Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/280

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S A W dole), and their nsalo issue soecossivety; and foilssre of those, Bridget, 2nd dan. of Sir Richard Vyvyau, Bart., of Ti-dowarren, tison to her oldest son, the 3larqssoes of I)owssslsire. 11cr ladyship sl. 1 Aug. 1036, and wat a. hy Isor 2nd son, AxmnR-3loysra-WsLs.saM, Baron Sandys, who was 0. 10 Jan. created a baronet, 1836. ITo so. lee, 7 Dee. 1815, Dorotlsea— 1792. tlts lorslstssp, who was a hoot—general to the army, aol l’ridooux, eldest dass. of tlse Rev. Charles-Prideaux Itrono, of cot. 7th slragoon-guards, and of the Seats groys. 1. oss,,s. 10 July, Prtdoasns Place, Cornwall (see Brews’s Leoded Cools-p) and had, 1560, anst was ,s. by his next brotisor, AOTHUR-MAReUS-CEOIL, P.C., Baron Sassstys, who was b25 present baronet. Jan. 1700, and so. 12Apr11. 1037, T.auisa, yoongest dau. of Thomas. b. is Jan. 1026; em. 10 July, 1043, Jaliana, yonnger Joseph Blake, Esq., desoessdod frosss Joseph Blake, brotlsor of the renowned Adosiral Blake, and Isad isssso, 5. Auet’sTUs-FREnEosOK-AaTssr a, present peer. Ii. Mnorrs-Wiansea-fteoar.n, 8. 20 Sept. 1849. ITT. Slteha,’l-Edwtn-3lorrsss, 8. 30 1 5ee. sold. Iv. Bstmund—Artlsssr—3iors’os, b. 9 March, 1060. T. Mas’y-lloorgtana-Carolsee, so. 21 Oct. ISIS, to Sir Edasund Eempthemne, Bsq. Sir Joseph, whose potrenynsie was Ganvee, Filuser, ttart. si. Anna-Mann-Frances; so. 23 Assg. 1009, to herbert-hay SAws-n only; loot by aoolher royal license, doted 12 Nov. 1027, Langisans. Bsq. (See osslc, t,owooass, BARr.) sos. Certl—Josrsdune. iv. Clsarbdto-llluodell. sI. 24 Aug. 1 534. v. Rosa-Incise-Vernon. vs. Nina-Violet-Amorim. ills lordship attained a royal licence, doted II Feb. 1061, for euahltng hinssolf and issue to take the surname of Sasevo only, .4resa—Qnamterly: let and 4th, an., three falcons’ hoods, and to bear the ants of Sownvs nod llsrs. quarterly. ide ‘5. 10 eraeed, two and one, within a borders, os, for Saws-n; 2nd April, 1063, and was e. by his oldest son, Ae’orsTrs-FanonascaAxvnua, and 3rd, gn., an eagle displayed; in chief, a naval crown, lIon pi-esent Leon Snooxe. Creatm—l9 June. 1802. A-),c—lot and 4th, or, a fesse, danoetiSe, beta-eon three and flowing to the sinister, gsa., with the iseerription, “Per rroso-erooolels. fitehdo, go., for Sovnvs 2nd and 3rd, ea., on a sinosso eodosoom,” its lettors of gold. fesoe, ar., hoisreen three leopards passant gisardant, or, spotted Seole—Peerice, St. Auetlo, Cornwall; and Barley Hence, of hoe field, as many escallops, gu., for HILL. Co-cole—] Sn’onvs; a griffin, sogroant, per fosse, or, and gu.; 2 itsa.t, a stag’s head, cooped, go., attired and collared, or. S,’pjoo,’ls:-o—Twe griflins, per fosoe, or and gsa., collared, dancoitSo, ci she last. Molte—Probuuo non poenitet. Scaf—Omhersley Court, Slourpert, W’oroestershire. l’osoo Hoose—2, Chesham Street, Belgravs Square. SAW L E. COBAVLS-SXWLF,, SIB CeLOBLF.S. Tremayosc, of Cellerombe, had a son, .4 UBUNIe, hoot of Pounce, co Cus-n- Rsenaan SAwLE, Req., deees-ibed of Lawarren, who iso. wau, anti of fancy Honee, on. Ruse Sallaman, and was a. by hie son, - Devon, major Royal Cornu’all Os-svso Saws-a, Req. of the same place, who certified a %I - and Devon artillery militia, late record of tote family pedigree at the Heralds’ vieitatioss of M.P. for B’olmin, 8. 10 Oct. 1816 Cornwall in llya. He no. Joan, dan. of Nicholas Kendall, a. laio father as 2nd baronet, 13 Req. of Pely-n, and had two eons, Richard aud Nicholae; the Jan. 1 861 see. 18 Fob. 1846, Roao— former of whons, ‘ Caroline, yossugoot dan. of Dat-idH. Roenann Sawre, Req., dying e.p , wae s. in t]oe poneeselosa Payntor, Eoq. of Dab, en. Pornbrolee, Noenos-ne Saws-n, Bsq., who was described of Ponriee, and granol-nioeo if Cloarlee, Eao-l Whitworth, in 1070. TOe no. in 2195, Altec, daca. of Johos Rashleigh, and laao ioouo, I. Faaseoos-Avs.vooa, hioul. Coldslreasu geoards, hi• iso 1819. n. Clsarlrs-Johts, t. to 1851. I. Booe-Dorethoa. 