Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/435

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VER cvated to the peerage, so LORD VERNoN, Baron of Kicrclec-Ion, cs. chester, 12 May, 1762. Ills lordship ci. 1st, in 1734, Mary, dan. and co-heiress of Thomas, 6th Lord Howard of Efflnghsm, by whona (who ci. irs 1740) hs had surviving 155110, GEORGE, his soecessor. Mary, ccc. 5 Jan. 1703, to George Adams, Req. of Orgrave. Ills lordship to. ludly, 1741, Anne, dali. of Sir Thomas Lee, ilast, of Hartwell, co. Baekinghans, but had no issue; and Srdly, in 1774, Martha, 3rd dan. of the lion. S. Hareocsrt, and sister of Simon, lot Earl ci liareurcrt,0 by whom he had, I. HENRY, successor to Inc breilser, as 3rd Icaron. ii. Edward, in holy orders, Lord Archbishop of York, wire, s. Elizabeth, ccc. tn 1705, to George-Simon, 2nd Earl of liarconrt; open inheriting the Hareonrt estatçs, assumed the sscmame of Hiacouro, 8. 10 Oct. 1717; soS heh. 1784, Anne, 3rd don. of Granville, I-si Marqoess of Stafford, and by her (who His lcrdship ‘1. 21 Accg. 1807, accd was 0. Icy his eldest sun, ct in 1832) had issue, 1 George-Graoville lIarcoori, Esq ,late of Nanelsam Courtenay, Gccccccco, fccd barocs ; 8. 9 Slay, 1723; who ccc. lot, 16 July, Oxferdshire, 51.1’. for that co., 2. in 1383; cc. 1st, 27 1757, Lccnisa-Bccrharhca, dacc. arcd sole Icotress e’f Escssty, Harem, 1815, Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Richard, 2nd Earl of Lord llccscsel, by whosn iso Isn;l iso surviving leone. lie ccc. Loran, and lied by Icec (svlss ci. 9 Sept. 1838) an only dart., 2ndi-, 55 Slay, 1186, Genrgiacca, dacc. of William Faccquier, Elieabeth-Lavinia, cc- 1835, to tire Earl of Abingdon, and Esq., by wh,,ns (n-he 1. in 182:;) Iso had arc only dccc., si. 16 Oct. 1858. He cc. lndly, 30 Sept. 1847, FrancesElizabeth. Georgiana, cc. to Edsvard, 3rd Baron Sullield; sscd ci. in 1824, Ceuntees-Dowager of Waldegrave, and dccc. of Jehn Bmhanc, Esq. lIe ci. 1913cc. 1861. his widosv cc. His lordship ci. 18 June, 3513, whecs the barecssy devolved 20 Jan. 1863, to lire Rigid Hers. 0.-S-P. Ferteacee (see utile Cs.zearooT, B.). 2 Levesen Vernon-Harcocsrt, in Iculy orders, chancellor of ItcNnv, 3rd baron, 8. 35 April, 3747; ccc. let, 34 Feb. 1775, York, 1’. in 1788; ccc. 19 Aug. 1815, Caroline-Ilary, dan. of Elizabeth-Rebecca-Anne, dart, of Sir Ulc:cries Seciley, Hart., Joisn-Peacisey, 2nd Lord Selsey, (see BraKEs E.risael Peer- by whonc (svhe ml. 16 Aug. 1753) he had iaecce, age), and ,i. 28 Jssly, 1860. 3 William Vemon-Harcourt, in holy orders, canon of Yorlc, Geosce-CnaaLes, his successes-. now ef Nuneham Coccrtenay, I’. to l789 11 July, Cathcrine, ci. 19 April, 1867, aged 85. 1824, Itatilda-Mary. dan. ol Lieutenant-Colonel William Loestsa-ltenrielta, ccc. 4 Nov. 1816, to tire 15ev. Broohe lseothby, Gooch, and has issue, I Edward-William, 8. 26 Jssnc, 1825, cc. 20 June, 1849, Lady Susan-Otarriet Holroyd, only dan. of tlco Earl of Siseffleld, and has issue, Aubrey, 8. 