Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/353

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STE who r. his cousin, Sir William Stewart, (Earl of Blessing- 1866, to. Silas Whatey, dan. of Ilieltard-Citapel Whaley, Req. of ton), as 6th tart. 2 RoaEaT, of whom preeently. 3 Richard. 4 Alexander. The second son. ‘I’ see Rnv. ROBERT STEWART, OP., prebendary of Fresisford, Rlteabrth-Snsaona, in. to tier lair Archdeacon Stoysoy, and co. Rilkenesy, b. 1699; so. Rachel, dau. of Abraham Nielson, Rsq. of Nunny, co. Wickloir, and F. 1772, leaving, Sophie, -sus. to tIme tatr t,ord ttnthserfonrd, a Seotttele jndgo, oust wHir two dens., Sarah and Frances, an naly eorviving son, ARRAOAM STEWART, Esq., a capt. in the army, ssleo or. 4 Sir James d. 20 Slay, 1827. May, 1761, his first cousin, Hester, den. of Ahrahasn Nirkeon, of Nanny, ci. Winlrlow, Esq., by Mary, his wife, dan. Creatiosr—lO April, 1623. of Lorenre 110dson, Esq., try Elizabeth, his wife, den, of Arose—Ga., a feese, eheqny, erg. and or., betsveen three Edsrard Ilutchinson, Esq. of Knoekiofty, and had with other hone, raeepairt, Or. issne, a son and Iseir, Tnc Rcv. Anaanaim-Aenuevno STEWART, rector of Pane- Crest—A heater hand, in ernsonr, ppr., helding a heart, go. bate, en. Dreblin, and chaplain to tIre Bairn of Richrnrrnd, jI,,tle—Nil siesperaisdurn s-st. lord-liralesant of Ireland, b. 1762; ii. 21 Jan. 1793, Francis, Seat—Fort Stewart, en. Donegal. dan. of William O’Connor, of Mangablin, ci. Gerry, and it. in 1612, having had issue, a WscLmasm-Auoun’rus STEwART, late capt. 56th regt. of foot, lreir-preanarptiro to the baronetcy, 6. 4 Starch, 1797 in. Anna, dais, of William Melloy, Req. of tilarlilort, co. Tipperary, and by bet @1100. 6 lone, 1564) has issue, 1 Angoetus-A.-J., advocate, high Court, Calcutta, 6. 29 April, 1832. 2 William-OIellay, b. 19 Nov. 1833; ii. Stay, 1864, Rllen, svidasr of F.-ltzrhetey rsrnrrrmond, Req., itengal civil eorviee, and eldest dan. of W.-R Urqultarl5 hsq., arid has a see, William-Ango tisi—Annoiley, and a dan. 3 Jamos-Angostas, advocate, high Court, Caleotta, 6 7 SlaTch, ibIS. 4 tdebcrt-John-Jocetyn, capt. 90th regt., 6. 28 Ang. 1038. o ttarry-1tutehinsanAngnstos, heat. 61st regt., 6.0 lob. 1840. I Anna-Rlanchn. 2 Statilda-Cbarhotte. 3 Frances-Augusta. ii. Nenry.Hntchinsoo, 01.0. of Dnhhn, 6. 23 June, 1758. sit. Lorenoe-0000rc, b. 1 April, 1800. sv. Anneeley, 6. 27 April, lSt2. v. Robert, t. 20 April, 1803. vi. Cham-tes, 6. 12 Jane, 1810 s. Roster, so. to the Right Hon. Lewis Ferrin, lato jnatiee of Weotmineter, and has lied, of the Court of Qneon’s Bench. is. Alicia, it. yonng. its. Emily-Ftancos. The elilest son of the let tart.. 11. Sin ALEXANDER, ii. Catherine, dau. of Sir Robert Newcoroen, i. Rvolysr.Mergarrt, it. en tntuit, 1 Feb. 1119. Bart., by Anno Bnlcyn, Mo wife, and was father of ID. Sin Wmr.Lmasi. This gentleman was advanced to the prerago Sir Illiohaol a. his fathnr, as 7th bert., 19 line. 1830. of lmtand, 19 Olarch, 1682, by the titles of Borne Strernrt ef lie in 17th in direct male doeeent fruits Sir John Jloosnilosu aod Viscount lllnauuhjsp; Iris lordship being cnnetitated Stowert, ion of RoBscnT III., king of Scotland. at the name time master-general of the nrulnanve for lifo, and colonel of a regiment if foot. The visronnt served in Rnngary at tIre siege of linda, in 1686, and upon his return ta Among the archives of this ancient family, there ore Ireland svas raised to the rank of a brigadier-general, with tIne preserved three charters by RoBERT 111. to Sin Jonn pay of dd97 lOs. a-year. Otis lordship nnderlaking, with the STEWAOT his eon, of the lands of Ardgawen, Blackball, lord-chief-baron, Sir Stephen Rice, in 1628, a mission train and Ane’singnun, in the county of Ronfren’, dated 1390, Lard Deputy Tyrcennel to King Jaaseo it., then at Earls, was, 1396, and 1463. Tbeae several tande have lineally descended immediately npon his arrival in that city, thrown into the in an uninterrupted esunree of male sneceesion, from