Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/38

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M A N MANNINGHXM.BULLER, RAnT., ICC DULLER, Ware, Eeq. of the co. of Cork, and was s. by his only snrviving DART. MAN S E L. HANSEL, Sin JOiiN-EELL-IVILLIASI, of 5[udsflescom)ie., so. Carrnarthen ; ii. 5 Vet. 1506 iii. 21 July, 1832, llary-Licorgiana, oiil3’ surviving dan. of the late Rev. John Dymoke, of Seriveisby, the 1-Ion. the Queen’s Champion of England, and has i. Maria. I n. Eli.’,iboili . twins iii Essnia—Janc J Sir John 9th baronet, on tho demise of his father, in 2829. iiInrafit. The fiiuii’lcr of tins family, l’niLir SLsa’srL, same into En5’lau I 550th itie i iaN’aui’niiii, aisi from bin, ‘iesee,idedSir, JoHN liasseL, Ent,, chancellor of Liin,len, and lirovost siC Revcs”ev, in the i’tpi of Ilrynv III., ant afterwards lord-risaneell, ir is that ,noi,areb. TIe s (according to the pedigree s in the family) Jü.0i, dun. ef Simon Beau— champ, Lord ef L’s Iford, and had a coil, Sin Toesm cc ‘IIi.lwrL, Kit -Tlammrri’t, who, a, H’ilih,shed writes, avas maiLs l’riooncr in the barons’ wars, 4sth JErsey iii., at Northami ‘tie.This Sir Thoma.s hs,id II,.aiss’ Slays, L, who, icoi. Eu’ 1., settled in Clans or;anshirr, soil was f,stlar of Sin WaLTEr 3I,sasns., Rut., ss’hi,se gs’oat-gr..udsisn, Rscnansi H smrL, Esq. , 0, Bury, dan and sole heim’ of Philip .Snrla5r, Li rd of Sennlage Castle, so. Glanaorgau, and wa—c. by his sin, Si’ Tires, 3l.srms,L, Rut,, whis iii. Elisabeth, dan. and heir if Sir Ji ‘Lui’osss’yo, List, ; amid hiss ds.os’i’ndant, Sir Bier Nasos’ L, in the fills JirleIsy Viii., was sent ti is beol at Co lisa 1 sf a b ‘lvof troops, to assist the br T-lq uty is, s slil’resoin a s’, Is,’lliess raised hr the Earl sf Kill..:1, asssl I.e bail oul’ or i’ ntiy a grsssst fir liZ’ if t]io s cf chamberlain if tis s ems. palatine of Chester. He isa I al. s a 4055.5 ‘1’ C,e site of the ms’naolri’y of Si ar0asn, in G1,5si ‘r,torslit,’,.a’.ol LIsa royalty ef Avon Wister. He st at’ nt tl,e year es9, owl sass s. by his s mm, Sin Erisvar.n St aseirn, Rut,, chansberhdu of Chester, and Sir Wilhiusm 4. in 1604, ammd says c. bsy his eislest son, a distiugsstsisrii oi usher, hi ,s. Es.szarmsvms. lie ,.,. Jane. stain thu. amid bob’ of Jnbss Dell, Esq. i if hlsmrcfielsl, ansi had. ef henry, Earl i if Worcester. by winos, lie hail, Thomas (Sir), as motor sf time Lsussrse Maysrn s.f Jlemrps,,s; En ssiems, if svis’sns presently; Tiobert (Sir), s’iee-aihasirai of the fleet in tie rd ens of .1 a sirs I. and CeanLrs I. ; Philip, as-hi, haul a c’si, ‘lbsias ; E5izabeth, is. to Sir Walter litre, Rut. of Nes:saii ; Lseii,. Is Rsw’i.asd Williams, Esq. of h.laisgiby Mary. . ‘.ti Cbri’ts1dser Turbervlllr, P.sq. of