Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/377

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SUP IL iiicc. Tius is a branch of the House of Howard, Dukes of I 2 Treonaa, 3rd earl. Ills lordship n. 1st, Frances, dan. of Norfolk, springing from Thnmae, the 4th duke, and his I Sir Richard harrison, lint, of btnrst,, cc. Ilerks, by whosn dud wife Margaret, only dan. and heiress ni Thomas, Lord I he had I’m dans., Fraaces, sin, ta Sir Henry Wiaehcembe, £tndley of Walden, E.G., throngh their eldest son, Loun Tarmac HOWARD. the heir of his mother’s estates, I and Mary, svho 1. unan. Ills terdalup m. Sadly, Margaret, and a distinguished naval officer in the reign of Queen I dan. of Sir Thnmnss Parker, ltnt. of llattaa, en. Sussex, EUZABETR. lbs lerdehip was restored hr blood (his father, I but by that lady had no iesne. tied. 12 April, 1706, when the duke, having been aitainted an’l beheaded in 1672) I the hnnnnrs devolved npnis his grrat-nephc-e, by act of parliament in the 27th year of her majesty; and in twelve years afterwards, 24 Oct. 1597, sammoned to parlianrent, I to the Esridem of SnBnlk, as 11th sari. as Lord Howard, nf 11a&fc,s. ills lordship was I in. Hears’, srhn a. Elizabeth, only dat,. and heir of William created Earn, or Sueroz.v, 21 Jnly, 1693, and inntslled a I Bassett, of Blore, in Staffordshire, and left an only dan., knight of the Garter. To Ida lordship’s vigilance the discovery I Eznzasnzu, a,. lo Sir John liarpur, of Swsrkstna, in Hert of the Gunpowder Plot has been mainly attribnted. ISis lordship was elected ehasreeller of the university ef Cambridge in 1615, and ennatitnted lord-high-treasurer of England in the following year; of which high office he was iv. Charles (Sir), re. Itary, dan. and heir of Sir John File, deprived in 1658. His Iordnlnp as. 1st, Mary, sister and en- heiress of Thomas, Lord Dacre, of tlillealand, but bad ns I him, and ‘a. 4thty, Sir Itimbard Grenvilte, Start, of Kitkbnsnptan, issue. He rn Sndly, Catherine (tire lady who incurred the eensnre of the Star-chamber), eldest na,,. a,sd ce-heiress of Sir henry Knsvet, lint. of Charlton. Co. Wills, and widow s’. Robert (Sir), KB. s-s. Willlana (Sir), Kit. of the lien. Richard Hich, eldest oars of Lord Rich, by I a-n. Edward (Strl, ED., created Beans itnwean of Ezeekb. whom ho had (with other issue), s. THEO?05LU5, his successor. ii. Thosnas, who snceesded to the isdreritaaee of his mother I aftersvards to Lord Vanzc. The descendants of this lady hare at Chartten, eo. Wilts, and treing master at the horse to I been the dispntants fer the Eartdem of Itanbnr-. Cssaates, Priace af lVales, was elevated to the peerage, as I n. Frances, as. lit, to Robert Devereasa, Earl of Essex; arid Zerd Heward, sy U1,arltee, sad rmnianaf Aadaaer, 23 Jan. I Sndly, In Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset. 1621 22; installed a knight of firs Garter, 16 Dee. 1623, aad I rim. Catherine, s,s. In William Cecil, Earl of Salisbury. created EAaL or Besasnine, 6 Fel,. 1623-6. Tins neblensan Thomas, 1st Earl of Snifolk, d. 28 May, 1626, and wan s. by dnring the civil sears, espoused witts great zeal the reyal his eldest eon, cause, and snbseqnently lived ins retirement until the restoration of the monarchy, svhea, in caasiderattea of his fidelity, Tunnpmzrgn, 2nd earl; v-ho had been nnmmoned to he et,tained a grant, heritable by his son, Sir Robert Steward, parliament in the lifetime o f his fatisor, as Lnr,t Hnwas’d ef of use farm of tire revenue of pest-fines, for forty-eight I Waldea. His lordship was installed a krshgbt of the Gartsr’, years, from 1660, for the -earIy rent of £2276. Hi, lordship appointed lord-warden of tIme Cinque Porta, constable of ms. Elizabeth, one of the dans. and eo-tseiressm of William, Dover Castle, captain of the band of gentleman-pensioraes’s, Earl of Eaater, by sehem he bad nine sent and four dans., I and sworn nf the privy cntmcil. If e ma. Elizabeth, dan. and viz., Ceasers, ss-o inherited as 2nd annt 3rd earls. 3 Itenry, who e. to the estate and manor of itivenoby ty oldest son, bequest of his g1andthther, the Earl of Exeter; but dying I Janice, 3rd earl, N.H. This nobleman as. thrice: mt e. p. in 1663, that property devolved open ins great— Susan, 3rd dan. of Henry (Rich), Earl of Holland, which nephew, Henry Bowos, Earl of Berkshire. 