Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/348

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STA Sir Mcnry so. Margaret, dau. of Francis Malbone, Esq. of Newport Vt. Ssn Jouw. l’his gentleman was the second adopted heir Rhode island, North America, by salsam lie left issue, EossyN-Fnaacis, lise present baronet. Margaret, 1. in 1512. Callserina. Anna-Elica, sl.9 daly, 1019. Caroline, sI 22 Jssly, 1800. the 16ev. Tlmasssas Massey, time yauncer son of Sir Wiiliaiss Stanley, Sir henry ii. 20 13cc. 1814. STANLEY now ERRINGTON. Iseiress sf 0ir t’ormaaby Ilagt,’ersion, Pact, of hlagges’ston Castle, EIIRINOTON, SIR ROWLAND, of co. Northrmnsbecland, an,t had by her (who ii. 20 Aug. 1607), Hooton, Co. Chester, b. 4 April, F,nsvLAan, preseal baronet, who assnnred the surnanan of 1809 a. isis brother, Sir WilliamThomas Jo,in, S. in blOt sir. 1841, Maria, only dan. of Boron do Stassley-Maoaoy.Stasiley, as l.Jtle baronet, 29 Juno, 186:3; Olnria-Frances, mi. 2 Aug. 1932, to Sir Richard-Bnhkeley aesesnsetl, by i’y al licence, in 18211, the assrnanao of ERIIINtiTON Sir Thomas 5. in Aug. lcd I, anrl eras a. usy his olsiest semi, only, ptsrotsatst to tho will of A. Sin lVmLss sw-Ti,onas S’eae LEr-M.sssnv-SvarsLe-r, svho svas Hrssrv Erriogton, Req. of Sandhoe I. 1157, and ilyimsg at Par is, oo,,i. 20 June, 1o63, svas a. by his and Rcd Rico, liants ass. 7 ne-ct brother, Sin Boa LAND Pearc.oxea, the 11th and present Jan. 1839, .Inlia, eldest elan, of tIns late Liotst. Con. baronet. Sit- Jobo Macdonald, FLC.B., adjntasst-gon. of the forces, and by her (who d. Ang. 1859) had three dana., viz. ‘. Claudine-Stanley, d, smoas. 13 Joly, 1504. Ii. Ethel. in. Venetia, cc. 24 April, 1Sf?, to Viscount Pellingtsn, sen of the present Earl of ?texeorongls. Sir Rowland is one of the co-heirs of the Baronies GiLnnnv Ennir.eroa, of Errhagtan, co. Narthumbirland, of UMO’RAVILLR and Kvnn. Jtinntgc. Thi, is the senior brands of the illnstriosss house et Stanley. 1. WILLIaM STANI,ev, of Iteoten, in fhe cc. of Chester, Esq. tlse cepresen lativc of tlse elder brassels of ttse ,Stanlcys (ccc Esrlsta,is s Denny) sras crcaled a Baronet 17 Jane, 1662. lie so. Charlotte, eldest das,. of Sir Richard 31o]ynenx, of Sefton, cc. is. Jone, of svhons presently. Lancaster, Viscount Melynenx, ha use peerage of trelaust, and had, 1. Wiltiasn, ci. an infant. is. ROwLAND, his successor. iii. itichard. iv. John, said to have settled in Ireland. v. Williasn. vi. Philip. i. Nary, ci. to Sir John Gage, Dart, at Fine, Sussex. ii. Clsarlutte. iii. Agnes. Sir Williasn wane. by his eldest surviving son, It. Sin RasrLsan, who is. Anne, dan. of Clement Boston, Eng. Sioekhill, of Thornton. lIe so. 2ndly, Grace, dan. of Gawen of Jlerningham, Norfolk; and was s. at his decease ha 1737, by itatherferd, of Itoehiester, and had issue, I. William, ci. 1st, Isis eldest San, lit, Sin Winnisss. Tisis gentleman scs. Catharine, dan. of — Hsctton; n. Sflchael, in. Richard, iv. Lancelot, v. Ralph, Rassland Eyre, Rsq. of Hassop, co. Derby, and had issue, I. Rows.aan, his suicesser. ii. Jonsc, ftls baronet. n,. Thsmas-Clsarles, in holy orders, who took the sso’nasne of Widdnington, Es,1. of Swinbonene, and had a son and heir, ilnasty has Ills, as first adopted heir of Sir WtBians Massey, ita.aax EnoiNaToa, Esq., aged It in 1619, who is. Ehicahens, Bart. of Poddington, Cheshire, and a. in 1800. iv. James, Sir Winiam d. 1740, and was a. by hi’ oldest son, IV. Sin RowLAND, who a,. F.liaalsetls, eldest stan, and heir of was bnnted 12 Jane, i691, so. Anne, yorcngest dan. of Nadk Thom,is Parry, Esq. of Fyrihyocean, co. Flint, and dying lift, Erningion, Bsq. of Walwirk Grange, and Isad issue, was a. by his only surviving son, V. Sin WIL5.isu, who so. Barbara, dan. of John Tawneley, is. Williaos, cf Hm’svington, a. 22 Feb. 1729, and was hnnied Jig. of Towneley; but a. op. in 1792, when tim title reverted at St. John Ley, having m. the dna. of Gentington, of That- In his uncle, 1050 STA of Sir Williaas Otassey, of T’ucldington, co. Chester, and assnissed ttsc additional sssrssaslse of JtAssny, as did his younger brother, usc 3rd baromsel, celia seas the hrsl ndcpted lacir of use same Sir W muliaa Massey, of t’uddimsgtss, cc. Chaster. Sir John tools tire additional ssirsiaae of snider Use will of tsis netihew sad predecessor. Sh John Stanley-Jtasscy-.Slanloy ci. 3lary, ah ssi,..