Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/497

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W I N c. Henrietta-Sarah, cc. 24 Nov. 3053, to Edward ilnesey, Rsq. of Seotney Castle, Sussex. ii. Mary. UI. Victoria-Alexandrina, Baroness Windsor, 2nd dan. of OtherS Hickman dan. of Thomas, let Lerd Feley, and had, Windsor, 5th Earl of Plymouth, and 11th Baron Windsor, had the abeyance of the Barony of Windsor terminated in her favour 25 Oct. 1855; and on the 8th Nov. of the same year took, by royal licence, tho surname of WszensoR in addition to, and before that of, CLIVE. CreaSes—I Nov. 1529. Seats—Oakley Park, co Salop, sod Hewell Grange, ce. Worcester. Peers Hon-se—Il, Grqsrener Street. I N N I N UT 0 N. ________ WtzeNneoToN, Scot TnouasEnwaoan, of Stanford Conrt, Co. Worcester; SIP. for Bewdley; 5. 11 Nov. 1811; inherited, as 4th baronet, at the decease of his father, 24 September, 1839; en. 21 June, 1842, Anne-Helena, eldest dan. of Sir Compton Domvie, Bart., and has had issue, o. Taereaa-Eowxnn, 0. 9 Jan. 1545. Is. Franeis-Saiwey, 0. 24 Sept. 1s49. 1. Helena-Caroline. ii. Edith-Joanna, cO. 13 Oct. 1564. iLincagc, This very ancient family derives its surname from the dan. of John Tayler, Req. of Sleeeley flail, near Birming township of Winnington, in Cheshire, and its origin from HOBERT, son of Lidniph de Twemlow, who settled at ham, and had ioeue, Winningten, end thence adopted the name. Red. in 1294; and from him descended, through a younger branch, Fexcecis WINNINOTON, Req., a colonel in the service of King Cn.kctns 1., who left a eon, Sm FRANCIs W,NNINOr0B, Rut., solicitor-General te King Cnsnos Ii. Sir Francis cc. 1st, Elizabeth herbert, by whom he bad a dan., a Elizabeth, cc. to Richard Dowdeswell, Req. H.P. ol Enshley. Be as. endly, Elizabeth, sister and co-heir of Riward Salwey, Sir Thomas, who represented Woreestoc-shh-o. Droitn’ieb, Req. of Stanford, in Worreotershire (see Deane’s acid Bevd1ey, onecesoively in parliament, :1. 24 Sept. 1039. .tanded Gentry), a,cd had by her, ,. SALWAY, who cc. in 1690, Anne, sister of Thomas, Lord Foley, and had, I Francis, S. on his travels, at Vienna in 1716. 2 Tnoacas (The Right Hen.) 0. in eeoc; who cc. Love, 4th dan. of Sir James Read, Ilart., ef Rocket Hall, Herte, by whem he left no surviving issue. Tbe Right Hon. Themas Winnington was SIP. for Worcester, and paymaster-general of the forces. He S. in 1746. I Anne, Ca. to John Wheeler, Req. of Wootton Ledge, Staffordshire. 2 Mary, S. oem. I Helena, S. us,ss. 4 Henrietta, cc. to Samuel, Lord Macham; and S. in 1701, s. p. ii. Fasams, of whom presently. sos. John, it. nan. ,v. Edward, H.P. for Dreitwieh, a distinguished barrister; rn Sties Jefferies, of Ham Castle; but d. op. I. Renora, rs. to Brnen, of Brnen Slspleferd, inCheshire. s. Mary, en. to John Calvert, Req. of Albury Hall, Herts. Sir Francis, who sat in parliament for many years as member successively for the eennty and city of Worcester and for- the boreugh of Tewkesbnry, it. 1 May, 1700. His 2nd cnn, Faicecis WINNINOTON, Req. of Dreadway, in Wereaster. shire, SIP. for Dreitwich, cc- Anne, dan. of Thomas Jackson, Req. of Lenden, and issue, FaANcI who as. Sties Suaannah Conrtenay. - Rnwxan, of whom presently. litartha, cc. to the 11ev. Dr. Tnrner, ef Newcastle. Elizabeth, cc. to Reginald Wyniat, Req. of Stanton Hall, in the peerage of Trelais’l; 5. 