Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/29

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MAC Maclead, of Macicod; and dying in 1674, was o. by his only in default of o,ale iesuc,tohis brother, THOMAS lI.scMAuoio, surviving child, 1V. Sin JOHN, who, attached to the house of Stuart, was Eaq. Sir John d. llScpt. loll; and Is Lvmg noclsil,lrcu the with his clan, at Kiiliecraokie, and Sheriffmuir. Sir John title devolved according to the special lisuitatioss ‘inhis as Mary, dau. of Sb’ jEncas llacphorson, of Essich, axed was s. by his eldest eels, V. SIR Hacroa, svho was apprehended, with his servant, gciaoral III the army, a liP. il., aol cal. of I lao it4h fost. in 1745, at Edinburgh, on suspicion of bciug in the French He svos 5. 27 Doe. 1779, and 01. 17 Aug. ISijo, Emily-Anne, service, and of enhoting loon there for tho Frcssch army. 3rd dao. of Michael-Roberto Weotcopp, Req. and by Iser Ms suffered two years imprisonment in London, until liberated in pursuance of the act of grace. Plo d. oa,o. at Paris, in 1710, when the title dsvslvcd upon his third- cousin, VI. SIR ALLAN (great-grandson of Doisald Maclean, of Erolses, eldest son, by his 2,sd marriage, of hector Macloan, of Dowart, the let baronet’s fathor). This geutloman so. Anno, dau. of iloctor Moolesu, Esq. of Coll, by whom ho had three daus., Maria, m. to Charles Macloon, of Kinlocbaline; Sibclla, us, to John Maclean, of lnvcrscadell; and Ann. Dying thus without male issue, in 1701, Sir Allan was s. by his kinsman, VII. Sir. HECTOR, who was o. at his decease, 2 Nov. 1818, by his brothor, VIII. SIR FiTzRov-Jorromas-GRArruN, lient.-gsu. in the Con. Sir Thomas MacMabon a. io April, 1860. army, and colonel of the 4Mb rcgimcnt who I’i. lot, Mrs. Bishop, widow of John iliohsop, Req. of Ilarbadoos, and Olily child of Charles Kidd, Esq., and by hor (who 4. ill 1811) bad two sons,’, iho prssent baroaeo. Donald, of the Chancery bar, formorly SIP., 0. 1800; wavy, all ppr., surmounted of a portoullie, go., chained, or. m. S Sopt. 1017, Harriet, dan. of the late Geu. Frederick Maitland, which ladyd. 10 Sept. 1111. He vs. Indly, 17 Sept. 1118 Fronoes, widow of Henry Campion, musket, ppr. Req. of Maihog Dconery, co. Sussex, which lady LI. 12 Juno, 1841. Sir Fitcroy II. 1 Jus,y, 1847. C’realssss—lI Fob. 1611. Arise—Quarterly: 1st, arg., a rook, gn.; 2nd, arg., a dexter baud, fsssewioe, ooupcd, gu , holding a croso-erseslet, fitchfe, in pale, an. lcd, or, a lyosphiad, sa.; 4th, org., a salmon, naiont, ppr. in chief, two eagles’ heads, ocaood, affrontfe, gn. city of Dublin; 8. 14 Fob. 1808; served formerly in Corel—A towor, embattled, arg. Sopparleri—Two ostriches, ppr. Moos—Virtue mine honor. MACLEOD, B., sfe CRO1IAETIE, COUNTESS OF. MAC MAHON. MAO MAHON, SIR THOIIAS-WESTIIOFP, Eart., CE., b. 14 Fob. 1813; colonel late Stb dragoon gnards; a. his father as 3rd barouet, 10 April, 1860; ost. lab, 7 Oct. 1851, Dora.Panliua, youngest dan. of present Sir Robert Shaw, Dart., by whom he bad, Ryan-Hamilton Baillie, Eoq., whiob lady d. 23 Sept. 1852. Heoo. 2ndly, 13 Jan. 1859, Frances-Mary, dan. of the late John Halford, Eoq., and by her (who d. 14 April, 1867) has, AUBRET, 8. 26 Aug. 1862; a Clsarlotte-Maria, as. 25 April, 1812, to Edward hlcGwire, son, 8. 28 Oct. 1863 ; a son, 8. 