Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/37

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1(1 A N Lutlrel Hansel, rector of Church Enowle, cc. Dorset, 4th Sutton, Baron Lrxtngtos,, at the decease of isis elder eon of Lteot.-Col. Hansel, CD. Jane, sIlo 1815, Elizabeth, so. 1019, 3lajor-Gen. Steele, who d. S May, 1813. ship at. tst, in 1740, Diana, ossl- doss, of Tt,oso’ss Qloptiss Shed. 9 Jan. 1857. Sosan, so. in 1816, to George. Marquess of Tweedsiale. Georgiana-Frederiea, so. to 1323, to Fran Ilaitlie, Esq. of Deehfonr. Caroline.Caflserine, so. 13 Feb. 1823, to John-hales Caleraf I, Eeq. of Rempston Stall, cc. Dorset. Emily, d. 1927. His grace, who filled the offices of governor of Jananiea stud collector of the Custeocs for the port of Lmodoss, w:.s lord-lieutenant and eustos-rotuloresne of the eo. of Husstiugdon, and d. 18 March, 1312. Hi soon and successor, Gnoaon, 6th doLe, comm. RN., 3. 9 July, 1789;es. let, 8 Oct. 1822, Slitlieent, only dan. and Iseir of the late Brigadier-Gen. Robert fierssard-Spsrrsw, of llrampten Pane, Hnestingdonshire (desesisded paternally frous Thomas Spas’- rowe, of Somersasu, co Suffolk, a n. 1119, and naaternally frem the celebrated Sir Oliver St. John, lord-chief-justice of the Common Pleas), by lila u ife, the Lady Olivia Aehesen, oldest dan. of .rtlsur, 1st Earl of Gosford. By his let wife (who d. 21 Nov. 1818) his grace had issue, WrLLzAoa-lls000, present duke. Robert, P.C., MI’. for Duals, vice-president of Ihe Edaealion Cometitlee; 3. 24 Jan. 1823; so. 1st, 12 Feb. 1630, Ellenllary, oaly child anti Iseiress of John Cromte, Eeq. of Crcmore, es. Antri,n. and by tier (who ci. 11 Jsiy, 1837) has had issue, John-Cronsie, 3. 1 July, 1832, 3. April, 1334; Roberl-Aehosen-Cronsie, 3. 29 Aug. 1834; aad two daus., Olivia-Millirent and Ellen-Mary-Elizabeth. Lord Robert c,,. Ondly, 18 Oct. 1861, Ehioaiselh-Callsenine, dan. of Willians Wade, Esep, anti by her has, a sos, t. 3 April, 1868; Elizahetls-Catharine-llary; Olillieent; and another dais. Frederick, late of the 12th feel, 3.3 Oct. 1828; 3.29 Oct. 1834, at Sysev, N. S. IV. Ohiria, in. in Jan. 1830, to Charles-Augustus, Earl of Tankervllle. He sn 2ndly, 28 Aug. 1850, Harriet-Sydney, dan. of Conway R. Dobbs, Esq. of Castle Dobbs, co. Antslm, and had by her, George-Francis, It. 18 Jan. 1833. Sydney-Charloite. His grace 3. 18 Aug. 1015. His widow was so. 2udly, 16 Dee. 1828, to Stevessson-Artlmr ldlaekwood, Eoq. —Cetafiens—Daron and Viseoonl, 19 Dee. 1020. Earl. 3 Feb 1626. Duke, 30Apr11. 1719. Arcsz—Quarterly: 1st and 411s, arg., three lozenges, conjoined, ia fesse, go., within a borciore, sa., for Stowranr’,’lnd and 3rd, or, an eagle displayed, yen, beaked and nsemlaeresl, gn., for 3ls,ennsnaiea. Crest—A griffin’s head, eouped. wings expanded, or, gorged with a collar, sty., charged with three lozenges, gu. Sepperters—Isoxter, an heraldic antelope, or, armed, lofted, aad hoofed, nrg.; sinister, a griffin, or, gorged wills a collar, Los d Goerge Masnsors to. fssdlly, Story, dau. of Joshua Peort, as the crest. JJstte—Dispsnendo me, 5550 mutando me. ,Seet—Kimbolton Castle, ltnntingdonshis’e. Tenets Hence—h, Great Stnnhopc-street, Slayfnir. MANDEVILLE5 VIsCOUNT, doe 1IANCHESTEn, Dutcn OF. 31 A N brother, Lord Rehert llnsucero-S,stt,,,, i,t 1767.) 1 lie I ‘ri—Enq. of ltlnnkney, re. Ltiseelss, by wl,rns (eels” ‘5.11 SIts>- 1787) be left issue, s. George, Ml’. fee Oranthaec ; ‘, ‘ 1004. ss. Jolts, rnpl. in ths gssards, 3. 11 July, 1702; cc .A,ine, natural doss, of Joins, Marquess of tlrnnhy ,-as’i ‘7’in I vi’] leavuig issue, I John, ci. note. 2 P.ol,srt, ,t. in 1010. 3 Frederick, in holy ordcri, 3. in 1734; ‘a.2 Sept. 1821, Lady Itenrsettn-ttarhara, don, of John, 7th Earl ci Scorborcsngh; ned 3.30 Aug. 1810, ieaoing, I Jehn-htenry, of Keltsnns, Nests, late 31.?. for Newark, logh sheriff of Notts in 1803, 3. 1322, iii. 21 April, 1023, lloi’y, el,lest dan. of the Des’. Gnstaeess Burnahy, rector of St. Peler’s, Dedfee,t, asssl canon of 2liddlehnm, assd has isesse, John— Ilenr-Eeelyn, 3. 