Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/466

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W E JNI W E i[ July, 18411: he 2. 3 April, 1034, learingissue, I James- ‘‘h’’‘a,in Dee. 1824, to Col. John Wildinan, and Hay, of Wenives Castle and Tonic House, co 1”ife, d. in UoL 1823. 01 P llr Fife-dove, and io 1864, its high sheriff sad in. Katherine, os George-Harry, Lord Grey of Greby, son lieuteoant. 3 29 Aug. 1829, ia. 17 hay, H37i, Rita- of Earl of Stamford and NO arrington and 4.4 Jan. 1844. rent-Ann-Man’ dau of the late lion. Jihn Kennedy- 1’. Charlotte, ia. 1821, A. Fletcher, Esq. of Saltonn Castle. Erekise and iO. 29 llarrh 1804, having hail, Ban- v- Lanisa-Antoinetta, os. 14 Aug. 1112, to the lair William dulpli-Garden, 3 11 July: 1838; hugo, 0.11 1liy, Forbes, Req. ofCa!lendar, ea. Stirling; and d. IOFeh.1835. 1861; llosolyu, 3. posthnioous, 12 April, loO4; lion- vi. Iiai net, i,i. 1 Sept. 1829, to Sir George Grant Suttie, Mba, and liar;- - Injures 2 Edward Pulley, t. Hart of lialgaiie and Preston Grange, and tO. 18 May, 1858. Jnhy, 18:14, 0, 184° ; 1 Francee-llarrict, iii. 16 May, vn. Jane, a. 20 Oct. 1838, ts Cot. Philip Ihundas. 1880, to Captain Charles-.laio,a Lialfeur, RN., sin viii. Caroliise. of Gm. Balloon, of Bathirule. The Earl of Wemyss was enrolled amongst the peers of the William, hieimt.-gen. in the thcQuees, United Kingdon;, as Baron Wemyse, of Wemyes, Co. Fife, dan o ‘tOsllnm i lath Ian fi ii 11 J 9 N y i7 July 18 1 H s lordshsp who was leid hente ant of the 1052, 1aniog by htr (who 1. go July. 106sf had issue, Ce. of Peebles, it. 28 Juno, 1111. Jamemee-Heisry, rapt. iu the arsmv, ‘1.1037; t’lsarles- Ci estisas—Ilaran, 1 April, 1028 ; Earl, 13 June, 1631- Earl Thmooias, e-mpt. se the army; isalicoa-llarnet-Jane, °-of March, Fe., 20 April, P197—Scottish heuours. Baron of to taunt ltrroutlowO ua:mimmmml. rise United Icingileom, 17 July, 1821. Fn,mures,ma to James, ;;rd Earl of Rosolyn, and 4. 10 A rais—Quai terly: let and 4th arg. a fesee, az, within a Sept. 1s0. double troosure, ilory-eounterliory, go.;ud and 3rd, or, a 2 Jaaies, 0. 4 3Cc, 177s -..... 6 Sgpl. 1003, Carsliae-Cham-- lion, ranihiant, sa. first—A swan, ppr. ,Sopjisrlere—Two loIn’, liii itau. of the lie; - I leery tbaliolml, M.,t., rica; mit sum aiss, tar. JJ’olleeo—Fi’r WEST Y05, ‘‘Jopeuae ;‘‘ for Cnsa— thtiriglul on, o i. Sal., and a. 14 .tmig. I sill, having had a-eaie, ‘‘Thisour charter;’ for MARCH, ‘‘Forward.’’Seats— Gino; I lames, a erijor is llio l;es gal aramy, 3. Il -las. Noidpath Castle, co. Trebles; Arnuafleld and Goelerd Had— 1007, i it ri ‘a,don. if J - Reilly. h2iq., and it. 27 -Jane, tlingten shire. I oil ; 2 W’i,hiome—BsOrld, m:ej —gee- late 10th Bengal light easatry, 0. IS 1 H. loll, a; - 24 lt:ea’h, 1032, Martha—Rose— jimafla tam I f the Ido Lien; (Co SuonehOumll W F ift Y S S 0 b B 0 0 I F and Callierisimo ; I l”raerio, bean—cal. late llm’sgal en— gini-er’-, ii. lx Nor. 1014, i. I 640, Srlina, lan. of Gm’orge I’yi’. Bsi1., and tic; isaac, Selia,e 1 Clmaoles—B;’ai’y, hoot. RN., 0. 