16 Deo. 1864 ; a eon, 8. 24 Jon. 1866; and a dan. 1I1CflfiC, I. TIm RioRr HON. JOHN MAc IIIAR0N, eldest sen of John without the supporters. Mae MaSon, Req., patentee-comptroller sf the port of Limsriok, haviog been private secretary and keeper of thc privy purse to King Gvoatae IV. when rsgeot, was sworn of tbs privy council, and created a bert. lAng. 18t7, with rsmaiesdee’, 731 M A C brothor, Ii. SIR THoMas, a distinguished e.siliiary officor, who wae. (who sf. 11 hay, l566( had isaic, 1. Tuosiao-Woomorr, prvoout baronet. Is. Frederick-Hislop, 5. 27 Aug. 1817; d. 10 April, 1817. na Adolpbua, 5.34 Aug. 1811 ; 4.14 Sopt. 1019. cv. Wlllmus, nsajor, late 141b light drogoouo, 5. rice. lSfl;os. 9 March, 1814, Julia, widow of Jox ph Davies, F.sq. ol Stonecot, Surrey, and dan. of June, Costor, Es0, of Stroathom, aad has issue, 1 VivianSlosaoy, 5. 1 Nov. 1016; 2 A son, 5. 10 0t. 1i01; I Rmily-Aoue; 2 Mo’ido-Demldine. s. Jane, d. 11 Dee. 1671. ii. Emily, 111.27 April, 1019, to tbelate SirWm. hillier, Dart. III. Charlotte, is. 21 F’ob. 1641, to Joho-itellormon Weddorl,nrne, captain in the army. iv. Frederiea, s, 6 July, 3112, to ths lieu, and Rev, Auguatua ilyron, 3rd eon of Lord hlyoon. v. Georgiana-Mary, si. 14 July, 1847. Civntisa—7 Aug. 1017. Aosss—Per saltier, or and erm.,a lion, pasoont, az., betwees, two others, paseant-regardaot, palswisys, gil. C,’uI—Aoanu, embowod, ioarmour, boldiogasword, blade Snpplwtcro—On either side a private of the 10th foot, habited mmd acesutred, and holding in the exterior hand a llIalla—Sio ooe, sic sacra tmiemur. Tewa lieuse—41, Grosvenor Ploeo. MAC MAHON. Mwo MAHON, SIR BascEsrostn-BULOT0N, of tho the Scots fsisilies’-gnards ; 111. 4 jan. 1838, MariaCatherine, eldest dan. of Sir Robert Datoson, hart. of Belvoir Park, oo. Down, and has had issue, i, WILLIAM-SAIaOEL, 8. 0 Nov. 1850; late Attacb6 to the British legation at MilIneb, now a lieut. 2nd lii e-gde. Ii. Robert-L’ateoou, 5. 1 Rev. 1840. III. Boreef’o’d-Buretoo, 5. 26 July, 1040. iv. Gerald-Charles, 0. 1 Sept. 1811. v. Lionel, 5. 10 June, 1810. I. Catberine-Cbarleree, os. at Paris, 27 July, 1867, to Sir Edward Crogus, Dart. cc. Franoes-Tbooaasiue, m. I Sept. 1000, to Joseph Gobbins, Eoq. of Rilfruoh, Co Limerick. icc. llaria-Constauco Goorgiana, a. 2 Sept. 1847. lv. Nina-Gertrude. 4LilltiifJi’. I. Tiso RIGHT HON. Sin WILL1AM MAc MAHON, 5. 12 July, 1770, iou of the lato John Mae Jiahon, Roq., patentee- comptroller of the port ef Limerick, by his 2nd wife Mary, dan. of James Stackpole, Req. of Cork, having been bred to the bar, was appointed Mactsr of the Rolls in Ireland, sworn of the privy council, and created a Dart. 6 May, 1515. Ho as. let, If May, 4887, Fraoeee,dau. of Dereeford Burston, Eeq., K.C. of the Irish bar, by whom he bad issue, Ber.r.sroan-Bor.e’row, his heir. William-JoIm, 5. 1 Joly,181l; C. 26 Oct. 1861, Sir William m. 2odly, 0 Sept. 1814, Charlotte, sister of the Robert, 5. 11 Dee. 1811. Augustus, 5. 11 Aug. 1019; 4. 21 May, 1821. Charles, 5. 10 July, 1624. Req., son of the late William MeOwire, Req., RN. Louisa, m. in 1841, Jlajer Francis Ellis. Wilhelmina, m. in 1544, Capt. Hcury Show. Sir William sO. 1817, and wase. by his coo, the present bart. t’realiao—6 May, 1611. Ammo, nvsl, and oslis, same as Sir ‘2’.Mae Mahou, eale, Seal—Facarry htouae, co. Tyronc.