Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/518

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SPIRITUAL LORDS. Arnie çf Sc—Gin, two lions, passant-guardant, or; en a appointed Lord high Alnsoner in 1847. His chief, az., the Holy Virgin and Child, sitting crowned, and lordship, the 3rd son of the celebrated plnlantbrupist, bearing a sceptre, of the second. Pa,;,; ‘‘jA s, —Besideoce—Hioeholone, near Lincoln. LLANDAFF’, BIShOP OF, the John Sargsnt, of Lavington, Sussex, by his wife, Right Rev. Alfred Ohlivant, DID., Mary, dan. and heiress of Abel Smith, Esq., older son of William Ollivant, Eon., brother of the let Lord Carriogton, and by her 1’ his wife Elizabeth, dan. of (who ci. 1841) he has had issue, 1 Robert-William, Alderman Sir Stephen Langston, of Great Horwood, Docks; 6. 16 Aug. 1798; formerly Fellow of late Iient. 52nd regt., no. 16 Jnly, 1867, Anna- Trinity College, and Regina Professor Maria, 4th dan. of the lIon. Richard Penman (see of Divinity, Cambridge; note PENMAN, B ) ; 3 Erneot-Roland, in holy orders, and rector of Somersham, hunts; rector of Middleton Stoney, Oxon, 8. 1839, as. consecrated Bishop of Llandaff 23 June, 1863, Frances-Mary, youngest dais, of Sir in 1819. His lordship no. 5 Sept. C.-H.-J. Anderson, Bart.; 4 Albert-Basil-Orme, 8. 1828, Alicia-Olivia, dan. of Lient.Hen. 1841 ; no. 2865, Caroline-Charlotte-Jane, dan. of Spencer, of liranby Grange, co. York, and has Capt. Langford, RN.; 1 Emily-Charlotte, In. 1851, issue, 1 William-Spencer ; 2 Alfred; 3 Joseph- to the Rev. H.-J. Pye, prebendary of Lichfield, and Earle; 4 Edward-Albert; 1 Cliarlonte-Ehizaheth rector of Clifton Campville, Staffordshire. 2 Frances. ste. 1 Oct. ISill, to the Rev. Walter-Hugh- Earle, 3rd son of Sir (L-E.W°elby-Orcgory, Ilart. Acne sf S’s—ba., two crosiers, in saltier, or and are.; on a crowned, or; in base, an ox, of the second, passsnt over a shicl oc., three mitree, labelled, gAil. F,’siil4’ _-li’ois— ford, ppr. Fossily A r;;is—Arg,an eagle, displayed, sa., beak Go.. a chevron, between three crescents, arg. Sc;sl—_LlandaffConrt, Glamorganebire. LONDON, BISHOT’ OF, see snpivt, at head of shells, go,, for Gaica; 3rd, Ca,, three palmer’s staves, one Biehips. MANCHESTER, BISHOP Lavington Itonse, Snsosx. OF, the Right Rev. James- Prince Lee, 111)., 6. 1804; forsuerly Fellow of Trinity College, jfl.RConoor Magee, PD., son of the Cambridge, a master of Rugby School, and head master of King Edward’o Grammar School, Birmingham ; made a PD., and consecrated Bishop of Manchester, in 1848. His lordship In. in 1830, Snsan, shiest dan. of Gcorgc Penrice, Esq., and has issu e. Arm, of St ‘—Or,on a pale, engrailcd, go., three mitres, laballcd, gold on a cantms of the second, turns bendlcts, e:sh.,srce-.l, arg. I4’hlje Arms—Arg., a Ceo;, between three Octagon Chapel, Bath, and hon. canon of Wells; cr:sce,its, go. Fulac,—Maoldeth Hall, near Manchester. NORWICH, BISHOP OF, and dean of the Chapel Royal, Dublin ; and was the lion, and Right Rev. John- consecrated Bishop of Pcterborongh, 15 Nov. 1868; Thomas Pelham; 8. 1811 ; formerly c-s. 14 Aug. 1851, Anne-Nesbitt, 2nd dan. of the of Christ Church, Oxford, 11ev. Charles Smith, rector of Aeklow, and has issue, chaplain to the Qncen, and Charles-Smiths, 6. 1861 ; Williana-Gnrney, 6. 1862; rector of Marylsbone ; made n Jane-Eleanor, Anne-Catherine, and Henriette-Alice. PD., and consecrated Bishop of Norwich in 1857. Rio lordship is brother of the Earl of Chichester. (‘See fiend (life, enfe.l A isis of See—Ac., three mitres, lal,clled, or. Fossil5 Aries —12ccasIc, C LsIeiscsTEa bent..) Rcsideoce—Tbc Palace, Noo-wieb. OXFORD, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Samnel Wilberforcs, D.D., Lord High Almoner of the Queen, and Chancellor of the Order of the Garter; 6. 7 Sept. 1805; formerly of Oriel Cohleve, Oxford ; rector of lirightetons, Isle of Wight, and of Alverstoke; archdeacon of Surrey; canon of Winchester; and Dean and canon of Salisbury; consecrated Bishop of Ripon of Westminster ; chaplain to the in 1856. His lordship in. 21 Jsdy, 1846, Elizabeth, latsi’rincs Consort; consecrated dau. of Joseph Garde, Esq. of the co. Cork, and has Bishop of Oxford in 1845; and bone, 1 Robert; 2 henry-Cecil; 3 John-Joseph; 4 1220 William Wilbsrforcs, M.P. (see family of WlLnxnaoaca, BL’nicx’s Lend-eel Gesfrp); vs. 11 Jnne, 1828, Emily, elder dan. of the Rev. lient. RN., 6. 1833, ci. 1856, from over exertion in the Baltic campaign; 2 Reginald-Garton, 6. 1838, Arias of 5cr—ba., a fesso, arg., in chief, three ladies from the waiot, heads aifrontf, arrayed and veiled, arg., and legs ppr., over all a shield of pretence. quarterly, 1st, arg., a chest-en, between three dolphins, embewed, sa., for Sa005;NT; 2nd, arg., a chevron, between three escallop in pale, and two in saltire, arg., for Gsavone; 4th, or, a chevron, eottioed, between three demi-griflins, aegreant, cooped, sa., for Sanan. Rcsi;tesces—Cnddcodnn Palace, near Wbeatley, Gxon A PETERBOROUGH, BISHOP FA1 OF’, the Right Rev. Williamt Rev. John Magee, vicar of Drogloeda, by hue wife (whom Inc in. iso 9 1818) Marianne, dau. of the Rev. - Wilhiasn Her, and grandson of the Most Rev. Dr. lhhagee, orchbishop of Dublin ; 6. 17 Dcc. 1821 ; edn- a eateel at Trinity CoIl. Dublin, where he was divinity prizeman was made a D.D., and was Donnellan lecturer; was for nine years minister of the was successively minister of Ojieboe Chapel, Portman Sqoare; rector of Enniokihlsn ; dean of Cork; Arms sf See—Go., two keys in saltier, between four crosscrosslets, fitehde, or. Fsmil,/ Ai-,,,s--—Sa , three loepardo’ facos, arg. llcsiefcacc—The Palace, Psterborongh. RIPON, BISHOP OF, the Right 11ev. Robert Bickersteth, son of the Rev. John Bickeroteth, MA., late rector of Sapeote, Leicestershire, by his u-ife (whom he no. 16 Jnne, 1812), Henrietta, dan. of George Lang, Esq.; 6. 24 Aug. 1816 educated first for the medical professico ; afterwards of Queen’s College, Cambridge incumbent of St. John’s, Clap- ham Rise; rector of St. Oiles