Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/454

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W A ‘I’4 Emily-Catherine, ia. 10 lice. 1031, to Arthur-Willoughby-Cole hamilton, Esq. of Beltrim, en. Tyrone, aol has issue. 5 Charlotte-Frauces, so. 4 Nov. 1835, to the Rev. Samuel Alexander. Catherine, on 1778, Li-Cal. the Rightlion.Ifenry-Tbeoplulus Clemests, who 6. Bidet. 1751. She ,l. 7 Jan. 1530. Aone-Constantia, 0’. lot, I iso, Itobert Uniaeko, Eai1, of Wo,,dho,ioe, en. of Waterford, who ,i. l802 and lndly, 2 July, 1485, ti Rol,ort Doyne, Esq. She ti 1836. Jane, so. in 17o6, to tho Right lion. Sir George Fitogerald 11111, hart., governor of St. Vincont, and col. of the hondonderry militia, and ii. in 11’;6. The Right lion. John Ilereoford ot. Sadly, in 1771, Barbara, 2nd dau. of Sir William Montgomery, Rart. of Magb:e Lord Tyrone inhertted the ancient flarony of Dc In Poer ot Hill, North Britain, an,l had, Jainoo-Hamillon, It. N., 8. 15 Feb. 1752; accidentally enrolled amongst the peers of Great Britain, 21 AuF. 1786, drowned, 7 Doe. 140,1, while a miillahipnian on board as Bore,, Tys’oec, of’ .Flarerf’srdsceel, es. Pe:’sbs-oke; and the ‘‘l’hosnix.’’ Henry-PairS, 8. 21 Sept. 1764; so. 59 Fob. 1812, Ehoa, crested ShAnqness or Woxens-nnn, in the peerage of Ireland, dan. of John holly, Eoq. of Bristol; and ,l. 15 Dec. 19 Aug. 1789. lIe 1. SPec. 1800, and woos. by his eldest son, 1037, having had by her lwha d. in 1841) mane, I .lahn-BarrS Bereoford, of hearniount, ca. Perry. 8 29 Aug. 1505, Snsanna, ouly dan. and heiress of George, 2nd 19 Anril, 1615; a. 23 Aprll, 1440, Sophia, dan. ofthe Earl of Tyrconnel; by whom (who d. 7 June, 1127) ho had, late llugh-t.yens ?Jonrgoniery, Eoq. of Beihavel, es. Loirriso, an’S b3 her arise a. 21 March, lvii) has ieone. ilonry-Ilarr$-illacker. 8. 4 May, 1546; JohnClaudins Montgomery, 8. 5 Fob. 1850. lie so. tndly, 7 July, tosa, Caroline, only child of William and Lady Elieabeth llanniton Ash, of Ashbrosk, hendonderry, and has iasne, Williano-Randal-Hamflton, 8. 10 July, 1050; Ennoa-Clara; and another dan. 2 Heos7-Barré, 8. 23 July, 1816 comm. TIN. 3 William-Montgomery, ii. 17 Oct. 1817; in ashy conneiller in Ireland, governer of the county of Waterford orders; reef’5iif L,,wer lialdeney, co. Tyrone ; as. and colonel of the Wsterford militia, if. 16 July, 1826, and 15 Feb. 1051, llooa-Elen, dan of John Turner, Esq., was s, Isy his eldest son, and 0. 4 April, loSs, havhrt had William-James- Montgomery, I. 35 Aug. 1849. another son, t. 30 s,,. 9 Jnne, 1942, Louisa, 2nd dan. and co-beh- of Charles, March, lSoI, and tln’eedaus., Harriet-Sarah, FlorenceMary-Anne, l:,te Lord Stuart do Rotheoay, but bad no issne. Hin lordship, au,t Eva-Barrf’. 4 Janice-David, 8. 2 April. ISIS (late 76th foot); Slai-cb, 1053, lay a fall from his horse wblle out hunting, at adjutant and captain Londonderry militia. 5 George-Dc Ia Poor, 0. 13 Fel,. 