1866; 1 ‘r eily-Elioaboth-Arleliza ; and Frances teraldine, C. 6 March, 1865. elder eslrvinieig ann, i. Elizabeth - Frederlea, a. 7 March, 1621, to AndrewRobort-Drummend, III. Smet lt,emtwmtu-llowsev-Cnoacrs, whe was 8. 21 Dec. Rag. of Ca’lland,noar Southampton, 1793, and ta, IS May, 1010, Charlotte - Anne-Josephine. ishe 4. 20 June, Is,17 (o,, SsaorsiaLt.tN, V.). as. F snmaline.L’learlette-Elioaheth, dietingssishod as a poet, eldest d,tu. of Williant Tonnaut, Req., of Little .Cston Rail, m. 1a31, to the list. Charles Stuart-Wertloy, who d. Staffordshire, and niece of Charles, tat Earl of Yarborough, 1834. 18cr ladyship d. Nov. 1s37. Iii. Kethorino-loabelta, at. I Dec. 18.10, to Fiederick-Wilham, Nrreow, the present baronet, Earl Jerseyn, aftorsrardo 2nd Marqueso of Bristol, Charlea-Alfred-Willia,o. 8. 18 Sept. 1870. and ii. 20 April. 1648. Iv. Adeioa Elizabeth Gortrude, 01. 22 Feb. 1846, to her Ilenry-itichard, 8. 7 March, 1048 ; 8. 17 Sept. 1834. cousin, the Rrv. F. J. Norman, roctor of Bottooford, Sir Richard 4. 71 Oct. 1 a64, end wan a. by hi0 eldest son, 0,oioostor. and has, John-Frederick-Charles, 9. It Starch, Sin NeLsoN lir000pT, the 4th and present baronet. 1850; George-lospoc-Joltmi, 8. 17 Juno, 1960; a eon, 8. 27 Fob. 1s66; and Elioaboth-Cocilo-Sophia. The duke wan colonel of the Loicostorshire militia; recordom griffine’ heads, erteerd, e’oueterchasogetl 1 ass a rleief, ermilee, a of Cambridge, Granthacn, and Scarborough; and a trsietoe ticur-de-tia, between tot, roses, gu., for Itseseev 2nd and 3rd, of the British Mnsonm. Hod. 30 Jan. 1857. C,’ralione—Earl, 10 June, 1525. Baron, 25 April. 1678, by (‘riot—A gnOme head, erased, tier Itend, or and az., elenrged writ of summons. Marquaso and Duko, 20 March, 1708. Aeon—Or, two baro, ac., a clno% quarterly, of the last and ,llstts—Ft0.the hatite no fear. gn. ; in the lot and 4th, two flours-do—lie, and in the 2nd .Saal—Etntpshutt Park, hasingoloke, Rants. and 3rd, a lien posaant-gssartlant, all or. This chief was anciently go., the altes’atian being an honet-ary augnientation, chewing a descent from the bitted royal of King Euwano IV. Ce’ef—I)n a ehapean, gu., turned up, erm., a poacnck in its pride, ppr. Soyperte’s—Two nnicoms, org., armed, maned, tufted and nngeled, or. Melts—Pour y parvenir. Scats—ttelreir Castle, Leiceoterahiro ; Chevely Park, Cambri lgcelnre; and Iloztdon Hall, cc. Darhy. Nova Hoitoe—1.iute Hauae, Campden Hill, Kensington. RYOROFT. 4l RI-CROFT, Sue NELSON, EarL. of yr Caltun, eo. York, capt. Hampshire Sv. ALBANO, Dticg OF (Wdhiam-Ameline-AubreyDo ,_1O militia; 8. 11 March, 1831; e. isis father, as 4th baronet, 21 Ott. 1864; Baron of Hed(ngtou, in the tamE county; and Baron itt. 27 July, 1SSS,Jnliana, eldest date. Yere, of Ilann-ortlt, eo. Middlesex ; 8. 15 April, of Sir John llgiley, Bait., of Inrer; 1840 ; grand-faleonor of England, and horeditary uIinrity, aea,i has Rlt’nts u-NeLsoN, registrtr of tlte t’unrt of Chancery; o. hie father, as 8. 12 Dcc. 1859; William-Henry, 8. 10th duke, 27 May, 1349 ; ic. 2it June, 1367, Sybil- 17 Feb. 1861; Edmund - Hngh, 8. Story, eldest daos. of 1,ient.-Oen. the Ron, Charles 3 Sept 1s62; anti Charles.MichaelRichard, Grey, and granddau. of Charles, 2nd Earl Grey, KG. 8. 