tho Baslile, and there confined nntil the year 1692, isleen, bring said Sir John Stewart, sen of hiouenT Ill., to Sir Ohicbael, released, he waited upon Icing Wmr,LmAas in Flanders, and lost the preseni harenet, his life, 24 Aug. in the sante year, in the l,attlo of Sleiokirle. Jonre STewanT, of Blackball end Ardgoweu, obtained Lord Sionntjoy as. Mary, sIded dan. of Richard, Lord Coloony, from JAMEs IV., ansun 1005, a confirmation of the chancre by wham he loft six eons and two dans., Alexander, thee 2nd son, wlee waa a rapt, of foot, us. Stacy, granted by King RonanT tsr bie a,,eestor, of the lands eldest den. of William Ttghc, Req. of Dnbtio; and dying in aforesaid, 1701, left ao only dan. and heiress, Anne, who us. the Right lion. Luhe Gardiucr, treasurer of a charter, creating his lands of Ardgsswan, Blackball, md of Ireland; front which marriage thee late Karl of Blessing- Auerhingnnn into a barony. oesuo 1076. He un. Margaret, ton descended. Otis lordship was s. by his eldest son, (TV. Sta) WiLciase, 2nd vieronnt, a limit-general in the aroiy Stewart, of Caetlemihk, and by her had tseno, and master-general of tIre ordoarrce; mIre ii. 23 Nov. 1696, Sin AacnmnaLn STEwAeT, of Blackball, SiP.; a poreon Anne Boyle, younger dan. and eventually heiress, of Starreuegle, of eeeesnmtnett ability, who beimrg cheeen sure of the eonrmissioners Vieronnt Rheeeington, and wee s. at his decease, in lldt, by Oils raigsa of King CeaaLoa 0., distinguished himself en greatly, eldest san, (V. Sin) WILLiAM, 3rd vieeennl, erho was created gAaL OF that that prince cheso him to he one of his privy council, IlLessnenTore 7 Dec. 1740. his lordship or. in 1732, Rleaner, and advanced him to the dignity of knighthood. He woe dais, and heiress of Robert Fitzgerald, Req. of Castle Boil, ro. also of tho privy oenncil to King CHARLEs H. when in Cml, by wham hr had two otto, troth of whom predereased Inns. Seotbrnd, anne 1610. He 5,5. Olae-garet, dress, of Bryee Rheim’, The earl it. Id Aug. 1769, when the peerage expired, bet the of that ilk, and bad loeno, baronetcy devolved upao Iris heir-at-lair, VI. Sin AN5E5LET SanwaaT, of Fort Stewart, 0l.F., only surviving dan. of Sir James Stirling, of Kier, and left isane, eon of Reekiet Stewart,, Req., t’y Anne, 2nd dao. of Charles Ward, Req. (ceo amnpra). Sir Annesley a’. iii 1700, Stary, dan. if John 500ore, Rsq. of Prenuhanagluer, try whom ito had (urith a date., us, to John Otoare, Feq.) tee’s, sons, Jasmee, his successor, and William, ret. 89th rrgt., nba sir. Anne, eldest dan. of John Ilyde, Rsq. of Casttr Flyde, cc. Cork, and d. s. p. 1842. Sh’ Anneeloy woes, in 1801, by lilt elder son, VII. Sin JAMEe, knight of the shire for lionegal in 1802 and ii. Archibald, wha obtained the lands of Srotston, by 1055 S T E Whaley Ablsey, eo. Wiekioss, tsy wham ho had issue, daises, present bait. William, majer io the army, dee. Anne, us. let., to William-Conolly daIsIes, Rsq. t and 2ndly, to Ricisard Rapier, Req.; arid it. RI March, 1 555i7. 5. in 1544. it. to 1554, having had isene. STE WART. e3Jw SHAW-STRWART, Slit MtCnAEL-RtuSERT, Bart. nf Groenock, and Blackhell, eo. lionfrew, latn SIP. for Ronfroevehiro; 5. 26 Nov. 1826 ; art. 28 Doe. 1852, Lady Octavia Groavonnr, 5th den, of the Merquoes m. MtcMAEL-Hntine, 6. 1504. it. Cherlea-Rohort, b. iSi6. tim. Wehter-titeherut, b. 27 June, 1561. sv. Arrhibalsl-Willieni, 6. 6 July, 1560. it. Rlira-Mery. iii. Helen. iv. Agnes-Caroline. IL tlIcihgc. JAtere STRWAnT, of Ardgowan, obtained from JAMES Vh. dan. of Wihhtern Wallace, of Johnston, and by her had iesno, Jonte STEwART, n’ho em. Margaret, den. of Archibald to parliament for the shtro of Renfrew, in the s. John (who prodereased Iris father), us, in 1661, Olery, 1 John, who ii a. p. 2 .&ncneiALn, of whom presently. 3 Walter, of Ktncerserhie. 4 David, of Kirkuseod. 1 Jannes, of Lnmloek. I Mary, in. ta Sir Alexander Cnnninghaau, of Coreebiil, and had issue. - 2 Annehel, us. to Wrn. Porterfield, of that ilk, in 1671, and had braise.