Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/442

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W A L conG-pox, 11 April, 2765, and left behind bins H&isviral C-eat—Oat of a decal coronet, or, Sve ostrich feathers, use Memoirs from 1734 is 1757. llaviisg iso male issue, the too fis’st arg , use eunIce one per pale, aeg., and go., and the last honenrs devolved upon his brother, Jonti,Srd cart; who m. in 1751, Elizabeth, 5th dau.of Sssjsjsos-be,s—Tsea tsslhats, so., eared, or, eaolu gorged with a John, Eat-i Gewer, by whom ho had,, his heir; Villians (Sir) G.C.B., admiral R.N., who si-as elevated to i’s w’ If,sssoe—37, Wilten Cresreni. the peerage of Jioland as BARON Ransvocte (see eliot title); Elizabeth, ci. to James, 5th Earl of Cardigan;assd t’arolsise. The easi was a liout. -general iii the army, governor of Plynaanth, and master of the horse to Queess Auwe. He 4. in 1784, assd was s. h5- his eldest scsi, Gr.onoe, 4th earl, I’. in 1751 ; 5. in 1782, his eessoio, Lady Elieabeth-Lasss-a Waldegrave, sian. of Jassses, the lssd earl, by whom he had issue, Garsen, isis successor. .Jsou-Jasies, who s. his brstlsor. Edsvarsl-Williss,, a hear, in use 7th dragoons; 0. 20 Assg. i767 nofortanasely drowssed, on his reruns fresss Spasss, 22 Sac. 1809. Witejast, 8th earl. )Jania-Wilhseltotssa, so. 26 Jan. 1809, Nathaniel Slsekleilssvass, Esq.ofTavevlsam, Norfolk; and ,l.20 Feb. 1805, Ioasnga son, Naebassiel-Wstdebn-ave-Jota-lirasltswaye Slieldelhsvait, is. in 1505. ills lordship 1. 22 Oetsber, 1789, assd wsss s. by his eldest WALKER, SIR C EORGE-FERDINA2eG-RADZIVILL, Bni-t. ‘on, Geossne, Sth earl ; 0. in 1764, and ssnfortenatoly drowased b. 24 May, 1825; z. as 2nd baronet, on the death of in the Thames, near Eton, 23 Juno, 1794, when the bonosna ls)a father, 14 Nov. 1842; no. 9 Oct. 1854, FannyHenrietta, devolved npan Isis brother, Jonw-Jxasos, fib earl, I. 30 Jnly, 1785; who so. 10 Oct. s. Gconr.e-FrnnsNaxn, 5. 7 July, 1515. 1815, Anne, dan. of Wifliaos Kiss0, by ;vbesn (who si. 2ndly, us. Itadetvitl-Fredeniek, 5. 13 July, 2636. in 1529, Algersasss Ilieks, Esq., of Henrietta-street, Cavessdish-square, sit. Glssressoe-Frassets, 5. 8 Ang. 1857. and ii. 23 Assg. hiM) ise left, 00050e-EnwAno. 7th earl. Anoetle-Lanra-Slania, m.27 Feb. 1811, Is Lt.-Gen. Arehihalsi a’. ldevoreanx-I’htlip, 8. 25 Judy, 1664. Stoney, C.B., of Crosvn Point, cc- Noutolk, wise d. 18561 slse sl. 1850. Horasia-Elizabetb, os. 1st, 17 Stay, 1847, to Capt. -J.-J. ‘d’ebto Ths ancient snrnas,se of this family w-ao FonEaTsEn, or Weston t svho ci. in 1849. She ss. lsdly, 28 Nov. 1854, John l1r Ps,sses’eseis. Wardlaw, Esq., 4th son of the late Liesst.