Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/53

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M A X I.

I. Herbert (Sir), ancestor of the noble house of Caerlaverock, in Dumfriesshire, Earle of Nithsdale, the Lords

after the battle of Otterburn, leaving, upon the whole, no

doubt of his identity with the hero. This gallant Sir John

Maxwell, and the Lords Herrios. (See Herries.)

II. Edward, d. p. s.

III. John (Sir), founder of the family before us. They were

Montgomerie (with whom he fought at Otterburn), and

generally styled "Domini de Pollok," or "Nether Pol

ish,” wits s. by Tuossaa M.sxwor.L, of l’ol

lok”, alive in 1440, who and became allied to the royalfamily. iv. Alexander, living circa 1300. SIR JOHN (above), of Pollok, in the reign of R0000T descendant, Sma Geoooc MAXIv0LL, of Auldhonse, succeeded Dance (who o. in 1306), got a royal grant of the lando of to POLLOR in 1647, Tho elder son, JOHN M,oxwliLm,, of Lyoneroce, i’s Renfrowshire, from that King, and was governor Polbok, living in 1452, who had three sons and one dao. of Bumbarton Castle towardo the oboe of hio reign, The eldest son, Joan MAxsrsLL, of Pollok, e. his fathsr when he reoidod much at Cardroos Caotle, in the vicinity of circa 1490. He o,. Lady Elizabeth Stewart,5 dan. of Jehn, that fortress. Ills oon and heir svao Sia Ronouv MAXweLL, of Pollok, and tie son and cuecower, I. JoHn (Sir), his heir. SIR Jonw MAXWELL, of Pollok, who ii. circa 1360, n. It’ ‘bert, Bishop of Orkney, a distissguiohod prolate. and wae a. by hie oon, Sia JOHN 3lAxwoLL, of Pollok. lie iii. George, of Cowgless. so. let, Isabel do Lindsay, dan. of Sir Janice Lindsay, of iv. William, of Carimwadcriek. Crawford, by Lady Egidia Stewart, his wife, balf-oistor Sf The eldest son, Roaeor it., King of Seotlaisd, and dan. of Walter, the High JohN MAxsveLm,, of Pohlok, oi, Margaret, dan. of John Stosvard, by Isabel, sister of Sir John Graham, of Ahercorn Blair, of that ilk, and dytng 1517, was .s. by his son, (wlsieb Egidia re-married Sir Hugh Eghinton, of Eglinton, JOHN SlAxsvRs,L, of Pohlek, svho ot. Elizabeth, dan, of Sb with iseue, Elizabeth, their solo heiress, aucestrix by John Patrick lionstou, of t-Ioostoso, assd load an ossly chil’l, Elizabeth, Montgomery, of Egleshain, or the ‘‘ Sieor do Moitigsmory,” of the Earls of Eglioton, Lt’rdo llsntgomery, &e.) by the husband, Sir Johms (kmsighted by Qsseen llaar, ased wiso ahove Isabel, Sir John Maxwell had, I. JOHN (Sir), his sesecessor. ii. ROBERT (Sir), ancestor of the 1IexweLLs ef t’alderlroocl, oldest soss, SIH Joun MAXweLL, of Polish, who fell at the the htl.sxwr.s.te. Loane FARNRAM, do. Iii. William, of Alkeahead. s. Janet, is. to Thomas Ilurrey, of Cslbyno. mm. Agnes, os. to Sir Gilbert Kennedy. Sir John a. fndly, Elizabeth de Saint Slichel, heiress of through Princess litary, his ancestsix, dan. of Ilnocav III.), Witcheoten, I{oxhurghobire (afterwardo hold by the noble widow of Musgo Graham, of Urchihl, a Mosstrose cadet ; and houoe of Buoolench), but apparently without issue. His by the former, besides a dan., Agnes, mit. to Jolmos Boyle, of eldest son, SIR JOHN MAXwELL,* early distinguished hisnaelfin arms do.), he had SlaJoaN SlaxwELL, oldollok, who figured after and chivalry, especially at the celebrated battle of Otter- 1592, and io the roign of I. Ito was also twice o. buns, or Chevy Chase (in 1368), with James, 2nd Earl of 1st, to Isabel Campholl, dan. of If ugh, Lord London, aasoestor Douglas, husband of Prineeso Margaret, hio enother’s lot cousin; her brother, Sir Jameo Lindsay, Earl of Bnohan issne, but a dan., Isabel, only, who ourvivod hios, and ii. end Crawford (predoceesor of the Earls of Crawford, &o.); amass.; and Sadly, to Grizel, dan. of John Blair, of Blair, John Montgomery, of Eglesham, lsuoba.nd of Elizabeth without any offspring. Sir John, to fix and seenre the imsliorita,see Egliutoma, her half-sioler, throogls the lady Egidia, theim’ joint parent, “Mesoire Jehan Montgomery ;“ their son, Sir 1520), settled his whole estates, heritable and moveable, upon Alexander Lindsey; the Bunbars, and other exalted kiijsmen. his cosmotu, Groooo, afterwards Sea Geoaos 1IAXWELL, of He there, accordimsg to his cotomporary Froisoart, Anldhonse, descended of Thosoas, already mentioned mptum’ed Sir Ralph Perry, son of the Earl of Nortbusuberhand, (younger son of Sir John Maxwell, his great-groat-grammdfather, and brother to the noted llotopur, an exploit that drew from John Bunhar, Earl of Murray (hnobamsd of Lecomox), who appears first to have held Anidhonso t lies. Princeos Marjory, dasi. of Eooer.x II,, thsss his relative in 1047, on Sir John’s death ; and his descendants, aoooedtugly, also, and msdes’ whom lie served and gnsdnsted in chivalry), the characteristic enoomium, “ Well, Maxwell, Isast thou attempts of the then