i’enlliame ant Aims. e’. to Eslsyard Care_c, Esq. of Nash. The 2nd sin, 1. Frasseis Maseorn, Rsq., was em’eated a Baronet, 21 Jan. 1621—2, Sir Francis ii. 1st, Catherine, dams, and heir of lIe ii. in 1620; bin widow ism 1645. llenry Slnrgan, Es1. of Mnddleseombe, and hal, SThlis r, ss’iss left ne isune. Assrni,yy (Sir), asiss fell at the battle of Nessissiry uniTer lIme three nsannehes, sa. f’,’e.sf—Acap of u,aismtenanee, cnflamsd res’al banner, leaving a semi, Eimsvamsn, ss’lmo s. is Rie nib. Traneis, ssiia ssas sloeled principal of ‘bumsCehirge, O).sCurd, smI the tsp, h’h’ JIuufli.—Qiissul vsUt value vsdt. ,fsals—Siaes— from sshneh lie s,au remos-ed in I i48, hot rcsiorssi in 1660. tells, Lhammdda, Csrsnaetbensbire; The heath, Wretbam, lie ii. in 1661. Richard, us. Catherine, dan. ansi heir of Bees Slurgan, Esq. of isehoosl, and itti a sea, Lmrn,snn, sobs o. as Ird barE. Sir Francis a.. folly, ti ‘rothy,dan. of Alban Steiney, Esq. of Frendi rgast, nil by that lady had, Jsihu, ,o. Stars-5 dun,, of Sir henry Vaughan, Dart, Edward. itasvletgh. Caeh.irine, a: tu i lair Ji ibm, Stspuoy, Hart. Cicely, ii, to tie’ urge ‘hones,Esui. Tie was .5. at iiii decease 1i isis grandson, II. Sir Enss’anei, wtmui ii, without male issue, when the title dea’olveml msp’iim ins eu olsin, Ill. Sin Ili,’,m son, wh,,;. a Miss David, dan. and heir of Dee’ Ilavisl, Es1. of Pcntry Estlll, iii Giamorgansbtrs, ansi was ,u. by his eldest son, IV. Snm Bsrii.onri I svho ‘7.msmos., amid ss’as .,. by his bnither. ‘V.Sin ‘W’ieniSam. Tins gentleman iii. Amy, eldest dan. of Sir Richard Iiis, 1 ‘ri-chancellorof irciasni, I sy wlmsinm he Lait tasirisis and three dans., and was’s, by the elder s en, Vi. Sir Rireann, svho si. Ilebecca, eldest sf William 710 N A N 5515, Vii. Sin Witnias,, SIP, for Carmartbeusbire, whas a’. Mary, oidy dan. of Jolmn Phillips, Esq., of Coedgaing, and had (with fsnr dunis., Mary, u.s. to J.-li. Davies, Esq., RN. Eliza, il. cia...; Ilarriette, iii. to 253.-U. lirigstock, Esq. and Pranees-Hemn-metta, d. 18 July, 1866), i. WiLLIAM, his sneeeseor. n. Rieharsl, H P., of Coedgaing, svlmo teak the sin’name of PimmLs.irs, by sign nianimal, 24 Jams. 1755. Mr. Hanseli’bilhpu ci. in IRK, Carsiline, icily ibis. ssnd heir siC B. —flissil itopkisis, hiss1., SIP.; and dying in Aug. 1544, left ioesse, I Cos’err.icav, late major 10th hnssars, oi. Eliza, ‘lasi.of use Rev. Jnlni Siilney, snsd issmse S EdivardIlerkeloy, late capt. 53rd regi., who i,. Mary, dan. sf the Rev. —Seeker and I Huin’iette, arEs is. Capt. C.srpenter, late 15th hinsoaro, and 1. le..ving issue. in. Francis, it s. p. in lOse. iv. Jolmn, L’S]., sit Snsedsnas e, so. Dorset, bleat-cob in the armssy 1 us. mice, and 5.20 Suns. lots. iliii ist svife it c. p.; by