Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/325

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S M I Jona Sun-cu, Esq. of Saffi’on Walden, Essex a descendant VIII, SIR TIIOMa5, 5. 0 Feb. 1781 ; who if. s. p. 5 Oct. from Sir Eager de Clarendon, Knt., natural eon of 1833, and was s, by his brother, the Black Prince), who was sheriff of the cas. of Essex and IX. SIR Jona, 8. 8 Jnne, 1782; commander RN. ; at flerts in the 30th year of Ileanv VIJI. Me at. Agnes, dan. whose decease, aRes., 9 lIce. 1938, the title sievelved on his and heiress of the ancient family of Charneck, in Lancashire, brothler, and had (with four dane.) three sons, viz., Tisoasas (Sir). a very learned and eminent person, who lieelsce, 10 June, 1819, the additional sm-name and arms of died the office of secretary of state ia the reign of Bowvra. He as. 29 Slay, lOll, Letitia-ticely, dan. of John Rnwann VI., was thrice accredited ambassador to France Weyl.and, Eoq. of Woodeaton, Oxon, aIld Woodrising hall, in the reign of RLIzAovTn, and onbooqneatly secretary of Norfolk, and by her (who if. 3 March, 18135), had issne, state in tise same reign. Sir Thomas Smijth, who re1ire- sented the county of Essex in parliament, ‘1. without issue in 3577, when his fortune and estates devolved upon Alfred-John-Edward, H. A., in holy orders, rector of Altleboraegh, his brother George, for life, styled of ttnkerwyeke Priory, Wyrardishnry, Bncks, Med. in i504, leaving Sir William Slary-Constantia, enly dan. of Majar-Gen. Sir John Eolt, Smijth, Knt., who inherited. John, of Walden, if. in 1558, leaving isene, William, who Cicely-Abigail, at. let, 18 Ang. 1840, to the late Henry if. in 1570, e. p. SiR Wss.sAAM Staljrn, Ent., inherited the estates of his Anae-Rlicabeth, at. 20 Ang 1839, to Gordon-Willoughby tnscle, the celebrated Sir ‘thomas Smijtli, and was a esi. in the army in ireland. He ta. in 1590, Bridget, dan. of Gyll, Req. (2nd snrvfving son of the late Ivilbam Gyll, Thomas Fleetweed, Esq., of The Vache, cc. Bucks ; and life-gnarde—sce BURKe’s Lsstsirsf Ge,’fry), and has, PlemingGeorge dying in 1020, was e. by his eldest son, Sm WILLIAM StIIJTH, fint., who si in 1051, leaving, by Adela-Moncton, ‘,. 4 JnIy, 1043. to Edward Jodrell. Esq. his wife, Helengeway, dan. of Edward, Baron Conway of late capt. 16th foot, nephew of the late Sir Eichard-Panl Eagley, a son, EnwAan Ssnnn, Req., if. e. p. in 1052 the estates glee Brise, Esq. of Spains hall, Essex, and has issue. reverted to his uncle, 0. Salsarn, Eeq., who wse created a Baronet, 20 Nov. 1001. Sir Thomas as. lot, Johanna, dan. of Sir ‘1 racs—Qnarterly: let and 4th, sa , a feese, dancettie, arg., Edward Althans, Knt., of Slark Hall, es. Essex, by whom hilletti’e, between three hioncels, ratnpant-gnardant. of the he had issne, ten sena. Sir Thomas Ia. 2ndly, Beatrice, 2nd, each enpporting an altar, or, flaming, ppr., for Saline; dan. of Francis Annesley, Viscomet Valentia, and relict of 2nd and 3rd, sr, a hend, vair, cotised, gn., for Bowvea. Sir John Lloyd, Knt., bnt by that lady bad nr’ iesne. TIe For full ebteld of seventy qnartenings, art BURKE’S Iltralifsc if. in 1008, and was e. by his 2nd and eldest enrviving son, Jttssets’r’fiess, plate 74. II. SIR Rownan, who s. Jane, dan. of Sir Peter Vandepnt, (‘rs.sfo—A salamander in flames, ppr.. for Suiern; on a Knt. ; and dying in 1717, wae e. by his only snrvi decal coronet, or, an heraldic tiger, sejant, arg., for Bowvra, ring son, Ill. SIR EnwAnn. This gentleman at. iet, Anne, dan. of Mall, Norfolk. the Right Hon. Sir Charles Hedges, Knt., secretary of state in the reigns of King WILcaAaI and Qoeen Aawe, by whom he ba’l five eons and a dan. (of whom three eons a. te the baronetcy, the rest if. usia.); and 2ndly, Elizabeth, dan. r,f John Wood, Req. of London. Sir Edwas’d if. be 1744, and was s. by his eldest son, IV. Sm EnwARa, who as. Elizabeth, dan. and heirees of Thomas Johnson, Req. of hilton Bryant, cc. Bedford ; hut so. s. p. 4 Starch, 1700, when the title devolved npon his br,sther, V. Sm CuAaLes, high-sheriff of Essex in 1761; who as. 11 April, 1760, Elizabeth, dan. ci John Burgess, Esq., ef Londen, bnt if, issnelese, 24 March, 1775, and wags. by his brother, Vt. Six