Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/30

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M A C M A C N A GIl T E N. fl,1 MACNAOUTEN, Sm EDMUND-CHARLES-WORKMAN, and tecame sdtimatelytoet. The third sun, designated “SnANEof Dundarave, Bushmills, co. Antritn, late 3LP. for Due’,” or Illack tsha, scent to tteland as secretary to his granduncle, that county, 8. 1 April, 1790 ; a his father, as 2nd settled in the county of Antrim in 1500. The last place of baronet, 22 Now, 1S43; so. 17 May, 1827, Mary, only child of Edward Cwatkiu, Esq, and has had issue, t. Fisxcto-Ensauzrt’, heitt.-csl. Sib hnssars, 8. 1828; so. 7 sea and heir of ‘‘StsanrBhn,” nsarried Catherine, niece of June, 18,151, Alice Mary, eldest dan. of Williamhoward the t’rituate George yowdall, and his eon, Jonas of BussseaunLa, Russell, Nag., LL.D. it. Edward, bartinter-at-law, t. 1856; so. 18 Dee. 1858, of Francis Slagord, of Periglanone. Enasuan, their son, seas Franees-Arahella, only dan, f the Stan. Sir Samuel born on the lelh sfdugosl, 1679, and sehen about len ysors of Martin, ens of the havens of tte Exetequer, and has age was taken by his ntottser, ttsen a widow, to ttte city of a son, 8. 16 May, 1863; a sen, 8. 12 Dee. 1865; a nest, Londonderry, ohere he reittatned so-itS his uncle, the Ought 5. 16 May, 1867; and a dan. in. William-Henry, 5. 1838, late capt. let Bengal light ear. storable siege. In the oseantime the Scottish francis of the iv. Fergns, 5. 1636 ; Bombay civil service; C. at Slutsoetde, Lsmity adhered zealously to the hettoe of StutarL On the 10th lndia. 27 April, 1867. ac Edmund-Charles, N .A., killed 17 Mar. 1668, atWaitara, joined tiraham of Claverhonse, the gallant Dundee, and eontrit,nted New Zealand, in an engagement with the enemy, 5. Mary, d. Rem. 19 May, 1857. it. Octavia-Helen. ILLBCZC. The genealogy contained in the manuscript discovered be seho retitled at tteardis-itle, in rIse eosststy of Antrim. A large Skene in the eelleelion of the factrity oi advevores esnOvn,s she depntatten froto the Slaenanglttens of Perthohire and Argyle ancient origin of this family, and puts it beyond d,,nbt that they shire cause ever frotst Seollan’t, soliciting bins to assume the ,eere one of the three clans descended frees rite old Stasrmsrs chieftainship of the elan, He did nat, however, oee fit to of Moray, sovereigns of the (‘idiots rare, which frsnt the cotnplj- seitis ttteir retluest. ltr had married, 1st, Leonera earliest tints occupied the dtstriet sf Stsray. In the lltlreentnry a large grant of lss,ls in Strait, Tay was llanah, daughter of John Johnstsns, Zag., by sehom he had toads to the 3lsexaettve,as, who weve styled Thanes of Loch two sons, Zone-ND Atrxaanen, for many years SIP, for the Tay. In Gte I ltlt centary, itt eonscqoetser of their jsinitag county of Antrint, and ens of the lords of the Ireasury. Ole the king as erosru vassals in his expedition into Argyleshire os-as born tite Sad of Astgast, 1762. Iris believed the clan was against Sotnorbad, ALexaNDra lii. granted thena lands extending oilho,st a reeagniaett chief until 1619, when, on the attestation bet,eeen the ooath of Loelt jts’r and Loch Fine, ineluding and at the destro of upwards of 400 of the Stacnanghtanu in the glens Ara, Sites, and then I-lee. Thio King also Scotland, a patent seao issued by Thomas, Earl of Zinnoul, issaed a patent fretn hit court at Scene, en 1215 February, 1367, Lssrsl Lyots King of Arms, acknowledging Kdmund Alexander to granting to tiilliehrist Slaenaghtane and hio heirs the custody Sc chief of the ttneiont name end elan, and the saute 0-no of Fraorh Elan, on condition that he wotuld erbttild and keep registered accordingly. bCdmund-Ateaauder died a. p., its the cattle in repair, and preset-ce it in a fit state for the reception March, 1652, when the patritnonial estate and the chieftainship and entertainment of his tnajesly, ,shettever it should ooere inherited by please hina to go there. Fraoeh Rian wao leng one of the Antrim, so-ho, 5. 