Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/434

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VERNON, LORD (Augustus - henry roflab1es -Vem i. iseesan (Sir), ache inherited Hadahea, and marrytaag Margaret, non). Baraan of Kinderton, co. Cheater, late an officer in the dents faisilier-guards ; (a. at hlaaane, 1 Feb. 1829; a. his father as 6th baron, 31 May, 1866; aa. 7 Juaie, 1531, Lady Harriet Ausnu, 3rd dan. of Thomas-William, 1st Earl of Lichfield, anti has had, 1. fjea,ROrWiLLiAM.FIENRV, t. 25 Feb. 1554. n. Wulliam.Frs,lcrickd7uthbsrt. 5. IS July, 1856. sri. Diehard-tInge, 5. 25 May, ISiS; 5. 11 March, 5862. iv. Walter, Ia. 28 July, 1860; d, 2 March, 1802. a. Diana. is. Mildred. in. Muriel, at. an infant, 27 Feb. 1003. iv. Iltargaret. v. A dan., 5. 13 Feb. 1868. 3!. in rac. This family descends from the Lords of Varnsn, in ost’aatc, sisal left at his decease, tn 1542 (with ether Normandy. Their common ancestor, WaLLraas 00 VERNoN, assumed the surname from the issaae), two sons, town and district sf Vernon, of which he was proprietor in Gcoaoe, who inherited Hadnet, and whose grandson, Henry 1052. This William had two sons, flianawn no Voosos, ) wha both csms into England and with WaLLaNsa the CoNQUERoR. WaLTER 00 V CRNON, ) The elder. Rscnaon, Lord of Vernon, was one of the barons created by Hugh Lupns, Earl of the county palatine of Chester, And by the title of Rara,n aaf Shipbroko. This itichard, who, T,ana,as Veaaaoas, Esq., who aaa. Halena, dan. of Ralph according to llameslay-iicck, was a e ,nsider,ablc landed Shirley, aaad left, in iSli, an only eon, pnpnticr, was a. at his decease by isis eldest son, WILLa,s ii DO Vrnsna, svlaosc gre at grandson, Thcaann 00 Veinsos, had a grant, .57 Iirsnv flI., of the of Rain-aid Littletan, Rsq. of Pillaton, co. Stafford, oaad snas castle and manor of Fcaake, and dying before his father, loft a. in i0a2, lay his esaly surviving eon, four sons, whereof, 5. WasisE, who s. his randfalher as Baron of Shipbmks, as. aaad had isoaac, Ao,la, dan. an,l c,a-hetr of Williana Malbank, Baron of Xl iris— s. llnssrr, late heir. Mallaank, assar Nassptararla, en. Claesler, antis ,,toni lie ac— a,. Ealaa’arai (Cot.), of Nortla Satan, co. Stafford, to whom was goirsd several manors ia thai shire, and lay when, he had guanfed has castle of Clonhart, co. Dablin. lie d. aaitheut taco sans, Wasaao and Ralph. lie was a. by the elder, Waesree, Rarsn of Shipbrslce, soho s. Margaret, dais, of ass. Jesus, of Clanlsrf, ro. Da,bhn, qnartermaaler-geaa. of the Ilaipli ale Aoalcoille, and relict of ltagh de Allarilaua, lay wl,cm he had a son, W’as,so (ohs d. a. ja.), and three dana., his ce-heirs, via., shsoacay, a. In Etehard de Wilbrahana Roars,, Ia. Ic Sir William Mallard, lint. Ronosas, a. ta John I.ilalcbsiry. These lathes, after a prelsaged litigation asith their nncle, of Sir Goarge Veraaon, of Haalhagtan, jaedgs of the Common RaLraa, were sbuiged to saan’cnaler is hi,,, a nisicty of alseir Fleas, aaad had isene, paarianany. The can of Ihis Ralph, Sir Ralph ale yemen, a. Geasoc, his heir. is said is hare lived Ia Ihe age sO 100, and thence was ,. Edavaral, 5. in 1630. generally called Ftc slai lice,. V E R hell at Loiceslor, 4 flrNnv VI., asad was constituted, by paled, treas,srer of Calms, Mesas. Janette, daaa. and heir of Sir lices ala Griffith lint., and dytsag in 1432, svaaa a. by his a’ ‘a,, has Wa, a.isaa VeRNoN, East., treasaarer of CeI,ds, and kaaight-eanatalale of liegland. He aaa. Margaret, dan. of William Swynfen, and ca-heiress of Sir Robert Fyps, lint., and alyhasg in 1467, was a. by his eldest soaa, Sara JimmY VEONeN, Lord of Ihaddan, &c. Dc. This gentleman was gevea-ner and treasm-er to Prince Aa-thaar, eldest seas aaad heir-apparent of Rhag flr.saav VII.; and, aaeesraling Ic traaditioaa, the prince epeast na,aela of his time with Sir 1leary at Itaddo,a, whsere ens of the apartments was called ‘‘ the pacasee’s chamber.’ Sir Henry aaa. Anise, daaa. cf John, Saad Earl of Shrcwshary, by svhem he had (with three dana. anal tw’o younger aona), alsan. ef Sir lichen Dyanohe, lint., left at his decease, in 1516, Geesee (Sir), of Hsaldon, who a1. in 1303, seised of thirty snaeaals, leasing by Margarel, dan. ef George, Lord Talhaoys, tao daas., lais ce-heia-s, vie., Dorothy, ci. to Sir John ltlannsra (ace RorLssan, B. sr). Margaret, ci. to Tlaomas Stanley, 2nd tan of Edward, Rail oaf Derby. is. Tlssaseaa, of Stoelcaey. as,. lha.asamnsev, ef vhsan presently. iv. Jelia (Sir), of Sadhary. This Sir Henry Venson gave the great bell to Tongs, of forty-eight hundred-weight, and cix yards roaand, and a rssit cut aaf his manor of Norton “fee the tolling of tt when any Veraaon eeaeea to town.” He d. ha 1511. The 3rd of his sons, llrssrsaoev VERNON, Esq., marrying Alice, dasa. and goheiresa aaf Sir John Laadlow, ef Hednet, to. Salep, and granddaaa., maternally, of Richard Grey, Lend Pewis, ehtainsd ‘rrno’a, Esq., was created a hart. in 1660, a dignity ahat expired saith the 3aXl harl., Sir itithaad Heusen; bet the estate of lfoalnet a,lliaeately paased through Eliaabeth, only daan. a’f the tat hart., ta her granal-daaa., Elizabeth Atlasrten, wife of Teeaaaa ltesrs, Rag. of Marion tsce Gesaie’a Caaaaaaea,a’,a, vol. iv. p. 134). iiaornn VEeNON, E.sq. of lionndahill, who aaa. Mary, dan. Saa, Rnav.oeo VERNON, East., who aa. Jtargaret, dan. and saab heiress of Haney Voraaen, Esq. of Hilton, co. Stafford, malo issue. arnay in Ireland, ancestor of tlac Voesoss of Cloniarf Castle, to. Daataliaa, now relalesenled lay Jous-Eoasxsn-Vesastso X’cssea, Req. of Clantaaf Castle. The eldest soil, IOENRYVEaS5ON, Faq., ha. 3616; oa.Mnrhol, dan. and heiress V E It V E It N 0 N. us. llaanry, h. in 1617, of Hilton, co. Stafford, fro,n whom deseenal the Vcesoss sf fillies Park. Died Sasa W,a.a.a sal no VL1tNnN, lint, of Ilarlaston, in the eo. Dying in 1655, lair. Vernon was a. by his eldest san, nt Stafford (tho :rd saaas), ssaa cbiei-jaastiee of Cleester isa Geooaau Vrnsos, Eaq. of Sndhnry, who aaa. 1st, Margaret, the reign of jimmy lii. lIe aaa.Alacc, dan. and oaa heiress dan. of Fdwin Ossely, of Caatesby, eaa. Northampton, and had sat Willtasaa do Avosach, of lladdaa,a, eaa. Derby, aaart was e. by ease eaaas, Oaaely, whaa at. a. p., aaod five dane. Mr. Vemnoas his 5’ ‘55, aas. Sudly, Dorothy Sbh-loy, sister of Rebe,-t, Earl Fcn-ora, Rsa,saasn ne Vrnoos, Laand of Iladdoss ha right of his by whaans Ise had taro other dana. Us aaa. Irdly, Catherine, easa,ther. He a,,. Ilarg.aret, ats,a. of llabcet, tiarasa of .Staaek- dan. of Sir Thomas Ves-noaa, of Lendess, merchant, and dying 1acrt, as,d ocquireai lay her tlae maanaar of Alalalehs._Parra, isa 1702, was s. by his only sos,, and the aaahvawsoas a,f, faa Leicestershi,-e. Hnosa’v Vcosoo, Faq. of Sudlanny, HF. for the cc. of 1-has geankahaoaa, Staffer,l, w’haa a.a. Anne, oaaly dan. ,and heiress of Thonsas SiR lisa WoRD sac VcaiNa’N, aaa. M’snd, d’,aa. anal ca-Iseir ef Ptgadt, Esq. of t’hotsvyasd, in Salop, by Many, sister of Sin Whlhiasa ‘Ic t’asaeoillo, hones t’oaavaa an., s_f Cl7aiaa (ace l’casr Veasalales, thac laaet Baron of Riasdea-toas, descended Dm,asec’e Exih,acb Pesna.5as;, as,aal waaso. lay his son, fa,aa,s Sir Thea ‘ieaas i’eaaal,lcs, Darsan of Iiinalerten, hivtasg en. W,La.,.soa Vntnm’a, its taag in I 110, whaa sa. tloncdieta, ahoton a aaai, asad was a. at his decease by his only eon, aseal heir a,f Sir hulk l’a.nsbamngo, hsa,t. oaf Taaage Castle, las lin,aasaar Voasos, F.oai. of Sasalboany, wise aaaamsod the Shna1aalabne. ‘usal svaaa a. by laha .saaas, additional ss,rname anal anne of Vesoenos in 1720, aspen ha , Macat asses VeRNON, ss’ho seas opsaakcr of tha parhiamont inheriting the estates of his maternal aasaestsme, and was 1136