Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/347

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STA STAN HOPE. rf , H4 b t.-t _Ji_ kinragc. TUE HoN. ALEXANDER STANUOPE, a distinguished diplomatist SCUB&MORE-STANHOPE, SIB EDWvN-FBANCIS, of in the reigns of Sting WILLIAM and Queen ANNE, only son of Stanwall House, co. Middloaex; captain RN.; S. Philip, the 1st Earl of Chesterfield (by his 2nd countess, Anne, 15 Den. 1793; inherited an 2nd hart., at the decease dan. of the Ut. Hon. Sir John Pakington), rn. Catherine, dan. of of his father, 14 Dee. 1814 ; ni. 20 Jan. 1820, Mary, Arnold Bnrghil, Esq. of Thtngelsiil-Parva, cc. Hereford and dan. of Thornas Powell, Esq. of Parker’e Wall, Co. dying in Sept. 1707, was a. by his eldest son, JAMES STANUOPE, Eaq. This gentleman having distinguished Devon, formerly in the artillery service of the lien. himself as an enterprising military offirer, was appointed earnmander-tn-rhief ETC., and hy her (who d. 3 Aug. 1859) has had, of the British forces in Spain in tiltS, and a, Meseny-EeswyN-CUAND05, 5. S April, 2821; sal. 6 Aug. 1851, obtained considerable renown by the reduction of the rcle’snstrd Pert Mahon, in the island of Minerra. He was snhseqnenuy in the reign of Gnoaoe I., secretary of etate, first lard of the treasury, and rhanrellor of the exrheqner; and wan advanced to the peerage, 2 July, 1717, by the titles of Bar an Slernhepc ss. Chandos.SeudamOre, rapt. U.N.; I. 19 Jan. 1823. of .Elvaalan, and J’iareuel Slnnlrepe of .llfaten, with remataisler, iss. Berkeley-Lionel, in holy orders, SLA., rector of Byford, tn default of male issue, te his kinansan, Thansas Slanhope, Eaq. of Elvasten, and the brothers of that gentlensan, Charirs Stanhepe, then secretary of the treasury, and William Stanhepe, afterwards Earl of Harrington. His lordship was created EARL iv. Edwyn.ymnris-ilrydges, rapt. 59t1s regt., 5. 6 March, STANnore, 14 April, hiS. He so. 24 Feb. 1712-13, Lucy, youngest dan. of Thomas Pitt, Esq. of Boroaner, in Cornwall, v. William-Pitt, in holy orders, incumbent of Ballinghsm, sometime governor of Fort St. Gearge, by whom he left two sons and a dan. The earl, who had been twire appointed one vi. Arthur-Chesterfield. b. 18 March, 1853; ci. tn 1841. of the lorda-jnatirea in the absence of the king, and been engaged vu. Philip-John, 6. in 1839. in some of the most important diplomatic affairs, a. after s. Anna-Bhisa, 8. in infancy, 9 Fab. 1830. one day’s indisposition, S Feb. 1720-1, and was a. by his son, Pnstsr, 2nd earl, b. iS Aug. 1714. His lerfisbip an. in 1745, Sir Edavyn aaenrned the additional snrnamn and Orteel, dan. of Charles, Lord Binning, and had two sons, Philip, arms of SCUISAMORE, by nign-mannal, in 1820. t. 5 July, 1746, d. 6 July, t763; and CnARLE5, lass heir. The earl, dying in 1786, was ,s. by his elder aen, CUAaLEC, 3rd earl, 5. 3 Assg. 1753, rvho was distinguished for TUE lion. Aavnua STANnOPE, of Stoke and Siansfieid, his mechanical genius and eeirntifle researches. His lordslsip yonngaet son of Philip, 1st Earl of Cheslerfield, was a member so. 1st, 190cr. 1774, Lady Heater Pitt, eldest dan. of William, of the parliament which restored King CnAar.Ea 11. This 1st Earl of Clmtham, by whom (who ti. 20 July, 1750),he had issue, gentleman sa. Anne, dan. of Sir }lenry Salisbury, Bart. of Hester-Lucy, d. in Syria, 23 June, 1939. Grtselda. ass. 29 Aug. 18t0, ta John Tekrll, Esq. of ttamblcton, CnAas.ea SvAanoPE, Req., who an. Pranras, only dan. of Sir Slants.; and ,d. 13 Oct. 1851. Lnry-Harhael, sa. 26 April, 1796, to Thomas Taylor, Esq. of Francis Topp, Start, of Tormarton, co Gloucester, and had five Seven Oaks, Kant1 and d. 5 Marrh, 1811. His lordship ni. 2ndly, 17 Siarrh, 1761, Louisa, dan. and sole CHARLEs SvANnorE, Req., m.. Cecilia, dan. of Hutton Sleds, heiress of the Hon. Henry Grenville, governor of Barbadoes; Esq. of Stede TIlls, eo. Kent and dying to 1759, left an only son, and by that lady (who 8. 