WILLIAM, ci Hill Hall, and ilorham Hall, co. Essex, in holy orders, and rector of Theyden Slomst and ROBRRT SsIrrn, Faq. of Ilmineter (son of John Smith, Stapleford Tawney, in the same cennty. This gentleman Req., yossnger brother of Sir George Sniithc, Knt.,° sheriff nt. Abigail, dan. of Andrew Wood, Eoq. ci Sbrewsbnry, of Exeter in 1583, and of Devon in 1019), left, by Alice his and eventually heiress of her brother, Richard Wood, Rsq., wife, besides three dana., five sane ; from the eldest of by whom (who if. in 1797) he left i.ssne, WILLIAM, his successor. Charles, who at. in 1779, Miss Philadelphia Vandepnt, and Req. of Horsham Park, Snosex, who if. in 1045; and from if. in Nay, 1792, leaving two dans. Richard, in holy orders, rector of Great Warlcy; b. 4 March, Nicholas. This 1750; at. Charlotte, dan. of James Slontagn, Eoq. of Gronna SMITe, Esq., aeqnired extensive landed possessions Lackham House, Wiltshire, and ‘0. in Nov. 1811. Eliwshetb, at, in 1776, Caplain George tlandfield, 40th regt., shire, and if. 1700, leaving, with other issue, a son and heir, of Seriby Hall, Nottingbamshire, and left a dan. and heir, Joax SMITn, Esq. of West Dowlieb, who, with otber Catherine Elleabeth, at. ill 1801, Willlam-Ceorge N onekten, issne, left George, who settled in Ls,ndon, and left issne; and 5th Lord Galway, and if. his lordship’s widow, 7 Hamtv SuITes, Esq. of New Windsor, Berkshire, who re. April, 1862. Sir William if, 75 Jan. 1777, and was e. by his eldest son, Mary, dan. of John Hill, Rsq., and if. 31 Jan. 1708, leaving, VII. Sta WILL1AM, colonel of the West Essex enlitia who sit. in 1779, Anne, only dan. and heiress ci John-Wind- Edmund, D.C.L., recter of Godmanetsee and Slehcsmbe ham Eower, Req. of Waghen, co. York, and Cambes’well, Elicaheth, a, George (ionld, Feg. of Upway, Boreet (sec Snrrey; by whom (who if. 20 Dec. 1815) be bad isene, i. WILLIAM, 0. in 1780; if, uaos. in 1802, is. TnOMAS. 9th hart, III, JouR, 9th hart. Iv. EnwARn, 10th bart, v. Joseph, capt. 17th lancers, 5. 19 Slay, 1792, assumed, in Duke ci lioxbnrglse; and 2edly, te the lion. Jehn Tolls- 1823, the additional surname and arms of Windllale; Ia. in 1824, Eatherine, dan, of John Trotter, Rsq. of Dyrham mache. Rer grace if. in 1038. Park, Middlesex, and bad issne, aix sons and one dan. The elder son, Capt. Smijth-Windham served as capt. 10th hnse are at I. J0IIN Saurn, Esq., 0. 10 April, 1744, having served the Teulonee, and bad the Peninsula, medal for the battle: he if. 3 Feb. 1857, s. Charlotte. is. Caroline, the wife of Angeetna-James Champion de calhedral. lOis doe. Ellcahseth, by his let wife, was molher of Crespigoy, Req., son of Sir Wllllam Champion de Crespigny, George Shank, Duke of Alberearle. ead his dau., Grace (his Dart Sir Willlam Slnfjtb if. I Slay, 1823, and was s. by his eldest Granrille, who fell at the battle of 9,ansdews’e, 9 Jely, 1641. eon, S 1I I X. SIn EnwARn, 8. 1 March, 1797, who assnined by royal WILLIAM, present baronet. Norfolk; 8. 20 Ang. 1825 se. 17 Jnne, 1847, K.C.B., and has isene. Bullock, Req. of Fanlkborne Ilall, Essex, and 2ndly, 4Apr11, 1861, to Edgar llnry, Faq. Req. of Wyrardisbury ilonae, Bncke, capt. 2nd regt. of Gyll, and other issne. Jodrell, Dart,, and has a eon, Rdward, and other issne, Marianne-Weyland, as. 4 May, 1847, to Samnel-Brise Rug- Sir Edward if. 13 ikssg. 1850. SIIITH-MAEEIOTT, Sin WILLIAMHEyRy.MAEnIOT-f, of Sydling St. Nicholas, co Unreet, 6. 7 1835 ; c. his father, as 5th baronet, 4 Oct. 1864. tinragc. whom, Edmsmd, was descended the late RnMnan SasIrur, the 2nd, Geoaex, derives the present baronet of Sydling St. at Woolbam, in the pariah of West Dowlish, Somerset- Jasis, created a Baronet. honey, Dorseliflire, who rI. 17 Nov. 1014. Gone or thewAx AND FROME-BBLLBT; Been’s Leaif eif GceJrF.) Saeaenab, at. to Captain Benjamin Bechinoe, EN.; and if. 30Mev. 1804, leaviag a dan., hhary, ea. 1st, to William. 4th * Sir George Smilbe if. in 1019, and was bnricd in Exeter only Thud by his led wife), as. the gallant cavalIer, Sic Beslil She was great grandmother of 3I5Iy Grsnvslle, the celebrated SIre. Delany. 3u2 Ctvahiosl—20 Nov. 1601. Stoic—Hill Hall and Morham STall, Essex; and Attlebnrgh SMITH, 91010 SMITII-MARRIOTT. n 1027