Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/378

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SUE lIonoy, 30th earl. This nobleman so. Sarah, only dan- i. Elizabeth, ttt, 2 Jane, 1826, to danses-llenny-Leggo. Lord and heir of Thomas Inwen, Eaq. of Sonthwark; hut dying iasuolooa, 22 April, 3745, (his widow to. LnoinA-Charlea, 6th iii. Jane-Elizabeth, as. in 1830, to Sin John Ogilay, Pant.; and Vioeunv Falkiand) the earldom of Suffolk united with that of Berkshire by devolving upon Tao EsosiT ITON0URABLE ilenny-Bowea Howann, 411, 5’. b’raneen-Slargaret. Earl of Berkshire (refer to descendants of Thomas, let Nail Thus earl ml. iii Dec. lOll, assd svan a. by Isle e5dent ness, of Berkshire, 2nd son of Thomas, let Earl of Suffolk). his Cnani,tio-Jony, 11w hsi’eeesst hees’. lordship inherited, at the decease of his groat-uncle, the lOon. Henry Howard, w’ithoot issue, in 1663, the estate and C,’esitsoas—Eai’h of Suffolk, 21 Jnly, 1601. t’isceant Andover, manor of Itivenaby. cc. Lincoln. The earl sitS stvrrh, he., 23 Jan. 1621-2. Eat-h of P,ceknhsive, 0 Feb. 1622-6, 170e-o, Cathasine, dan. of Tames Gralsame, Esq. of Levens, Anmo—lst, go., a bend, betss’es’n six cross -enosslets, filehide, en. Weotmarland, and 1usd issue, i. Wi aLlAN, Last Aol ‘ree, at. Story, ted duet. of Ilenrage, rainpaust, Isiereed tlsrongh the nsesstls ssitls usa ssnrosn, seihhtn a Earl ef Avlosferd, and left ai lets decease, in i7$a, (being teable treesune, dory-eeetstenllory, gis., for Ilosrann: 2nd, gss,, killed by a fall from ins carriage,) 3 lImier, s-lies- his grandfather. 2 Frances, a. To Iticliard Bagel, Esq., 4th brother ei the let ho the costive of the shield a crescent for difference. tori] htat’ot, scise assumed, by eic’n—nsaeaa], the surname Ccsel—Osi a ebapeao, gu., tisissod tsp, es-us., a lieu, stafanf, of lietvanu. Oi tIns ntarriage there is an only dan and gaos’dant, tail extended, or, dncalhy genged, ei’g., and elsanged heir, Steno Eowaen, now of Elfoi-d, ro. Staffers], aad Castle lions, avg., each chsunged on the breast srith a crescent, sa. lliaiag, Norfssltc, s. in 1807. lIon. Col. I’nlke-Gres-i]le so etsoca—’’ Neas sssaitslienslnene;’’ and ‘‘Nets quso, scsI qsso 1_’ptots, wise asesntsed the naitte of ltoo’aan and ii. s- y. nsssbo.” Szat—Gltarlton Bark, ltalnscsbnry, White. 4 March, 1846. is- Cuanano, it. s.p. in 1773. iii. ‘lnoaiaa. tyke e. fe lIce honoars, as 14th earl, at the decease of his graml-isedsew. The earl, who bad been declared deputy-eea’l-maralial of Ettglattd during the incapacity of Thomae I Icward, Bnke of Norfolk, its I7td, it. 21 March, 377, and seas a. by ho gissttdosn, Heany, 12th Earl of Suffolk, and Silt Earl of Bet’itahire, 5. 16 SIns-. 