1Liitci’ic. Saosuas- Gnavro, (elder brother of Admiral Thomas about the year 1071, leaving jostle. Graves, father of the lot Lord Graves) m. 3iiea Sloore, and Nicholas Sawle d. in 1630. His 2nd son, bad iaene, 5. Thomas, barrister-at-law. Is. James, d. iessos. Iii. Jonse, of whont presently. iv. Samuel, an admiral, RN. I. Oliola, so. to Charles Knox, Req. of Londonderry. The 3rd eon, Tnn Rev. Jones Grtavae, of Castle Daweon, in Ireland, several sons and dons, of whom, so. Miss Hudson and load issue, with several done., Samuel, rear-admiral, RN., m. lltee Featberetonebaugh, Joaren, hole to his hre’thses-, of Penrice, sometime 31.?. for and had an only son, Jooo-Saaoees-, svho us. tn 1027, SParta, dan. of General Ste T. Slolyunoox, Hart., and had teo,se, Thotuao-3loly- * The Glaisvilles, after a sojourn of three centuries at neux, lient. royal enghveers, ktllod 1-95; George-Saute, Hahvvell, wero o-emoved to their more splendid mansion of RN.; and numerous other children. Jono, admiral, RN., of whom presently. Thomas Sir), KB., vice-admiral of the Blue, a highly’ dtatinguisltod Pleas, leoojo. Rs-szanern. This learned personage’s second naval offooer, second in command to Lord ness, was speaker of the Dense of Commons in 1640. The Nelsooo at Copenhagen; so. twice, and a. in 1024. Richard, admiral, H-N.; so. Lonisa-Caroline, only dan. of sisters and no-heirs of the last male heir of the family, John Sir John Colleton, Boot., and had teens. The 2nd son, AnMTRAL Jones Ga.evne, m. 2f April, 2786, Elizabeth, Diptfsurd, Req.; Dyonieta, wife of John Doidge, of Hoo-leediteb, dan. and eventually aolc heir of Richard Sawle, Req., by Req., ancestor of Sir Chos-lee-Bs-uaao Gravee-Saw]e, Dart. £182 S A. W asod hod a eoso and successor, I. SseJoaoro-SAwLrOleAvns-Sxws.n, who, 1,. 10 Dcc. 1793, was doe. of the Rev. Sir F.rassnos-llenry-G. Williams, Borl., and lsaa had, Rrasnses-lionry, 8- 27 Nov. 1030; Jalia-ElezoorDes’etlsea, Olarian-Rooe, and Amy-Trevosston. Slnry-Franoes-Bhteabeth, iFs. to Fraeets-J. liext, Rsq., J.P., IlL., of Tredithy, ca. Come-all so BURKE’S Lssoslssl Genie9), oldest son of time late Adnsirol Hext, tiN. He m. 2ndly, 7 Nov. 1094, Elcaner-Hoekons, doss, of Janses assnnsrd, by sign-manual, 7 Aps’il, 1555, the surname of he resnesed ISo name of GRAvES in addition to and bofosro that of SOirEE, and the aresa of Gaaves qoas’tes-ly. lie sO. 53 Jan. 1505, and was o. by his elder son, Ssa GzevaeS.twLE, the 2nd and psesent baronet. C,velioo—l 036. between two bosube, or, fired, ppr., for GOsAvES. Creel—An eagle, displayed, or, eupporting iss the dexter claw a staff, erect. ppr., thes-eon hoisted a pendant, forked in Devon isis’s Hossee—20, Chesham Street. 7JTZ1ittiI ci &aMc. The Sawles are recorded in Corew’e Sors’cy of Cornwall, as having been settled in that co. from the tinse of the Norman Conquest. Jonw San-s-n, who lived in the 15th century, so. Joane, doss. asod sole heir of Roger Loggestesa, and n-as father of Teems-c BAwLs, who, by Constance hie wife, dau, of John of the estates by lois brother, Eoq. of Fowey, and bad olive sons and three dans., of n-boon, Juno )tlse eldest son), aontetime 35.?. for the borough of Shttehell, sue. Mary, dan. of Nicholae Pn tt, Req. of Newton; and d.c-p. Os-oven, of vvhom presently. Richao-d, n-ne seated at Tywardreth, co. Cornwall, in or Os-sveo Savvs-es, Esq., aheriff of Cornwall in 1661, so. Joan, dan. and co-heir of Sir Francis Glanvifle, Knt.,° eon of John Glaoville, one of the justices of the Common Pleae, and was o. at his decease in 1669, by his only eon, JosEro Saws-n, Eaq. of Peonlee, who no. Amy, dan, of John Trevanion, Req. of Caerhoyes. by Anne Ste wife, dais. ef John Arnedel, Eeq. of Trertee, and dying in 1708, left Josses, the eldest non, oh. without eurviviog issue, 1711. Tregony, sO-iso 1727, baying one son oosd one dau., the survivor of whom, Slas’y Sawle, of Peneics, sO. uonos. in Kiliwortloy, by Sin John Glanville, Rnt.,jndge of the Comnson aon, Sir John Glanvtllo, serjeant-at-tow, and SIP, for Tot- Glassville, of Killworthy, Req., who sO. in 1616, were Alice, wife of Rdmnnd Powell, of Plymouth, M.P. foe Tarietoek, e.p.; Elizabeth, wife of Wiffiam Foweh, of Block Hall and Esq.; and Jane, wife of Os-soon Saws-a, of Penrice,