-ten. W’arsllaa-. Ida-Anna. He ci. 19 July, 1955, and was e. by his son, Gzoaoo-Eosvann, 7th east ; 5, 8 Fob, 1816; who ss. 28 Sept. Rant., of Bsssbey Hall), ta. Mary, dan. of — Price, Eoq., of 1540, Ft-assees-Elizsbeth-Ansse, slsns, of John Es-sham, Eoq., Nesvts,sua, co. Stentganaery, and was.,, by his only son, and widow of Jebn-Janses Waldegrave, Esq., but st.s. p. NATHANIEL WALKeR, Faq., of the en. Middlesex. This 28 Sept. 1548. his widow, Lady Waldograve, (of Strawberry gesstlesnan ssi. Elizaheth-Jano, dan. of Polar Pytet, Esq. assd Hill, Twiekenham, Surrey, Pndbroek Ilossse, Essex, u-as a. by his sass, sod 7, Carlton Gardens), s. lrdly, the late George Gram N.svnAsoseL WALKeR, Esq., S. in 1740; a major in the villo Hareossrt, Esq,, oldest ssss of the late Archbishop of army ; who si. hi 1763, Ilonnielta, only dan. and heireso of York ; asad 4thty, the flight Boss. Chiebester Fevtosesso, John Bagstor, Esq., of West Cewes, in the hole of Wigbt, 3i.P., P.C., chief secretary for Irelassd, brother of herd captain RN., and by her (svlsa ii. at her apartments its Clermant. The earl was e. by his ssssclo, WiLLsAsi, 8th earl, 5. 27 Oct. 1769; who sa, 1st, 10 Aug. i. Geossn-Tosss’asuesn, created a barasset. 2812, Elizabeth, eldest dsns, of the late S. Whttto’ead, F.sq. is. Frederick-Nathaniel, of Gte Manor 1-loose, anshey, ee. i,f Cardiasgton, cc. Beds, by his wife, the Lady Elizabeth Grey, and by her (who sl. 1 March, 1848) had, 5. 1Ysinsi-Ftsnnensew, VIorssttt Cteuefeis, 6-29 Jane, 1919, capt. Sosts fos.-gds. t s,s.2 July, 1850, Frances, ossly fan. of the late Capt. bastard, TIN., of Sbarplsani, lisyoss, and had, 1 WiLLiAai-Fsenessea, present peer. 2 Itessny-NoeL, 6. l05fl5snOas, 14 Get. 1854. 1 Franees-llary, sl. 17 Bee. 1897. He was woondod at the Alma, awl s8. iii eossseqssenee, 7 Ort. 1854, at Sentari, wtsrre he is intes-s-c-d, and is-hero Isis svtdsw Isas erected a mannnscnt to isis nsensss-y. is. Samuel, E.G., Lorst Bishop of Carttsle, fsrssorly canon of Sarsum, 5. t3 Sept. 18171 sss.23 dos. 1843, Jane-Anne, dan. of Francis J’ym, Esq., of The Hassetis, lIed,, by isis svtfe, the Lady Jane Leslie Slelvilte, and Isas a son, Sasonel-Edmo.od, 6.21 Stay, 1856; and a dan., Elieatrlts-.Jassot. its. George, NP. for ltasttngs, FItS., 0.39 Sept. 1825; Os. 22 Jan. 1861. the t’snntes-s of billies, and tsas since assumed the addittonol sssrnasee of LesLie. 