16 Aug. 1802. and Edith; 2 William-George. Ills lordship ccc. Sndly, 28 Nov. 4785, Alice-Lucy, dan. of Sir Granville, Q.C., hr. 14 Oct. 1927, ccc. 5 Nov. 1859, OlariaTheresa, John ‘sVhiteiccrd, Hart., by whonc (who ml. 2 tng. 1827) he had, dan. of tire lale Thunscas-Ilenry Lisler, Esq., and henry, Iteut-col. grenodier-guards; ccc. 29 Aug. 1822, Eliza— his wife, Lady Theresa Lister, and by her (who ci. 31 Jan. 1863) has had Juliaa, 8.6 Oct. 1860, and ,l. 2 Siarcls, l8t2 and Lewes, 8. 30 Jan. 1863; 1 Emily-Julia; 2 Cecilia- Caroline, cm. 18 Feb. 1864, to Capt. Edward Bridges Rice, ht.N., eldest son of E. Rice, Esq. of Dane-Court, Kent; John, in holy orders, rector of Nutlsall accd Eirby-tn-Acicfield, 3 Selina-Anne, ccc. 8 June, 1854, to Sir Warcs-ick-Clcaches Storshead, Barr.; 4 Slary-Annabella, ccc. 24 April, 1800, to George-Be Ia Poet Beresford, Esq., eldest can of tIme Siost Rev. Dr. Beresford, arelclsislsop ot Arosagh. 4 Frederick Edward Vemon-iiarconrt, admiral RN., 8. in 1700 c ccc. Marcia, daw ef Admiral J.-E. Delap Tollereache, and has, Angustus-Gesrgc, Ic. 1834. Levescn-Franets, 8.25 Jan. 1835. Marcia-Elizabeth. EmBy-Anne. Jane. 5 henry Vernon-ttaroourt, lieut-col. irs tIre ac-ocy; Ic. in Right Hon. Adsnical Sir John Morlcne-Warren, Hart, KR., 1781; cc’. 20 April, 1835, Frances, dcc. of Edward, Sum by whom (who aoonmed by aigrc-esaanssal, icc 1828, the rsame Earl of Oxford, and ci. 26 Feic. 1853. 6 Granvillle llarconrt-Vernon, Esq. of Groro Hall, Nolts, of WAROEN only, and ,i. 17 Sept 5837) he had tsssrc, barrister-at-law, chancellor of the diocese of York; hr. in GEORGE-JOnN, 5th baron. 1792; so. let, 22 Feb. 1814, Frances-Jeclia, dau. and ro-heir His lordship ci. 18 Nov. 1811, and was s. by his only son, of the late Anthony-Bardolph Eyre, Esq. of Grove, Notis, Gwoaue-Jnnx, 0th baron, who wao 8. 22 June, 7803, and cc. and by her (wlco ci. in 18447 Imas, Granvtllc-Edward, 83-P. for Newark, ic 23 Nov. 1816; ccc. 2st, 30 Oct. 1024, Isabella-Caroline, dan. of Cuthbert-Elhson, 23 Nov. 1804, to Lady Selina-Cathertne-Slead, only dcci. (see BURKE’S Lucscled Gomlry), and by Icer (who ml. 14 Oct. of Richard, 3rd Earl of Clanwilham; and ‘1. 1 Feb. 1861; his widow ccc. 2ndly, 8 Jnly, 1862, John Bidwdll, Esq. of 3823) had issue, the Foreign Office. Evelyn-liardolpls. rural dean, renter of Cotgrave, Noics; AUeUsves-Ncaav, preoeut peer’. t. 30 Ang. 1831 ; ccc. 19 Ajcrtl, 1849, Jane-Catlcerine, SVtllians-Jshn-Vemon-Horhase-SVarren, 8. 1 Ajcrtl, 1834 ; ccc. youngest dau. of Edward-St. John Slildnsay, Esq., and has issue, Edward-Evelyn, 8. 1853; Algernun, 8. 7 July, 1858; Walter-Granville,8. 31 Oct. 1600; llerbert-Evelyn, 8. 12 Jan. 1803; Siary-Francea; Catherine-Helena, ci. Caroltne-Slaria Vernos, scm. in Slay, 1845, the lice. Frederick 16 Slay, 1867; Frances-Jessie; and Sehna-Jane. Edsvard-Leveson, 8.8 April, 1824; ,i. 16 Sept. 1840. liency-Arlhur, major It.A., 8. in Jcsly, 1820, and ct. 12 Nov. 1862. Charles-Egerton, capt. It.N.; 8. ia June, 1827; ccc. 25 His lordship ccc. 2udly, 1-1 Dec. 1555, his eonsin, FrancesEcmsmn-Slaria, July, 1865, Louisa-Anne, youngest dan. of the lale Capt. Garth, R.N., of Names Hill, 11cr-ks, and has had a dact. nne!e of the late Rev. Sir Hroske Houthby, Rart. tie asacsmed, Marianne-Franccs, ccc. 20 Sept. 1843, to llunsplsrey-So. Jolcn Slildmay, Esq., wise ci. 9 Ang. 1803. lie ccc. lady, 22 Nov. 1845, Fyne-Jesse, dan. of ItencyOtway, the will of the late Viscennteca Hulkeley,5 the ssss-csame Lord Daere, and relict of Jol,n-li. Coltrell, Esq. and arnds of WARREN only. Ho ci. 35 Stay, 1866, and was s. 7 Oetavmuo-Benry Vernon-lisrcoort, admiral lt.N., 8.26 Dec. by his elder son, AUuusvus-HnNav, 6th and present BARON 1753; ccc. 22 Feb. 1838, Anne-Hcclwell, dau. of William VRRNccN. Goter, Esq., and relict of William Danlcy, Esq. of Sccinton CcvsGsmc—12 Stay, 1762. - Park, Yorkslsire, and ‘1. 