Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/326

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S 31 I office of high-sheriff of the co. 1.loroet, in 1772, was created a Baronet, 1 June, 1774. Sir John to. lot, Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of Robert Curtis, Rsq. of Wilsthorpe, eo Lineoha, by whom he left issue, Joito-Wvrnooen, the 2nd baronet Elizabeth, S. nate., 6 Nov. 1311 ; and Amelia (who 5. 13 May, 1845), relict of the lion. iliehard-Ceerge Quin. Sir Jehu et. lnrily, Anna—Eleonora, el,lest dau. of lhe late Thomas Borland, Req. ttf Court Lodge, Ce. Kent, but by her lied no issue. Sir John StoitIt t,,heritrtt, when an infant, the very exte, sire eatatee of his kanst,nut, Alderman Sir Wililam Smith, Rut., of the city of London, and of Sydliug St. Nicholas, l),,roet, who woe deoeet,ded fisoe Wthiam, 4th eon of ilebert S,nith, Esq. ef Ihutneter. Sir Jehu tl. 14 Nov. 1807, aurl wao .i. by hie cost, II. Sin Jona-Wvmneooe, 1,. 19 Slay, 1770, who et. 10 May, CqisAe-Sasl’rn, ShE WILLIAM, of Nnwtown, King’s 1797, Elizabeth-Anne, dud riot,. atttl e,,-heireoo of the 11ev. County, 1822 o. hia father as 4th baronet, 16 Jameo Moniott, DCL., of lIt trenmnden, eo. Kent, and by 1lay, 1859. her (who d. 27 Felt. 1344, aged 77), had issue, s. Josa-Jao,rs, 3rd ltareeet. 11. WILLIAsI, 41k baronet. ii,. 5-leory-Cetrlis, it’ holy erders, reeler of West Stafford, This family, as-inch is a branrh of a Yorkshire house of Peeset; 0- 2.5 Joe. 1806; ot. 21 Oct. 1332, F.liaahelh, only knightly degtvc, woe f’juutttcd in lrelat,d by a eturviving des,. of sIte lose E. Green, Eat5. rtf ltisxton hall, Ct,motsrs. Sattrt,, in the 17th century, who, according to Camhritlgealtire; aod 1. 19 lIce. 1934. ilis widow to. 2n;lly, ttttstsoatte tmadititns, had two eons killed irs action fighting is 1346, llobert—t’arry Nisitelt, Est5. iv. tioeinald—Sot,tltsoeli, itt Itely orders; 0. 18 Attg. 1309; 2.5 Frh. solo, Etnily-Ceeerieve, don. of the late henryhanson tIn Qtuerst’a Coa,atv and eontutieo of Carlow and Kildare, Siotpsos, Eeq., anti Itas issue, 1 Hestry -John. 2 loareitttt. I Elleeer—Theephila. astl neqssirod sttliers by iatomtttrriage taith 3lias tvilltisssu, I Emily-Anne. 2 Itegtt,eld-tiosworth. v. Frostrts, its Itely ertlere, rector of Torrtsot—Rawslon, anti this great property has ai,tce pssaed front tbo fantily of Smith Tarrant-ltttslttott; 0. 23 Dec. 1310; st. 22 Nov. 1938, JlaeyIsabella, doo. of site late (‘opt. Richard liegue, 11. H. artillery, been, Sa,rris, Req. of l’itel;fordetowa, co. Rildarc, the 2nd and ,t.29 lice. 18.51, leaving, Fratteie-Alfted. blary—Atstta—llttrrtetl. Julia-Entity. Fanny-Isabella, ot. 7 Aug. 1606, to the Rev. Cyril-Fitzroy younger, Rlicat,elh, s,s. Matthew Ilathnret, Req. of Nicholatown, Wilsen, rector of Slowlottgtttft, Stsflhllt. vs. Eda-ord-lleallteote, 0. 0 Slay, loll; sole n;ojer 76th regt. brother), stt. Hector Lyttch, of the Oalway tribe of Lynch, ttt. 20 Jatt. 1339, Cltristien, toast, of William M;tckitttaslt, Faq. by whom Iso hts’t one see, Ilseuacm, and a dan., Elizatseth, of Geddea, 5.1;., attd ltaa Isoti isstse, I Edword-Joltn-Algertuott, is deceased. 