Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/55

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211 A X Jona, present harenet. Michael, in holy orders, vicar of IIcddon-nn-the-W’isll, near Christopher, talc heist-mi. 30th rcgt.; ts. in 1779 n. Miss Nesvcastlc-on-Tyne; wise, on succeeding his nsothcr, as ssssecd the surname, after that ci Maxwelt, and the arise ef Henna, ef iteren, en. Ktrkcusibrighr ; 3. 8 Nov. tOOt; as. Nicisolas (a stas.), it. nsrss. 1893. in Feb. 1034, Charlette-Franres, eldest dau. of the tale Capt. Agnes, s,s. to Alexander Blair, Esq.; and 1, in 1809. Burgeyne, RN., and granddaughter of Lieul.-Gen. Sir J. ttarrict, so. in Andrew Watson, Eoq. ; 7. 1691. Iturgeyne, 71!, barr, of Sutton Park, Beds, assrl has isour, Grace, so. to William Csanuinghaaco. Rag.; and rt. in 1826. 1 John-Heron, capt. tot royato, 5. 1836, as. 12 Nov. 1868, Sir David it, in 1829, and was e. isy isis rl,lcst surviving son, Margaret, 2ssd dau. of William Stanremb, Roe. ef Farleigh 11. Sn, Davan, cohn was 3. Ii June, 1773; and s. 9 01cc. Castle, en. Samerset; 2 Frederick-William, lieut. It.N., 5. 1006, Gcorgina, dun. of Samuel Martin, Rag. of the istasad of 1838 ; 1 Harriet; 2 Stuart-Mary. Charles-Douglas, 0. tO Oct. 1813; and ii. in 1824. Robert-Heron, b. 21 Nov. 18131 ci. in Fob. 1828. Edward, of Teviot Bank, Roxlsurgloohire, t. 2 Starch, 1821; a. Wsemaos, present isaronet. sic. 20 Oct. 1847, Elizabeth-Ellen, only class, of Cot. Stopferd is. John, 9. 26 May, 1012; ci. 20 April, 1832. Blair, of Pennhsghasne, cc. Wigtoo, and has issue 1 1 JolanShaw, a. Grace-Savage, ci. 23 June, 1637. 6 31 March 1030; 2 William-henry Stepford, 5. 14 sa. harriet, ‘1.20 March, 1827. June, 1852; Patrick, 5. 20 March, 18361 a so:’, 6. 8 Masvh, ass. Gcecgioa-tsabctta, us. 1 Sept. 1853, to John Iiotlserford 1866: 1 Miro; 2 Stuart-Mary 3 Jane-Elizabeth; 4 theIsm- Sir Dsvist who sv;sa vicc-hissstcna;st of Kirkeudbrightshirc, ansi nero-Catherine; 5 Elizabeth-Alien. Elizabeth, as. 27 Sept. 1818, Sir Janses Dah’ysnple-Ptay. of lien. Cal. of the GaIiea’ay itifico, ‘7. lINer. 1860, and was s. by Park Place, who ,t. it March, 1801; and ci. 10 Feb. 1821, his son, Saa Waa.a,JA;a Ilaxwees., the present baronet. leaving one son. illargarri. Jane-Stuart, rn in Aug. 1827, ia laer eonein, Jolsn-Slauw .4s’sa,a—Quarterly; 1st, arg., ass eagle displayed wilh tore Stewart, Esa,, 3rd so,, of rho late Sir Michaot-Shaw Ste,oarl, heads, an., for tlaxsrees. or NaTosaame; 2nd, az., a gable end of Earl., and by him (srha rt. in 1813) had issue—See article a Gothic church, with a cress at tine lop, and a Gothic leaded Snwoa’r of JJlorlAsutl. Itary, as. in 1836, to Sir James Dalryusplr-Itorn-Elpisinstone, wilhin a hordure counter eosnpoay of she second and first; 4th, Bart. Eleanor-Catherine, iii. in 1830, to D.-tIesr Elphi::stenrDolrympte, Ssspjsas’ters—A lion and a stag, ppr. Esq. Lirat.-Gen. Sir Jolsn Maxwell, who assumed, on the demise of in orc, ppr. his fatlser-iu-law, the additional surname and arnas of liners, Scssl—Cardonesa, near Gotehouse, tiirlrcudbriglst. ci. 29 Jan. 1830, and was a. by his eldest son, V. San PATRICK, 6. 1 Jan. 1809; who ci. anne. 27 Aug. 1844, and was o. by his brother. Creahieis—1 683. 4 ,-oss—Arg., on a saltier, on., an annsslel, or, stoned, az.; all within a bordure, pu, charged wills niglst bezaots. Great—A dexter hand, ppr., holding up an eagle’s neck with Iwo heads, erased, so. Ssjsporlrre—’I’wo eagles, close, regardant, sa. JIfslle—Revirescat. &ul—Springkell, Dnnafriesshire. MAXWELL. MAXWELL, Stn WILLIAM, of Cardoneso, Co Kirkcndbright; Lord Lecoufield, and boo isnue, is. 13 Fob. 1809; s. hit father, as 3rd burt. a. D000aeT-R00LET-WTOD55AM, Lerci lEant, 5. 