Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/54

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M A X The sin alit1 hi ir, 1 out J tIN ID ascii., of 1’ ilk, was ercal. ti a Ba Inlet iYB’ I’’ t-t ii ill May, 11752, with I alit itilt of lit it iii itity, III viritie I ut list Intl lit, 77 Mtt’ -Ii, 171’,, It Its itt-its of, iit,til whit -to Vt ill Itt latti iii t hilts. Tin g ‘ttle— lti’stt ISis it’ ‘‘iii i itt,. tir i’t’ins I tatttt’tl fir NC altittil, 1 .r Islit Wut.i 151, ito ttt i’s- bards i’ t1tt-tuaaittttri ttf the 9 alit’ ‘iir I’i t’ —1117 it tilt a t’t t t tiling itt rt’ttttitt3’ Vt Itt-tArts it ttt° t ‘tnt t.itt’ltV I I it’t’t.t7t. lit Isn’t, .tit’i i itti:iint’itt.. itt (79 - t 6, i tI jfts itt tV”t tiso ,t1t1tititttt -Ia stint artS Cit I il It ‘‘I titi-Htt is i l,it. ill,T tttt’ti jitsitt’t’ ci’ rk iti i7tt7 Nit’ .1’, it lit 1771’, Ilarlait, tttitt itt Sir a NI t’tV.ttt, ‘f ‘,,iltita’ titt i at lit i1. t,itt d7tttlItt 1778, llElt,tN-MaxwsLi,, Sill JottN, of S1ti’itigkoll, Co. it’ititt’ttt ‘‘In’, 1515 . tty lila ettlistit 11111 tutale lair, ii. Sti’ JaIls B tItI rt.i.. I l1’,’Ii’’tn, tto’ure ‘f tti-awertitit Dttnafrit’s’, capt. RN. Ii. 7 March, 1808 lit. 7 Nov. (at’it .iitti heir ofE tel itlritta It tuawil 1, itt’ i7ttwertititi , vtatttgtr 1 533, Uttntilitte, 6th datt. of tito Hott. Montgomei’yJ.-ti. Itin-Iltur t f Sir ii eta_V It xt’ ‘H, ti stl,tttt,ttar anti I’ttlittk, by lvii)’, anti has iaatto, ic-itt, t tiiiv ,ltitt. f ,tt’hit lItiXtVt ii, itt St,tithttar, 1 ciitlot ttf lit’ 1-7-tn if Nititt-l:ti- 11’’ tI. Itt, i.-nly . tto tlaninichact, ‘I ii. ‘f J.’Ittt, lad ttf Ilytittftti”t. its iie,itrix, d:tn. itt ltttvitl, [‘ri liattirly, ttl’ wiuatit ttt’ hal .ii,lt (Stt’l, his itcir, attd a a .latts. lie it - Sit,llv, tail tam, ttatt of Waiter Stewart, if litairhali (anti , tf Si r Areitti ‘all Sletrat t, ti til,iekltat ii, ii. lioitcrt-t’hariea-ttoran, it. 7 Aug. 15-iL he alt ni lie it;ttl, lilt trt’, ttf Itiatrerthiti , tt itt ti. ttttte. Wat,rult, afterwartts Sin 0 its ct I-ttt ta, afterwarla Stn S s,at-,; attit twa itt’ it., .itttt,t ella, atid it att, at. to lain cc Iltitit ‘ ‘tttoi’y, tf I aitteit:ttv. Sir ,lttittt t the fatiter) 0.hcttiy II ir ‘aret C-ti I trill, of lilt’ f.ttnily t ‘f C tt.t twra,L if (nit? neil, it. Siary- lSttlttri,ie—1 (viii uhontitti—tloron wilhtotll ie..ttc. and, tiyiita’ abtett 17577, ‘a as o. tty his etttoat set. Lotnaa Nniatt ht,tnll etrottgh lterctn, ot. 23 .inne, I $63, Sen t,f tlte tnt lttarrt:tH’. lit - N tn Tl’RN, tI tetttoi’ best e. t S ‘. itt I itt, line title lv. Edith 111 jttntit tt,nc-tlt-roit. t tt,l eat’ttt-n itt’s itit’eti tittttt lilt half ltetttto’r, I V. St K 0 at’tsn, whit ,‘,. ITftt. LI trcv, ttatt. of Thomas Sir Joitn a. as 6th baronet, on tho ileceaee of his Prinhatte, of th’ittittttue, ati’l ttyiitg as Aprit, 1762, was a. hy larothcr, must., 27 Aug. 