Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/39

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M A N sex, in the peerage of England; Viscount Stormont, David Stiseray, of tialvaird, 3rd ;ersois 1,5 the lhss-tss7o), as ills and Earon Scone and Balvaird, in the pecrage of vsseonsst, This noblesse,,, its - Elieal,clh, el,lcsl dais. ,,f .lssnses, Scotland; hereditary keepor of the palace of Scone Earl of Sassthesk, antI scisl,,so of tlseaf,,eccs,i,l- .ta,s,cs, Each of lord-lientenant co. Clackmannan; 5. 21 Feb. 1806 Annandale, ansI svas at his decease, is, 1000, ly ish son, so. 8 April, 1829, Louiaa, 3rd dau. of Cuthbert nahlsman so. 3largery, ously dau. of hand Ce,,tt, Esq., of Scot— Ellison, Esq. of Hepburn Hall, co. Dnrham, and by tarvet, its Ilse co. t,f Fife, by svhc,na lie had ioruo, her (who ci. 24 Nov. 1837) has, s. Wiaress-DAvID, Viscount Slai’tas,it, lata lient. gran.-gds. 8. 22 July, 1075; Ct. tAng. 1857, Emily-Louisa, eldest dan. ef late Sir Jahn AtlaalI MacGreges3 hart. af IslacGrcgar, and has WsLLsAar-Davsn, 8.20 July, 1860; Andrew-David, 0. 25 Sept. 1863; Alaa-Davsd, 8 25 Oct. 1864; lttarjary Lanisa ; and another dan. 1. Loaioa-Nina, ta. 21 Jaly, 1851, ta flit Iton. Oearge-Edwia Laseelles, 3rd sen of Henry, 3rd Earl of liarewsod. His lordship a. Isis father, 18 Feb. 1840, and inherited his grandmother’s peerage at her death, 11 July, 1848. He was appointed, 2 May, 1859, Her Majesty’s High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Itiittiigt. ties WILLIAM SlUeaAY, afTntlibardine, ii. abetst the year 1511, leaving, with ether issue, WILLIAM, ancestor ef the yokes of Attest;; and Sm A.veasw Slrssav, wha a. Stargaret, dat,. and sets heir of James Barclay, of ilalvaird, by whom lie aeqairea the estates ef Arngeste, tlatvaird, Hippo, Lc., aisd was a. by Isis elder sen Sm DAviD SIcsaAv, of Itatvaird, Aengssk, Ac., wha a. Janet, aisler sf John, OtIs Lord Lindsey, end had issne, I. Arenscsr, Ins ,nccesser. si. Wihia,,s, ef letter Iianathv, who waa ,. by lila eldest son, David, of L’algony, Ac., wha was a. by his eldest son, The ttev. Axnsw jIossAy, nunisler of Abdy. in 1815, who David, 0th Vistenat Sfarnsont, 1. 0 Nov. 1731, and was a. by Isis e. at the decease of the 1st Lerd Stornaaunt, to the Baronies olsler 5015, Arngask and ttippa, and was elevated te the peerage 17 deos. end lseinsfJalsn Stosnart, Esq. of tnaseryualie, hsy wisosu ise laasl, Nov. 1661, as Loan BaLvAman. the lordship at. Eliealjeth, 0th dan. of David, 1st Earl ef Santhesk, and was a. by isis eldest son, David, 2nd Lord tlalvaird, ef schem hereafter, aa 411, Viscount Sterinont. Sir David Murray sl. in 1558, and was a. by hh elder sen. Ssa Aeneew Stueaot, of Ilalvaird, wise left Ity Isis had wife, lOis lssrdship d. in 1745, end was a. by his elder son, Lady Janet Gralsnns, 4th dass. of Wiltinns, 2nd Earl of Monteese, fonr sans, t. Avnaew (Sir), so. Margaret, dan. of John Ceielslen, of privy-conneiltor to the Elector of Sax’,ny, by whona (who it. Strethnrd, and had, Andrew (Sir), of Dalvaird, who its. p. in 1624, and c-as a. by his natlo. 1 Anne, so. to Stnngs, 2nd Viseonnt Stormont. 