Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/453

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V A T New Plantation in Ulster,” settled at Coleroine, eo. Londenderry, and was a. by his elder son, I. SIR TRIOTRAM BCRO5FORD, of Colersine, knight of the shire for Londonderry in the parliament of 1661, who was created a BARONET OF 1RRLANn, S Bay, 1605. Sir Tristram to. 1st, Anne, eldest dan. of John Rowley, Req. of Castleroe, co. Lendenderry, by whom he had one sen. RANOAL, he heir, and two daus. and 2nlly, Sarah Saekville, and hod three eons and three done., via, Tristram. Michael, father of the Rev. Sackville Bereaford, BA., and of Anne, Is. in 1747, to Thomas Taylor, Esq. afterwards, in 1711, lord-mayor of Dublin. Saekvile, S. unto. Snsanna, a. to WiUiam Jackson, Esq. of Celoraine. Sarah, Is. 1st, to Pani lirazier, Seq.; and Indly, to Edward Cary, Seq. of Bnnvigen. Anne, at. to Henry Hart, Seq. ef Kilderry, co. Donogal. Sir Trietram d. 12 Jan. 1673. and was a. by his eldest son, 11. SIR RANnAL, H.P., vhs to. Catharine, younger dan. of Francis, Viscount Valenlia, and niece, maternally, ef Philip, let Earl of Chesterfield; and dying in Oct. 1651, left, TRI5TRAM, his heir. Jane, to. te Lieut.-Gen. Frederick Hamilton, of Walworth, co. Det-ry. Catherine, to. in 1697, ie Slotthew Pennefather, Seq. H.P., for Cashel, yonnger hrethor of Kingemill Pennefather, Seq. of New Park, eo. Tipperary. Sir Rsndal was s. by his eldest surviving sen III. Sm TensToAu. This geniloman commanded a regimont of feat against King JAMEs II., and was attainted by the parliament of that monarch. Sir TLietram to. in i687, Niehela-Sophia, yonsgest dan. eted eo-heirces of Hngh Hamilton, Baron of Glenawly, and by her (who tte. 2ndly, Lieut.-General Richard Gorges) had iasne, a. Haecus, his heir. a. Snaanna-Cetherina, to. to Hyacinth-Richard Nngent, Lord Riveretone: and S. a. p. II. At-sheila-Maria, S. nan. in 1732. Ill. Jane, cc. in 1711, to George Lowtber Seq. SIP, of Kilrue, eo. Heath, and had, with tws dane., ofwhstn the younger, Sophie, to. Rowley Hill, Seq. H.P., two eons, I Georges Lewtber, Seq. of Itilruo, H.P. for the ee. of Heath (see Landed Genls’y). 2 Havens Lewther, who so. in 1743, Catherine, sister and heir of Sir Edward Croften, Sort., asennted in eensoqnenee the surname of COOFTON, and was created a baronet. ax. Aramintha. Sir Trietram 5. 16 June, 1701, and was s. by his eon, IV. Stat MA000s, who so. 16 July, 1717, Catherine Peer, Baroness lo Poer, dan and heiress of James, 3rd Earl of Tyrene (see fatnily of LE PORN, at feet), and in esneeqncnee of that alliance was advanced to the peerage of Ireland, 4 Nov. 1720, as Baron Besvsferd, of Berr.sfss’d. re. Carom, and Viscount Tpress; and was crested Earl of Tyreue, 18 July, 1746. Mis lordship bad surviving issue, a. Grooor Dr LA Poeo, his eueeesser. at. John, 0. 