Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/281

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SAY 1803, and devised her estates to her kinsman, the late WILLIAM 00 SATE, one of the companions of vor Coaquoaoa SIR JoaEs’u-SAwLE GRAVEO-SAWLE, Bart. FRANcIs, of whose descendants we have to treat. The yonngest surviving son, FRxsIoss SAwLE, Req., settled in the city of Westminster, WILLIAM nr SATE, Baron Ssyc, uhooc graaedson, m. Grace, yonngeet dan. of Sir Thomas Carew,* Knight of OEorroLv 00 SATE, 000 of the barons opposed to King .Jona, Barley Heuie, en. Devon, md co-heir to her brethers, and one of the twenty-five barons of hlagna Charta, a. in 1230, Themas and Richard; and dying in 1732, left a eon, RIcHARD SAwLE, Eeq., seated at Polmangan, in Cornwell, WILLIAM DO SATE, Lord of Bcrling, Sole, Ac., in Kent, and who ‘ 1730, Bridget, eldest dan. of Sir Richard Vyvyan, governor of the castle of Itcohester in 1260, who was o. hy his Bart. of Trelowarren, and left two daus, his co-heirs, via., eon, Dasnoex and ELIZABETH; the elder of whom ci. ‘nm., WILLIAM DO San, summoned to parliament in 1254, and and the younger became the wife of Rear-Admiral JOIIN dying in the following year, was s. by his son, Gaivee. SKYE AND SELE. Sayg Mon SELE, BARON (Frederick Tevieloton and heir of William Battisford, and had tseo sons, Wykeham-Fiennes, D.C.L.), in holy orders, Treasurer i, Roger (Sir), whose son, and a Canon Residentiary of Hereford; Archdeacon of Hereford and High Steward of Banbury; 8. 4 July, 1799; in. lat, 4 June, 1827, the Hon. Emily Wiugfield, dan. of Richard, 4th Viscount Powcrecourt, and granddan. of the Right Hon. Ssn JAMES FsENMae, who was snmmoned to parliament, 3 William Browniow, by whom (who ci. 20 June, Olarch, 1417, as Lor’t ,Soye asset dde, and created, on use Gtls of 1837) he has ieoue, s. Jeua-Pixaxxo, a deputy-lieutenant for Oxfordshire, b 25 his lordsleip had previously obtaissed a grant of the office of Feb. 1830; see. 24 April, 1856, the Lady Angnsta-SephiaHay, tonetahic of Dover, and warden of the Cinquc Ports, to hinssclf youngest dan. of Thomas-Robert, 10th Earl of and his heirs male for ever, and was cnnsitoted lord-treasnrcr Kinasonil, and has 000ErET-CEeIL, 5. 3 Aug. 1830; Enstaco-Edward, of England in 1419. The nltimate fate, however, of this posecrfsd 1’. 29 Feb. 1564; Beatrice; Edwina; Edith; nolsle marks the instability of greatness at the perissd in wtstoh Alexandra; and Olaud-Mary. 51. Cedil-BrowniOw, ILA.,in holy orders, rector of Aehow, WarS entered the city of London, he was dragged by the rietono wickehire, , 5.20 Aug. 1831; an at Paris, 27 Dec. 1861, mnltitude from thence to the Standard at Clseepsidc, and there Maria-Louisa, eldest dan. of the late John Hardy, Esq., beheaded, 4 July, 1411. The baron was s. by his son (tey his British consol at St. Jago de Coba, and has nenryEdward, wife Emmelinc Crooser, ef Willingham, maternally, one of the 5.3 llareh, 1866; Cecil-Jobs, Is. S Sept. 1567; and es-heirs of Ts’illow), a dan., Emily-Cecilia, 3. 24 Sept. 1862, III. ivo-De Vesci-Edseard, 1,. 16 Jan. 1033, major 9th lancers; in 1461, a grant of the office of constaiste of Porchester Castle, so. 26 Jaly, 1864, Isabella-Mary, only dan. of CharlcoFrancis and of Pevenscy Castle, for life; aosd being one of the lords wlso Gregg, Esq., and has liertrans-Ra;pti.Ie’o, 3. 20 attended the king into the north, woe osode vtce-a,tsssiral to June, 1863; and a dan., I. 8 July, 1868. iv. Wlagfleld-Stratford, MA., in holy orders, late fellow ci England. in the 10th year of EnwAan iv., he was one of the New College, Oxford, now rector of Silchesler, Haote, lords who fled with the king into ylandore; and Olson Isis 5. 1 May, 1834; Os. Oct. 1863, Alice-Susan, 2nd 60,1. nsajeoty’s relorn, landed with hies at Rovcnspor, in Holslcroceso, of the lion, and Rev. 0.-H. Vorke, hA., rector ef St. but was soon afterwards slain at the battle of liarnet, 14 April, Philips, Birmingham, cod has Gemrd, t. 18 JIIIy, 1861; 1471. His lordship sss. Margaret-Wykeheln, dan. and heir of and Alberie-Arthur, 3. 