2 Siargarot, so. te the Laird ef Pancho. sa. David Sir), of Gespertie, of svlsnm Isersafter as heir to lus Ito 55. hndly, isis 1776, Lossise, 3rd dee. of Charles, 0th Lord nephew. sit. idobert, Archdeacon of Dnukeld. sv. Patrick (Sir), ef Dyn and Drnmeatrn, an officer iii the 10 Oct. 1707, the lIon. Robert-Fulko Crevtble, son of the ist gnards, naneh emplayed by JAMES Vt. in settling the oharets. Earl of Brooke and Warwick, cud by belies, who 5. in 1824, left Sir Patrick ,t. a-p. Upon the decease of his nephew, Sir Andrew Marray, of Datvaird By Lossise, his hsad uSfs (svho st. 11 July, 1043), tlss earl Isad isaac, saithont issae, Sin DAvID Stcnny, of Gospertie (the 2nd son), srss served Iseir of the fansily. This genttensau wite was cup-bearer to J.sMes Vt, beeonaissg a great favonrito with that sssanaeeh (having been instns,saentat in saving his life frons the attenapt of the Earl of Gowns and Isis brother, Str. Iie,thven, in cIsc town of Perth, 5 Aug. 1600), accompanied tlse king to England, and was created Locsl Scone, 7 April, 1608, having previossshy received a grant of the ahab abbey of Scene, of which the Earl of Gawido had been cosnmendator. His lordship was advanced to the Viaeesinly 5/ Slsesesst, 16 Aug. 1621; assd Isaviug no issue, lsc obtained a reversionary clanse ha the patent, eonfeeing the hanourt upon Sir Mango Otnrray, of Drunsenirn, and several of his kinsmen. His lordship ii. 27 Aug. 1831, and was bnried at Scone, svhere a snagnificent naonnanent was erected to isis mensary, llis lsanossra devolved, according to the extended limitation, isposs Sm 3tuNon Olcaeae, of Drnaseaim, as 2nd viscount. This nebleman to. Anne, elder dass. of Sir Andrew Olssrray, of Palvaird, and niece of his predecessor; bet dying without issne, in 1642, the honours of Stormont, by virtno also of the entail, n Jocabile, and drinking Ike I’neteusden’s health at Mn. Vemons, descended to JAams MesssKr, 2nd Earl of Annandsie, as 3rd Viscount Stermsnt; were enenimons in nepsrting ts the king that Iko change svas at whose decease witisont isnse, hosrover, in 1658, the groundless. Mr. Vernon seas a nsereer on Ladgate-hill, who Viseossnty of Storasont and Barony of Scene devoleed upon DAvID MuRRAY, 2nd Lord Balvaird (refer to children of Sir Westminster School, devised to that gonhiosnan estates ha tha 741 1I A. N DAvID, Oils Viscassut Slosssss,,st stud 3rd H ‘r’lIlolvaird. This 5. hsxvsn, isis snceesstr. is. Janses, SLP., tl. in 1770 In. WILLIAS5, 8. at Sc,ttse, 2 3harels, 1705; wits, tteing called ta the English isar in 1730, altainsesl, will, ssssproecdentcd rapidity, tlso lnglaest reputation cud lt,asotsr sf Pint ardisous tarofessiets. In 1733, lie seas esssocialod with hue attorney— gerersl, ‘falhot,stsd the si,lieilor-general, Yorke, iii an appeal ease hiss Ike llouse of I .ards and scas sot’s afterwards engaged its so ssaass y sinsilar casasos, that isis friend I’o;so ad’lrcssed to bins his Isnitahion of the Sixth Epistle of the First llssk of llerescc, congratulalory of lhe cirenmslanco. In 1742, tIns eloqssotst advocate, the silver - tongssed Otnrray,” svas appoioled solicitor-getseesl l is 1751 alloyney-gcneral ; and in two years subscqucoty, 8 Navcnsher, 1756, he because