14 Slarrh, 7737’S, barrister-st-law. This gentleman was appointed in 1770, a cencmieeiener of the revenue in lreland, and presided for many years at the board. in 1772, he wae appointed by patent, taster ol the winos in the port of Dublin, and was sworn of his Majesty’s meet hononral:leprivy-eeuncila in Groat Britain and Ireland. Rest. let, 12 Nov. 1700, Anne-Conetantia. dan. ofGen. Count deLigendee, of the house ofLigendee, of Auvergne, in France, and had issue, Slarcne, 0. 14 Peb. 1784; sI. 25 Peb. 1791, FranceeArabella, dan. of Jssepb, let Earl of Militewn; and 5, 10 Nov. 1707, leaving issue by her (who 5. in Bay, 3940) 1 Jobn-Tbeephilas, 2. in 1792; killed in Spain in 1812. 2 William (the Right Hen.), niajorin the srmy, and late H.P. for North Essex, late secretary at war; I. in 1798; so. 19 Dec. 1813, Catherne, youngest don, of the late George-Robert Heneage, Esq. of Haintou Hall, ce. Lincoln, and has issue, Mestyn-De Ia Peer, capt. 72nd highlanders, 0. 6 Dee. 1815. Sdward-Marcne, lient. -eel. Scott fnsilier-guards, is. 11 Dec. 1916. Prances - Arahella, to. 27 Aug. 1067, te the lIon. R.-O..S. O’Ocady (eec GuIa,a,Asaoao, V.). 1 Elizabeth, so. 26 June, 1827, to Felix Lsdbrsoke, Req. of Headley, Surrey. George-Dc Ia Poor. Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Armagh, 0. 19 July, 1761; so. in 1794, Prances, dan. of GervaieParker Rushe, Seq. of Kilfaine, SIP., for Kilkeitny, by his wife, a sister of the Bt. Hon. Henry Grattan, and S. 16 Oct. 1841, having had by her (who S. in May, 1941), I John, colonial secretary of the island of St. Vincent, 0. April, 1706; st 6 Bay, 1022, Harrtet-Sliea, eldest dan. of the late Rosa. William Wylly, chief-justice lI5tl W A T of St. Vincent, and d. 16 Sept. 1856, having by her (who 5. II Oct. 1057) bad isssso, George-Do Ia Poer, 0. in 1824; to. 10 June, 1048 Elizabeth-Hannah Nicholson, oldest dan. of the late Capt. Dss:old Maclean. Slarcus-Wylly, 2. in 1822; late capt. 40th foot; to. 24 Jan. 1852, Charlotte,third dan. ol Capt.R. Blakoney and has a set:, John-Blaksncy-De Ia Poor. Wslliam-Carr-llo is Poor, d. 18.11. John-il ill-Bela Poor, is. 1812; oslO Ilarch, 1859 at St.Vtnecnts, Emma, 410 dan. of Alexanderllaelend, Seq. Ilom’y-Clensent, 67th foot, 0.1811; cc. 21 Jusse,1857, Matilda, youngest dan. of F. Rinks, Esq., governor of the Windward isles, and was accidentally drswsscsl s’s the rapids of the Stassarnsd river, Tiritisl: Guiana, 19 Sept. 1885. Charlotte-Bliss, so. 1851, to David Cowie, Esq. Anste-Slatilda, d. 21 Nov. 1826, Slary-Bayley, o. sO April, 1862, to Capt. ShadwcllT jessry Clerke, lletfusilicrs,mil.sec. ts commander of tot-ceo Windward anti Lcoward Islands. 2 islarcus-Gervais, D.D., formerly bishop of Kilmore, Rlpbtn, anti Ardagh, now archbishop of Arncagh and lord primate of all Ireland, and prelate of the Order of St. Patrick ; 2. 14 Felt. 1801; to. let, 22 Oct. 1824, Mary, dau. of Ccl. SIenry-Poisley L’Estrasge, of Moyetowas, King’s co., and by her (who S. in 1841) hae bed, George-Be la Peer, is. 22 April, 1811; ste. 24 April, 1260, Mary-Annabella, youngest dan. of the Rev. W.-Vcr:son Harcenrt, and has issne. Henry-Slarene, capt. 0th feat, 8. 