18 May, 1810; No. Worreaterehire. Anne, cc. to John ingram, Req. of Dewdley. Mary, if. uarn. The 2nd son, En-wxan Wicessiceereet, i4aq.; Sophia his wife, dan. of Doete cf Wsntage (who 5. 24 Feb. 1770), a son, 1199 W I N I. Rowxan Wseteneorece, Rsq., who was created a Ebrenet 15 Feb. 1751. lIed, in 1791, and was e. by his only son, (by Mary, dan. ef John Ingram, Req. of Ticknell,) II. Soc Rnwsnn, 0. 14 Rev. 1749; who cc. in 1776, Anne, ,. Tnowas-Rnwsno, his heir. ii. Edward, in holy orders, eanen of Wereesier, end rector of Ribbeeford, who task the name of leanest, in reInplianee with the injunction of Sir. Ingram, ef Ribbeeford, Ho ,n. in 1510, Jane, dan. of the Very 11ev. Arthur Onolow. dean of Worcester, and had five cons and three dens. 1 Francis, capt. 6th (lnniekilling)drageona, Scam. 1043; 2 Edward, recter of Stanford, n. in 1041, Storia-Lonisa, dan: of the Right 11ev. Br. Pepys, hishep of Worcester, and has issue; S The,nae-Ons]ow,hient.-eelenel 97th feet, chevalier of the Legien of Hoceour, a:. 1047, Jesse-Maria, dan nf the late Lient.-Cel. l’arsons, C.S1.G. resident ci Zanic, a,sd has issue; 4 Artl:nr-ltenry, in holy crders, scSi Jan. 1549, Snhia-Mary, only dan.ef the late Lient.Calenel George Arnold, of the Bengal cavalry, and has leone: 5 Ilerbert-Fredec-iek, comns. 14.N., ‘n.1056, Catherine, dan. of C. Twmisg, Req. of Halifax, Nova Seetia; 1 Jane, ci. n,na. ; 5 t’n,nrcs, in. icc lice. 1830, Barry Domvile, Req , nephew of Sir Concpton Demvile, Dart. 5 Slarianne-Rlizobeth, as. in Stay, 1043, the Rev. Canoci Weed, of Worteoter. The Canon Iicgrem it. 7 Slay, 1551. iii. Francis, rector ef Capey and Wairerlow, Co. hereford. Iv. Charles-Fox, in holy arder recter of Stanford; a:. in 1519, Rlieabeth, eldest dan. of llehert-Thernten Heysham, Req. of Stagenheo Park, Ilerts, and is deceased. v. Henry-Jeifries, late captain 19th feet, SI.P. far West Werceetarehire. s. Mary-Anne, it. osc,c. in 1004. ii. Sophia, Ca, to Frederick-William Campbell, Req. of Barbreck, N.E. (See liven-a’s Loaded G’nctry.) In. Rlizaheth, cc-to the Rev. Arthnr-C. lJnslew, rector of Necvingten lintte, Surrey, and ‘e.15 Oct. 1055, Iv. Harriet, cc. to Phippe-Vaneitlart Onelew, Req. ; and 1. in 1040. v. Annabella, S. anso. in 1506. Sir Edward S. in 1503, and was e. by his eon, III. dcc Tneaies-Rnwsen, evha is. 1 Nov. 5510, Jeanne, I. Tnoaeas-Rnwaan, present baronet. is. Jnhn-Taylor, captain 11th infantry; 0. 17 Jan. 1514; en. 27 Oct. 1542, Emma, dan. of Thomas Prothoro, Req. of Stalpac Court, to. Slenmonth, and S. in J’cly, 1544, leaving a sen John-Taylor, 0. 1043, licnt. lot di-agicens; his widow so. Sndly, Captain Henry-Ifarro Phippe, III. Edward, late captain 33rd feet, 0. 24 Fob. 1019. s. Joanna, ii. sac. 14 Feb. 1464. ii. Anne-Sarah, S. usia. in 1029. sic. Caroihee, dccci. in 1027. iv. Anceabella-Sephia, ci. 7 Feb. 1556. Creatien—iS Feb. 1735. .Ai-cce—Qciarterly: let and 4th, arg., an erie belie-sen eight mortlets, sa.; 2nd and 3rd, se., a oa]tcor, rngrailod, or. Crest—A Sanicen’s head, offroccf’e, eonped at the ehenidere, ppr., wreathed about the temples, arg. acid so. alIelle—GrstI enme mann. Seel—Stanferd Court, near Worcester. WINTERTON, WISTERTON, EARL OF (Edwas-d Tnrnonr), Viscount Tnrnona’, and Baron Wintorton, of Gort, co. Galway, 19 Jan. 1832, Maria, 3rd dan, of Sir Peter Pole, Baa’t., and has iosne, i. Enw.ven, Viocousi Taresear, 0_li Ang. 1037, cx. Keith, an office’ 60th rifles, 0. 21 Feb. 3040. ice. Archer, 0. 11 Nov. 1052. c - Ma -is. ci. Rndly.