1826; late capt. 18th Corbally, near Carriek-on-Snir, en. Tippemry: he was s. by foot; so. 15 Dec. 1019, Anne, dan. of tIm Life MajorGen. his hi-other, Conyers, by whom (who d. (4 35541, he hat issue, Cbarleo-Rdwaril-De Ia Poer, 8. 23 Oct. 1550; Tristrani Hoary-Barn:, 8. 5 Oct. 1811; Walter-Montgomery, d. 16551 Daphne-Sarah. 1 STory-Barbara. so. 9 Feb. 1s36, to Thomas-William Chriatiana, 3rd da’i.Iof tho hate Obarlee-Pewell Leslie, H.P., Fonstaine. 2nd son of Andrew l°ountaine, Eaq. of of Glaoslengh, co. Slsnagbsn, and bad issne, Narford ThoU, Norfolk, and has issue two eons and a dau, 2 Elica-Frances, ‘1’,Dec. 1039. William-Hamilton, 8. in 1758; if. 16 Sept. 1865. Hannah. Frauces-Tisnsrli-a, to. 2 July, 1805, to James Whyte, Eaq. of Plltou Houae, Barustaple. Elicabeth, 5. 17 Jan. 1000. Anna, so. 1st, to Charles Cardiner, Rsq.; and Sndly, to The nrorqneos ,i. 5 Nov. 1566, and was e. by his eldest son, C.-E. Stuart, Esq. Clara, ia. in 1833, to the Rov.James- SpeneerEnox, P.O., who tO. 1 March, 1862: shed. -1 April, 1662. iii. William, in holy orders; e1. Archbishop of Tuam; 1575. Viscount Tyrene, 4 Nov. 1720. Esri, 18 July, 1740. created Ba,-oa .Deeies, (Sic lId diqoins.) i. Anne, os. 3733, WilliamAnncsley, istViocountGlerawley H. Jane, Ca. in 1743, to the Right IIou. Edward Cary, of Dungiven, co. Perry, SIP, fur that ohire; and a. in 1702. its. Catherine. so. 1st, in 1740. to Thomas Christmas, of fienro-de-Ilo. witbisa a bsrdnro, engrailed, na. for Brrreroei’; Whitefield, Co. Waterford, H. 1’. for that shire; and 2ndly, 2nd and 3rd, m’g...a chief, indented, sa., for LA Porn. in 1734, to the Right Hon. Tbeophilus Jones, of Head- the neck with a broken spear, or; the broken point, arg., fort; and 0. in 1703. iv. Aramantha, Se. in 1753, to George-Paul blanch, Esq.; thruot through the upperj.,w; for Braros’oion. and d. in 1018. v. Frances-Maria, so. in 1702, to the Right Hon. Henry between the barns of a crucifix, nf the last, thereon the Fleod, of Farmley, co. Kilkenny, SIP. ; and el. in 1835. vs. Elisabeth, 5’. in 1753, to Thomas Cobbe, Esq. of New- winged, or, each holding in the exterior bands sword, erect, bridge, cc. Dublin. The Earl of Tyrone d. 4 April, 1763, and was s. by his eldest 551:, Ornone lie ox Pora, 2nd earl, 8. 8 Jan. 1735; si, in April, 1765, Elizabeth, only dan. and heiress of henry Shonek, Roq, of Charlev:lle, and Lady hoabella Bentinck, dau. of henry, let fluke of Portland, by arhon, be had issue, s. heNry-Dr LA Porn, his successor is. John-George, PD., Archbishop of Armagh and Primate into Ireland, obtained for his services there considerable of all Ireland; l’.C. ; Prolate of the ceder ‘ifSt. tes’ricori::l grants. Of Sir Roger, Giraldus Cambreosie I’atriek, and Vice-Chancellor ‘ifTrinity College, Dublin’ 8. 22 Nov. 1775; 1. lilJoly, 1862. sit. Oearge-Thom,,s, O.C.H a priry-coun a man st-h, did more valiant acts than Roger Ic Pser; who, c:llor, custoo.rotnlor,sv: if tho Co. of Waterford, and eel. of its miCtia; 8. 