7 March, 1929) had, PastOr-HENRY, 4th earl. Charlos-Banlma, 6.3 June, 1785, a major in the army; killed James, let linke of Chandas), by wlaons lie left at his decease, at the battle of Cornnna, 16 Jan. 1909. James-Hamilton, a hieut.-rol. in the army, b. 7 Sept. l7SS in 1807, a dan., Catherine, who se. Sir Hnngerford lioskyns, an. 9 July, 1820, Frederiea-Lossisa, eldest dan. of William, Hart., and 4. in 1790, and a son, 3rd Earl of Mansfield; and 8. 0 March, 1855, leaving ty her 1. HENAY-EDWYN SrANoorr, Req. who having distingniahed (who ad. 14 Jan. 1823) an only son, flaIRs-BANKS, of Havasby Abbey, co. Lincoln, M.P. for the the Blue, wan created a Baronet, 13 Nov. 1807, after the expedition northern division of that shire, 5. 13 May, 1621. 1049 S TA N II 01° I. ‘I1’w1 Dorothea, eldest dan. of Sir Adam slay, Bart., and has tsane, 1 Enwva-FaANrss, 5. 6 Starch, 1854. 2 Menry-Atholl, 5. 29 Stay, 1855. S Claude-Dormer, 6. 7 April, 1657. ro. Hereford, 5. 13 May, 1824; sa. 27 Jan. 1858, Caroline- Sarah, eldest dan. of John Arkavight, Esq. of Hampton Court, llrrafordshire. 18Sf el at Hong Kong, IS Sept. 1855. Herefordahier, 5. 28 Stay, 1827. kiss cage. Llewenny, ro. Dessbigh, and was a. by his only surviving son, sons, the 4th of whom, Esswvzs-FaArcrss STANEOPE, Esq. Ttsta gentleman ta Catherine, widow of William-Berkeley Lycn, Eaq., and eldest dan. and ro-hairess of John nrydges, Slarqnrss of Carnarvan (son of himself as a naval officer, and attainad tise rank of admirni of to Copenhagen, of which he was strand in eammand. c) CC ‘l’he earl ,l. ii lice. 1816, and nat .s. by Ins son, PHILIP-liENEv, 4th earl, t. 7 Dee. 1781; cc. 19 Nov. 1803, Catherinr-Lnry, dan. of Robert, Lard Ccsrringten, by whaas (who ii. 1 Oct. 1643) he had issue, PasLsr-Hraav. present earl. George-Joseph, t. 17 Nov. 1 801,; and ci. 25 Nov. 1828. Catlaerioe-i.ssey-Wtlhrlmina, cc. 1st. 1643, to Lard Oalmeny, who if. 23 Jan. 18a1 and Sndly, 12 Aug. 1854, to harryGoargo, 4th and present flute al Clevoland. His lordship, who was keeper of the records in the ilrrnetnglsam SAwer, tinblin, s7 2 STarch, 1856. f’reai;aoa—Baran and Viscount, 2 July, 1717. Earl, 14 April, 1710. A rap—Qnarterly: run, and gn., a crescent Icr difference. Sopporler.s—Heater, a talbat, ems.; sinister, a ss dl, or, dneally crowned, gn., each charged on the shoulder with a crescent. CActi—A tatter, na. thrreen a desni-lion, ranspant. or, holding betaveen the paws a grenade, fired, ppr. Moths—A lieu si rege. ,Sessl—Chevonissg, near Sorennaks, Kent. Sown liaise STANBOFE, EARn (Phslsp-Henry Stanbope, DCL., —s Groavenar Flare houses. F.R.S., LL.D., Pros. S. A.). Vsseonnt Stanisope, of Mahon, in thu Wand of Minorna, and Baron Stanhope, STANHOPE, Louts, are CUESTEBFIELB, EABL or. of Elvaston, no. Des’by; 5. 31 Jan. 1805; ste. 10 July, 1834, Ensily-Iiarriet, 2nd dan. of General Sir Edsoard Kerrison, Bart., and has, s., Viacessni Mahen, capt. gscn. guards, late SiP. for Leuminater, 5. 13 Sept. 1838. is. Edward, 5. 24 Sept. 1840. us. Henry-AugustuS, 5. 4 Per. 1843. ____________ sv. Philip-Jsnses, U.N., 5. Slier. 1847. a. Mary-Catherine, sn 15 Feb. 1868, to Frederick, 6th and present Earl Heaurhamp. Ills lordelsip, a distingniahed writer, formerly secretary to the Board of Control, a. his father, as 5th earl, 2 March, 1855.