Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/443

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WA L ,M’Donall, Eeq. of Logan North Britain, formerly a I. lSary-Annr, no. 14 Nov. 1154, to Frederick-Bacon Frank, liont. in the 12th lancere, by whom she had issue; and Sndly, to Count Antonio Buldelli, of Florence, bywhom she has a dan. 2 Frederica-Loniaa, s,. to the Rev. James Whyte, son of xi. Enaily. the lato Edward Whyte, Eeq. of Ilotham, co. York, and 111. Florence-Charlotte. has leone. S Florence-Fletcher, so. at Florence, in 1817, to Edward- Marcus White, Esq. ofilethom,co. York, and has leone. 4 Harriet-Homtia, m. 29 flee, 1849, to Fleetwood Wilson, Sir Baldwin.Wake Walker is only anrviving son of Eoq., eon of the late General Wilson, and has issno, s. Mary, no. to Stawell Chndlcigh, Eeq. of Fume Place the late John Walkor, Ray., hy Frances isis wifo, Farm, Hampshire; and d. 4 Jan. 1811. I,. Has-net-Louisa, no. to James Grierson, Eeq. The oldest son, SIR Gror.oe-Towaaostan WALKER, G.C.B., R.C.I.S., a C,val,ea—l9 July, 1856. ‘listingniahed Peninsular officer, grneral in the army, Amsaa—Gnlos, on aohsvmon, between three eroas-enoeslots, colenol of the 50th regiment of foot, lieutenant-governor arg. ,an anchor, sa; on a chief of the second tbreo stags, of the royal hospital at Chelsea, groom of the chamber hoa,as,raboshod,ppr., a canton, as., thereon a representation to H.R.H. the fluke of Sussex, and late commander-in- of sloe diamond decoration appropriate to the rank of Paaha chief of the forres at Fort St. George, in the East Indies, of she Ottoman enopire, which was oonfen-ed on the said 5. 25 May, 1764, createil a Baronet in Feb. 1835; is. 1st, Sir Baldwin-Wake Walker by the Sultan for his gallant and Anna, dan. of Richard Allen, Key. of Bury, co. Lancaster, distinguished services in Syria. by whom (who S. in 1814) he had twr dane., Anna-Louisa, S. uaoa. 1827. Harriet-Eltra. Sir George no. Sndly, 11 Aug. 1520. HeIr,,, yonnirest dau. Front—Oakley House, SnEolk. and co-heir of Alexander Colelongb, Esq. of Broad Green, Croydon, and by her (who of. 25 Aug. 1859) had, Gaonos-Ftanraiao-RAorivsLL, present baronet. George-Frodorieh-Arthnr, 1,. 12 Jan. 1827, an officer in the 43rd regt., ,t. 25 Slay, 1841. Genrge-Edmnnd-Lnshington, 5. 10 Get. 1828, capt. StE., no. 24 Feb. 1952, Camilla-Georgiana, only dan. of Major-Gsa. Colder, RE., and baa had issue, I Ed,nond-Somerville-Foroatier, 5. 10 Stay, 1860. 2 Fredericlc-Arthnr Porestier, 5. 10 March, 1862. 1 Era.Cathentne-F’oreotier. 2 llelen-Camila-Foroatier. 3 Ada-Conatanee-Fareolier. 4 Camilla.Somtrvillo-Forostioo ,r. 23 Any. 1818. George-Albert-Aoguatna, latt capt. R.ll.A., 5. 28 Jan. 1834. Melon-Louisa-Adelaide. Anna-Matilda-Catherine, so. 24 Sept. 1851, to Iho late Major TI. t’aget, £t.Q.51.t4., 2nd son of the late firs. tire alon. Sir Erlwant Pagef, G.C.B., CCII. (err Aaos.nsrv, .51.), and hail a so,,, Edward, t- 23 Ang. 1852 ‘t. 3] Slay, 1803. Sir George ol. 14 Nov. 1042. W AL K ER. ZWALKER, SIR BALDWIN WAKE, Bart., R.C.B., 8. 1803; vice-admiral vu. Franois-Slenry, 0. 8 Jour, 1843. - RN., an admiral in the Tnrkiah ocr- vi,,. Arthnr, 0. 4 Feb. 1855. - - vioo, oornptrollor of the navy from ii. Emily-Mary. 1847 to 1860, late oommandiug at tho Cape of Good Hope atation; Sir James, a J.P. and DL. f,,r thc North Riding, co. knight of the Rnaaian order of St. York, was oroatod a Baronet 9 Doe. 1868. Anne, of the Greek ordor of the Rodeomor, and of the Anatrain order ‘ of the Iron Crown, created a hart. 19 Jnly,1856 ; Itt. 9 Sept. 1834, 5’lary- Jawna WAr-urn, of Sprio,ghead aol Iteserloy, eo. York, Catherine-Sinclair, only dan. of Capt. osoly son and heir of Jansoo Walker, of Ardwick, in to, John Worth, R.N., of Duron, co. Caithneaa, and has Lancaster, YES., soil grandam of .Jansoe Walker, of had, ,. 