4 William, sa. Elizabeth, dan. of Letbtel Hondas, a lord of lady el. in 1640, leaving an only dan., Essex, who tnt. session in Scelland, and was s. by his son, Craven, asbo c-as z. by hin son by his 2nd wife, Mary, dan. I of Sir Edward Villiers, rind rsllet of Sir Richard Went- and heiress of George Besees, Ezq. of Elford, litany Bowm, nbc inherited as 4th Earl of Berkshire. I becamn ibe wife of Sb’ Thomas yelten, Dart, of Playford, SUP 1679, and thus toavingnemaleissne, the hensursdernlecd opos his brother, I Dart. (ancestor of tire present Wsaencnnrsrr.- ttraayI Ha,eaan-llAsvr.nv, F.sq. of ltnektehnrv, in lterkstntre) Hcasv-Bewes ttowasn, as 4th Earl of Berkaistre, who s. ,vshire. Sir. henry Ileward’s widow re. Witllarn Cavendish, Dolts of Newcastle. of gitzford (widow of Sir Allen Peecy, lint., and of Thorens Darey, son of the Earl of Rivers), by whom (who survived ho Cornwall) be left a dan., Elizabeth. I (See ltnae’s R.cfioet Peerage.) I . Elizabeth, se. to William ltno,eles, Earl of Banbory, and heiroen of George, Earl nf Dnsrbar, Isy whom he had four sons and five dans. lIe d. 3 Juno, 1640, asad was s. by his I Edward, Lord Griffin, of Jlraybrenke; Sndly, Barbara, dsrs. worth, by whom he had asrother dart , Elizabeth, whn en. Suffolk; and lrdly, Lady Anne Montague, eldest dan. 3 Edward, d. s. p. 6 Robert (Sir), of Vasterne, in Wilts, knight-banneret, of Robert, Earl of Manchester, hnt by her had ran issue auditor’ of the Excheqner, well known as a wit and nrinsr bIts lordship 1. ira 1668, arid thus leaving no m-sle inane, the poet, irs tire reign of Coastes lb. Sir Robert’s male tine Barony of ifnward do Walden fell irsta r.beyance between ceased with his grandson, Thomas, in 1702; and the female, his dasss. and tbeirheirs, and so s’emaine,l ruth inherited by with hit granddan., Diana, svife of Edward, Lard Dadley the descendants of Lady Eeltnn (sec Phnwarrn on WALnEN), and Ward, in 1760, when tire estales reverted to the Karl of Suffolk and Berkshire. while the Ear’ldona of Snffalk devolved upon his next 7 Philip, colonel in tbe guards, ferap. CantLEs lb.; ins Stary brother Jennings, and had two sons, I Gr.onne, 4th earl; who a,. Catherine Allen, and had three Jawes, ef Bonghton, near Chester, who as. Catherine, P airi’vivta dane., viz., dan. of George beth, Esq.; and dying ra 1722, heft, Mean, in,, to SJajer-General Percy Kirk. Martha. Anne, no. to William Jephson, Esq., SIP, for Mallow. Slaria, at. to the Han. and 11ev. Charles blervey, pre- I Catherine, ni. tens),. bendary of Ely. Charles, capt. tt..; ts. Elizabeth, dan. efEdsrardBattcn, His lordslrip ef. in 1601, and was o. by his brather, Esq., and Isad issue, Herenv. 5th earl. This nobleman an. twice, but had mona Philip, who Sr. Stargaret dan. and heir of Francis only by his firat manviage, with the Hon. Mary Stuart, Skese, Esq. of Edinburgh; anS dying is 1741, left tsee I only dasr. and heiress of Andrew, Lord Castle-Stnnrt, of sans, the kingdom of Ireland; namely, three sons, Henry, Jons, who a. as lStls Earl of Snifollc, and Silt Earl of I Edward, Charles; and a dan., Diana, the wife of Colonel Berkshire. Jahra Pitt. The earl 1. 10 Dee. 3700, and was a. by his Philip, of the RN. eldest ann, 3lar’. HENRY, 6th earl - who bad been created, ho the lifetime of htary, ma. lit, to Henry, Earl of Delerainc; and Sndly, to hia father, Baron Chestorfard and Earl of Ilindon, and cansVllllam Wyndhanr, Esq. stitnted depnty-enrl-sarshal; in whiels eapseity his lard- I Elizabeth, m to John Dryden, the peel, ship hold, in 1707, a court of chivalry. The sarI so. twice, 2 Diana, wiso d. unre. 3 Frances, an. to Csnyers Darey, Earl of Itelderness. but had issue by his 1st wife, Penelope, dau. of henry, Earl 4 Mary. Tlaio lady was conanntted to prison, wills one Mrs. of Thomand, only. His lordship si. 2 Oct. 1718, and was z. Sanapner, in 1630, for being privy to a design for restoring ‘ by his eldest son, CHARLES II. Jeer ladyship d. isa,,. I Cnantea-Wms.Lsaae, 7th Earl of Snffollr, aird 2nd Earl of Thomas, 1st Earl of Berkshire, d. at a very advanced age, Disadora; who d. withent tas,rs mr 1722, when the hononm when senior knigirt of the Garter, 16 July, 1660, and waco. inherited from his father expired, while the earldom of by his eldest °° Snlt’olk reverted to hit unela, I Cnass.ns, 2nd Earl of Berkshire; who had been snm- I Enwasn, Sth earl. Thiannbleman d. unsss. 22 June, 1751, moned to parliament irs the llfetime of his father, as Lord I and was a. by his brothsr, Howard of Chnrlfan. Ills lordship m. Dorothy, Sad dan. I of Thomas, Viscount Savage, and granddan. of tbs Earl I Cmarrs.rn, 0th earl; who ma. Henrietta, sister to John, of livers, by sehom be had three sons, all of whana pre- I Lord Hobart, afterwards Earl of Hnekinghanashire; and deceased him, sod Iwo dans., who both d. a-p. He d. in I dying 28 Sept. 3733, was a. by his only son, 1079