1844. lila tttils titit t, V. 511. .ttaiite, at whose tlecease in ittiancy, nine weeko after his fatS, r, tue lilt ranti ct-I ateo reverted to lila father’s This is now the head, in ilte niate tine, of tito fantily of 3’oltliae,l t a’ titet, t tefi ri 01 t-titi, ‘utotl, Vi. Si I’ .J ill Es. Tins gontientaii ot - tot, Frances, tntl MaXWeLL, of Pail oh. elatt. t tf iittl test t’.tlqttlttatit, I ‘I St. hunt-ti ipttor’o, of the 000coe Ilaiwert, Esq. of Anidluonse, ti. tel, Janet, Ian. of faiaiiy of Ni ttta tnt’, I ty o’ltoiut (who or 7ttttiy, Sir J sun— Jotni liliuier, Esq. of Newton, and hatl ooe san, Jons, his heir, Shaw Stew-tnt, Hart. el ArotJowatt) ho into1 Lotte, S otis’, his successor. ilettert, cult, itu i lie army, 7. witittt,tt issue. 1796. }‘r,tttees, ,,. Ia .t ahtt t’ittitttgltam, t’1aq. if Ccaigeitds. Barbara, i.. to the Pies. Orovilic Ewing. Sir Jamea 1, lit lbs and won a, tt’ tile ettlest non, Vtl. ottt Jtttis, it. .71 Oct. t 78,0, who was hi P. for Paiotey. marrying Jane, dati. of Pauniek Stewart5 Esq. of Roseland, in lIe a. I 708, llattttats-A ttno, that. of Itiehand ttarditier, Eoq. lttc istatttt of hlttto, was a. by his son, of Atttit. rough, Suffolk, tty st-hint (who d. St Jetty, 1841) Ito 1. PaTotco itiaxn’ort, Esq. of Spnisgkril, who ivan created a hat it-sue, .iotts, Rh ltaroi ct. ttarnt t - Antic, ‘7. an i. 1911, Ritz tsorti, it. I Jane, tell. Arelahaltt Stirtitty, Esq. if vio.inntoss, Goace, dan. of James, 2nd Earl of Galios’ay, Ity K ar, .tttil 1. 1 Soul. 1022, leasing (toith two datta., wito whom tie ha 1, l,i ‘lii ti ,. e .) a a’ at, hVt r.ta ass Sstt:t.ia a, Ftaq. of Roir. II’it.Liaot, ltis stieeossOr. N P., ttttw Ste P iLt_tast STlnLtNo-tii sxwrLL the ‘tb GraVe, ttt. to ,tottn I tt’etlonson, Req., and had hior. bar’ ‘tuet. Sir Ji,ttit 1. 50 Jtiiy, IS-Il, and was s- by itio only oon Viii. Ste dons Is hit seas 0. tt Itar, I 7th. and a. 14 Oct. f’hanttil to, ,.t. fti — Lyon, Esq. 1979, late lIiltl da—Htt n-itt l7ritee, tin, ef Titotnao, Earl }ti2io anti Isitteantlitti’, which lady it. 11 Atly. 1 a57. Sir Sin t’7ttni ek 7. to 1770, atttt won 0. Ity lute son, John sat itt Panli itnetth. s,tcei’sai roty for titc ct’s. of Lanark It. Sic Wirt_iasi, 5. 10 ,hng. 1703 lit. 11 Ott. 1722, Cathonine, and Renfrow. lIe ,I. svititottt incite, 6 ,hctno, tots. Ce ‘lisa—SI Itay, 16S2 27 iltarett, t767. A at.a—(As lty the Tetid tvon’s tlipltt,sa itt 16.tO, itt termo carol. italy dott. of Sir tlieltaoi-Sliaw Sletoat’t, BatI. of Black— I io s.riot at itt is, 2, itt i”’-tnt t t arntariat bearinm) wait, Ity ntiate lie ltatt, Arg. , tttu t sit Iter, Ca.,5 ao ‘ti ititiet, ,ir, slotted, Olin. i e, ‘i—A w’O i tea I, t-rtisetl, itlu. ftt il’t’’t—A Turk’s lit’ et, in profite. ttotts.’l —Twit ti tia, sijatit. 71. ‘I —i ant cc 1(13’. Lanarksldre’ ]lenfi’otvsltine; Kt-ir, Pirtliohiro ; Caaviler, ,totis, a licttt.’gca. itt the ornsy, stteceonor lo Ins father. 