Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/372

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ST U of Iser death. She was joint feoffee with her husband, Richard Study, otherwise Styveele, us the manor of llershton, eo. Sussex, and Roger Styveote was by this union her elder sen and heir. Besides this Roger, Richard Stueley had issue by her (who ii. iS April, 1424), another son, Ruon STUCLEv, who os. Katherine, dan. and sole heir of John Affeton, of Affeton, in the county of Devon, by Elizabeth his wife, part isslseritrix of Sir Roger Manning- ford, of es. Dorset. Mrs. Stneley rs-married Sir Wiltians L’onrehier de Fitzwareis, lust., who wiGs her was seized of the manor of Affetssi.° She ii. tO March, 1467, leaving by her first husband, NicHolAs STUC’Lev (or Stnole), her eon and heh’. lie so. Thoniasine, eldeat ,htsi. of John Eoleesverthy, of Tarneseombe, Emma, d. lTi Ang. 1834. cc. Devon, widow of Itotiert Chnddelegli, and by her (who 5. 29 Nov. 1477), left, STE TUONA5 SmeLLY, of Affeton, Knt., who si. Ansie, SIR IIuSIPRREY STYLE, lint, of Langley, son of John dass.aTsd sole heir of Sir Tbomao Wend, of tJyffe, en. Devon, Style, alderman of Lnnitois, and grandson of William Style, lint., chief-justice of the l’otinoon I’leas, and if. 30 Jasi. of I pawieh; was sheriff of Kent ii the IPitti year of RENRY 1311, leaving a son and heir, Sm Huon Smocrey, of Atibton, lint. tie iS. Jane, 2nd This gontloosais o. Itch get, dan. of Sir Thomas Daidrey, don. of Sir Lewis I’sllard, of Great Urihlestnn, es. Devon, lint., anil had three sons, viz., lint., and 5. 6 Jan, 1319, teasiTig Lewie ScueLoY, of Affeton, his eon and heir. He if. I Dee. 2461, having ie. Dorothy, ,lau. of Sir tlilee Hill, and left issue, Jonee STeerEr, of Afi’eten, isis sen and heir, who oi. Frances, 2nd dan. of Sir John St. Leger, of Amery, CO. Devon, Knt., by Catherine hte wife, dan. of George Neviti, Lord Ahergaa’enny, KG., and d. 13 Jan. 1619, teaming a son and heir,t SIR Lewis Svueenv, of .Xffeton, Knt lIe ai. Frances, TI. Nicholas, an ahdernoan of London t it. TO 1613. eldest dan. of Antlsoisy Menk, i’f J’so’thvridge, es Devon, The end soil, sister of Sir Thomas honk, of Powtheridgo, lint., and aunt Omvru Seven, Roep of Wt.toringtenry, en. Kent. Re 10. in of George Monk, Disks of .tlhemarle, and it. in 1620, 1032, and wss a. by hia only snrvivnig SOO (by Ssisamia, dan. leaving issue, Jsnx STeven, of stffeton, and of Weot Werlington, who I Tseost,ea STyLE, Raq. of Watoringbnry, n’ho was created if. 31 Jan. 1637, leaving issue, Sia Tnnxon Svueunv, of Affotsn and West Worllngton, dos,. and tsoiress of Robnrt Fomstkes, Req. of ltountneasing, lint., his son and heir; lie if. 40 Sept. 2663, hut without en. Essex, and had ianne, TseoMAo, his aeteceaaor; Eltsabeth, baying malo issue snhooqnentiy ones-icing; and be was us. to John Months, Req ; Snoan, ni. to Sir Joins React, a. by his brother in the Affoton estate, Lewis STUOLeY, of Affoton and Dideford, en. Devon, chaplain to Oliver t’romwotl. lie 0. Sosanna, dan. and Wilhians Airmilse, Dart. of Osgodtsy, aisd had two sons and es-heir of Robert Dennis, of Riitef,ird, merchant, and it. fonr daisa. Sir Thnnst,n us. lndiy, Maegaret, dan. of Sir July, 1687, by whom (who if. in 1692) he hal isosle, I. Denais Stoeley, of Affetois aisd ltideford, who if. i’o,a. in jndge.s of the Cusirt of hug’s t’,elscts, ai,d bad, with othes’ 1741. It. Thomas Stueloy, svho it. tieforo 10 Sotit. 