Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/465

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W E 31 co. Fife, in that of the United Kingdom 5. in 1796; witnessed the act of settlement of the crown of Scotland etc. in 1817, Louisa, 4th dan, of Richard, 2nd Earl of by Eing tloscav I., at Ayr, in 1315, From Sir Michael Lucan, and haa had issue, x. FRANCIS, Lord Ricks, 8. 4 Aug. 1918, M.P. for Haddingtonshire; B L. fer Peebles ; m. 29 Aug. 2843, Anne. lady had no issnc ; assd 2ssdly, in 1161, Auno, sister of James, Frederica, 2nd dan. ef Thomas-William, let Earl of Earl of Moray, by whom he had, with ,,ther issue, Liehfield, and has issue, FRANCIs, 5. Nov. 3841; AlfredWalter ollicer 71st feet, 5. 2J,,ne, 1847; lIngo-Richard, 8. 25 Aug.1957; Alan.l.Iucilsy, 5. 19 llarch, 1160; Ryan, as Bares, s.fEtclse, 1 April, 1626. his lordship was 8. Jan. 1864; Evelyn, Lilian-harriet, and Hilda. ii, Richard, 5. 25 July, 1822; hieut.-col. Sects fnsilierguards advanced to the dignities of EAHL Os’ Weaves, in tic Cs. iii. 2 Aug 1158 Margaret, elder dan. of F)fr, and Lord Echo asS Met/set, 21 Juns, 1631. This nobleman, Richard, last Earl of Glengall, and has a son, 5. 12 Oct. I., took part against his royal master, an,l sided with the 1866; and two dane., Elmer-Margaret and llaud-Slary. parliamentarians. He so, in 1010, Jane, dan. of Patrick, 7th III. George, 8. 18 Jan. 1856. iv. WaIter, 92nd Mighlanders; killed at llslaclava 1654. v. Frederick-William, commander RN., 5. 28 Feb. 1831 Cl, 10 Nov. 1664, Louisa, 3rd dan. of the present Earl dasi. of Rolscrt Balfour, Lord Durleigh, by whom lie had an of Alliemarle, e. Anne, Ia. 18 Feb. 1852, to the Earl of Warwick. ci. Louisa, ni. 7 Dec. 1151, to William Wells, hog, of Helmwood, Hunticgdonshire. His lordship, who a. as 8th earl, on the death of his The Earl of Wemyos os, 2ndly, Lady F.loanor Fleming, dan. father, 28 Juno, 1853, io lord-liont. of Poeblcsshire. L tllcagr. The ancient family of the Earls of Wemyss, trace their Earl if Bucolcncht, by whom he had au only surviving origin from the celebrated MACDuFF, Thane and lot Earl of dan., 1lAHnAHsv, in whose favour his lordship, having resigned Fife, the vanquisher of the tyrant MACBETH. The surname of Wss,vso, like many others in Scotland, now patent, conferring the lsossonrs of the family, with the is local, and was first assumed by the proprietors of the os’iginal precedency, upon her ladyship. Thio Earl was lands anciently called Wasivss-sniHs, which contained all a man of a great and public spirit. Ite built a fins and that tract of ground lying betwixt the lower part of the commodious harbour at llethil, upon his own charges, and water of Ore and the sea. Theselaudegot their name from made considesnblc additions to his house, the Castle of the great nnmher of caves that ire osi them, all alesig the Wsioyss. and greatly beautified that fine seat with terraces sea coast. A cave in the old Gaelic or Celtic language, was and gardens. He it. in 1680, when the baronetcy became called Vumhs; from that, these lands got the name of dos’mant, but the other dignities descended accordingly to Vams-shire. In process of time they earle to be called his dan., Wemyss-shire, which name they still retain, as will appear ladyship ns. Sin JAaIEs Wnosvos, of Caokyerry, who was from several charters under the great seal. GILLH,ICI,AEL, 4th Earl ef Fife, great-grandson of MacduO’, created, 25 April, 1672, for life, Lom-if Bus-sticlsorl, having the 1st Earl, was winiess is the foundation charter of hail previously a charter of the castle of Bumtisland. The the abbey of Holyrood Houss, in 1128, and is mentioned in issue of this marriage were, several other charters of King Dav,o I. Es d. 1139, leaving issue, Duncan, Ith Earl of Fife, in whom the line of those Earls was continued, and a 2nd son Iluno, direct ancestor of the family of Wemyss. who got from his father, the The Countess of Wemyss m. lndly, George, let Earl of lands of Wemyss-shire, some lands in Lochoreshire, and in Cromarty, bnt had no issue by his lordship; she S. in 1705, the path Rennoway, alt holding of himself and his snceessore, and was e. by her only son, Earls of Fife. Ho obtained also from his biother Duncan, the 5th Earl of Fife, sonse lands in the parish of Queen AaRE, lord-high admiral of Scotland, sworn of the Markinch, with the church patronage thereof. He d. in privy council, and constituted one of the commissioners for 1167, and was o. by his