Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/371

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S T U C L E Y. STUCLEY, Sm GEORGE-STUCLEY, of Rosusdhom, Co. Bcrho, and 5. 27 April, 1510, leaving by of Affeton Castle aud Hartland lser (who survives) issue, Abbey, in the eo. of Devon, Bert., i. Ste Gnoaos-STUcLEY STUeLEY, created a Baroael, only son, late M.P.forBarnstaple; lt.-cl.comsuaudant Devonshire artillery; high i. Lsnisss, sss. in 1810, 10 Samuel Trelsassks Itokewich, ISsq. of sheriff of Devonslsire in 1863; ii. 17 Aug. 1812; created a Baronet mm. Bsnma-Helena, inst si. 05555. in 1840. 26 April, 1859; at. 22 Bee. 1835; Lady Elizabeth O’Bryen, dan. and eoheir of William, late Marquess of Thomond, KR, by whom be lbs fossaily of Stecley is of very sssscient origlu, assd has issue, ST U ST U ART. k0:J4’ . Suar, SIR CHAuLEO-JAIIES, The family of Duck, the paterssal ancestors of Sir GeorgeSteseley MA., of University College, Ox- Jones BUCK, the Orst of whom sre have assy acesunt, Os. ford; barrister - at - law of the who ,l. 14 Oct. 1001, assi svas lsssricsl at lsi,leferd. lmo es. Inner Temple; 8. 24 Jan. 1824 ; s. (who it. 1700), leovissg issue, 14 July, the decease of his L I tzrar. This family, originally frem Scotland, settled in Ireland, Gn,sns:e Bucic, of Bi,lcfor,1, was ssvsss times oaayor of in the neighbourhood of Onsagh, Co. Tyrone, about the that town, and J.P. for Ohs en. of Devon. lie so. Sonsn, period of the Restoration. TOE Rev. JOHN STUART, DO., rector of Kingston, aud S’es’rLev descosst), assd ,i. 9 Nov. 1745, lsavissg 1 sy her (wlso ecclesiastical eosnsoisoioner for Upper Cauada, 0. 24 Fob. sI. 4 Feb. 1742) hod issue, 1740, eldest son of Andrew Stuart, Esq., ci. 12 Oct. 1775, m. Itarisrell Bock, 0.5 April, 1590, and sic. p. 14Apr11, U47. Jane, dan. of Ocorge Olcill, Esq., younger brother of Join, n. I.owis bock, 5. Slay, 1701, audit. s.p. 1st Dec. 1133. Okill, Esq. of Lee hail, near Liverpool. lie S. at Kingston, iv. George Rock, 0. April, 1710; st 1719. in Aug. 1811, and had (with three dons., Jane, Mary, and The OrsI son, Amse), five sons, viz., 1. Gearge-Okill, D.D., arelssieaeon and rector of Kingston, 0. Joists Muon, of Bi,lef,srsl, svsss tbrcs tunes mayor of that in Aug. 17751; so. 2 Oct. 1803, Liter, dan. sf Slsjsr-lieocral tesvss, assd sense tinse lIP, for ‘fatsntoss. ITo ,l. 3 .5 pril, Brooks, and lies an only son, George-Okill Smart. it. John, I. in 1775, deceased; so. 1003, Sophia, don, of B. of Bi,Sefsr,i, by wlsosn (svlso 55, iss 1739) he hod isseso. lie Jones, Esq., and lied issue, Andrew, of hamilton; Mary, so. es. 2ndly, Grace, only chill of Itugor ltolhnioh, Req., by 1032, Sir Allan-N. Starnab; and Sophie. Itt. JAsses, created a l;aroocl. iv. Charles, 0. so 1782, dsecssed. v. Andrew, solicitor-general of Lower Canals; S. in 1040. Tue third son, JAN55 SroAaT, Esq., LL.D., 0. 4 March, 1780, was in. William Bock, 0. 0 Josssc, l735s st. I Jane, 1751, 5. p appointed solicitor-general of Canada in 1005, and attorney- lsavimsg sss. Ilary, dan. of Tlsonsas COlby. general in 1025. Mr. Stuart havissg attained Ingh reputation The el,ieot son and lssir, as a lawyer, became, in 1030, chief justice of Lower Oenaea ibsen, of Affoton and Doddon, and Jr. fur Co. Canada, and was created a Baronet of the United Kistgslosn ilevoss assd tss of Bi,iefsrd; 0. 7 Jnly, 1711 ; s. to the in 1040. lIe as. 17 Starch, ISIS, Blisabeth, doss. ssnd h,tr of Affetois estates ssss the dessth of isis 050siss, Ilennis Stuolcy, Alexassder Robertson, Esq., descended from the Russnssvoors iss 1715 (side Svuos.nv dsscossi), arsd sI. 1; Juts. 1794. lIe so. s.f Faskolly, co. Berth, and left lottie, i. CnARexs-Janeo, preseof baronet. is. EowAao-Aaoeesr, 5.20 Der. 1032; rapl. let royals. in. James, in holy orders, 5. 