2 Aug. 1763, nt. 6 Dee. 1787, Letitia, eldest principal residences of tise Slaenagltlen family, sohe seree dan. of Sit- William Duukist, of Ctogber, somstimo a judge hereditary grand rangers of the forest of Itenitery, by reason of the supreme cant-h of judicature at Calcutta, and had, of which the chief of the clan is entitled to carry two roebacts for ettppsrtero. They Itad possessions also its Upper Coo-al, and one of thens is spoken of as Baron (‘coal. Other clans 0-eve generally dependent on tonIc greater sept. The Macnaghteno continoest to exist seithout any iet’eeptible increase or stimi— nntiott of etrengfls frotu tlte ttate of their restseeal fretts Otoray until the beginning of the 17th eeuatttey, when their fertttneo declined wilt, the ill-tstett house of Stuart, GuLLS— enetor Maexxanvaxr, constable of Fraorh Elan, was grandfather of Donald of that ilk, who joined so ith his relative, StaeBengal of Lorn, agaittst King Ilobert Itrsoee ; htst etnsek witis the isravery of Ilsat pritsee, ,vent ever to ltio ittirrests, and continued faithful in allegiance to hint fee tise remainder of his life. There is a detailed aesjt,tsnt of Otis transaction its Marbout-’o curious poens entitled ‘‘TheActs and Life of Itoheet tlrttee.” The son of this Itaron Stnenaghlane 0-as DUNCAN, a loyal subject of King David Brace. The sons and dassglsters of Ilte ttossse were eettneetetl by ntarriage with tlte best fansilies in the 0051 of Scotland. One of the sons, Donald, was elected histaop of Butakeid in 3438; another aecontpanied Lord James Douglas when he went with the intention of depositing the heart of hloberttlt-uce in -leenoolent. The paely headed by Douglao 0-as attached on their tray, and matsy of them killed. Ls’rd Jansos tvao ansougot tlte nnnslser, The survivors, one of oshont n-ne Duttean, brssnght hack the heart of their late king to Scotland, In 1510, Sin ALEXANDER 31AcNAGnTANE foltoored Jassns IV. to the fatal field of Flndden, 732 111 A C lie teas titere slain oilS his sovereign and the floss-er of the Scottish nobility. Itoas then that each naembee of the fansity might have exclainaed— “Oceidit,oceidit, Sites otnnis et fortnna nostri Neminis.” The son and heir of this Sir Alexandeensareled Anne, daughter ol Stardoeh Staelean, Laied of Longts Bay, its SIstli, by his wife, the sister of SCandal SlecSerley, 1st Karl of Antrint, and dangister of Sortey Bay, ssho was in the habit of making predatory incursions into the north of Ireland. By this lady ho 1usd three seas. l’he eldett died ssithont issue. Front the oesiond, 51 ateettn, called illeashian, proceeded the Scottish line best this, front devoted attaehnsent to the Stuarto fell tato decay, Randat SlacSertey SlarBonnell, 1st Karl of Antrint, and residenre the Slaenaughteno had in Scotland sean Bundarave, a castle on Cough Fine, in Atgylesltire. DAmn SlACNacunToN, in tIte count of Antetm, married iteten, daughter floe. Ed,s-ard Francis StaRord, daring tlse settole of tlte me— of July, 1689, Joho Slaenoghtan, with a tasge body of his rlan, unnelt to the ouceese gained over lVilliana’o army at Kiltirrankie. Rut victory oao 50 disastrous as defeat to the Moenaghtano An entire forfeiteore of tttoir property in Scotland 0-as the tmutediale consequence of the part they took. The lriott branch 0-as represetited by the above-named EDMUND, Vesey, of tite Do Vesei fatnily, by sellout be had tts isstse ; 2ndly, Stn Faaxrin WttnscMAa-StAcNAnnvrN, of Dunderave, so.,,aa, present baronet. Witliasa-thay, of the Bengal civil service, created a bat-suet in 1055 and assassinated at Cabul, 25 Der. 1641. Francis, 8. at Calcutta, 21 Feb. 1796; in the Bengal civil eereieo et. in 1631, STies Llten Conelly, and has issue EltieL 5. 1 Apt-il, 1607, late of site supreme court, Calcutta, now- a monaber of the tndiaa Council; se 4 Feb. 1633, Oust Isabella Law. Jolttt-Beuukis, 5. 12 Slay, 1810, cavalry officer Nt. service Strutart, sf the Stiddle Temple, 5.20 June, 1610; u, tot, 5 Oct. 1848, Agnes, o’idoso of (‘sprain T.ess,s Shedden, and only sareivisg child of the late James Laalmont, Esq.; and Sndly, 7 July, 1864, Lady Easily-Fraures, youngest dau. of the late Vice-Admiral t.ord 51.-Robert Kerr and Charlotte, Countess of Anti-tnt, and st-idosv of henry Richardson, Esq. of Somer eel, cc. Perry. Anne, s’s. in 1609, to the Rev. Richard Olpherts; aud C. 10 dune, 1826. Etina-Sorena, ci. 10 Slay, 1813, to Stajor- Gun. Seo’elI; and ci. isis Os idose S Slay, 1862. Letitia, et. 12 Slay, 1614, to David loUt, Esq., of the E.1.C.C S. Slatilda, so. 6 isec. 1817, to John Trotter, Zsq. of Rush, assd 1. in Starch, 1652. Janr-ltstssehl, ,,s. 17 Nov. 1821, to Thotuas-Gosean Vibare, Esq. of the Bengal civil service. Slaria, ss,. 17 Assg. 1622, to Thos.-Roharts Thellusson, Rig. Cat-elite, ,tt. 1 June, 1626, to Alfred Chapman, Esq. Alicia, so. I Juno, 1626, to Caist. George Frobyn, who C. 1626: she C, at Donsburg, Sept. 1664. Ellen, deeensod. Itanaah, si. nests, in Stay. 1602.