lord-chicf-justieo of else court of King’s Bench, svlsen (an tho sante day) lie was elevaicd to Iho peerage, as Amos,. dfao.sficlel, ,sy .lltsaoylcld, is use es. of Jfcttisoykoos. his lordslnp was created, 10 Oct. 0776, EARn. or ItAessrseLn, svillu ressaairsdcr, of ttse dignity of Conntoso of 3tansfleld, to Lesuisa, Vhcsnnlcss Storsoont, wife of Isis nephew, Davisi, Viscount Sloessiont, under the tsspres— sian, at that leriod, that no English peerage could be linailed to a Scottish peer, even in rensahader; when use converse was, lsooevcr, eatablished in 1ev’, his lordslsip oh- rained anottser patesst, dated 1 Asug 1702, creating lains EARL or MAesrseLn, cu fast 0Cc,5, ca. Jfi,l’tlcocx, withs resssainder to isis nephew Visconsst Slorsssasst. Otis lard— sisip so. in 1738, Ehieabeth, dee. of Daniel, Earl of Wisaelailsea and Nottinghatsa; bet dying s.p. 20 Slarets, 1703, in the 00th year of Isis age, the originsah Ilarony so Mansfield cx1 sired, sclsile she tsvo earldossss devsalvocl according to tiso specific litnitntion.5 5. Slagjorv, s. to Pet. Jolan ltay, of Croualix, co. Perth. is. Assaelis, as. to Sir Alexander T.hsdsey, of Evetiek. DAvID, 0th Viscount Stornasnt; arise as. in tf23, Anne, only I. DAvmn, Isis scseeosssr. ‘I.Janses, st. ississe. s. Anne, 1. stoat. 0 July, ISiS. is. Mangeny, 1. 10 April, 1709. To this lady end her sister, Anne, the king greeted, 30 April, 1703, ike place and precedency of the dee,. of an earl. t)Avun, Ttta, Viscount Storsnoual, ItT., 8. 0 (Yet. 1727; ssho sit. lot, in 1755, htenrietta-Frcdcnica, dan. of Ileery, Cotmt idsusan, Ii March, t7fO) iso had ouse surviving den. EcseAaaTnJttAnY, sit. in 1780, to George Pincls-ltatton, of Eesfsvetl Park, SIP.; and it. 17 Feb. 0S23, leaving, witls other issne. (iroeue-WILLIASI-FtNost-lhArrex, 0th Earl of Winclselsea. Cafiseant (which laity o. es Cossustess sf Stasssflebd, aessh us. 2ndly, a son aussi tavss deens.—&c stssstes title s_f leaonr AND Wanwscn). 5. WsLs_sAat, late earl. it. George, lient.—gon. in floe nniay; Ys. 1780; 5. in I 5d0. us. Charles, nsusjon in the army; 8. 22 Aug. 1751 ; s.2l Sepi. 1502, Etiaabelh, dan. of the bsste Eev. John Lasv, D.D., and ii. in Paris, 07 Sept. 1800, leaving isone, 1 Chaeles-Hobent, an officer iss the arnay. 2 William, ssi. 12 Oct. 1854, Josephine, clan, of tiso tate H-S. Drapiti, of Stone and Bnesscto. I Louisa. Iv. Itanry (Sir), a gensral in thu nnnsy, OLC.B.; eel. of the 14th dragoons, a distiegssishod Ptninstslar and Watonioo officer; 8. 0 Aug. 1751; ist. 28 June, 1510, Enaily, dao. of Gerard do Vtome, Esq.; andst. 20 July, 0800, havtnghad, I Henry-Stornsont, bin 1012; ci. 12 Aug. 1061. 2 Prederiels-Stornaont, RN., 8.23 Starch, 1813. 3 Artttnr-Stormont, 8. in 1820 oapt. in tile entry; sc. Many, dan. of the late Capt. Polkinghorne, EN., and ,t. in 1845. lOis svtdow sst. hndly. 1551, J.-C. hawker, Esq., which nsarriago ‘ensdissolved in 1856. 1 Sesan-Ensily. 2 Gertmde-Lecstsa. s. Caroline, sf 21 Jon. 1507. * In 1701, n charge was mado against Mr. Munray, for being to sohich he gave a denial npan oath, and the lards of the cocsncil having lost his only son, Mr. Murray’s friend and companion at cos. of Chester aced Derby.