Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/496

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WIN WIN of the Os. Kent, and governor of Dover Castle at the time iii. Isabella, it. aiim. that King Jaaisa It., making an attempt to depart the king- is’ 5tai rn to Thomas, 1st llarqness of Iloekioghom. dam, was stopped at Fovorsham, when his majesty sent for Ilo9rietta, rn. ts 55 illiam F leroy, Doko of Cleveland. Lord Winrhileoa, who prevailed with the king to retorn to 5th s. to Wilma, 1st Earl of Mansfield, London. His lordship it. 1589, and was a. by his grandson [ . , CaaooLco, 3rd earl (pootlinmons son of Lord 31 aidstono i The rail, who was principal secretary of slate for some years who foil in the naval engagement with tho Dutch, 28 Slay. t?s the aeoeosien of king Wittraar, and was high in the 1672, hy Elizabeth, dau. of Thoaaaao Svvndhani, Eeq. of Fell- rntiniatioo of Quoon Aazsr and king Ocoane I., it. 1 Jan. brigge Hall, co. Noi1olk. Tins noble;naa a. Sarah, dams, of 1 and was o. by his eldest son, llonry Nonrso, Esq. of Woodlands, on Wilts; hut his only DaNsrr, ithEariol Winrh,lsca, and 3rd Earl of Nottisigsoil pre’ieceasing him ia infancy, the Issnouro revortod at ham Oi• lol, in 1,26, Lady Franooo Feuding, dan. of the hio lordship’o decease, 11 Ang. 1712, Is his uncle, Ilight Hen. Lasil, karl of Benbigh, by whom ho had one Hsiosaoz, •lth ass-I; who ci. Anne, dan. of Sir Svilliain dan., tharlottc, who it. soc.; and dilly, Jan. 1737—9. Mary, Kiogsmill, of Sidaiontsn, co. Southampton, a lady cole- dan. and co-hon eos of Sir Thos. Palmer, Hart. of Wioghans. hs’atod for her poetic laleicts ; but d. without leone, 30 Sept. co. Kent, by whom Iso had four onrvioing dans., 1726, when tho lsonanre devolved npon his half-brother, llessoagr, so. Ia Sir George Ostoni, Earl. sf Clncksands. JoHN, 5th sarI; at svhoso decease, vvithont issue, 9 Sept. 1j01’0 IS°9 1729, the Baronyof Fitolsorhort expired; while tho Earldons Aognsta, d.sssrn. H 1797. of Winrldlsra and the Viscounts’ of 2l.tsdstone revortod to He it. . p. in 1769, and was a. by Ins nephew, llavsci..lnd Earl of Nottioghans, and Baron Pinch of Gsoaos, 6th Earl of SVinohioea, and 4th Earl of NottiogDaventry (refer to Itenoago, speaker of the House of Cons- hans, k.G., lord-lisut. Os. Rutland, it. now. 2 Ang. 1926; muons, Ic,l son of Sir SInylo l”iiiioh, lot bironet, and his do- ohen t o honnors devolved upon his cousin, sceodants), ao 6th Earl of Wisarhilooa. This nobleman took &E0000S5,LLOS5 Fiaris-IlaTToco, 9th Earl of Winehilaoa, an active part in political affairs before and after the Hero- b. 3Ia 1,91 ; em. 1st, So July, 2614, Goorgiana-Charlotto lution. Ilis lordship