Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/52

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Al A. X Lou sa-Cornwallis, m. to Caledon-George Mu Pre, Req. of heir of Sir Godfrey Si’C,illeeh, of Styrteu, of which bareny Wiltcn Park, MB. for Bucks. Charlotte.Qneeusherry, ci. to Signor Filippo Calaudra di IVir.r,saz MaXWELT,, who a. usia, in 1015, and was s. hy Ruccelino. GeorgiauaGordou, c4. 26 March, 1858. I. WI l.Li AM M.exwcLe, Esq. , ‘I Ilonreith, who was created Sir William il. 22 Aug. 1638. a Reread ‘ oversi fret I”, S ,tan. ifat. Sir William Elizabeth, Crcstioa—5 Jan. 1633. Arso—Arg.,au eagle, with two heads, displayed, on.. dim, of Sir ‘tb, mae hay, Mart. if l’ark, and had beaked and membered, go. on the breaet an escutcheon, of I. William, drowned in the Nith, in 1707. Re was ssas. the first, charged with a saltier of the second, surcharged in the centre with a hurcheon (hedgehog), or, sit within a bordure, go. (eel—An eagle, rising, so., beaked sod membered, gu. ,Seppsrl’ rs—Tsve stags, ppi. ,JJetls—Reslrescs’. Soot—Si sureith, Wigtonnshire. V. Mary, so. to Tle’m,ss (afterwards Sir Thomas) flay, of MAXWELL, Sea WILLIAM STInLINO’, of Pollok, co. Renfrew, s’ice-lient. and late M.P. for Prrthehire, LL.D.. /s. 1818; we. at Paris, 26 April, 1865, Anne- 7 Slsntgomerio, Eli., cot. 06th regt., ci. Mary, 3rd dan. Maria, 3rd dau, of David, 8th Earl of Loven, and of John Falccnrr Alice, Req. of Wandswsrtli, Surrey, and 7. 21 Slay, 1a45, leaving one lan .,SLiry-Madelin,s. has issue, 1 Margaret, mite theflev. 0’ .itese,of Kirkcolm,and ‘I.o.ji. L JOHN-MAXWeLL, is. 0 June, 1656. Sir William, on the death of isle maternal uncle the ii. Elisahetti, ci. to John-Crawferd Ualf,snr, of llawmill. 8th baronet, and on inheriting his estates, assumed the baronetcy as 9th barosset, pursuant to the limitation iv. Susan, ,,i to Capt. Alex. Hay, brother of Sir T. Hay, in the patent of 11(11. }{e leas also adopted the surname of MAXWELL after his patronymic, STIRLING Sir William is an author of note, having written 111. Sin Wrnrraw e. to the title. This gentleman Is. Annals of f/se As’tists of sSpaiee, Vise Cloister Life sf Magdalene, dan. of William Blair, Enq. of Blair, by whsns I/se Emperor 0/ear/es V., and other works. For an aecoeent of the very ancient and eminent family of Itamillon, hieut.-eol. 74th regis., who commanded, svith STIRLING OF KE1E which he represents, see BURKE’S great reputation, the grenadien’s of the arnoy under Lord Loner/ed Ceniln’y. Coruwatlis, in the war against Tippso Snlhsun. lie it. in india, Ha is. iii 1500. Al A X Al A X W E L L. he thereby became seised. its was grandfather of his uncle, issue, ii. .0 lIlT ANIILI5, his heir. It;. 1’.striek. srI ohio. I. Isabel. i,. to William Stewart, of Castle Stewart. n. e:hieahe;h, ,,,. to Elan ii of Msrgal:sy. iii. ‘lean, A enm,a. iv. Agnes, 1. mmii. P.srk, Sir William a. in 17110, end was .v by his son, ii. Sic ALsxaailEii, whom. 25 floe. 1711, lady Jean, dan. of Alexan’lei’, 11th Earl of h5glinten, and had issue, Wntri,sie, his heir. ii. Alexander, t. 7 March, 1718. in lames, 0 31 July, 1724, capt. 42nd lughlanders,wlsoos. Elieabeth, dan. of William Slaxwell, ol Ardos oH, and had, I J.ans’e, 7. ‘‘1,01. 