5. Elizabetls, ii. 27 11cr. 1867. is. Laura, os. 2 Feb. 18-18, to Sir Itsondelt t’atssser, 21.P. far fliehmousd, late alt- srney-geneml. its. Staria, s,s.2 Get. 1684, te the Rev. IV. Brodie, 2nd san of the late Sir Bessjsisnin Itrodie, hart. iv. Sian-. lIss lordship ni. 2ssdty, S Dee. 1146, Sarssh, wistose of Edsvard its. Charles-Mantagn, captain, RN.; es. Anna Slaris, dan. Slilward, Essj. of Ilssstissg5, and dan, of the Rev. William and heiress nf Walter Biddell, Esq. of Glenniddell, North Whitear, probendary sf tlsishesstsr. The eat-I, wise was a Britain; and 4. in July, 1512, leaving issue, vice-admiral assd CII., u-as a naval ‘ifleer ‘if Isigh dtsthselion, assd had a good service pesssiois. lie ss at llaotbsgo, 1 Get. 1839, and was a. by his grassdsoss, Wsi.l,sAau-Fner,a_ issex, the present earl. Crealisso—Baronet, 1 Ang. 1842. Baron, 20 Jan. 1655—f. Earl, Ac., 53 Sept. 1729. ..irsaa—Per pole, org. hid go. 3144 late capt. Coldotrenna gnardo, DL. cc. Monnaonth, 3i’d dan. of Lord Trodegar, anti limo bane, sv. Ivor-Angnstus, t. 14 Oct. 1889. Ituiraur. WiLL5A25 WALKeR, Esq. (dssd son of Sir Walter Walkes, Ent. of Busboy Hall, 7.L.O., advocate to CArnonuxe, qneetsesssissrt of CnxeLee II., and brother of Sir Goarge W’alker, itanuptoss Cssssrt Palace) left issue, hens, K.G.ll., a general isa the aemy, bA. ; scho m. 1809, Ansiabehle, yonssgest don, of Itajar Edsvard Cone, of Bonny- brash, en. Builin, by svhens (as-Iso 4. in Stay, 1827) lie bad issue, 1 Edwarsl-W’alter-Forester, of Manor Honat, Bnshey, Beets, CR., htent.-gousoral in sIte as-my, coinniasiding ttse force, in Scotland 5. 18 Feb. 16121 so. 1st, 28 July, 1843, Jane, only sIan. of Frasseis Grasst, 6 Oh Earl of Seofield, and by lsrr (wIts ii. 16 Sept. 1861) has hod, Fredeniek-Wilhiasv.Edseord-Foresler, tient. in Sects fnsiher-gnards, p.16 AIsril, 1544; Francis - Losvts - George- Fovestes’, 5. 2 Jon. 1847, 4. Feb. 1854; Donglas-Itenry - Wailer - Forester, 8. Stay, 1649, sI. on infant hlontsgn- Charles-Brndenet-Foroster, 0. 7 Aug. 1817. lIe os lsdly, Ii Oct. 1862, the Lady Jsdtano - Caroline- Frances, fan, of Thomas, 2nd Earl sf ltanfnrly, sod by her Isas a don. 2 Frederieh-Brndenelt, 1. in April, 1522. 1 llcsirietla-Slania, d. its Oct. 1824. 2 .Sngnsta Eliea. 3 lsalsshlo-Lonisa, ci. 19 Slay, 1658, to Ccl. James-Jolsn Graham. 4 Goorgiona-Adelaiste s. It _tng. 1854, to Wihhtssm Ssssoel, Req. of Aldenlsssss Abbey, hens. (8cr Burn, SI.) S Asnelia-Fsrrster, 4. essas. II Joe. 1845, 6 Corshiee-Albinta, is. to the 11ev. Percy llonro, inensssbent of Golden Cansmon, Itants. Gee. Walker 4.3 Feb. 1857. 1 George-James, late lient. in the 13th dragsnne, ma. Anna, don, of tbe late Right Rev. Daniel Gnrrie, bishop of Galrsstta, and has tsssso. 2 Chanles-Slantagn, in the 89th regt., 4. 102841. 7 Arthur-Be Ned, holding a commission in the El. Co.’s service at Madras 4 ltent’y, in tlse ETC’s oerviee; it. in 1841. I Hestrietta-Gsrtrnde, si. lot, iTs 1835, to John-Andrew W A L 0505 ga nsnrsl crown, avg. _tlohto—l’asses avant. WALDEN, V., aec TWEEBDALE, Iii. OF. V AL K ER.