influential Cahdcrwood brammelm to earned thy opurs today It Froissart explicitly styles the diotnrh the oueecssisn, that were quite abortive. It is young hero John Maxwell, clearly refuting the mTor tlsat proved by deeds of the crown, the highest authority, that snbotitntes for bim the “Lord SIaxwoll” (unconnected the fom’mer took, and were preferred. ‘os moext heirs ouale with the Stewarts, Lindseys, Bonglaooeo, to.), and as the and Stewart of Pardovan, who lived in the reigmi of only Maxwell who fought at Otterburn. That lord did JAN55 11., and after, congratulatee their existiog representative not bear the christian name of John, and from his age amsd condition could isot have so figured, independently of the Coeersoiesf). that “ye still enjoy the aneiemot heritage of utter silence of Froissart in his regard, and absence of your hononrahle fomily (that of Pohlok) tsm despite of all the credible proof, an authority to tlso contrary. As little is illegal attempts,” do., to their prejudice alls’ded to.) ally other John Maxwell then discovsrable; while it is Sma Genmsoe MaxwmsLt, of Asmidhouse, latterly of Pollok. strikingly proved, in corroboration, by legal documento iii ma. mu 1048, Aonabella, dan. sf Sir Archibald Stswam’t, of the Pollok eharter-choot, that the John in question ,ytrol Blackball and itrdgowmmn, descended from ICing RoBeRT III. “earned his spurs,” or occurs as a knight, immediately by whom, dying in 1077, he left * It has been erroneously asserted, that Sir John and his Sharian. so. let, to James Stesvart, of Rosythe ; and afterwards brother, Robem’t, by a mutoal indenture amsd entail, dated at Bambarton, 18 Dec 1400, expressly provided that, failing heirs male of either of their bodies, the whole estate should Margaavt, wife of Alexander Maxwell, son amod heir-apparemst devolve upon the surviving heir male of the other. The original deed still exists in use Polisk charter-chest; and so faa- from this (under authority, also, of their father, the 5 She was sister of lhsthew, Ind Esrl of Lennox (direct principal party), merely allocates or partitions oertsin lamsds male ancestor of Henry, Lord Pamby, and JAMEs VI.), and to the sons and their respective heirs-at-law, containing no Robert Stewart, Lord of Cardonald, Ac. entail as pretended, much less to heirs male, who are not even mentioned, See Faomsssav’s Chronicles, tom. iii,, p. 03, edit. Paris, 1500, That valoable waiter commemorates likeewise time capture, at Otterburn, of Hotspur, by the Lard, or Sieor de Montgomery, the near maternal relative of Sir Johms Maxwell, ao explained, and whose estate, Eglesham, was adjacent so Scstch Hisfsm-y, psiblished in 1705 (p. 407):—” John Maxwell, to Polisk. In fact, the Lindseys, Montgomerys Earl of Moray, and the latter, dc., formed a kindred band of Cacriavereck, in theretgn of King ALexaomor.a III.; Ido successor heroes, s’oyally connected and emulous of glory, who natorshy joined in the same military enterprise, nosder their Lords of Session (son of Sir George, in the text, as will be gallant and s-eisowned leader, James, Earl of Douglas hmasband seen). Maxwell of Calderwood ie a considerable hranch of of Princess Margaret. 755 M A X Maxwell, of Pollok, his father’s heir, 01. a dasm. of the had tsvo sons, 1 Josmn, his heir, and 2, THoMAs, father of Tmsosmas MAXweLL, of Anldloouse, a. a. 1540, whose Earl of Lennox, Lord Darnlcy, by Margaret, dau. of Alexander, lord llontgomory, havtssg issue by her, sole heiress of Pohlok, who brought the cshmte to her fought at Langoysle), some of the above George lIaxwehl, of Cowghen, the collateral heir male. They wore a. by their battle of Lcokerby, iii 1592. He ss. 1st, Margaret, dau. of William C’nisniaghans, of Caprimmgton, by Agnes, dan. of Sir Wihhians Hamilt, ‘is, of Sanquhar and Snrlly, llarjary, dan. of Sir William Ednsomsstoioc, of buntreath (of royal descent Kehborne (of winch iuarrsage, the present Earl of Glasgow, of the Earls of London, to., by whom he had smo noale in the mahe line, to the exclusion of the female (as in by Lady Elizabeth Stowart, dam,, of John, Earl of succeeded, asotwithstaashing gromisodless and fntihe imm a noted work (C’alleclisae, S-c, en Smirk Ctessrcls JOHN (Sir), his successor. ti Sir Charles 3lin’ray, hart, of Dreghorn. etmsnmmbe1la, in. lot, to John Cathcart, of Carleton ; amed Sndly, to Sir Rohert Pollok, of Pollok (Upper Ps’hlok). of Sir Wihiam Maxwell, Dart of Calderwood. Of which stock also sprsmg the knighsthy f,smily of lh[axwell of Spriogkell, tmm the next article. Not to accumulate authorities, it may be omsly here added, that that disticgmsished sistiquamy, Sir Jarm,es Dabm-ymple, gives this account of the mather in his Collections of Nether Pehiok, was brother f Herbert Slaxwohl, of to Sir John Maxwell, of Pohiok, hart., one of the this family.” 3c’2