15 Feb. 1701; vi. 22 Nov. 1805, harriet dau. at —Schute, Req. of Gillingliam hall, Iieccleo and a. in 1530, leaving by her (avho ‘S.20 April, 1068), I Elicabeth.HarriebOeerglana, so, 8 Fob, 1843 to Adnatral the oeuniry shosst hoigblin, as alec in Ossery, wbere he wss Henry Eden, ION, 2 Harrtet-Sueanseabe;la so. 13 April, 1844, George Dun. formed among the Irish to destroy the English, end many W A T bar, Jun., Ea1, of Woburo, en. Down, and sIll April, 1559. 3 Carellno-Susau-Catberine, so. 1548, the Hon. E. Ken- yen: she d. S Slareh, 1066. 5. Isatsella-Anne, so. 1 April, 1812, to Sir JobnWllhiamilead-Drydges, who 0. in 1839. Shed. in 1550. is. Catherine, d. in june, 3543. iii. Anne, ii. isis-il. iv. gticabeth-Louioa, so. let, 10 July, 1016, to Msjor-Gen. Sir hlonis Pack, ROB., who d. 24 July, 1133, having by her had, with other issue, a 2nd son, Denis-Wiltiom Pack-Ileresfont, Roq., SIP. for ci’. Carlow; she so lndly, 12 Feb. 1031, to Lient.-Gen. Sir Thomas Reynell, Part., K.C.B., who ,I, 18 Feb. 1818. Shed. 6 Jan. 1856. the deceaoe of his niotber, 27 July, 1769. The lordship was IhrNrv Dr ox Porn, Sod marquess, 8. 23 Hay, 1772; so. t. HeNnv-Dr t Pore, 3rd marqness. is. William, 8. 5 Dec. 1512; on officer in the lot life-guards; a. is Oct. 1854. iii. JOHN-Do LA Foer, 4th marquess. iv. James, b.c Oct. 1810; an elhccrin tho army; dm1841. i. Ssnsls-Elicoheth, si. 2 Nov. 1828, to the 18th Earl of Sbi’ewebnry. His lordship, who avas a knight of St. Patrick, a privy Bunco-Do LA Poon, 3rd marquess, 8. 20 April, 1831, who who was a knight of St. Patrick, was killed, 29 Juno-Do ox Porn, 4th marquess, in holy orders, rural dean, lals incumbent of Shnllaghbrsck, in the diocese of Armogh, who avas 8. 27 April, 1014, and s’. 29 Feb. 1843, Joeo-ibrsoy-Dr a.s Pore, present peer. Cnxeors-Wi LLiAat-DE LA Pore. Stout. 11.5’., 8. 10 Fob. 1546. Wihliaas-Leehie-De Ia Peer, an officer Sib lancers, 8. 20 July, lOll. lhbsrcas-Talbot-De Ia Peer, sn efficer 710 haasars, 8. 25 Dee. 1040. lie la Val-Jssneo-Deha Peer, 8. 13 Jan. 1062. JOUN•Hr.NRY-DO LA Pore, 5th and present Slxequess or Wxvnneono. Oroolise.s—Daronet, 5 Slay. 1605. Baron La Pser, 23 Nov. Slarqssess, 19 Ang. 1785—in the peerage of Ireland, Baron of Great Britain, 21 Aug. 1106. Aries—Quarterly: let and 4tb, org., crnsilly-fiteh6o, three First Crest—A dmgi’n’s head, erased, so., pierced through Sensod Crest—A et:sg’s head, cabesoed, ppr., attired, or, resemblsnce of Jesus, ppr., for Lx Pore. .Soppsrlere—Tw:: angels, ppr., vested, org., crined and alse ppr., pommel and hilt, or. JIslie—Nil nisi ernee, Seots—Curraghmore, en. Wsterferd; and Ford Castle, Northnmberlsnd - Sew’s Hssssc—I0, Charles Street, St. James’s. zJTauiiIp of Ele Ta 3j3ofr. Ste Room hr Peer, Knt., who accompanied Strongbow writes: ‘‘Iinaight be eaid w2tbs’at offence, there was tiot although be avere young and beardless, yet he showed himself a Inoty, vslia,,i, and ceurageous gentleman, and who grcw into ench genii credit, that he hod the government of traitorously killed; on wbose slaughter a conspimcy was castles were destroyed.” Sir Roger so. a niece ef Sir Amory