so. twice 1st, Lady Essex Rich, 2nd eldest dau. of Jamos, 3rd ttoko of Jlontrose, by whom (who dais. and co-heiress of Robert, Earl of Wandrk, by whom ho it 13 Fob. lode) hohad issue, had one dan, Mary, who oi. 1st, William Saville Marquess Gsosr,o-.laaias, pr0005t earl. Halifax and altec his d cosso Johs Duke of Rs-obusghe Cfinlic r li81711srst.lnsts1 Is.i1’l:raor Lid of lah,..e Lord Wiochsloea an,l ,Nottingharn ia. dndly, Anne, only dau. H I J h “11 —fChnstophos Scoe nut Hattosa bs whoos ho load of the late Right m. Daiss,, Ins sarcisosi. is. W’ihiam 51.1’., a prisg’-oonnoillor envoy oxtcaardioary 10 vv sic ady it. a. p. 10 July, 1141; and drdly, 2849, Fannyuse court of Swcateo ia 1724, sod vioo-rtssssborlain of 11,0 Margarotta, oldeot dan. of Edward-Royd Rico, Esq. of Daso household; in. I if. lady Anne Douglas, sister of Charles, Court, Kont, by whom ho had, Dote of Qnooasbrrry aod Dover, lint liv that lady had ns Murray-Eda’ard-Gordon, Is. 21 Slaroh, 1811. issue and Soils’, Cliesrlotlr, Sad doss, of Thomas, Earl 01 i ltonry—Stormost, t. 3 Nor. 1652. I’oiofret, sad hail, Harold-Iloneage, 0. 23 Aagasl, 1916. I Giassas, who iahoritod as 6th Earl of 55’ioohilses. Evelyn-Georgians. I Caarl’’tto, ,,• Tiso owl sO. 1 Jan. 1659, and was o. by his oldest sos, . to Caphus Cliorlos Fieldiu&. Gououe-Jaasos, tho presvist Eaar no Wicorniosca AND NOT. 4 Ileorivfla, it. ansi. 1916. TiNSiDAS5. so. Jalso tiled in 1761, leaviog an only dao. Elicabomli, rn. to a’i’o;—Baronot, 29 July, 171!; Visroont, 6 Joly, 162:1: Jobs Mason, Eaq. of Groonwich. Earl, 12 July. 1626; Baron Fiuch, 10 Jan. 1633; Earl of Notiv. boors’, it. nam. tiogliasi, 12 Stay, I 601. v. Edward, sosnoseil the additiasa surname of Hattoo, is Acoco—Qaartcrly : lot and 4ih, so., a rlievroo, hotwceo llsvoe pos’ssaooe of 11cc Ieolaairiclar>’ iiijnsetiiais of Ins aaoi, Anne, garbi., or; Sad and Srd, in’g., a olicvrao, betmvren three grilhuo, yoinigest San, and co-lsoirrss of Christopher, Visrocot posoan;, snags osslorsed, ma. ItalIcs. Sir. Finrh-Iiattoo, who was 51.1’. for the t’aivorsiiy Crests—let, a griffin passaut-oegt-eant, ma.; 2nd, a pogasoo, of Cambridge, svaa employed as a diplomatist, acid bocaoio roisraat, org. winged, nsaoed, onsi lisofrd, or, desoailv gorge’!, outseqisesily ooe of the graosss of lImo bedeliambor, and of the last. ssaslsr of tSr ivihios, lie rn. Elizabeth, doss. an’i oc-liotross SapporteraDretor, a prgassss, arg., wiags, bane, sad hoof’, of Sir Ticossas t’aloirr, hart, of Wiogliasi, ra. Rout ; amid or, doiralty gorged, oftlio last; sisistrr, a griffin, wings onlloroosl, 1ying him 1771, loll issue, so., dorahly gorged, or. I George, of Eastsoelt Park Non 1. 