2 Slarrh, 1821 to. 10 April, 1281, Julia-Ellen, dan. of the Rev. P.R. Slauneell, rector of Castle Island, cc. Kerry, and lass iesne. - Sophie-Prances, 5. 12 Sept. 1852. Charlotte-henrietta, so. in 1822, to Henry-B.-W. Mimer, Esq. Mary-Ensily, to. in 1883, te Thomas, eon of Themes Heywood, Esq. of Hope End, co. Hereford, and 5. 11 Ang. 1858, leaving issue. His grace ss. lndly, 8 June, 1850, Slicabeth, relict of H.G.-Bomferd, Seq. of Hahenstown, co. Heath, and only den, of the late Joe-Trail Kennedy, Seq. of Annadale, co Down. 8 George-Be Ia Peer, S. tease. 0 Jnne, 3826. I Cborlottc’Mary, to. let, 2 Slay, 1812, Fredorick-Lumley Savile. Req. who S. in 1827; and 2ndly, 20 July, 1819, Robert-henry Southwell. Seq. Shed, in 1851. 2 Francee, so. to the lion, and Rev. Frane:s-Iloward, and 2.17 Nov. 1121. John-Clandins, 2. 21 Oct. 1766; so. 3 March, 1792, ERas- beth B’Kensie, only child of Archibald Slenziee, Req. of Cnlderee, co Pecblee. This gentleman, who was a privy-ceuncilior in Ireland, and alderman assd, at one time, ls,rd nsayer of Dnblin, 5. 1 July, 1846, leaving (with three dons.) a eon, John- Cleudins - Boresford, Seq. of Craig.Dhn-Varren. Porlrush, 8. 6 Dcc. 1709, who s:: 27 April, 1916, CoCserino, don, of Lient. W. Cnddy, 8;:th regt., and 5. 21 Nov. 1866. Charlee-Cobbe, in holy orders ; 8. 22 Oct. 1770 ; so. 22 Nov. 1702, Amelia, dan. of Sir William Slontgomery, Bert., and by her (who 5. 24 Starch, 1819) had issue, 1 John-isaac, in holy orders; 8. 11 Oct. 1796; Its. 11 June, 1824,Sopbia, dau. of Robert White, Req. Cf Aghavoe, Queen’s Co., and S. in 1847. leaving issue, Gcos’ge-Robert, of Macbiehil. co. Peoblee, capt. 88th foot, knt. of the Legion of Honour, 8. 18 Oct. 1070. Ensily-Sarab, an. 0 Slay, 1851, to the Rev. JohnManneeR-Maesy, 2nd sen of the Hen. John Slassy. Harriotto-Selina, as. 1816, Wm.-Allan Woddrep, Seq. 2 George-John, eel. R.A., 1’. 21 July, 1807 ; so. let, 12 Dec. 1810. Jono-Chaelette, youngest dan. of Chariot Riall, Seq. of Heywood, co. Tipperary, and by her (who 5. 6 April, 1842) has a dan., Jane-Solina. Me to. lndly, 15 Nov. 1844, Francee-Conetantia, oldest dau. of Robert Uniacke, Req. of Weodhonae, eo. Watorferd, and by her (who sf. 29 Oct. 1867), has issne, Robert-Henry, Is. 8 Sept. 1841. John-George, 8. 10 June, 1847. CharlesRichard.Gord0n, 0. 22 Feb. 1849. George-Alexander. 0. 21 Nov. 1859. Mildrod-Anae, twin with Robert-Henry, to. 18 Oct. 1466, to the Rev. William Carleton. 2 Charlee-Clandins, is. 14 Doe. 1110, in holy orders, ste. S Aug. 1818, Anna-Maria, only dan. of the Rev. F. Fitspatrtck, of Loch Scillon Globe, Cavan, and ci. 20 Aug. boO, leavieg issue, ChorlooCobbe, 8. in 1844; Froderiek.Johst-lsaac, t. in 1846; Edwina-Catherino; and Anselia.Slary-Sslna. 4 Hens’yRatert, 2.16 March, 1813, an officer 8Otb rifles. 1 Harriet-7:onssa, so. in 1825, to Rev. John-Joe. Fox. 2 Selissa.Grieelda. ss. in 1817, to John. Earl of Erne, S Anno-Conetantia. so. 1824, Lord John Thynne, D.B., and S.22 April, 1866. 4s2