Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/517

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SPIRITUAL LORDS. eLm., Henrietta-Mary, was cm. 29 March, 1861, to issue, Arthur-Becher, 8. 1849; Florence; aid1 Rodlaud—F’i henry Woods, Esq., M.P. for Wigan. Arms of Sec—Az., a Prestsr John, sitting on a tombstone, ia his left hand a mound, his right extended, all or, with a fe,’ 1k” Se se (1 c.oucsscetss, inipaling, so., three Weal crawl’s linen mitre on his head, and in his month a sword, ppr. iii pale, cc’, is,- 15, 5,. 5! llscsa ,,e. Family Arms—On., an armed leg, eenped at the thigh, between two spears erect, all ppr. Rcsideares—Ths Palace, Cicichester; 31, Queen Anne Street, ELY, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Edward-Harold Browne, PD., son of R. Browne, Eeq. of Morton House, Bucks, by his wife Sarah-Dorothea, dan. of 0. Steward, Esq , M.P., of Melcombo and Nottington, co. Dorset, b. 1811 ; educated at Eton, and formerly a fellow cf Emanuel College, Cambridge, and Norrisian professor ofdivinity in that university; vicar of Kenwyn Cornwall, and of Heavitree, 1868 ; sal 15 Nov. 1859, Prances-Turner, younger Devon ; canon of Exeter; consecrated in Westminster dan. of Maj. Willians Martin, Bengal army, and has Abbey, March, 1861. His lordship no. issue, James-Bcresford ; Henry-Francis ; E,icvardWiltrid; 18 June, 1840, Elizabeth, dan. of Clement Carlyou, Esq., and grand-dan. of Thomas Csrlyou, Esq. The Bishop has lsad four brothers, to-o of n-him are of Tregrehau, 00. Cornwall, and has issue: HaroldCarlyon-Gore, deconacd, and three sisters. 8. 1844 ; Barrington-Gore, 8. 1847 Thirlwall-Gore, 8. 1850 ; Rohert-Melvill-Gere, 8. as many fleurs-de-lis, or. 1852; and Dorothea-Gore. His lordship has surviving a sister, Anna-Maria, and two brothers, viz., Capt. John-William Barrington l3rowne, formerly 5th fusiliers; and Co]. Thomas Gorc Browne, CR., Governor of Tasmania, formerly licut.-col. 21st regt., who no. Harriet, dan. of J. Campbell, Esq. of Craigie, Ayrshirc, and has four sons and two daus. A ems of See—On., three ducal crowns, or. Fasiils ..4r,n., —Ia., three lions passant, in bend, arg., bst,veeu two ,lnuhle cotizes of the last. Residences—The Palace, Ely’, 37, Dover Street, Piccadilly. EXETER, BISHOP OF, the Bight Rev. Henry Philpotts, PD., and a canon of Durham, 8. 1778; formerly Fellow of to the ouracy of Win,lsor. Ho was c,,nsccrats,l Magdalen College, Oxford, and first Bishop of New Zealand, in 1841, and translated rector of Staohope consecrated to the sic of Lichfielcl ics 1867. His lordship cc. in in 1830. His lordship cc. Dcborsh 1839, Sarah, dan. e’f Sir Jolm Richardson, and has - Maria, younger dan. of two sons, William, 51. .t., in hc’ly orders, rector of Mlliam Snrtees, Esq. of Scatonburn, Bromfield, Slcropsbire, 8. ISJO, so. 20 Oct. 1364. nearNewcastle-on-Tyne, by Iharrict-Stesan, eldest dan. of the Rsv. Ansbross whom (whoc?. Oct. 1863) hehas Stesvar,1. MA.; and John-Richardson, HA., 8. 1844, hsd issue. His 6th son, CharlesEdw’ard, The Bishop is brother of Sir Charles-Jasper Selwyn, Rector of Lezant, Cornwall, M.P. for the University of Cambridge, and Attorney- cc. 9 Oct. 1860, Jane, 2nd dan. of the late General ; and of the Rev. William Scla’yes. lID., Rev. George Hole, Probendary of Exetei-, and if. prehendary f Ely, and Lady Margaret Professor of 27 Jan. 1866. His oldest dan., Elizabeth-Stephenson, Divinity, Cambridge. if. 7 June, 1864. Arms of See—On., a sword, in pale, ppr., hilt, or, and and qnadrats in the centre, between four crosslets-pat-tz nf two keye, in saltier, gold. Focally Arms—On., a cross between the oec’end ,ncd or. four swords, erect; arg., hilted and pominelled, or. Reeideaces—Pat,ce, Exeter; Bishopetowe, Torquay. GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Charles-John I Ellicott, PD., only son of Charles-Spencer Ellicot, Esq., by his wife (whom he no. in 1818), Ellen, dan. of —Jones, Esq., of an ancient Welsh family, 8. 25 April, 1819 ; cdncated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he. was senior optime, and 2nd class in classics, and graduated BA. 1841, WA. 1844, and D.D.; formerly Professor of Divinity canon of Westminster; archdeacon cf ‘dVestnunster;at King’s College, London. and Dean of Gloucester an,l ha,l held, since 165), tue vicarags of Stanfordin-tho-Ved”, c,,nseorated 25 March, 1663. His lordship cc. 31 Aug. 1846, Constantia-Anne, da,,. “fCapt. Bccl,er. 11.N. of the ancient family of that name, aud has 1219 an ccs, A ‘ms—Az.,two keys, in saltic,’, tl,e war,ls ,u,’.var,ls, or 1’ a sol A rs,.,—t.,,zac gv, or, and az., within a b - c-lure, gil. R,sideaee—-Pahces, Gloucester. IIEIIEFOBP,BISIIO1’ UP, the Right 11ev. James Atlay, PD. son of Henry Atlay, Esp, by his - - wifc (whom he cc, 4 Jan. 1815), Elizabeth, dan. of James howell Esq. of the Inner Temple ; 8. 3 July, 1817; educated at SI. John’s College, Cambridge, of which he was a fellow and tutor; formerly ____ preacher at the Clcapel Royal, Whitehall ; vicar of Leeda ; and canou of Bipon ; consecrated Bishop of Hereford, 24 June, George - William ; and Solhca - Margaret. slss,s sf&e—nu., three tespards’ heads, reversed, iessaot ,b’’.,,i’lq A r,as—Arg., a f,’,,e, l’clwecn lhree crescents, ca. R,stdea’-ec—The J’alacc, Ilerotsrd; 107, Eaton Place. LICHFIELD, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Georgc-Angnetns Selwyn, D.D., son of William Selwyn, Esq., Q.C., of Richmond, Surrey ; 8. 1801), educated at Eton and. St. Johns College, Cambridge, where he took his ) BA. degc-ee in 1831, being the second classic of his year, and 21st junior optune in lice niathematical tripns. He was sometime totor at Eton, and was orclaine,l Arms 5 Se—Party per pale, gn. and srg., a c’ross-pc’tcnt, 1a,,, lie A ,‘..,s— R,side,,ee—Eceleehall Castle, Staffsrdshire. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF (NOMINATE), the Right Rev. Christopher Wordsw-orth, P.11., third son of the late Dr. Christo-__r pher Wordsa-orlh (master of ‘Srin.Col. Cancbridgs, and nephew of the great post). Ho svas 8. ‘—,in 1808 ; and was educated at Winchester, and at Trin. CoIl. .r , Caucbridge, he n-as ordained in 1835; ones Fellow of Trin. Coll. Cambridge, and was successively head coaster of Harrow School lierkrhire He was nominated Bishop of Lincoln in 1868. 4e2