son Hnuo, or Ego, whose son, SIR concluding the treaty of union, iii. let, in 1697. LADY ANNE JOHN, succeeded him in all his lands. This Sir John DouonAs, dan. of William, 1st Duke of Qoeonsbsrry, and appears to have been a man of distinguished rank and sister of James, Duke of Quecnsben’y and Dover, and of figure, and in his yomager days took the appeilntion of JOHN William, lstEarl of5lsrch, bywhom he hadone snrvivingson, os 3dEvHInL, or Slethihl, from a seaport of that name, situate near the east end of Wemyss-shire. As surnames began abont this time to be frequently used in Scotland, His lordship si. lndly. Mary, dan. of Sir John Hobinson, Sir John, in the beginning of the reign of ICing AlEXANDER Part, of Farmingwoods, in the co. Northampton, but had no II., from his lands of Wemyss-shirs, assumed that oi issue; and 3rdhy, in 1716, Elicaboth, dan. of Henry, Lord Wemyss for his surname, which his whole posterity hays Sinclair, by whom be had two dane., namely, enjoyed ever since. Sir John de Wemyss had three sons, MICHAEL liE WEHvS5, his heir. Hugo do Wemyso, who is mentioned in the chartuiary of Lord Weinyss, who wae one of the representative peers, S. Arborath,l242. Dxvsn oE WEMYO5. to whom his father gave the lands of 15 March, 1120, and was s. by his only son, Camhrnn, in Kennoway parish, aod he is designed and heiress of Colonel Francis Charteris, of Anmiefield, in the David do Wemyss Cominus de Cambrnn, in a charter co. Haddingtou, and 5. 21 March, 1756, having had issue, of John Rhyt, Prior of St. Andrew’s. He married, and had issue. Sir John de Wemyss S. between the years 1532 and 1236, and was s. by his oldest son, MscnxEs, ncWcssvss, who confirmed his father’s donation to the monastery of Soltray. He S. before 1260, leaving issue, a son and successor, SIR JOHN OE WEarrss, whose elder son and successor Sin MICHAEL DE WEMYso was sent, according to Fsrdnn, in 1290, with Sir Michael Scott, to Nonvay, by the lords of the regency in Scotland, to conduct the young Q’scen SIxnOAHET to her dominions; but her majesty unfortunately died upon the journey, at the Orknsys. The King of Norway conferred on Sir llichael an antique silver basin, which has been used to the present day as the font whenever of that ilk), who obtained from ills father the lands of Bogie, an issfant heir of the house of Wemyss is baptissd. in Fifeohire, winch rensained for sevsral generations with bin Sir Michael swore fealty to Enw.s.nci I, in 1266, and he dceccndaute, who wors raised to the degree of baronots, 1167 W E 31 lineally descended5 Sin Jossic Wcs,vos, of Wcniyss, who sa. let, in 1574, Margaret, oldeet dan. of Willia,,,, Earl of Slorton, but by that Sin Jesus Wcssvoo, of Wcmyss, who was created a Baronet 29 llay, 1025; and elsvatod hi the peerage of Scotland, although i,sdebtcd for his honours to King CHAHLE5 Lord Gray, by wbosn he bad six children, and was e. in 1649, by his only son, Basin, 2nd carl. This nobleman ss. 1st, in 1626, Jean, only surviving dan., Jane, who became, 1st, the wife of Archibald, Earl of Angus; and after his lordship’s dcccase, of George, Earl of Sutherland. of John, 2nd Earl of Wigton, but by that lady hail no issue. He ia. lrdly, Margaret, dau. of John, 6th Earl of Rotbcs (widow successively of James, Lord Halgony, and Francis, his peerage to the crown, obtained, 3 Aug. 1672, a LADY SlxssnxsoEv Wcasvse, as Countess of Wemyso. Her Dxvin, successor to the countess’s honoure. Anne, who iii. Bacid, Earl of Leven and Slelvills, and had issne. Margaret, so. to David, Earl of Northcsk. Basin, 3rd earl. This nobleman, who was appointed by JAMEs, his successor. Elicabeth, wife of William, 16th Earl of Sutherland. Margaret, wife of James, Earl of lloray. JAMEs, 4th sarI, 5. in 1699; is. in 1720, Janet, only dan. s. Basin, Lord Ricks. mm. Fmu.ossoss, who assumed the name of CHART5RIO before that ot Wsmyse. Ho o. Is the earldom. mis. James, alP. for ths co. Sutherland, whom. 1757, Elizabeth, dan. of William, 16th Earl of Sutherland, and had, I William, sf Wemyss, a lisut. -general in ths army, 5. 9 April, i780; is- in 17s8, Fraaces, dasi. of the hate Sir W. Ersktns, Bait, of Torrie; and dying in 1821, left, James Erekinc, of Wemyos Castle, and Torrie Moose, co. Fife, rsar-adm. EN., licnt. and sherilhprincipal of Fifoshire, 5. in 1798; is. in 2826, Lady Emma May, dan. of William, 16th Earl of Erroll (which lady 5. 17 From Sir Michael also descended Sin JAMse Wcaevss (2nd son of Sir David Wemyes, lord