Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/352

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Fatally Mel taco—in bells invietns, in ainore probos;” anti the office of heritable armone-bearer to the queen, and squim of Ahsqoe laharo nihut.” Seal—3tickleton Manor Iloose, 00. Gloooeeter. STE U ART. ILillragc. The ancient family, of the en. of Lanark, is the chief of one a. by his sistor, Ranbara, ssho dying e’ilhont children, the property of the most extensive branches of the Issesse of liankill, lineally etosrendod from Sin Rooeaa Snrasrr, of Dahiowlo, 6th sen of his niece. bir John Slonart, of Ilonklo, or Bonkiti, soss to Atoxansler, 6th The Seissos of Tonele lay elaine to the titlo of BARON SnTna best-high-steward of Scotland, great-oaneotfathco of King no Gossnose in right of their ancestor, Alexander, iiOssnnT II., tho 1st prioeo af tho Stuart tine. Ahoot tho yoar Cs’catien—22 Slay, 1315. 1290, Sir John hestao’ed the estate of Datloo’ie, on the river A e’s,sa—Or, a fesse. chcqny, an. and srg., sormonnbed of a Clyde, part of isis oxtonsieo possessions in the en. of Lanarte and besesi, gu., cisargod with ehree hnehtos, of time field, on a sinister the ea. of Renfroso, in pairiaseny on isis son, Sir Itelsort. lie canton, of tleo 4th, a lion, passant-gnardant, gold, pierced with was killed at the battle of Falkiok, in 1298; and Sea Iloonar, a dart, pyr., (by special grantfrnna Ring unsEaT 11. of Scotland), setso foagist at Rannoekhnrn witis the lord-leigh—steward, under and in bme a broken spear, ossrmnasstod of a teelmot, both ppr. tloaonr Poser, in the folloo’iosr year, togetiser ebb three of 5svsl—Gnt of an eserl’s coronet, a slexter hand grosping a isis hrsdtsers, Sir .31 lan, Sir Walter, and Sir ilugle accompanied thistle, all ppr. Edseard ltrneo in the expeditioss to Ireland, in 1315, and paeti— ,Ses,s1sseles-s—Tseo lissas, e-ampant-gssardant, ppr., armed and eslsated in the battle of tlnndatk, in illS, when that galtaset AJ,slboos—Abnve the crest, “Jovaset aspera fortes;” under the aad enterprising prince toeminated his career. boom Sir sleleld, ‘ Virtatia its lsellss lsrsemimee.’’ Robert desrenslesl, Jasses STEUAOT (16th Baron of Atlsntoo, and 13th in descent Touch itoase, Stirtingshire. frosss ttse torsl-higls—sbesvaed of Scotland), b. lee 1 ttSt ssho es. in 1 7a1. isis eo’ssio, 3t.ergarot, dan. of Henry S’eoaet Itarelay, Esq. STEWART, BAEGN, Qf Gun/es, ace GALLOWAY, of Collornin, co. Fife, yalsngrr brother to Sir Jaseses Steaaet, Dart, of Goollrees, SkI’. for )li,l—I.othian tie the tot partiaseseni afler the Ltnion, afterwards solicitor-general in the roiges of Grooan II., and had a son ond heir, Sic 110Mev STouaar, LtD., F.R.S, and ASH., (t4tle in STEWART, BARON, of S?cseas-f’n Uoaent, see LONDoN- descent from the Otis lorst-htgh-stowant of Scotland), b. 20 Oct. 1759. The offer of a Nova Scotia Baronetcy was made in 1697, by King Jassns It., to Wilttaas, eldest son of Sir Walter Stranet, Baross of Attantoss, selsicte ho sleeliseest, fresse the chivalrous feetiniiof that period, that the title sf a kniglet lemnnoret conferred Is- the hands of royalty on the field of battle, e’hich so many of is is ancestors hal so glortosssty aeqntrod, svas a distine— ________ s’iee-liant. of that eo. in 1866, e. lion far eeoc Isossoaralde. Ulson his refsesal it was given to his 1 c is- his fhthar, as 7th baronet, 20 May, 000sin, one of time cadets of his family, liebert Slessaot of Allan— lsaok. Sir lts’ory n’as himself ereatol a Basonet, with renaninder to ___________ Fm-annie Mansfield, Esq. of Castle his son in-law, Reginald Staedonald, Ksq. of Sisifa. Sh’ Henry ( gj, Wvay, no. Usonegal. is welt knosvo to have Isoon an elegant scholar and an acconapleshesl gesstlenean, nsed Isis skill atisl saccoss as nsa arboriesel— intist eeeelered him famons as tho founder of the art of transplanting large trees. Pie s. in 1787, i.itlias, dau. of tlagh King J,sssne 1., becanan an undertaker for the planhslien of Seten, Ksq. of Tooels-Soton. co. Stirling, and had issae, Klieabeth naehnated lands in the province of Ulster, and was ceeated a Sehsn, svho 5. in lotsory, ansl EnseseoTo-Slaooaaov, b. 31 Oct. Eaaoeswr or IaOLAND 10 Apsit, 1623. Sir William was a privy 1790, Isis sole heiress, s.. in Jon. I st2, IloosyaLn Sjarnoaaen, eonaciltnr in the reigns of King Jassna I. and King CHARLEs I., Ksq. of Staffem, ansi by him o’ho a. tsis fatteer-to-lase as 2nd hart., ansi having served as a nestitary officer in the teoeehbes of Ire- and 5. lsSS, she had, 5, Ilnaaa-Jaa,os, present baronet. ii .,taeasaxeo, 6. 