22 Oel. 1037 i. Mary-Catherine. Crco Gss:—l040. Aross—Or, a Ossso, elsoqoy as., and ems., hshrecn, in chief, two crosses parSe, go., ansi ia t’asc, a hustle, 115-all wilisiss a barclssre of use second. C’rcsl—st Pssssssso finest, fsseowise, therefrom issssaot a densi— lion, rampant, Issidiog in the stealer paw a thistis. .il.fsffo—Joslitise praposili4oe tsnsx. STU iLIntac. Steseley, Bssrt., wcrs for snssssy generations seated in ths so. of Dsvon. Ssssassssa liartwoll, by whom ho hal issue, Fi,vssvwet,s. Burn, Sibella, dao. of John I”srd asid Dorothy Pcssssicot his seth 1. Jslsn B,sek, 0. 1 July, 1505; ,t. II Aug. 1710, 5. p., Isaviag sss. Elieahcllm, den. of I’ssssl Orclsard, lisq. it. William Bock, 0.3 Jane, 1009; lest at sea, s.p. 555. Ceases. m. l’atienee, 5. 11 Oct. 1001; ,l. 1705, having es. it. Dorothy, 0. 13 lIre. 1007; 55. 1713, havhsgso. O’srge Stnsnge, who si in 1730. The lrd son, only dssss. of Lewis Storlsy, of Bideford ansi Affs-tsn (side sit. Jassw. 1741, having si. lot, Juditis, only child ssf William I’awlsy, whom it does ssst appear he Isad any iinoc. The issue by Isis 1st wife were, m. Geoson Green. Ilor. Lewis Cods, LL.i)., 0.2411cc. 1711; ,t• -1’ 1-1 .pril, 1783. Assne, sloss. of Fssnl Orchard, of 1 lartlassd Alt! Icy, amid isy her (who ci. 11 Fob. 1020, aged 90), ho hod issue ass only son, Gsonos STUCLEY BUCK, of Affcloo, srlso st. 30 Nov. 1701, aged 30, having os. Itartha, eldest sloe, of ilse Tier. Richard iteats, rector of Itideford and Iting’s Nynsplsn. By her (sho el. 30 Nor. 1033, aged 80) Its hod issue, I Oeorgc-Panl-Orelssrst llnrk, 5. an,! 1. 1791. 2 Geos-gs-Fawlcy Bock, 0.251 Joly, 11o2; ci. 21 May, 1805. 3 Lesvms-Wsasatt. 4 Richard Rock, of Bideford, capt. U.N.; 0. 21 Oct. 1703; it. 12 Aug. 1550, leaving issue, by Angelica StcDonald, isis svife. 1 Blisobeth, 0. 0 Slay, 1787; sss. Col. Zaehas’y Claltsrbssck Boyly, BA. They ate both deceased. TIso 3rd son, and the hole of his grassdfatlsor, Lewn-W srLsAac BUCK, of Affcte,,, svas souse tisne SIP. for the northern division of co. Dsvon, assd one of tlse ssqnis’ss to Admiral Sir Richard Goodsvin Keats, K.B.,at his installation in 1012. He sss. Ames, dan, of Thosssas Robl,isss, sole reprcsentslivs of SAsAn SvucLev, n-ifs’ of isis immediale ancestor, George Lock, as above mentioned. Peamsrc, es. Devon, Mu’. Jfainiljj Of tliflfV. svas seated in Ilosstissgdonshire as early as the time of Biemsann I., assd also in the co. Sosuersst iss the beginssing 5, Wsms.tass-Lnwso, licsst, -eel. grensdier-gssarrts, 5. at of the 11th century. RscssAno Svues.oiv, of I’rcnt, iso the coisnty of Somerset, It. Lssvis-G eorgo-Orclsard, bout. 10th foot, 0.23 April, 1041. nnd aeeomdhsg to the authorities of Risdon and Or. Stssuoly was of the county of Mssntingdets, living 115 1414. lIe sss. Ehaalseth, dan. amid heir of Johss, Lssmd Fit000gem,V of Sir George Stueley and his issue wsre anthomized, Chesvtnn, us that county, assd conslis and heir of Thomas by royal liecnee, doted 27 Jnly, 1858, to take the Fitzhtegsr of the same place. her first husband wss Johss name of STUCLEY only, and to bear the arms of Bsssvile, son of Wihians Dossvile, Chevalier, by whoes she had a son, Willians Bonnie, who wsss aged 21 at ths time liz e Gessoa, 17 Assg. 1i30. in. Edward-Arthur-George, 0. 12 Feb. 1552. t. Eliaabeth-Anns-Georgiana. Stueley quartes’ly with those of his OWL family. 11173