21,te,t Ib,at—7, t’ark Sired. Ortlis I ttuir Siuttare, Talon 1as lite ottl ,Ittxaett ittctit’ttils’ . - Sin Vt’tittiaoi tt. 4 liiarclt, 1801, and was o. by his only sarviving rnettt,tratiro of exit1 ‘its .tf itt C trlr ehi -f I as coot. lv. Sun Joust, it. 29 Jane, i772. Thin gentleman in. 4 Jan. a erits ate. To titis ‘Us,’ -t- in atesitno dnrtng Pttthtk crest, of ,tTttrk’s tletot’iltprtioie in ‘id Slaxwoil af 5 in tt ti C lt$tok nil Lilt Two i lair w tt isVtc’it ll’ttoliar,,ia, fattier itt l’ofl.’k an,l l’ild:rt. g ctn.’t if Ito had issne, tico,l wit’ I a Tttrk’a It rat, an en-si, i ti ‘twa i’ i itt . tea the II’ithan,, 5. 21 Ott. 18037 and thin 1810, Titia dsad ate’ st’:il.ilnlinea. ititi still exists at P.diok ters. Pareurut, 0th hironet. 7,56 Stewart, and nioco of the late Earl of 0db’ I. Jotlv-1l,tnrttT-it000a’, late cspl. 12th heitacs, 1. 4 Jtsno, 1576 ta. 7 Attg. 18,76, Carohine-Harriett, 3rd dan. of Richard Itt,wai’d-Orooke, Eoq. of Castle Ilowacd, oo. Wiekiow, tied itao a tiati. iii. Arttnir.Wehtitigltttt I lertttt, 5. 11 Sept. 1872. iv. Sitotteer_tbtntlkt Walpale hlcron, it, 7 Boo. 1522. i. Cain tlitie Olary.Iitrott. ttt .tanios-Roitort WelLer, Req.. late 11.0., sldest son of Janice Waiket’. iloti. of Sand Hutton, Yorkshire. v. Tte,itniee-Ittttel’tloron. iLiitr.igc. wltase sot I iOO5V,5, sticceeded to the I’ottatc ostofns. lltr. ltaxs’etl ttt. lodty, Joan, dait. of Williatts httdr, P.tq. of Giandor— stotto, anti laa,t, WILt_last, of wttoan presently he to. Srdly, Sand tiottglas, dan. of the LairS of Waterside, and had a 3rd son, hlttgtt, WiLLiaat liavwcrr, Esq., tho 2nd son, neqninod in 1609, the thratty of ltit’ticoiiiiet sail Spriitgkelt, in Annandato and B,’ ‘ottO or’ Nor,’ Sealiet lit 1663. Sir Polrick at, let, a datt. of Dacre, of ltitiitintlen, eo. Cantbei’land, list litat lady ti. wilhont isstti’ Ite ti’ Ditty, Mary, daa. of Viscount Keninnre anti his lilary, ... to .Ian,cs liosglas, Esq., son of Sin William Donglas, Bait., :titd Itttd isette. Elioaitt’ltt, ti. attot. oltlest datt. af Sir W’illiaat Dttitglas, Itani. of It illtoad, and ices o. at his decease, 14 Joty, 97(0, by his only son, Ill. Sin Wtrriaot, 5. Ii 11cc. t tIll ii. 76 Starch, I 7114, ttar— William, a lioitu. in lute 00111 regl. U. thtt ‘a. in 1704. illinitat’l-Steo’art, cot. of ttto Dutofriessttioe tight-dnagosns U. ttitnt. in tab. PaIn Ut, an t,Oicer in tltr army l drowited tty tlto npsetting of a ltaat ho a river io Nova Scolia. in 1790. Eltooona, tI. 28 Jan. 1758, to Clande Ahexaitdon, Esq. of ItaIlt teIons’le. CaiItt’nittt’. it 2-i Sept. 1707, to lter first—esnsin, OliehiaolStoo’ant Nioliolton, t1sq. of Cortiock. iott’ 1802, Mary, only sarviviag child antI Item of Patrick Eomn, if llrroo, in lite steo’artny of Oaltoe’ay, 21.0., and Elbabeth his wife, only dan. of the flu Earl of Dnitdsnald, by whom M A X Id A X W EL L.