Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/269

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S A I Henry, in holy orders; wIse as. in 1769, Charlotte dan. el iii. Amelius, G.C.R. and G.C.H., admiral of the While; b. in John Druinmond, Esq., and had issne, Jehn, b. 10 Feb. 1772, barrister-at-law; as. in 1799, i e. Frederick, in holy orders, DO., vicar of Redlsossme; Mary, dan. of Thomas Fitshngh, Esq.; and sf 9 Jan. 1940, leaving cue sen and two dans., viz., Henry-William, h. 15 Nev. 1812, who as. 1st, 21 May, 1338, Catherine-Frances, sster of the Earl of Ashbarnham; and 2ndly, 11 Msg. 1840, Lessisa, elslest dau. ef Sir Geerge l’,’emhwell, Itart. and by the 1st lady (who it. 6 April, 1838) has a dan., Katherine-Mary, m lAng. 1861 te the Rev. Frederick Iteyd, 2nd son of Sir Jelsn Boyd, Bart., and ‘1. 3 Aug. 18:7. Charlotte, it. woos. 7 May, 1582. Catherine. v. Sidney, vice-chamberlain to thse ICing; b. in 17031 ‘5’ Slary, dan. ef Thomas Norris, Esq. ef Speke, iu Lancashire; rt. in 1744, leaving issue, Tephans, b. in 1739; as. (a 1768, Lady Diana Spencer, dan. is. Careline, as. 10 Feb. 1797, lathe late lIen. Charles Dnndas, ef Charles, Duke of Slarlberengls, and left issssr, one soil and three dans., viz., Charles-George, so. in 1753, Ensity-Clsarlette, 2nd dass. ef iii. Georgisna, if. ilsuss, in 1701. Wiliam-Ogilvie, Esg., and by her (whe it. in 1532) had, The duke sI. 2 Feb. 1842, and was s. by his eldest son, Aubrey-Wihiam, of St. Leenard’s Lodge, Horslsans, Aueuvv, 6th duke, b. 21 Aug. 1765 ,‘s,s. lot, 1788, Slice Sussex, 31.?., and major in the army; I. 20 Feb. Mosea, who sO. ISOsI, leaving a dau. Olary, us. to the Earl of 1801 ; si. 1st, 13 Feb. 1834, Ida, 3rd dan. ef Sir Chares Coventry. His grace s,s. lndly, 1882, Louisa-Grace, dan. of F erster Goring, Part., and by Iser (,alse was sectdentaily Jnlsss Manners, Eaq., and Louisa, late Countess of Dyssrt, drewne:t, 23 April, 1838) left (with three by whom he left an anty son, his successor, iii 1815, daus., Ida, ii- 1844, Diana, ,l. 0855, and Augusta, so. AunawY, 7th duke, ‘vhs: s. 19 Feb. 181;;, a few ho;u’s after 4 jan. 1486, Is Themss-Edn-ard Itewe, Esq., barrister- his mother; whess the heneurs raves-lcd to his uncle, at-law), a sen Anbrey-De Vere, nese ef Ardglass Castle, WILLIAM, 8th duke, b. lb Den. 1706; as. let, in 1781, co. Down, 1. 1 Oct. 1437, who ‘a. 1 Dec. lasS, Evelyn- Matilda, 3rd ,lan. of ltrnry Fitzroy, Esq. ef Salcey, Charlntts, heiress of Hedl;oursse Hall, and dau. of the Rev. grandaan ef Angnstns, 3rd Duke of Grafren, and Isas ttobert-Cssrler Ttselwatl, which lady sO, wdthuut issssein 1787, a san, Sidney-Dc Vere. b. a Slay, 1866.Slr. AubreyWilliam and 2ssdly, in 1799, SlnriaJauetta, only dau. and heir of Dc Vere Iteauelcrh u. 2ndly, 7 Dec. 1840, John Nelthorpe, Rsq. of Little Gs-imaby Hall, co. Lincoln, Bess, dan. ef Jeshna Robinson, Esq., end it. 1 Feb. and by her (who it. 17 Jan. 1822) hr left, 1854, having by her had two daus., Leuisa, and Isabeila-Jnlia, as. W Oct. 1587, to Geerge t’alstiane, s. WsLs.sass Lunacy-ac Vcae, late duke. 51.0. Charles-Robert, in hely erders; b. 6 Jan. 1802; so. 3larcls, 1842, .lnaqnina Zamera, ef the ltavannah, and has, Ferdinand, b. 1851 ; Charles, b. 1852; llenry, b. 1856, and a dan. George-Robert, 5. 