14 tOt, loll, it. 19 Feb. loll ; 3 tlrarge-Garulss, 0. lollt, it, 3-acing ; 6 Pa; id 0. i°30, it. young; 1 (‘oem— lin,’—Cliarlntt, . ; - to Ilai.—tien. Charles Caniphell, of Kin— loch, and ml. 23 Aug. 1841, teas-hg isauo tire daus. 2 Mary, ia. to llaj.—i; on. Charles— F. hlasm-loek pa ltavrtooa, hoer.); I Clia’ils’th-hlumilly, it. yuaeug : 4 Eliza— bethi—ilantly, m. to Sir NO ilhiani Heir, lt.C.6. I., hoot.— governor NW. in; turn of I sum 3 Bathe rise—tt;mrrirltc, cc. 30 FrI. lxi), to Major (iotavius-l trnrr-Sl. George IAnnLamhd ç. Ma1, 1791 to the l:de Alexander Wulivos, SIR JOHN, of Bagie, en. Fife, 8. 1 Aug. Itrndie, Esq. of AruhaG, Kincandineahire, and ii. 19 1830 ; clainted this Baronetcy of Nova Scotia, on the July, 1000. ilomise of lila rolative 29 Dec. 3549. Sir John s. Fraoren, ci, to Sir Janaeo Stuart. Weniyoo, a merchunt of Ilerhanmpore, Bengal who ha the eldeot son of the late John Wemnyee, Eeq., iv, Helen, is. to Hugh lhalryenple, Req. of Pordel. wrster in Ivn’kaldy, conemie-goi’nlan to Sir James Time onus eldeat son, Wonuyee, the late baronet, went through the process DAviD, Lord Eletae, having been involved in the rising of of being served heir to that baronet in the court of 1711. fled into Fmne.e after the battle of Celleden, and was the sheriff of chancery at Ldunburgh, 1 Oct. 1858. attainted. The family bonoure nomained, therefore, from the death of his father (21 hlareh, 1736,1, during his lordship’s life (thoogh preeomed 5th earl), under the iniluence of that Sta JAMES Weaivee, the first of the Weouveaxa of Bepir, penal statute; but at his deiinee without issue, in 1737, avon the 2nd san of Sir David Wemyse,5 lord of that ilk, they were revioed, and inlsenited by his brother, progenitor of the Ea,’le of Wemyss. He us. Margaret, dan. Tue HON. Peaxcis CuAn’rsi:ia-Weasxso, as 0th eaid, 3. in of Sir John Melville, ef Raith, by wbsm he had several 1722; is. in 1743, Lady C ethierine Gorden, din, of Alexander, children, bsit none of theem arrived at maturity except 2nd Duke of Gordon, by wham he had issue, JAoiee. who cc. Margaret, dan. of Andrew Kinniuuaouth, i. Francis, Lend Ehrte. 1’. 31 Jan 1749; so. 18 July, 1771 of that ilk, by Itehan, Inn wife, dan. of Henry, Lerd SinSu:aao, dau, ef AnGiony Tnaey-Keek, Esq. of Great Tew’ claim-, and by her had issue, 1 JouN (Sir), of Hegie, who en. Oxford, and dying 28 Jan. 1808, leftiasne by her, wIse bezanie his grandf.ather’s heir; 2 David. of Balfuarg, who 4. 