2 Ksith, capt. 11 N., 1. silo. o Murray/Sir), K.U.lh.,eapt. RN., or. Grace, dan. of Col. Waugln, 57th regt.. and by wlism (ss-ha 1. his widosv 2i5 June, 1017), left, J olsn-iIah’eer, adm. E. N., and Mary, iii. 1st, to the late t’ahit. ilalinwell Carew, RN., of lleddingten, Surrey, semi ol’ Admiral Sir tteujamnin— Ilalluweil t brew, tn’ is hem else lis,s issae and tn,lly, 2 July, 1600, to Ccl. Potric Wangh, eon of the late Ben. Wa,ngls. 4 .1 olin, capt. It. N., ‘1. ccci. O Egliotun, N.I.H’s service, S. rune. 6 SInai t, CU., major E..t., is. 2 Ehisa, if. sines. I Catherine, ii. siiu,s. 4 Susan. a Margaret. nil. Calliarise, ci. Cs, — Roeth. of Park. The shiest son, he had tlii’ce eons and three dans., WILLI.ssi, his heir’. Donbar, teN., S. yonng in 1770. .tticac. Catharine, no. 20 Jon. 1767, John Fordyee, Esq. of Aytsn, This family, with certain ethers, is historically stated to reesiver-gon. of the land-tax in Scotland, hays accompanied Enuan ATuemNo to Scotland at the June, a. 22 Oct 1707, to Alexander, 4th Duke of Gsrdon. CoNquesT; and “Macens Sbus Undswyn,” or “Unwyn,” a Egi:usthis, is. 4 Sept. 1772 to Sir Thomas Wallace, Dart. erwcgran, whose posterity, like lbs Semers’nhles, &c.. ef Craigis. took the slu’ualee of Marra.,-sdle, by esrennption Maxwell, Sir William d. 22 Aug. 1771, and was, s.hy his eldest son, from the residence, or barony of this principal ancestor, is iv. Sin Wi LI IA Ii, wts,s s,,. Ins cousin, Ealharins, clam. ansi witness to tine Isqonoitis Pets rhjdo ResiSts in 1116, perhaps heir of David Blair, Es’4. of ,tdamton in Ayrshiro and by the eldest authentic Scotch d,’cunnerrt. Per fnll details, her (svhs a. 2 April, 1702) had irons however, of the rise arid hists’ry of this great arid ancient - . . hones, reforenec must l’s niads to the Msssobrs sy Its Alexander, major 23rd light-dnigosns, S. sees. Jfexnrells e,f Pellet, by Williaui Fraser, Esq., the distinhamilton, cahst. 42nd rcgt , ci. Mary, dan. of Sir Robert tinguished writer on Scottish Genealogy, a work which is (lr’isrsorn, hart, elf Lag, and has three suns and four dsimms. relslsts with learning, historical research, and faintly arise. Anne, ci. Ii Juno, Ill’S, to William Murray, Esq. of ‘touch- dsts, and well worthy Us ho tdaoed beside the same author’s adam ansI P,4musise, so. Stirling. Jlessetrs ns’ the Sltrlisgs a! Rely, esS Ike Msslgamerien, dcineig.1thnnss.Du PrJ, Esq. of Wiltsn Park, Runs s,s’Eplisstsn. , Suffise tt for enr pnrpoae to 5!te that Jane, 551. in Iota, Jehii Musitland, Req of Frough, and lion Users is a charter (in posesiasnun of the Polissk family) from tseue, King WILLiAM the Lion, who began his reigin in lifa, to Mary, is. in Feb. 1812. ‘‘ Ilenena, son of Marcus,” of part of T.sssnden, in RaxSusan, ‘1. 17 June. 1553. burghshis’s, that csmprtsosi in the bssrony of Massnsvills, Cliarlstte, it. yoning. and winch it avers had belonged to “ hicesenrus OfaccueSir William ‘1. irs Feb. 1012, and was s. by his shiest sen V1LL5 J’icscesees” (i. e , of itoxhurgh), who figured its the V. Sins WiLLs arm, 0. 5 March, 1775, wha served as hieut.- previous reign of King eel, of the 20th foist, ssnsdsr Sir bun Moore, in Spain, and Sic JOHN nr Maecnswcb, also Pseersiose of Rsxbnrgh, and lost an ares at the isattle of (‘ornisisa. his sl. 24 April, losS, chamberlain of Scotland, the son of Iterbert, was ambausaCatherine, youngest 11101. of John Forilyrc’, Esq, of Aytou, dor to Risgland from 1211 to 1220, and guarantee to the Bsrn’ickshirs, au’l hy her )whs 5. 14 Jnly, 1557) had tosnie, treaty of marriage between Johanna of England and WIlLIAM, present baronet. ALsxaNnrn it. Sir John 5. s. p. 1241, arid was buried in Einslace, RN. Slolrose Abbey. His brother and elirrsssor, Ndsrard-Iierbert, eel, in the anmy, lienmt..eol. 00th rsgt. Sm Amen rig Siaxwrn.n,, of Casrlaveroek, acquired so. 50 Nov. lotS, at Calcutta, .sgosa-Margan, 3rd din, of lamsds in Reufrewshim and Dnnnfriesshirs, of which he James Usny, of SIeltu,n, E. Lethiau, likewise was t’ieeeoosse, besides chanshorlain of Scatlamnd Cathsriue-.’iclee, ne. to Ii. llallions, Req. of Castiewigg. with ether icsrsns, he engaged that the Scotch should met JssiisElieabsth-Nsrah, it 10 March, 3845. make hence withont consent of the Leleb. He isft seIne, EgL’nstinc-Amnba1, 5. in lobs, by ilary his wife, tone tons, 754