21 Feb. 1803; so. 2 Jssse, 3881, hans-Sarah, younger dan. of the lute B. Lonsdale, Esq., and niece ci Lient.-Gen. Thwaites, and has issue, sss. Henry, an officer in the army; t. 23 June, 1812; it. Georgians, Csreline-Eliaubetts, and Emily-Kathleen. Caroline-Anne, as. 20 Oct. 1829, to Robert Aidridge, sv. Charles, of Lower Winchfield House, Slants; b. 10 Oct. Esq. of Nesv Lodge, Horshom. Georgiaua, so. tO Oct. 1526, Jotsis-Dean Faal, Esq., nosy Sir John-Dean Faul, lit., and ,l. 21 Dee. 1847. Diana-Olivia, as. 10 April, 1823, to Sir Francis FletcherVane. Part., u-he it. 15 Feb. 1842. Jane-Elizabeth, so. 24 July, 1830, to H. Fitzroy, Esq. (See Gnrrox, D. cv.) Isabells-Eliaabetb. as. 12 Starch, 1840, to Adm. John- William Slcutagn, RN. (s,e SlaacnrsTeu, D. or), and it. 21 July, 1864. Katherine, so. 0 April, 1845, to Gearge-Ashley hlandc, Esq. (See ttawaancms,V.( Mr. Charles-George Beanclerk it. 25 Dee. 1846. hoary, so. to Francis, Count Jenisen Walworth. Etizsbetls, so. to her cousin, George, Earl of Pembroke, v. Amelisss-Wentworth, capt. RN., 1. Ii Aug. 1915; Isa and 1793. Anne. vi. George, ileut.-gen. in the amsy b. 26 Dec. 1704; us. htiss Vera, 5. S Slay, 1821; Amelius-Franeis, 1.22 March, 1857; hlargaret Bsiubridge; and it. ‘us 176S, op. VII. Jr.ines, Lord Bishop of Hereford; b-in 1702; 8. in 1767, nasal. yin. Aubrey, a gailant naval officer; b. in 1711; as. Catherine, vs. George-Augustus, 5. 14 Dec. 1813; major in the army. duo. of Sir Henry Newton, Kut ; ci. iu 1740, S. p. The duke it. 11 Stay, 1726, and was e. by his eldest son, CHARLEs, 2nd duke, KG. and KB., lord-lteut. and 551. Careilne-Janetta, a,. 1020, the Earl of Essex, and it. 22 euatoa-rotutonma of the co. Desks. lOts grace carried the iv. Louisa-Georgians, m. in Jan. lS3i, to Tlsomas Hnghan, queen’s crown at the coronation of Grt:wue 11. tn 1717, and was constituted, in 1730, governor of Windsor Castle. and v. Georgians, as. 10 Feb. 1829, Sir llontsgu Chelmeley, lit. warden of the forest of Windsor, being appointed at the vs. Slary-Noel, sa. 35 Dec. 1816, Thomas-George Cerbett, same time one of the lords of his majesty’s bedrhamber. He us, 11 Dec. 1722, Lncy, dau. and re-heir of Sb’ John His grace it. 17 July, 1820, and was o. by his eldest son, Werden, Hart. of Leyland and Chol.meatan (see Denim’s Wss,LsAas-AuaaEv-nE YEar, 9th Duke, 5. 24 Starch, 1001, Ext tart Baesssetage), by whom he had one dau. Diana, who us. 1st, 16 June, 1027, Harriet, dan. of SIr. htatthew Slcl(on, was us, to the Hon. and Rev. Shuts Barrington; and one and relict of Thomas Cosstts, Esq. Her graced. e.p. 6 Aug. son, his grace’s successor at his decease, 27 July, 1751, Gaoaux, 3rd duke; as. Jane, dau. and co-heir of Sir Walter 1897. The duke ma. 2ndly, 29 Slay, 1533, Elizabeth-Catherine, Roberts, Hart. of Glassenhury, Kent; but it. without issue, .youngest dais, of the late General Joseph Gubbine, of 1 Feb. 1706, when the boneurs reverted to his kinsman, Gswsnns PnAunLrax, Eaq., as 4th duke, (refer to descendants WILLIA51-AMrLIns -Avuaev-Da Vrav, present duke. of Lord WIlliam, 2nd son of 1st duke), b. 5 Dec. Mie grace it. 27 May, 1849. His widow