0,. iii 1747 arIa in Jf,slboos—’’ Nil 000soirs 560,’’ ‘‘5’irtsss sotismima eassis.” 19 fhoo. 1731 Ehiraisethi-Slarv oldest d’io of David Slssrrov .S’os’la—Kirbs , N’ :rhtiasulihssumhsiro ; RaiLs oil Park, Emil Sod Fail of Moaofiold; aad ois’iog Ii Fob. 1853 loft by c5i ltavoulsolm t’riary, Liacitnouutro. (solo it. 1 done, 1655; bone, - G00000-VmLLsAms, wiso a. am Deli Earl of 55’i,irlnlosa. Dausiol-Honeage, in holy sidoos, rcolor of Groat Weldos, W’ I Is 0 S 0 it. Nortls;susts, and olsaplatos to the Qssooss; b. 1795; ma. lb Boo. 1025, Lady L,soisa-f rsviltr, Sod dan. of Lotsima, Caoistemo of Mansfield, is’ her Sod hsimbais,1, lice Hon. Il-F. Grevillo, and 1. ‘1Jan. 1666, haviog hail iosso,’ard-ttat;on, Is. SI Get. 16551. Williass—Rotsort, in bids’ orders, rector of Woldon, Nnrthsols: Is. 12 Doe. 1627; o,. 4 Asg. 1355, AgaomGraham, 2nd dan. of lIce 11ev. Stsslagu Gxomcden, and niece of Sir henry Gxoadoa, hart and hiSs had, Greviile-Oxondoo, 8. 14 May, 1657; Grargo-Baaiol, 8. S April, 18Sf; Witliaso-David. 8. 27 Nov 1057: NtgoStontagn. 1,. 15 Jinso, 1659 ltanizl-l1000scge.Edsvard, 8.1 Slav. 1666. it. 06 1C0J5 1667; aaothsor mOo, 8. 4 Jan. 1066; Ftara-Stltoah,oth-Lesmima ; A”oeo-l7ditls- EthelIleatrice; no’] Elirahorh-,’cnoa. ‘WINDSOR, fl.eunNgts (Harriet Windsor-Olive), ill Anna—louisa, 7. ItS _tnc. 1206. the peera ‘cof Englamad, Ia. 311 Jnlm’, 1797 ; no. 19 JBne. Agoos-Eliaabe.h, it. Ii April, 1976. ‘°Ioabolla, so. 26 N,iv lots, to P-B-N. (Head’s rsq ‘1s19, else lion. Robert-Henry Olive, oon of Edward. I—or a’:I’, axesuov, IhosT.) ‘lot Earl of l’osvio, and isv isim (who of. 20 Jasi. Louisa-Anne, rn. Is tiocs. the lion. Charles hope, arise it., 1854) has hind bane, Anna-Mw’ia, it. so,o,5 Boo hsSi. ;: s. Robert, H.P. fsLssdhssw, b. 24 May, 1524; rn. 20 Oct, Emily-Mart’, rn. 7 Feh. 1o20, to lice 11cr. Alfred-C 1052. Lady Sla,7-Solimsa-Louisa Bndgeman, 5th dan. of Lasoronce. . Ge:srge.Assgsmotcss, 2nd Earl of Bradford, and d. 4 Aug. 2 Jolcn-Esaihtos-Danhot—Edwssrd, psyosastor of widoso’s pea- 1659, leaving issue, muons in this Admirably, har.-at-haso. acid a lsesschser of else I Ronesor.Gssonoe, t. 57 Assg. if 57. honor Temple 8. 19 Slay, l7hS it. 10 doss. 1641 1 tioorgiaoa-lharrios. 1 Anne, it. worn. S Ileorirr;a-Liiry. 2 llarriet-Frassros-Charls,bto, so. is 1701 to Sir Jootson- S Mary-Agnes. William-Gordon, Pan., K.g.B., and it. in 1821. is. George- Horbort-Windsor, licsst.-colouel I oldslreasn 0 Slary-fleorietta-Eileahons, it. cain. io 1825. gn:srda, 01.1’. for Lndioa’. S. 12 March, 1811. a. Eomoa, ‘ Sir Roger Stos;vu, Boot. iii. SVilti:sm-Wiudsor, Is. 15 Ang. 1037; killed en the mUos. Charlotte, rn. ho Charles, sills Dsslie of Sosssoiaet, snaG, 54 Sept. loST. 1598