25 Feb. 1232, carried en the line at thiefanulyashereinafter; 1 Pa u.Iecie, 7th earl. 2JTenr1j. whose descendants now represent the family, as 1 Hennott:i-Chartotte-RHeabeth, cc, 3797, Geerge Harry w eie. - 6th and kite Earl of Stamford; and tO. 10 Jan. 1829. ‘Sir James mO. 1640, and was s. by his grandson, 3 Susan, em, in 1799, to T,ient. -Gen. Sir Henry Chinten, Sue Jona Wosivos, whose ue1iheav, G.C.H.; and 4. in loIO.° , Siu JANueIt’Esixoa, eldest ann oolysimnvivhimg sen efDavid 3 Kathsaniue, solot il tIme lion. Edward-Richard Stewant. f Half ‘I ‘- son at John, 7th Earl of Gahlon-sy ; he 4. 27 htay 1851, ..amg, w in was un ii 04, ci sited a B.oainet tsy Queen heaving is-in,’ luy tier, ‘ekeii. 16 Oct 1061. ANaE, by patrnt to him and his hemma male whemseever; 4 Augusata, mm. iii 1819, Wanuser-Wblhianm, Lord Reaamore;5 and dying sean thereafter, was s. by his ouly ecu, and ii. 27 Oct. 1840. - Sta JOhN Wroivss, of Bagie, who ma. a dan. of Sir William i, Prances, ia. in 1798, tothuc Rev. William Tnaill, B.B. Lockhart, advocate, by whens he left one son, wise tO. in 1811. Shed. I April, 1848. ‘Sin JAosEs Wntixss, of Dogie; who 4. now. Upon that The earl ml. in Aug. 1808, and was o. by his grandson, event, the representation in the male line is said to have FRANcis ‘tileearl who inherited the Eanldem of Ilaneh, and devolved on ttee descendant of HENRI’ Wntivse, 3rd sen ef hands and lordship of Ncidpath, at time demise of William, 4th James, and guandeoo of Sir James Wemyss, the let of Duke of Queenskenry, 2311cr. 1010, as heir neale of his greet- l3ogie, via.: Sia Juuoss Wosaves, the hate baronet, who was great-grandmother, Lady Anne Dsuglaa, 1st wife of David, served hem on the death of his father, and whe 4. neus, 3rd Earl of Wema-se, I)oke of Qiueenskenry, 19 Dec. lOIS, when the title avas claimed by his kinsman, asd sister of the lion. Withiaai Bimoglas, who was created Sin Joux Wcstvss, the present baronet. Rarleftiherek, 28Apnil, 1(07. flislondshi1i, 0.13 AprG, 1770, Cccehise—1704. Aesie (not registered in the Lyon office) m. 31 May, 1794, 9targarmt, dan. of Walter Campbell, Req. of —Qu;u’terly:bet amid 4th, ir, a Con rampant, gu., armed Shawflehml, and by her (who 4. 23 Jon. 1050) had issue, , and Ionguaed, at. ; 2nd amid 3rd, org., a lion rampant, ea. 1, Pnaaucie, present peer. Creel—A swan, ppr. iSapjiertere—Two swans with wings i. Eleanor, is. is l80, tm Walter-Frederick Canmhut oil of endorsed, IePr. J/eihe—Js tense. J0tsmdcumcem—At BerhamShawfmehd, H. P. for the co. of Argyll eldest soa mit me pore, Hsngal; and also Iii Ednikurgh. hate Cubed Johni U’anmpkelh, ;mnd graodson, nmatermiahly, of John, Poke of ArgyH. Her hadyshm1m 4. in 1832, sp- David Wemyss had other children, and his dan.’ - . Elizabeth, mum. 1337. Alrxaiiden Wsod, of t,aunbelethame great: * These ladies were raised to the i’aok ;ind precedency of grandson of Sir Amidrew Wmuuid, of Largo admiral te’JssmEe an carl’s daughtcvs. Ill, and Janos IV. of Seethiimid, “(is