2 July, itOh. 13 Nov. 1860; ste. let, 28 Jan. 1841, Mary, doss, of aa Mourice-Arelsibold, 5. 22 Dec. 1603. the late John Sprot, Enq. of Lontlon, by whom (who so. Algornon-htenry, b. 28 Dcc. 1814. if. 24 Fob. 1846) be bad issue, I. DAmn, 3.29 Otarch, 1842. Ia. Willians-Froncis, 5. It June, 1844. a. liary-Grore, os.21 Aug. 1666, to Sir W’illiom Gordcn, Bort. The Earl of Mayo, a dietingnithcd statesman, hae of Earlobe. Ho so. 2ndly, 6 Fob. 1851, Louita-Maria, eldest dan. Chief Senrotory for ireland in 1852, and agnin in of Geoffrey-J. Shakerley, Enq. (ace posf, SBAEgRLEY, 1858-9, and a third time from 1806 to 1868, when Bart.), and by bur (who d. 2-2 Nov. 1856), has had, he was appointed GOVERNOn-GENERAL OF INDIA. I. Louisa Maria. a:. Georghaa-F.loaner. Isa. Letitia-May. iv. Ahlee-Maude. Ef is czigr. This is a branch of the family of MAXWELL of Cutsfcrazesd, PawzavnLs: or Br’cno, who a. STnors000w as chief gorennor springing 6 ron: Wsma.sAM MAxwELL, Esq. of Newtands, younger son of Gavin of ireland in 1177. SIn TSOEORALD JtougRn, of Ardnazon, Staxwetl, Esq, (so-hose eldest san, Sir Robert ttnxwell, Not., R’Os the lost IhacWiiliam Bossrke in tretassd, escaped be Spain, grandfather of the 1st Baronet of Caiderwood). Otis linosi and woo created by Philip 11. tinquss or lIons. descendant, 1. DAVIO tttaxss’xt,a., of Car,loneos (son of Majoc Jahn Maxwell, Ifonycrewor, in Kitmaino, me. Mayo, a descendant of the by Miss tiring, of Bonshaw, his wife, and grandson of Mourkea of Batlinrobe and Shrs;el of Inn honsc of ‘‘SlamWilliam Cal. William Maxwell, by Nicholas his srifc, dan. of the lion. Mr. Stewsrt, of Castle Stewart), was Created a Baranct 8 Juno, 1641 ; at the termination of which, he took sup his abode at 1864. He so. in 1770, Henrietta, dan. of his uncle, David Ilaxwell, sf Caimsmore, in the Ca. of Kirkeadbright, and hod issue, Kilt, es. Kildore, and marrying Catherine, don, of Meyler William, drowned in his passage in lhinsres, 17 Feb. 1801. Fey, Rag., and niece of Sir l’anl Parys, hod (with three Dornn, 2nd baronet. i’57 M A Y John, 3.2 Dec. 1774; 7.7.0 MorrIs, 1792. Douglas, dan of Jo:,scs Douglas, Esq. of flrchardts’n, and ci. 189.3. Asstigua, Isy wtsesu (who st. 0 Juno, 1847) he had issue, Itusseti, Esq., 91.01. Cscaltno—9 Jane, 1804. ss’indoa’, arg., as patron cf ANwoaTss; 3rd, org., a snitiro, sa., org., a bend, aa, ; the whole witlain s bordure, embattled, gu. Cs’rat—A noon’s head, aifrentlc, within two laurel-branches Jfetts—Above the crest,” Think en.” MAYO. MAyO, EARL OF (Sir Richord-Sontbwoll Bourko, ICP.), Viscount Mayo, and Baron of Nose, co. Kildare, in the poorago of Ireland; I’II.A., P.C., LL.D., VICEBOY ond GOVERNOR-GENEnAL OF INnIA, is. 21 Feb. 182-2 ; s. hie father, no 6th earl, 12 Aug. 1867 no. 31 Oct. 1848, Blanche-Julia, 3rd dam. of George, sw Trrencc-Theoboisl, 5. 2 April, 1001. I. Nerah-Mory, ci. 21 Slay, 1051. - aa. Eva-Constoore-Ailino. aaa. Florcarc-hllanche-ttadeline. been SEP. for Coloroino and for Cockermtsuth, and Ho woo undo a IC?. in 1 868. ihiiiciigr, This Inanity, MACWaLLs-sos Bouawe, and that of CeawaneMone derive frs,m a common ancestor, viz., WILLaA0I Jos:a BecAmE, Eoq. (3rd son of Theohisid Bourke, Eoq. of Monrko “) was o captain of ho,’se under the Marqssess of Ormende during the trembles in Ireland, e’eoe dons.),