1739. ltin lordship so. lot, its 7704, Nary-Conetantia, dais, of Eohvrt, l.or,] Ti-ever, but of that marriege there was ste surviving lassie ; anti 2nslly, iii 1 777, Larly Charlotte Fisselt, dan, of Ileneage, 3rd Earl of Ayleofnial. The earl it. C Shovels, 3770, and svas e. by isis isootleu:nooe non, S Aug. following, lIeNnv, I rift Earl of Suffolk, and fib Earl of Berkshire. wIse it. en the sacossd dat- after Tile birth, 10 Aug. 1770, whon Ike hsosssotro s-evened to Ii is great is, tide, Tnens ss, cc 14th Earl of Suffolk, atsd 7th Earl of Berkshire, 8. 1] -lsttse, 172]. Otto lot-dahip so. its h747, Elizabeth, ‘han. of Wilhians Khtgeeoto, Ens1, of Kingacote, in Gloucesterelnre, and bad an nub stats . rsnsl heiress, DiANA, 50. to 1782. to Sir Stirbacl Le Fleming, Dart. of Bydal, Tkio fansily deduces its deseesit front OLIOL OLLUM, Eistg in Weatnsenland. Tise eat-I et. 27 1”ots. 1783, nut lorsving no male isssne, the line aerond eetstsn-s’ of the Clsnietiass era, attn whsrsae lineage the of the site etrlor eons of the I at Earl sf Berkshire ternsilisted eons of Stitesissa. ; bitt flee Isotsostro slevols-esl isposs tlte gs-cat-grandoon Slur,rean O’SuLLlv?w-Jferr, a bseraoss of very exteneive of the 7th cost (refer to Plsili1s, yonugust sets ef Tlsomas, let psaaeosiosss in the cesututtea of Cone ansi Kern-, left bane, Earl of lles’kelsire wlsick Tlsentaa sraa 2ssd eon sf Thsousas, Bsinmsnn O’SULLivAN, frosts se-lions lineally deoeandesl 1st Earl of Sssffchk), Joan lIsswaon, Esq., as 13th Earl of Suffolk, and Otis Eat-I Pniasr O’SuLsav,eN, Faq. of Drouuerssgh, co. Cork, who of Ilerkaheii-e. Thioscoblesnssn u-as hoist at Trahee, is lrelsm,l, si. its 1737, leavhssg two soseo, 7 March, 5730. He ci, in 1774, Julia, dan. of John Os,okarth, Jeltn, whsese only sets, Pisthip O’SuUivstc, keg,, st. e. . Nag. of I’cnrilh, by whons (wise it, 19 Oct. halts) lie Liii Betsjaasty SuctsvAn, Esq. of Drousorsghs, Co. Cork, 5. bad leosie, CiiAaLE5 Nevisox, Vircess,,t ,4e’terer, 8- 13 Slay. h777s: trIte IS Jsnse, 372-s. Tlsis getstletssass cbs shiscontisc,ied chic pre— tie. iii 1790, Jaae—Ehieal seth, slats. of ThsetisasW’tllia,n Cetse, Oxesl 0 to Isle asirisaisse, was teppeshseted in 1752, by letters. Eaq. of Ibelkhtasn, aftorsrsrds I at Earl of I,s’trcs;er t and ss’aa psstent, eslei’k of tise crown fssr the coussttes of Cot-k asid Ishlled by tile ar.eids’ntah discharge of lila foscliisg—piooe, Waterfersi. lie so, in 1742, Bridget, dais, of the Ben. PattI 11 Jan- 1050. llh lorsislsits’a srhlosr us. is 1806, Admit’at Sir Ltmnfe, 1.5. 0., ,snsh had isaac, lleary Diglsy, K.C.B., wIse it, Any. 1642: alto it. 20 -tIsril, 1.563. i. Bessja’,ssie, 8. 21 Alsrsl, 1747 (seiso. as Item] of lice fasssilv, was TooasAa, late earl. Cailserme, if. in 1530, widow of flee Oler. George Dhsset, ss’hte U. in Nes’. 1828. The east, who waa a gesees’al officer in the arnoy, it. 23 Jass. 1820, nssd was e. by hta sell,, I etls E:n’l of Sssffsslk, ansi OtIs Earl of Berkaltb-e, 8. 10 Any. 177si; as. 14 Jais. 1353, the Honenrable EhteahethsJano Bnttsss, eldest dais, of James, let Lord Skerborne, by ivbem (svbe it, 15 April, 1830) Iso had issue, i. Cnaaea-Jonte, present curl. is. Itenry-Thioutsas, capt., late SEP.; 8. 