29 Sept. 1864. kinrir. I, Tue 31ev, Be, Etcuanu Ne.uaow, rector of Penohnret, by his peajcoty’a celebrated aniatress, Eleansr Gwynn, 8. Kent, only surviving son of John Nelsen, Req. of f alten, 8 71 ey, 1670, evttn created Nicest of IIe’tiogtots, cad Earl of assumed the name of Rvrnerv, byreyal permission, Ia Dec. Eorthr,t, tadh in the cs. of Oxford, 27 Dec. 3676 (with renatdsuler, 1778, audwas ercateda Baronet 28 lIce. 1763. tIe m, tn 1710, clorla, who ‘t. asist. in 1686), and elevaled to Ike Dnsonooe ov Penelope, yonngaet d’m. of the ltev. itichard Stonehewer, ST. Arnoan 10 Jan. 1687 t he was cosLotitnted registrar of LL.D., rector of hlonghton-le.Spring, cc. D,erltam, bywhonc the Ciurt ,,f Chatecery, ased likewise nsaaicr-fnlconer of (who d. 73 Feb. 1821), ho ha I (with three ether eons, England, with remainder to the heh’s male of his body. Ilia Richard, Joint, and Richard, who d. y’ amg), Naceew, his esaccese,ir. henry (Sir). 9. 176(t kniglel-hariaingcr In ties Queen, kniehteel ereittually sole heiress of Auhrey, 20th and last Faa-I of 1016; to. 704, Jane, don. of F er,lin;tnde ‘l’rsey Trovclt, Esq. Oxford, of that n,,blo fancily (nice Is Bonax’s Exlhtcl anti ef UFpor Staaoleter, es. ltloueeetrr, aol meliel of Williant-1). Densest Fe,etsot), Isy wham he had issue, Naper, Esq. of Lestgh,’wsr, ci,. 3lrallt; and ‘I. e.p. 3 (let. la46. Ponelepe, it. 1701, to Nothaneel-LeeAeten, Req. of Livcrmeta ii. Wtllioat, ti. 13 Dec. 1711, Charlotte, dan. and cs-heir of Park, Sefflalk. Margccy, a. 1733, to James ttsnsaens, Esq., and d. in 1035. Mary, t. 1702, Ce tleo lIt’s, and lticht 11ev. George Felham, ltD., Bishop ef Lincoln, sohe ,t. 7 Feb. 1027. Charlotte, ti. 1702, Ia Chat loe-Rdevard Pigon, of Shcritfald Seesex; and ,t. in 3iarrh, loll. Eelltcr, ,,,. 1806, 1,’ Ii. tlarfet-d, Req. of Ileern Place, Perks, and 8. his eridote, 023. Elical,etls, a. 20 Oct. loll, to Adam Askew, Req. of Renheugh in. Vere, 9. in 1890 ; a narol officer ofalistinction, eleraled to en. i)urhatn. Sh’ Itichard ef. .5 July, 3786, and was a. by his eldest eon, II. Sin Nersote, who ci. let, U July, 1781, Charlotte, dan. of Henry Read, F.eq. of C’rewoed, en, Wilts, by whom iv. I lenry, eel, of 31st feat; 9. 11 Aetg. 17011 tit. 1730, (who d. 28 Slay, 1003) he bad 9. 17521 it. 1600. Bmcnaen-Haeey-CnAr.Lee, 3rd barenet. 970 SAT 1707; d. sinai. 6 April, 1040. coon. llarricL 01. 13 Aug. 1031, Is the late Rear-Admiral Chorleellatttlyn Willia,ae, RN., 2nd ton of she late Sir JamesI ttttttlyn OVil hams, Bars. Sir Nelson tt. 2ndly, 7 May, 1800, Margaret, youngest dau. ef ltobcrt liandeville, Esq., but by her (whe 8.00 Starch, 1027) had Ito issue. 510 d. I Get. 1127, and was a. by his and had inane, t’r,ati,a,—IO Itre. l7a0. .4 rois—Qstarterly: lst and 4th, per bend, or, and no., three party ;‘er hole, or aod scow rhesrau, between three fleure-delit, all eost,tlerelaaaecd, for NeLsoN wills t,t e flottrs—de—lio, eoatoterettanged. ST. ALBANS. 45LL 155P Vere Beauclork), Earl of Burford, eo. Oxford; kin rar, CnAnLrs Bravo rena, illoghim.ete oan of CuAnLno Ii., f,eilstre of male iossee, t,, his bruther, James Bca,m— grace at. 13 April, 1604, Lady Diatta tie Vere, eldest dau. and s., Itis successor. Sir John Verdon, hart.; and d) ing in 1733, left (nub two doats., Cisorlotlc, a,. to J,ohn Ds’unemnond, Esq., ,and Careline, a,. te Sir William Draper, KS.) ono son, Cuasoce, eol. in tIme army; ssho at. Slice Jones; and dying in 1775, left ttn only eearriring ehilal, Goaeea, sf ss’hons hereafter, as 4th Bathe of St. Albans. the 1’eorog”, 20 Morrh, 1770, as Ilasos Vane, q( Hat, ,oorth; sit. Ilary, daa. antI rn-heir sf Thomnne Chansbors, Req. of Ilanwortlt ; anal dfiesg he I ial, left a dan., 9lario, n Ito si, I.t,rd Clenrles Spencer t and an only son, ArneeT, 2nd Baron Verc, echo isslserite,I aa Ittle locke oi St. A loans. Slortha, sister end heir of Nevihlo, Lord Loselare; and ml. 3 Jan. 1781, leasing, ssilh eta dosta. (of sehont 3tary so. the Bev. Walter Williams, reclor of Rarrsw), an only son,