2 Williotn.liettry-t’urlis. 3 Atneists-Morland. Sheave Cortlaasd, stf histhlykillin, King’s Co. Mr. Smith, it. I Jaee-Elieotteth-Anao. 2 Elees,t,ro-Fronrre, st. 11 Oct. 1361, to Edwnrd-Jsntee in 1747, atstl wee e, by his eon, Coslie. Esq., OlE. 1. Anna-Elira, s,t. 20 April, 1826, to the Rev. Johs-Digtty who woe celled to the lrieh bar 1769, and elevated to the Wingtleld, oephew ttf Earl Itigity, nn,t hoe, Joho-Iiigby he,teh as ease of tlse Itamerte of the Exchequer in 1793. In Wisgfleld; Williost- Gestrgr- Otighy Wiutgfield; Richard- 1799 (23 Aug.) he was c,-ooted a Haaonrv us lRemaNn; is, Henry Wiagflrltl ; Lytlio-Ittey Winiefield, s,s. to Visreunt Lifferd; Anne-Elica Wingfield; and llarriott Wtrgfieltl. is. Lydio-Boetverlls, stt. to I let;ry t.ece, Eeq., SIP. Sir John tO 20 Feb. 1352, and woo s. by Isis eltteot son, 111. Ssa Jesto-Jostes, wite teas It. 10 A1trtl, 1600; anti at. II etc Dut,lht, and of Btsllyronan, co. Wiekiow. Sir Michael Nov. 1t28, Frances, cl,lcst dot,. ef Jttlta-Feedoeiek Finoey, Req. had issue, of Soatertttn Erleiglt, l,ut ltad rio isaeue ; Ise tt. 3 Sept. 1962, ontO Wtms.saet, his enreoeeor. was a. Ity his htolher, IV. Tite Rev. Sb WsLLsAn-ltcaasorr Sanrn-Slaeeson, rector ef 1]orstnoodes, in Kent, triso was 0. 31 Aog. 1901 ; he Sir Michael S,nith itt. Ondly, Eleanor, data, of hia eoueiugerman, aaststnosl by- sign-sstomtal itt 1311, sIte ;ttlditienol estrutame and arms of Itorriott; ho ttt. lot, 29 05cc. 1823, Julia-Riieabetlt, sen Major-Gm. 7di,-hacl-Wtliiam Smith, CD., 3rd dragoongutai-sts 41h dan. of Thentas-Law hodges, Esq, of lioutsted, co. Kent, and by her (n-ho ,t. 11 31 arch, 1542), had isetse, WtLnsoss-timrrsv, present baronet. Jowc-Boswonvn, s,t.1362, J,tlta-F,aoeea,ltad da’t.of Jssnes Bee. I $513, and wsse a. hie cost, Radsaliffo, Req., of Foxdesttstts hail, Lanettehiro, assd Ii. Tur.lIew. Sin Wsms.sans, D.C.L., F,H,S,, arid 3l.H.I.A., Hyde, Cu. Dorset, anti htset,een, 0 .5 Astg. 1360. Hugh-Forbes, 0t.A., in holy ttr,lars, reeter ufitorsemonden, arIse, on tho decease of his mother, aeetamod the additional Kent, 17 Nov. 1064, Frosiceo-Cotlterine-Slary, 2nd dan. eurtss,ttle astd crone of Cm’aac. This distinguished lawyer, of Admiral the Host. George Caventtielt, etf Lyno Grove, n-ho as-ac baron of the Cesu-t of Excheqstor its Ireland, svaa Surrey, and laos o stsn 0. 4 ttot, 1860. Anna-Rebecco, m. 21 Sept. 1922, to Edward-John Briscee, Thomas Bony, h’oq. of Rglieh Caetlo, King’s Co., and bad, Faq., of Riverdalo, Cu- Westtneath. Catberine-Twiaden, sst. 30 .ltsly, tool, to the Rev. Fieres 5 llsc,uarL, third baronet. Boiler (eec o,,te, Cassasen, Ej. Chstrlotte-Lydta-Foaretb, s,t. 10 Stay, 1061, to the Rev. Horace Sleereo. Sir William cs 2attly, 11 A1tt’il, 19-14, Tratsees, 3rd dan. of llobrrt Badrlyffe, Erq.. of Ftteslrt,tot, hall, es. Laueastt-r; he ,t. 4 Oct. 1364, ossi v-os .s. Itt- Itis rl,leot stet, tile SVss.nsxes— Itertay Setrrss—MaaatoTr, th,’ Slit and 1treseutt start. Ctvstiae—l J,ute, 1774. Ars,s—Qttortrrly, letond dth,hat-t-vnf six, or, anti Ca., atad itt eltief 1,00 s-erettltt1ts, gut., for Ilareteza- ; 2ttd antt 3rd, Ca., a freer, rrttai,tt,it.rtttisotl, it, lts-;trrett ;ltrro tttartlets, s. Fs’isnect-Slary-Astse, J. 2-I Jane, 1966. of she last, enelt eltnrgrd wistt tstt eraaittr sIts,!. Ce- —t.’