181-1 so. 1859, Katherhse, dna. of tiebert ens, Sir Aloxansler Steaare, seas allotted for his services a Stein, Ksq., seed lens tsee sons, Ahsss—itessry, b. 1896, ansI slelseotara for £2999. Sir William ems. Frances, Wed dna. of Sir Booglas-Archihald, t. 1S57. tim. Csstlin—tdeginald, seho was siresroed. m. Isabella, a. 1892, tlev. John-Iaeklsaet Ilsss, vicar of Aye- with other issue en-a esuviving sans, via., bury, Wilts. ss. htllim-Stargaret, 5. 6 July, 1S66. The heiress of Sloaart added, isa 1835, the surnanso of Sr’roa to her eas, espon succeeding, as sole heieess in riglet of her ocether, Litlias, to Ihe estate of Tosieh Seten. cc. Sth’liog, tlse Isrssperty of her usaternal aos’le, I-Iso Ilssn. Are’lsil old Setoo, late nssmbrr ssf ttse Ssetsrome t’oesncil, honed, ansi gos’ern,sr of Peinee of ValesR Island. She at the same tisno succeeded to 101 STE lice royal body, which high hereditary office she held, and which has boon for tisoe insosemoelal to the fasnlly of Scoots of Tossels, for wlsieh various elsarters are extant, at and previooa to 1-188, granted by J,smro Ill. ansi Coaasoo ii. The heiress of Stooart ,d. 2 ,tng. 1866, nod hor heir and the heir of hor honors, is the present Sse ltosav-J.saeeo SnToa-STnuAnT, Ban ctiiii cf CuIlcl3. The SeToso ore a very ssseieot race, and trace their origin to Doogat Seton, who lived in the reign of Ae.oxaanoa I. of Scotland, son of 91Ae.eosoy Casasoan, 1109. This family nero distisegolshcd to Scottish histors’, aod peeforsnod many loyal and gallaat aetstoveosents durleeg the scars with England sod the variosss civil conflicts in Sesstlaod. Dougal’s deseendaat, Wit- liaise, svaa creatod Baron Solon do Gordon, in tlso reign of King lloonerr Ill. from whens descended, Alexander, who svas created, in 1449, 9larqness of Itmestly. He so. let, Cites Hay, SETON-STECABT, SIR HENRY-JAMES, of Mlanton, heiress of Knaio, by svleone lee lead one son, Ae.nxoaoon; sod no. Lassark; /‘. in 1312; a. his father, as 3rd baronet, lndly, Kibnaheth, dan. of Charles Criehton, by wheat he had in 1833; os. flee, 1852. Eligaboth, eldest daughter of Geesego, Seed Karl of ilseotly, feane svhnm descended Otto DaRes Robert ilfnsatgonsary, Faq., yoseseger brother of Sir of Gordon, Earls of Alsoyne, Sathorlamed, Ac. he. Franc the only son of Isis 1st nears-lags-, Annxaanoo, Gee SoToas a! yeaeh lineally descend and trehilsa1d, the late tsrelerietor, seas lien 9th en descent frssm Alexander, site tat Karl of ilsmtly. Ho seas devolved eepoo tlen present broprieter, Lady Solon Stenart, langnod, gse.. collaresi. ssf lien last, charged ssith tlsree hackles, or. Ssasn — Altantssee ltonee Newenatos, Lanarkslsire; and EARL OF. DERBY, MARqUESS OF. STEWART. STEWART, Sits JAMES ANNESLET, of Fort Stanart, no. Dooegal; 1821; ot. Oct. 1830, Jane, dan, of 3LiiIraTc. I. Ssa WsLessss S’enwaar, tInt., being in great favoeer with load, received in satisfaction fee arrears of pay don prier In S Jemo, 1659, san dolsentsn’o of 4000 and old pouesds; while his Robes-I Nesveo,sees, Rart. of 9losstess’n, Co. Longford, and had e. ALExANDER, 2nd hart. se Thoneas, of Fort Ste-v-art, no. leonegal; so. a dan. of John Stanegosnery, of Croghan, and had issue, )with four daas.) an only son, William, also of Fart Stae-art, who set. 1693, lIlanyAnne, date, of Eaokinl lto1skins, Bishop of Berry, and had issan, (ssith a dan. Mary), fear sons, viz., I Eankini, of Fort Slen-art, set. Anne, dna. of Charles Ward, Ksq., by Deisnrah, bets wife, dan. of James Annesley, Esq., and Isad, u-ills oilier isean, an only snrvsveng eon, Asatatnv, STE Jamaa Mnntgonaary, Bart. of Stanhope.