svaa m. lndiy, 10 1750. Rio grace it. uaas. in 1787, when the honours devolved Nov. 1859, to the present Visconnt Fslklassd. upon his ceuatu, Anaaev, 2nd Baron Yore of Rnnworth, as 5th duke, Ceessilssuc—Earl. Pc., 27 Per. 1i76. Duke, 10 Jan. 1681-4. (revert to Vere, Lord Vere, 3rd son of the 1st duke. His Baron Vc”e, 28 Slarab, 1700. grace as. in 1763, Lady Catherine Ponsonby, dau. of Wihi.ans, Arsu.s—Qaseterty; 1st and 4th, France and England, quar. Earl of Beosborough, by whom he had isene, I. Aneavy, his successor. is. WILLIAM, who inherited as 8th duke. 971 SAT 1771; it. 10 Dee. 1846. 3 July, 1813, Charlotte, dan. of Charles, 12th Viscount Ddleu, and it. 22 Aprfl, 1850, having by her (who it. 25 Sept. 1866) had issue, I Charles-William, b. 7 May, 1816; as. 15 Aug. 1844, Fenelepe, dan. ofEda’ard llnkes, Fsq., end sf23 Slay, 1463, having had issue, I Frederick-Edward, 1. 1422; 2 Charles- 81. John, I. 10 (let. 1414; 1 Csrollne; 2 I’enelope; 3 CharbIle ; 4 Fredrrica; 0 Ilens’ietts. 2 Aubrey-h’redcriek-James, I. 1817: sf. 1553. I Careline-llenrietis, as. 12 Dee. 1551, to Dons. CharlesEngine l.ehsnIs, fanctiennaire da l’Etat lielge. 2 Ilenrirtla-Slary, as. 1842, to Sir Edward Gage, Part. i. Catherine-Elizabeth, as. 1 Sept. 1802, to the late Hey. Jss,ses Burgess; and it. 11 Jnne, 1801. and sI. 23 Nov. 1833. is. Frederick-Cbarleo-Peter, of Little Grimsby Hall, cc. Lincoln, raps. RN.; 5. 28 June, 1808; Ca. If Feb. 1840. Jemisna-Eleanara, 6th dan. of the late Jamea-ilaymor d Jehnatene, Esq. of AIrs, Clarkmannavssbire; and sO. Nov. 1965, havissg had 1 WsLs.s.aM-Ns’s.vssuavr., of Little Grisnshy lOaD, b. 7 April, 5143: 2 Fredcrick-Amellna, 5. S Oct. 1051. 22 Jan.1908, scam. 2817; sw. 7 Sept. 1842, Theresa, dan. and heir of Colonel Edward Sto1sfomd, and by her (who it. 29 Sept. 1853) had, 1 Witliam-Arthur-Stapford-De Vera, b. 3 Ja,,. 1044; 2 Thomas-Wentworth-Sydney, t. 21 llharrh, 1847; 3 Anhrey-Topham, b. 20 Oct. 1320 ; 4 llerbert-Augustna Corbett, b. 5 Jan. 1852: 0 George-Habert-Algernen, b. 12 Jssty, 1854; 1 Floreneo-Ensily-ilaclsel, sss. 24 _lpril, 1567, to the Rev. J.-H,,s-t Davies, vicar ,sf Giahnrne, Yorketire; 2 Laura-Staria-Tlsrreos, mis. 10 Aug. 1567, to Viscount SIlken, eldest son of Havl Fitzw Iliasu ; S Blanche. Evelyn; 4 Valunga. Lord Charles Desuelcrk, it. 2 Nov. 1661, frosn injuries received off Snarbors:ssyh, while geseronsly and ssobty essdeavc’isriug, daring a tes-rific gala, to rescue the crew’ of a lifeboat. 27 july, 1851, Francea-Slaria. only dan. of C’lssrlea Raes’ison, Esq., snd Isaa bad, Charlos-Witltnm-Wesstworth.De Wihilsm-.kbsty, 5. 23 April, 1853; Frnnrns-Jlsris’Jsuetta; Ansella-Frances; hlsria-Etirsbctb-Darniot-Adelj, it. an infant, 31 Jan. 1865; and Lilchea-Agnes-Georgiana, it. 21 Slay, 1867. s. Maria-Amelia. is. Charlotte, it. in 1842. Assg. 1062. Esq. of Airds, and it. in Feb. 1843. Esq. of Etshsm Hail, Liucoinsbh’e; and it. 29 Nov. 1005. Kill rush, ro. Limsaick, and had issue, Diana-Do Vera. terty; 2nd, Scotland; 3rd, Ireland; over all, a siuhtar baton, gu., charged with three roacs, arg., aeeded and barbed, ppr. Crest—On a chapesu. gu., turned np, ems., a lion, etatant, gusrdant, or, crowned with a ducal coronet, per pale, srg.