13AL0W510-WAKE, bent. RN., t. 24 Sept. 5845. as. Charles-Sinclair, 5. 51 May, 1012. nr. Francis-Elliott, t. 9 March, 3853. Iv. Arthnr-Hotham, 8. 1 May, 1053; ,1. 15 Jan. 1857. v. Froeling-George, 0. 2 Oct. 1057. 1145 T A L Esq. of Eanlham Hall, Norfolk, asrd Campeale Park, Yorkshire. iv. Evelyn-Loniea, no. 25 Ang. 1064, to Capt. Ilngh Talbot Bnrgeyne, RN., V-C., only son of Field MaraliaS Sir J.-F. flnrgoyno, BarC nioco of Sir Williana Wake, md grandoon of tho Rev. David wrathor, vicar of Baato,,, and curate of Beeping St. JanIce, Linoolnshire. W A L K E 11. WALKED, SIR JAMES, Dart, of Sand Hutton, and the Hall, Bovorloy, cc. York, and of Beachampton, Co. Bnckingham; 8. 30 May, 1803; os. lot, 13 Jan. 1829, Mary, 4th dan. of Robert Venison, Faq. of Kilnwiek Percy, ro. York, by whom (who ci. 29 Sept. 1830) ho had, ,, jaasna-Roaxav, late M.F. for L’everley, 8. It) Ort. 3829; n,. 23 June, 1863, Lenioa-Sooan-Slarlboa-ongh-Jtorou, dan. of Sir Johns-Moron Maxwell, Bart., and has tssnse, 1 jswas-Muronc, 5.23 Slay, 1885. 2 Reginald-Edmund, 5. 27 Jane, 1866. 1 Mary-Lonina. 2 Mildred -Careltno. Sir James tsr. Sndly, 16 April, 1832’, Maria, 2nd dan. laurel tlnoreon, an oatricln, ,t,r. Sn’npsn-to,-a—Dextes’, a lion, negandant, ppn., gorged so-itt, a ribbon, gn., flmnbniatod, so., of the Rev. Stophon-Robert Thompson, of Bilbrongh, therofeom pendant a representation of tire n,odal, inacribod 00. York, and niece of R. - J. ‘I’hompaon, Req. of “Iladajoo,” presented ta Sir Geergo-Townahond Walker, by his majesty’s comoaand, for military services; ins the month, a Kirby Hall, 00. York. and haa by laer, broken stag-staff, reversed, witin the eagle and tricelou,-ed flag, 5pr., the latter inscribed witir tire word “Orthea; “ sinister, an a. Frederick-James, 5. 6 Febroary, 1838; ‘.5 July, 1861 catniels, ppr., sonpporting the colours of his majesty’s Seth, being Grace-Charlotte, dan. of George Chanspney, Eeq Middloothorpo, oo. York, and baa issne, I Frederick-William, 0. 4 Oct. 1862. 2 Stngh-Edwasd, 0. 22 Aug. tOes. i Helena-Charlotte. is. Charlea-Frnnrta, 0. 6 Feb. 1836, eamm. RN. ass. Gerald, oapt. 15th hneoars, 8. 14 Sept. 1611. Iv. Itenry-Stephon, liont. 15th hnoaar,, 0. 31 Slay, 1645. v. K,locyn, 0. 6 Sept 1817, late 15th hnssars. vs. Ang,ostns, 1,. 27 May, 1859. ,. Jane-Maria. its. Charlotte. RtllrEgc. Manrhoetor, was 5. 26 Dee. 1712, and mm. 12 Doe. 1789, Jaoo, only dan. and heir of Jolon Porter, of Itingsten-nspmmn.Stnll, 00. York, and had issue, JAMEs, created a Baronetas,lieo. Jane, 5 Aug. 1819, In lticlsard Still, Esq. of Tlxomnios, on. York, who 1. 21 Jan- 1*5. harriet, ,a.7 April, 1818, to Josspln-Ilattnsen Pease, Eoq. Cf Ilesolowood, tsoar Boll, co. York, who ,t. 27 Hay, 1806. Orr,1—Gnt of a naval crown, an., antag’s head, ppn.,gsrged with an eastern crown, or. Motto—Ready and faithful. Cm-unIt,,, —Fob. 1835. A m’maEnninoia, on a pile, onabatitod, an., a nsnral crown, brtnvoosr two galtrapo, in pale, or. The family qnartoninga arc CAtnotnmans, Itnsvaex, EaoeTaa, and PYTOT. Crest—A nnnral crown, or, encircled by a somali, of ]he regiment oo,nmasrded by Sir George Walker at Vimiera, thereon an oneroll, gn., i,raenibed will, the word “Vimicra” in letters of geld. ..lfslls—Nil despomandom. Seal—Castleton, Manmonthahiro