his 2nd (wIn ii. 6 May, is6:l), Lu issioa, sl,ns, of Edn,nndMelon Pirydell, Noq. of Wisatcianlic house, he had, I Jsbn-Clavehl, is. in 1017, os. 1st, Emnil , dsssm. of Capt. A. Binghans, u.N.. sshieh lady ii. op. in is45 ; amid 2ndly, in it4li, Isabel, dais, of Freslsrick-L h’irles-Aetsin Colville, Neq., by Shary his svife, sister sit Cisanilos, Lord Leigh, ,snd has, 1 E innsnd-Moreteis ; S Jssts is L’,slrille 3 Cearge— Pleydell, late Capt rOth ilidu s,s.,, 7 Macoh 1040, Jenaimnahenrietta dams, of Wm. llsumlstor, hIss., and of the late Cossmstesr s C Atisi’ is’s 3 Shirt is’ lirsive, Este 1db Foot, us. it May, 2049, Ehizusbetli-Arsmn,leil, Tmmsl dasm. of the late Rev, tI. -C. Franse, sf I’ssssckss.1l, amid it 26 Feb. liStS; 4 tlsven-Li,tlrell, is, hoiy ,ur,iero, roetsir of Clsum’ch Kmmswle, Dorset, u.s. is) July, 1550, T,cmsiso-Kathrrinr, yonngest ol’sss. of Lssrcl W’illian, Miumstusgn, amid grusssddsssmghter of William, 5th Duke of Manchester, and Isas issue; 6 Arthnr-Esimmsud, gril light dragusi’ns, es.6 ice. itio, Clara’ Henrtetla, eldest dan. of the Hon. Arthur Laseelles, of Nsrhey, Lheelure f’s ilaiszwonn E. of) ; I EmmaGsi’rgina, ui. 14 April. lsTT, to Cbarlrs-Riclsard Roars, Esq., bam’s’istsr’at-lsssr, eldest ssusm cC the Ven. Archdeacon of Sssrrey. v. dcom’ge, ,l. o. a’’ vi. Thuiieuo., adm. RN.; us. Sohina-Fhenmissg, dan. ef Capt. Leigh, RN., am1d hail an iimmiy dam., Sehissa Elizabeth— Cuunrtsmuay, who srae is. if Jniy, IONs, to Ahfresi Yosmsmg, Eiq. son sf Capt. M’sttbesv Vising, iSV snsd trandsen of the Rt. Rev. shustihiew Yiunng, Ut)., Bishop of Cisinferl. vmm. Riubert-Chriutuipher, hicnt -gsn., E.ti.. eoi. 60th regt., i,s,Areehus, elssis. of Ansi. Sir Chinks T5—icr, 0-C. B., amid if. t April, 1t64, baring had he,, darn., of wbsns the yossmsger, (leorgtulmsa, mus. 2:5 Dcc. 1045, .Iobmm-Dusvy Drett, Roil., late maj’’r 17th lasmeers, elsiest semm of time late Rev. Ju’Ln Droll, of 1St rsingb.sns, ,iurfuuhk. 2161. Sic Winnie’s, S. in 1761; ‘ 171i0, Elizabeth, William-Juilmmm, hi iss’iy srders; isi. ims 1614, harriet-Charlotte, INst slasm. sf—ee Ohivem’, Es’1. sf Rs’llI house, Ce. Dimeks ; asmil si in ISIS, le.svimsg C. smmr slasms. , isis heirs; lienrietta Chmarlstte, .5. ims 1615, Is Sir Tlssmuae Pbiflipps, Dart., of )hmlslle Still; t’anislisse-Maey, is. ab Jmmiy, 1017, ts the Rev Fresleriek-Leigb Colvils, sie,sr of Leek Wont— ties, Cs. Warwick; Fr,snses’lieurietta, us. It Feb. 2855, to the Rev. t’ntisbent S. Ca,,’; and Aimgiiota, as. us 1845, to the Rev Metier Toimsell, Jeiise-BELL-WmT.Lm aam, tbe huresesmt bam’enet. Ci’esCisus—14 Jan. 1811-5. Asai.I—.tmV., a chevron, between Remit. MAN S El E L P. MANIFtELD EABL OF (Sin William-David Murray, co. Notte, and Eas’l of Mansfield, co. Middle.