—t)cmom irrly r lot and 4th, qsianies’ly, erncine and gmi., dali. of ‘ihansas Cliii, ia, Esq. of t.y truss, co lancaster (ace ion STAN none ; 2aiI amid 3rd, gi., three slirralss, scith b,rckhea lii nan’s faw/e,1 Ci oh ry) ansi seas c. 24 Nov. 1794, by isis only ssmrnivissg so’s (ins only duo., ci. Ttis,,nas Weld, asq.), Si’pp’cl’ cu—tisitlrt, a fesa.cle fig,ire, mopes nenti ag Faith VII. Sin ‘mosses, schsci ci. Cath.irine, dan. of William Salvin, simiistcr, a sailor, tile imile nor hand ssm1grccrlhiiig a hog, and Isis Bert. cmf Croxdidc, co. Darlian,, acad dying 19 lob 1791, left S ‘ceits—t sI, a scsces’,aa.. thercomi a drrssi, racnics mat, or, isstie, dsscnhly crascmrnd, Di., halching beoreers the laces a grenade, s. Wsi,naasm, Ins successor. fined, 1st, Svac.micee: 2nd, out of a ducal coronet, or, a is. ‘i’nowas, the 9th harocet. iii. Charles, a. 22 Oct. 1820, Barbara, dao. of Sir Edward Stostyms, Bars, iv. Janies. v. Henry, of Craslcy Itall, I.ancaslcre, b. 1791; a. 17 Feb. 18ff. at lire ci tin’ hate I’easices, 1 srmchrcss of Neriolk, as - Catharinc, tire wife ol 5 Islonrisll, Esq. of Crosby 1-tall, cc. Lancarer. tS,e Brnan’o La,,cb,i Pretty.) Sir Thonsas 1. 19 Feb. t795, acid was a. l’y his eldest ion, fancly of Setidarimci’s, sic Iieann’s Lsrosls’O Psolcy, and dtnnan’a VIII. Sin WILLI0M; wire ci. 11 June, 1500, daring las minority, wiscis tire title devolved opems his brother, IN. Sin; who ci. in 1509, Mary, .idy dan. and iVmLLiaM—’S’ssoas cc, I OtIs barosset. EnnmanTon only. Talleyrand. Williasns—Builkelsy, ttarl., 3t.i’. Cr, a,ia,i—17 June, 1062. Acsss of Stoolcg—Arg., on a heel, az, three stags’ heads, cabossed, or. Cc, .1 A slag’s head and neck, cooped, arg., attired, or, the tongue hanging cut, gsm. Ssmrt-—Sandhoe house, Haxhan,, Nontlsunsherlond. 3Liiiritgc Of el-riltEtoth. anno IMO, son of Nicholas Erricsghon, and gncalson of Gilhect Erringtcsn, ci Eci’inglon, so. Jane, dan of Sic Nichalas Ridley, and had issue, i. Gilbert, of Errington ant of Cochhey, 1029, Os. snd had issoe, Nicls,slas, of Erringson and Cockle3-, is’. Anny,, 3rd don. of Willinns Carnaby, ef Halton, acid a. o. p.; and Rorbara (heir to her brother Nicholas), wife of Nicholas Cnrnahy, 51. c. iii. Thomas. iv. Idagh. Tho 2nd son, Joins’ RensmcayoN, aM., ci. the dan. of John Brandling, and sad issue, i. GTL5inRT, ci oboes pmwsently, ii. Nicholas, in, John, iv ltagh, v. Thonras, and i. Jane, so. to John, 2nd son of Sit ttngh Itidtey. The eldest san, GsLnen’c Eaniaoow, Esq. of Eeacfront, do. Nortumamberland, lit, Doroilsy, dasr. of David Canaaby, of Eeanfrsnt, ansi had issue, i. John, his heir, ii. Nicholas, ist. Thomas, i. Jane, ,a. Jotsn hall, of Gtterbnrne, and ii. Stabet, so. to William Isalsel, dan. of George heron, and 2ndly, Eliaabeth, dan. of vi. Gassen. The eldest san by lot wife, JOHN Rnai-snvnN, Esq. of Erningtass and Bearmfront, co. Northmntmenlonit living 1619, ma. Damihy, dan. of Edward don. of Sin George Selby, of Whitohonst, cc. Durham, Ent., and was is,risd 30 tsee. 1691, at St. John Ley. His son, WiLnoss Eanlaevnrs, Esq., who a. befodo his father, and i. John, d. usa. 19 Dec. 1713, and was hnnied at St. John Ley. land Conic, ce Lancasrer. Cceslioci—l 3 Nov. 1907. and strcqs. or, for Srn’ss.sem,cnn. emtle rice rest imig on usms nmclm,,r_ bean’s macv. ca. fir Scm’n scmonn. JI,Os’a-.——-” A Deo st crier” and “In bce sic_no vinees.” Sc’/—hl,clnse hoer, ltenefardshsire ; oshachr Sir Edsv3 is inherited lineat deaceeclant at ‘Gary, schfc of sin titles hr1 des, of Wilbc’n Castle, cc. 1 inneford, dan. of Sic Jamimes Si’udaasone, tint., and sisler of Jot m’, I oh Viscount Scada name. Fsin sn acs’sscmst rmf lime Eauioel Bai’cino loge.)