14 Acsg. 1863. 6 Charles Vernen-Itarcourl, in holy orders, prebendary arg., a fret, oa., 2 and 3, or, on a fesse, az., three garbs of the of Carlisle; 8. 14 Nov. 1759. 9 Francis Vemon-liarcourl, Rsq. ofSt. Clare, Isle of Wight, VENA aLES. V E It and tucksied Psrk, Scmssex, col. in else army, eqccerry to the late Duchess of Rent; t. 6 Jan. 1801; ccc. 20 Nov. 1833, Lady Catherinc-Jnlia Jcnkinson, oldest dan. of Charles-Cectl-Cccpe, last Earl of Ilcerpool. 10 Egerton Venscn-llareoccrt, 8. in 1803; cc. 8 Dee. 1859, Lascra, dan. of Sir Wtllisns Slurl-3lilner, ilart. 1 Caroline, ci. ccccsc. 2 Anne. 3 tnutsa-Augusta, cc. 14 Jtnrso, 1825, to Sir Jolsu V-B. .Iohnstone, Bart., 81.1’. 4 Geergiana, ccc. 4 Bce. 1046, to Stajsr-Gen. Geccrge-A. Oralcolcn, CE., son of Gen. Sir Jclcn itlalralcn. The Arclcbishep of York ml. in 1847. and ,1. 25 Jan. 1026. cc. .Martlca, ci. c’uec. ncr. Anne, cI. mdccc. in 1837. leaving issue. npcn his half-brother, preicendas-y of Sontlcwell, and vicar of Eicklcy-in-Ashnelct, Notts, who ci. 4 Jan. 1821; sine 1. 6 STarch, 1861. Tlseir only dae. is the present Lady Vernon. Grace, dau. of Edwacxh Coke, Rsq. of Loccgford Ccurt, Derbyshire, and niece of Thoncas-Wildam, 1st Ear-i of Leieester, and ci. 12 Dee. 1845, leaving issue, Edward. Ihecsrietta. Nolls c 0. 8 March, 1798; oc. 1st, 24 Nov. 1830, Frances-Barbara, 2nd dau. of Thonsas Dunccncbe, Esq. of Gepgsetve, co. York, by c-hens (wlco ci. 7 Dee. 1848) Ice has had issue, Frederick, t. 8 Ott. 1834; cl 20 Slareb, 1830. PIe cc. Sndly, 15 Dec. 1833, Caroline, dee. of the lion. Gen Sir Edward Faget, O.C.R. ILs lordship ,i. 20 Slareb, 1829, ascd was u. by his eldest aon, Gcoauo-Cnonewe, 4th baron, hr. 4 Dec. 1779. This noblescsacr m. 25 Acsg. 2002, Frances-Maria, ocsy dass. of the late Esq. of Hebbnrn, late SIP. for Newcaatleccpon.Tyne 8 hay, 1855, Agnes-Lucy, lcd dan. ef Sir John-l’eter Heilosu, Eart., and Lady Catherine-Sarah his wife, dau. ccf G’dbert, 1st Earl of Shale, and has a sun, itegieald, Ic. 27 Jan. 1836. Aneon, canon of Windsor, rector of Sudhury. Adelaide-LouisaVemon, m. 12 June, 1855, to Capt. Ronald- John Mac-donmsld, youccger, of Clanranald, EN. Louiss-Warren. only dan. of the late Rev. Rrooke Hossthby, by nign-mnnnal, 3-1 Oct. 1637, irs eempliaaaee with if c-cccs—Qnarterly, 1st and itlr, qsarterly of four, vcz., 1 and 4, field, boils for VERNON; 2nd and 3rd, az., tsco taco, org., for Lady Htukeley was only child of SirGeorge Warren, K. H.. of Poynton, Cheshire. By the terms of the royal licence, * Through this alliance, thu present I.ord Vercson is one of Lord Vernon and any child horn after its dote, 16 Nov. 1897, the en-heirs ef the barony ot F5YzALAN, created by writ of suns- ace anthorized to take and bear the sum aan;e of Wianec. 4H noons to Ertan, Baron Fitzalan, 23 Essssan 1., 1293. 1137