28 Motels, 1330, and Edtlls-Jlary; 2 W’illiam, us holy orders, 3. 1 s14, ci. anti has issue; 1 tlarriet-Georgiana-3lanin, ci. 6 July, 1822, lo the 11cr, Jolsn-Crssger llnrray-Aynsley, forsssenly reeler of W’altessin-Gordano, Somerset. lois widow as. lndly, 1837, John- Lodge Ellerten, Essi., and 1. 27 July, 1064. 4 ‘thomas,its holy orders, coasts—resides liar>’ and sob-dean of Lincoln, rector of Kelhnm; 1’. 0 Aug. 1792; i, 23 Nay. 1326, Lnry-Sarah, only child of the 11ev. llansS. Oterlineer; and 3. a p. 27 Oct. 1841. 3 George, RN., 3. 13 Jan. 1136. I Slary-Geergiana, ia. 20 Jan. 1812, to Robert-Nassau Ststlsn, Esq., who d. 7 Oct. 1333, uncle of the late Sir hlirhaed Sutton, Boil. She ci. 8 Nov. 1816. us. Ronnar, 3. 20 Jan. 1734, blowso up sn his majesly’s shsip Ardosi ;“ 1. usa. iv. Clsarles, P 11., archbishop of Canterbury, 3. 17 Feb. 1732; es. 3 April, 1773, Mnry, dan. of Tlsemas Thercton, Esq. of Serivetco, cc. Nottingisam, by wbeno be seft at hit decease, 21 Jsdy, 1328, 1 Cnaarns, late Viszonnt Canterbury. 2 Francis, noel. in the srnsy, 3.2 Jssly, 1783; as. in 1814, Star>-, eldest dan. of Layer Oliver, Esq. ot Drill tlense, Ducks; and 1. in 1823, e.p. His widow ci. 7 Jhay. 1343. 1 Mary, es. lohlogh t’ercy, bishop of Carlisle; anti 0. in 1031. 2 Diana, 3. in 1319. 3 Louisa, 3. Feb. 1026. 4 Chas’tc,tte, its. in 1312, to use Dcv. James Croft, arebdeneen of Cnnterbuey; and sl. in 1823. 3 Frances. 6 Anssa-Stns’in. 7 Isabella, os in 1800, to llessry-lVulliaso Chielsesler, Esq. 3. Nay. 1352. S Katherine, 3. Aug. 1857. 0 Caroline, cc. in 1930, te the late Rev. Charles Cisiehesser. v. Tnonas, Lor’l Mii,,a ew’. vs. Francis, capt. in the as’my, 3. ssasss. in 1781 s. Diana, sss. to Francis tlickins, Keg. of Drenches Park, in Suffolk. ii. Louisa-Bridget, so. to Edv’ard Loekweed-Pcrcevah, Esq. and 3. iss 1800. iii. Charlotte, se to Thomas Loeku’ood, Ecq.; end st. 1317. Req., and by her had an only dan., s. Stary, so. to the 11ev. Richard Lockv’eod; and 3. in 1823. TIse 5th non, I. Tar Rsouv How. Taoazxe MAnNEE5-SUTrON, 3. 24 Feb. 1736, bsrrister-at-law, solicitor-gones’nl of England, in 1801, and one of the barons of the Exchequer, was nppoissted lord-chancellor of Ireland in 1807; upssn wbiels oeeneinss he was elevated to the peerage as B.cnoos Mawonne or FasTeN, 20 April, 1807. He ci. let, 4 Nov. 1802, Acme, clan, of Sir Joseph Ceptoy, Dart, of .Sprotberough, and by Ises’ (who 1, 5 Assg. 1811) bad ste issese. Ito ot. fndly, iss 1810, Jane, doss, of Jasuos Dntlcr, of Fotharil, sssd sister of the lot Earl of Otengall, and ,t 31 Slay, 2848, having by her whts it 2 Nov. 1846) hod on only eon, his successor, It. Jonn-Taoasat, 2nd baron, who was 3. 17 Aug., 1818, assd cc, 28 Sept. 1018, l.ydiss- Se1shia, 3rd dan. of Capt. Wilhiam-Dateman Daehswt’od, R.N.,and hod issue, Josss-Tnoasae, prcsonl peer. Anrnrr, 3- 18 July, 1513 Clond-Itenry, 3. 10 Sept. 1050. Charloo-Williasi, 3. 26 Feb. 10315, Mil,trest-Jane. Stary-Theresa. Etlseldreda-Mas-3-. His lordship ,l. 14 Nay. 1864, and was r. by ha eldest sess Jossw-Tuoalaa, the lrd and present Loan Haanecas. 31 A N N ER S. MA76NEES, BARON (John-Thomas Manners-Sutton) asid gil.; Ilse let ant ‘hthqnaslei’s, each elsarge’l with two of Foaton, oo. Lincoln ; 8. 15 May. 1852; s. his deuce-do-lie, or; the 2nd antI 3rd, each nit Is a lien psssan father aa 3rd baron, 14 Now. 1864. IL dee that of the Duke of Rutland, to - Laars Onossen SlAicxans-Su’rTeN, ecu of the 3rd duke. as.; ssssister, n like usuoors, cbsrged on tlse shoulder with a <The latter surname was ssssssuod by hte lordship nposs perrcnhlis, so. Inheriting the estates ef Sic maternal granctfcsther, Robert 739 Creoliee—IO April, 1807. A ‘co—Or,two hare, as.; a chief, quarterly, of the second, gssor’hant, gold. Cs-oct—On n ehapoau, gel., tnrnest up, rim, a peaeoehc us pride, ppn. Sn1spos’bee’t—Dexter, an unicorn, arg., armrd, manod, tufted, and nnguled, or, charged ess lute shesslder with a cress, fiery, Hello—Pour y psrreair. denl—Fornhasn, near Bury St. Edmssnde. 3132