—l at, a ,s. .Olary—Asitc—Atsslclitta. ototuttt, vert, thcrettts tt lttlltrtt, pasottstt, Ott., gttrt-r tl’snttt, roilored anti ssliae reflexed tsver llto l,ttck, ,,r, f,tr Sloraton t 2,ttt, st grey— Sir Williona tI. 1st 1916, a,sd woes, by his older son, Isoatsst, sejattt, oat., celtoretl antis liar rellexe’i over she lack, or, III. Ssss Oltenarm, 0. 21 Dee. 2793, who sa. in 1920, SIlas chargstt os the olsotilder with a ntaaele, erg. JIetto—Seuttitre Kline Moore, asad bad ieostc, fsdeliu. Seata—Syd.ltstg St. Nieholaa; cad Ihe lion-n Itonse, co. s. SVsLsaaas, osreeent hart. Dorset. _________ S 31 I S 31 I T -a. Iiiiirauc. by his aide. Front him descended three brothera, viz., lIleoAzL Sasrre, Faq., n-ho poaseatod considerable estates ins ass Itt-tress; soittel, estates desee,ttleel to Isis eldest son, Capt. 55’illiass-Wilhi,tese Sntitlt, of the let dragoon—guards; bat i,tte o;lter ltnttde. strott,er, left In-a tiatse. ottly s Ihe elder of whom, Sarah, its, Pactirl Crohoitt, Faq. of Coo5qtOlle, co. Tiltporary; and the cc. Kildare. Wtemtsat SMtTts, Req. of Nowtown, Kitag’s Cosmty (3rd avlso 55. let, Michael ltr,tsovau, Ret1., m’s. Cttrk ; and Ondly, I. Tt,n Ilinux Hon. Mscnanm Sassvu, 0. 7 Sept. 1740, 1901, his lomdehijs avtta Imatseforred to the Rolls bench, and ewons of the 1st-ivy consteil in Irolaud. Sir Illirhael Smith sst. let, Mary-Amse, don, of Jamee Cusac, Req. of Coolmines, A,sgoli,ta, os. let, so Stsith Steele, Req., 2nd eon of Str Richard Steele, liars.; arttl ltsdly, to 55’ihiatns Horrowes, Faq., eon of Sir Kildare Ho,Tossee, Itart.; ci. r.p. in 1909. Michael Srssilh, Retj., by whom ho left a poalhstsnoua ; who st. Charlsttlc, eldest dan. of George-tv. Cast, lieq., and lies isese, 55’ifltam-55’hitmore, hirut. R.t., 0. 29 Sept. 1946, ostd Eleanor-Jane-Charlotte. Sir Michael ,t. 17 0, 53 Jan. 1766 ; ci. 13 A’sg. 1707, lOcater, oldest dan, of ,s. Thatoas-Berry, 1’.C., nsaster of the rolls in Ireland; 0. l?O7sa. 1527, Lssntaa, yot,ngeet dan. of Janses Hosgl’ Smith lttsta’y, Esq., of llarbnry stall, Citeshiro, and of Faaty, me. (‘ct-h; as,l sI. 14 Atug. 1-366, having had, I W,s.soans-IloeaezCm-sac, 0. 1820, ass. ‘20 Aug. 1016, Ilary-Blanrl’e, yotungest dats. of tl’c late Jeha-Ctsiscnhale Cbiaonhase, Req. of Arley Ihalt, Lssneashh’e, and has a son, 0. 1 Ilay, 1060; the lad cots, John-C., it. 3 Dee. 1966, aged 6 years 5 anosher ace, 0. 21 March, 1060; 1 heater-Catherine; 2 Stary—Ar,ee— A,tgetints; 3 Aaae-Kliza; 4 Cssrolitte—Atsgusta, es. 16 Sept. 1311. to the sale Jounce-tv. Middlesen-lierry, Req. of Dailyncteoll. ci,. Skrstnteolh t and 0 Frances-Mary-Anne. 5,. Shelton, in tlse 14th dragoons, 5. 14 ltarch, tOll, aged 23. s. llary, os.21 Oct. 18-11, to H,-R, Hasvloy, Req., youngest son SMITH OF THOIeHTON HALL, Mv.5 666 DonowoRvu, Br. of the late Sir llcsry thasoley, MarL 102$