16 tan, I $80: s,. 21 April, 18-15, to Geargiana-Slaria, eldest dais, of the late flea. Sir Jelne-W. (mice, Itaet and si. 29 Jass. 1851, heacissg by her (o’iso st. Nov. ISIS), I Thoecas-Bosrea. 8. 17 Aug. tOll; d, 25 Feb. 1464. 2 Chanles-llenry, 8-in 1830. i Eliealselb-Fu’aneea. in. Biehard-Bdward, LL.D., DCL., 5.20 Jidy, 1012. iv, Jatttee-Ifenaeth, commtasioaer of wossda a,sd forests, 8. 5 Slarch, 1414; si, 10 Feb. 1059, l,oaisa, only dun. of Ileary, 3rd ,llarsisiesa of Ls as’hsssae, asish has, 1 Kennetlt, 8.27 Nov. 1540, 2 Allaa, 8. 16 Jan 1050. 3 Siaoriee, b. 27 Feb. 1683, 1 Viat0’rde. 1080 SUIRDALE, VISCOUNT, see DONOUIIBMOEF, E.’ytL OF, SULLIVAN. SULlIVAN, Sag EDWABD-PIOBEET, of ‘I’hansea Ditton, 00, Surrey, J.P. and DL. for the County of Lancoater ; 0, 29 Oct. 1826; 0. hie brother, as 5th baronet1 8 Dcc. 1865; ni. 29 Sept. 1859, Mary, yonngeet don, of Henry Currie, Esq. of Wost Horeloy Place, Sns’rey, late H.P. for Gnildfos’sl, and has lsod tsvo dons., one of whom survives, ILLItrBgc. of Ststnater, its hrekssisl, whiss he oai’l to Isave reignesi in the tlibenssiass clsrossicbee trace front Potter Pietist, osee sf the etstitird to itse desigaatioss of O’Ssdliyass Shore). Tishs gentle— ussasi, Isas’issg hseen cesstitsstod one 5sf the issnetse judges of Ike Stipreisse Cenrt of Jodlealure at Slodras, received thsehsonosir of Isssighuhsoed in 150]. Sit- Bessjassslu i’s, Ehiao, slats, of Adasiral Sin Btgby Dent, hCnt., and it. 12 Oct. 1810, leaving issue, I l7eoane-,baancn, isis lseir, of W’ilsidssglssus. hole of Wighi, “‘the O’Ssdlivan Stoic,” kighs-sh:enttt of Beslbsndshsire, is 18-14, late a capt. royal hsonne-gstansls; 8. 14 Shards, 1781; echo ,e,4 April, 1516, lhary-Flessstey, dan. and co-heir of ftse lIes-. Suverd Jesshsina, Lochcissg, cc’, Sotusenest, asusl Stone, ce. Oloeeentcr, ansI has issue. (tnenon-Aunusnre-Fss.aten, 8. 11 Sept. 1019, major assd lienl.-eeh, royal Scott’ gneye, so. 12 Slat’, 1042, Ensiiy, onty dan. of Eiclsand l’ninse, Eag., SIP. for West Sussex. 1 loises t-Iseetstotsd, 8. 1 Felt. 1029, inanniesh, Jehn-yilsner, 8- 14 Jaty, 1534. Elicit. Story-Elba, es to Thomas-Beats Lrasnne, Esq. of Sulpec’ten, co. Gloucester. Eussihi’, ta, to Hoary-Charles Boedes, Esq. Aibinia, n-s. to lidn’ard Isebent-Suanlsio Bence, Faq. 2 ttotsert, ci Stsntagus Sqnace, i,ondost, barrister-at-Ion; in. Slargarei. dan. ot Staten Sumter, hate of Balk, and eldest staler of Sir Edtnnnd Fhthcer, Part. SUL Shentsorne, and it. 29 July, t541. it. ,tohia-Calhserioe. it. 28 July, 1861. is’. Shssrr-hlsuse. avg.: en flue bend sn eseochieoss, or, clsargs’d cub a desssi-hon, tis,’ee liens passant—gssardasel, hit 15:515 en, asssi a label of tlsree points, erg., fey Tnoasaa ssf J6”ethsrf ‘sss: Inch, clseqny, or and azsne, for WAnnese s 4th. gss , a than rasspant, arg., for Stess’nzay: en flue body ss-ith a enearent for difference. Susmsportenn—’tsno