4 Sept. 1863. v. Frederick-Nathaniel-Fienneo, S. S Jtme, 1836, late capt. sen of William Perot, by Alice, his wife, dao. of William 23rd Royal Welsh fosiier,. 5. E,nily-Wiogfleld, at 7 Aug. 1849, to Thomas-On7 Oisbos-ro, bishop of Winehesier, and Founder of WincIscstcr College and Esq. of Yoxhail Lodge, co. Stafford. sI. isabella-Elizabeth-Catherine, s, II June, 1837, to Richard- Sole acquired the lordship of Bronghton. in Oxfordshire, and Frederick Webb, Nsq., of Bonssiogton Itoh, co. Hereford. has a son and successor. Lord Saye and Sole nc. 2ndly, 18 Aug. 1857, Hon. REN’aT FIESeNCO, wiso took the title of Lord Sssyo, hot wee Caroline Leigh, 3rd dau. of Chandoo, let Lord Leigh never summoned to parliament. tie ow. Anne, dan. ‘of Sir Richard of Stoneloigh. His lordship is twentieth in descent llarcoort, and dying 1476, was .e. by hie son, from Geoffrey, Lord Sayc, one of the twenty-five EIcnAieD Feeaaes, who likewise bore the title, hot had no barons appointed to onforce the obecrvanco of Mogna esmnncno to parliament. Of e m. Elizabeth, dan. of Richard Charta. lie o. his cousin, as 13th Baron Saye and Crofte, Eeq. of Chipping Norton, and seas o. by Isis soss, Sele, 31 March, 1847, and aeonmed the additional his mother, who had ro. Richard West, Esq., hold the capital enrnames of WY5cEBAR-FtEN31ES, by royal licence, in seat and the greater part of the estates, lie sss. 3largarot, dan. 1849. SAY in 1066, oc. Agnes, dan. of the fatnooa Itogh do Orentesesaisnill, and granddan. (maternolty) of Ivo, Count de Ballemonte and seas grandfather of and was o. by his son, Georrarv 00 SATE, who was sunoomned to parliament from 1313 to 1321. lIe ci. in 1322, and woos. by his only son, Ste GEOFEOET BE San, summoned to parliament from 1112 to 1333. This baron was admiral of the fleet, and knight. bansoeret. tic so. Hand, don. of Guy do Beanchansp, Earl of Warwick, by whons he load issue, Williom de Soyc, who seas snn;moncd to parliament, let whose osalo hoe ceased wills his son, Joua, who was also enm,noned to parliament, and at whose decease the Barony ef Sayc devolved epon isis (John’s) sister, ELIZABETh flE SAvE, at whose decease, e. p. in 1399, it fell into ABEYANCE, as it still continues, betsreen the descendants of her ladyship’s annie, InoscEA, JeePj (‘flotoo, nod Joaso, Ls’Jy fles,oe,s. (Rsj’er Is, ttcaEE’s Rxtisrt F,es’,,gn) Idonea, si. to J,,hn, 3rd Lord Clinton. Nlizabetls, who ,5. isoncless. Joan, who Iss. Sir William Fiennes, and sehose son, Sic WILLIAM PIENMEO, was sheriff of Surrey asset Sussex in 1297, and again in 1100. This Sir William es. Elizabeth, dan. Richard, marrying Joan, dao. and heir ssf Tisomas, Lord Dacre, was declared Lord Dacrc in the 37th year of HENRy IV. And the same month, in open parliaoecnt, thc lords spiri;.oal and temporal aeqoicscissg, a baron of the realm, icy the saosc title. he lived. Being a prisoner in the Tower when Jack Cade’s nsob WILLIaOI, 2nd Lord Saye and Sele. This nobleman obtained, Richard Nov11, tlse great Earl of Warwiric, then high-admiral of William Wykeham, eon and heir of Sir Thmnao Wykeham, Knt., Chompneis, by Agnes, ide srife, sister of WILLIAM er WTKEOAac, New College, Oxford. By Margaret Wykehane, Lord Saye and EDwARD FIENNEC, who mfsssed to take np the title, became of Sir John nanvers, KB. of Dantsay, Wiles, and was s. Icy his son, RIcHARD Fsr.oesoxe, who Iss. Ursula, dan. of liiehsrd Fernsonr, of Easton Neston, and dying 1979, was s. by his son, Tlsis family derives its hononre from females, through the Sic RscoAeD FIENNE5, Ent., who obtained a recognition of ide claim to the Barony of Saye and Sole, by letters-patent from JAa000 I., dated 5 Ang. 1603, wherein the said barony was confirmed * The doscondant of a younger branch of tlaeanciont family to himself osad to his heirs general; hot as he toolt-bis TL(iicagc. very ancient homes of SAT and of Fieoswxs. deoignatod BAIIOMa CAroow.