1743, leaving Margaret, ra. to Robert Vynor, Req. Sir Thomas if. 19 Nov. issue, Dennis Staelos’, who s. lo the Aitnien eslaleo, and t, in 1793.7 ITT. Lewis Staeley, of the Middle Temple,, 12’. Sits Tnomao, who ‘a. Ehioatictl,, dan. of Sir Charlos ssaater of ltio tteoeli of tho Sooioly of the Middle Toniple ansI if. willioot issue is 1716. Holhanl, Dart., end had, I. SA5AIT, only dos., iii. to Geoeoo Ituec, of Bidoford, moechant, i. Cn,satre, t,ia soeeeeaor. eiayor of that losvo, aol jisotire of the peace fsr the n. Itoberl, vicar of Waloringhory aed I crier of Mereworihi; eo. Dovoo, as elated 00gm iii the lineage, and was anoestress of the preseot STe Gooeoe-Sxnceov StroLex, hart. Ceeafioo—26 A1,rit, 1099. A eisa—Quarterly, ist sod 4th, so., three pears, or, for SToeLee led ailil lril, 7ier foes, oait,a I tb-f, arg. acid ia. three blsoiss’ atlires, each Sxef to the scalp, conisterehangod, for tore. ftieof—ttotiveeo a bock’s attires, as us the arnss, sa., a lion rampant, or, tue oiaistee pasv isoldinit a baltic-axe, rosliag on the shoalit oe, p’r. Seals—I Jartlanit Atit:ey, and Affetoii CaiTle, Dovonnhtre. Thv,s isaac—S Eaton Square. The family of Affolon wero resident at itffeton in Ihe lime of Enwoen I. Ttlrongh tho St. lAger descent Sir U. Sloeley Stneiey, Bats,, descends from the blood royal of England. 7 Upon his death the Affeton estates devolved on his cousin and heir, George Back. ( Ebb Buca deaeeaf STY S T Y L E. STYLE, SIR THOMAS-CHARLES, of Wateringbnry Piaco, Kent; J.P. and DL. for vo. Donegal; M.P. for Scarborough from 1837 to 1841; &!Jo 9. 23 Aug. 1797; inherited, as 8th hart., at the doooaoo of Ma brothei, 5 Nov. 1813; us. 28 Oct. 1822, Isabolla, dan. tif Sir Georgo Cayloy, Dart, of Pirompton, co. York, and had a dan., iftnragr. VIII., and one of lhe osqoires of the body to that monarch i. Edinoad, whod at Langley, and was ,. tiy Ins son, WTLLIAOT, whose son and saconesor, ilesIrseex, Rot. of Langley, gentlemaa of the privy doomher is JAMES I., and eoptearer to CITAOL0O I., who was created a Baronet, 20 Jta. 1627. Ito Ia. Elizabeth, that,. aad heir of Robert Peralsall, Eoq., of Linoolo’o-inn, and widow of Sir Robert Soevill, lent, of Eynsford, but had 110 bean. lIe died 10 Novenibor, 1629, when his baronetcy became extinct. TT. Oetvee, of wham presently. of Johli Dull, Esq.), a Dai’onet 32 April, 1037. Sir Thomas ni. Elizabeth, only Dart. ; and Anne, to. to Sir Jolsn hock, ttas’t. Sir Thomas dyhig 28 Oct. 1037, was s’. by his only son, It. Sin THOMAS, who iii. tat, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir I’hiinsao Twiadon, Earl. of ttradtmei:e, Kent, one of the toano, who d. ness., Tnoa,ae, who a. aa 4th barolset ; and 1703, and svso a. by his oon, Ill SiR OLiveR. This geiitleman if. a. p. in Feb. 1703, and was s. by his holf-brothor, wl,o so. Priscilla, dan. of use 11ev. John Davis, toy whom he had iossne, I Charles, late of Otonmore, Strasorlar, en. Denegal; 8. in 1777 is. in April, lot2, Fraeeni, eldest dan. of John Coeh— rano, Esq. of Edsnnsore, Stronorlar; silt Dee. 1883, ant has lised, Charles kin 1816: us. Emma, don. of John-FraneioNorrio, Req., aisd if in 1046, leaving, Emma-Frances. William, in holy orders, ii. 1850. t’harli,tte. Annie, us. to Lient.-Cnh. John-Pitt Kennedy. Frances, deceased. Henrietta. Ehizabeuli, us. to James Hamilton Rsimphxeya, Rsq. isabotta. 2 Thomas, capt fiN. deceased. 3 WILLiAM, capt. RN., of Dienstor Rouse, Oxfordsbire 8. 26April, 1799; ni. 22 May, 1816, Loniea-Charlntte. dan. of theHon. Jacob Marshans, and baa bad ioene, WDIiamHenry Marehans, of Ohoninoi o, en. ilonogal, us. in 1848, Roeamnnd.Iltarian, dan. of lord Tredogar, and has issne, William-Cliarleo-Marelssnn, ltneainnnd, Selinaloatuetla, and Lydia-Frances; Cbarloa-Montagno, in holy nrdere, si ‘24 SopL told, Jeseie-Etiaat,eth, dan. of EobertBidloek Mariliom. Req., hi.tLL.., of C’oooi’sfield Rnnse, warden of Meetan C’nllege, Oxford, asd his wife, laity Carimelsaeh- Aestrothier; Albert-Frederick ; Frances- Isabella-Anise, nt. I Sept. 1390, to the tale Henry Stewart, Req. of Coreani Stranorlar, atid din 1969; r.,sd Louisa-Rmms-Frineihha. 1 Charlotte. 2 Margs.retta, us. to John Johnstone, Rsq. 1074