Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/56

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M A Y i. Mileo, cnrsitor of the Common Pleas in Ireland, sf a. p. JonF, Cs.C.ll., DCL., and P.C., as 4tb earl, 5. 39 June, is. Walter who inherited Idonycrower and Kill; so. Anne, 1706 ; sss. 24 May, 1792, Arabells, lady-in-waiting to Qsieen dan. of Robert Anneoley, Esq. of Ballysonan, to. Kildare, Adelaide, 4th dan, of William-Mackworth Praed, Esq., bnt and loft, with two dane. the elder, Story, so. to the Ttov by her (wlao sI. 19 Nov. 184:1) had iso iesnc, Ills lordship if. T. Murray, and the younger, to Mr. Stafford, a eon 21 May, 1849, whess the title devolved on his nephew. fheohald, s’f Kill and Sloneyorower. who si. 0. p. 1751: sit. Thoobald, of Palnsorston, SI P. for Noise; si 8.4’. liSts. ItosesT, 5th earl, a represetlohive lord, who was 5. 12 Jon. iv. RICKARD, o whom presently. The yonngest son, llsctsAssn llosinr, Req., LTD., so. Catherine, dau. of and by her (who st. 26 jan 1967) had issae, Charles Ilinehis, Esq. of Ilallinakill, co. Tipperary, and was s. SorvnsreLs., prrsent peer. father of Tue Rsonr lion. Jono Bos’nicr, of Kill and Moneycrower, iss. Itsjsert, barrisler-as-low. 1. 1021; ss. 21 Nov. 1061, lady SIP. for Nose, srhs so. lit 177$, Mary, Ird dan. and co-heir Sosoo-l’icssrgiooa llrs,un-ltaosssy, of Colsiosso. to. Haddiogton, of the Ilight lIon. Joseph Deane, lord chief baron of the iv. Gcorge-lVingfis’ld, hA., in holy orders, rector of Coolsdon, Exchequer in Ireland, hy whom (who ii. 21 July, 1774) he had issue, Jouss, his encccssor. is. Joeern-Dz.oac, archbishop of Tuam, who e. as 3rd earl. its. Richard. iv. Thomas. st 19 March, 1774. s. Callserisse, 51. in 1811. H. Elicaboth. us. Margaret, sit. to Sir Thomas Neweosuen, Mart. iv. Eleanor. Mr. Bossrke, who was of the privy-council of Ireland, was 5, Margarot-Iharrirtt. elevated to the peerage of that kingdom 1 Aug. 1776, at His lordship ii. 52 Assg. 1807, and v-os s. by his eldest sen fAirest of 19’as,s, Cs.; on 11 Jan. 170i, he was advaseed Rsrssoeo-Soc’Tuwes.L, 615 and present RAn or SlATs. to the dignity ci Viscotssst Mis ye, of Msoycrser; (‘rsatisss.s—Boron, 1 Aug. 1770. Viscount, 13 Jan. 1781. and created, 21 Jon. 1705, EAsy oo MAYO. His lordship si. Earl, 24 Juno, 1755. 2 Doe. 1720, and was s. by his eldest son, Jono, 2nd earl, who as. in Feb. 1761. Lady Mary hoeson, quarter, a 11055, ramlsaut; and in the Sd, a hood, erect, dan. of Joseph, Earl of Milltswn, hot si. without issne,whon tonped at the wrist, bsstls so. the henours devolved upon his brother, JoorrsiOeossr, Archbishop of Tuasn, as 3rd earl. Ills Ssspje.rlss’o—Tw’a rhzvalicrs, isa complete armour, each grace so. in 1760, Elizabeth, only dan. of Sir Richard Mcadc, holding in the exterior hands pole-ssxe, ppr. Mart., and sister of John, lot Earl of Classwillians, by wtsooa _‘tfslla—A es’sscss solos. -. (who ,l. 13 March, 1007) ho had issue, s. Jons, 4th earl. it. Richard, ttiolsep of Waterfsrd and Lisneore, 5. 22 April, 3787; os. 20 March, 1705, Frances, 2nd doss, of Robert Fowlor, Archbishop of Dublin, by whom (who sI. in 1827) he left at hts decease, 15 Nov. 1832, 3 ReseaT, 5th earl. 1 Mildred,5 ss. in Aug. 1821, to Robert Uniacke, Rsq. of Wodehonse, co. Waterford, who ii. in 1651. 2 Frances, os 10 Jssne, 1848, to the late Win-Henry Carter, Esq. of Castle Martin, cc. Kildare, and sI. 21 Jan. 1850. 3 Catherine, as. in 1070, to the Rev. Henry-Prittie Perry, rector of Newcastle. co. Limerick. its. Jrseph, its holy orders, dean of Ossory, is. its 3771 ; vs. in 1759, Mary, eldest dass. and co-heir sit Sackvillz tiardiner, Eoq., and d.3 May, 1843, having had issssc, 3 Sackville-Gardiner, rector of llathersp, Olssssçestor, to. 1939, Ooorgiana-Soroh, eldest dan. of Johss-Wihiam, 4th Essrl of Bessborsngb, and ,l. 70 Jan. 1800, having had by her (wbo sO. 25 Jnnc, lOu), Cecil-Frederick-Joeepb, t. 1041 ; llenry-Gardioer-Jobn, 0. 20 June, i843, sO. 18 )OIEATB, EARL OF (Williasss Iirssbazon), and Baron Jan. 1580; a son, 5. 1851 ; Lucy; and Frances. 9 John-William, in holy orders, rector of Offcrclane. 1 Elioabeth-Chorlottc, if. 1950. 2 Ilenrietta-Margaret, if. 1545. iv. Ceorge-Theobald, in holy ordcre, Is. 15 Api-il, 1770; ss, that of the Ussited Kingdosu ; tol. of tOo to. Dublin in 1000, Assgsssta-Gesrgisne, 2nd doss, of Thomas Webster, militia, and lord - liesstenant of the co Wicklow; Esq., and ‘t. 22 Dec. 1847, having bad issue, 1 Richard, 1. 22 Feb. 1011, barristor-atlow; so. 26 June, March, 1851 ; rn. 23 Ncr. 1837, Harriot, 2nd dan. 1549, Gertnsde, doss, of Robert Bnrrewes, Req. of Gilltossm, of Sir Richard lirookc, 6th Bart. of Norton Priory, co. Kildaro, and sO. 21 May, 0858, having (lsy her, to. Clseater, assd has sus’vivilsg issue, who so. 2ssdly, North Peat, Esq.) hod issue, a don,, Augusta-Georgiana-U’lara; and two sons, SsutlswellOsarge-Tbsobald, RN., t. in July, 1851; and llssbcrtEdward-Madden, z, Rressa,os.o, Los-st Rrabssoss, slrd see. dipismatit ses’vice, is. Dec. 1051. 2 John, 0. 15 Aug. 1812, vicar of Kilmcadon, co. Water- ford; s,s. 8 Feb. 1042, Louisa-Maria, youngest don. of Jamss’ttavssl Potts, Rsq.,andhasieosio, John-Frederick, 6. iss 1941; William, is. 1811; Artlsssr, 5. 1052; Harry, 6. 1015; Eliesheth ; Lsssisa ; and Alice. 3 Thomas-Joseph-Demo, Is. 7 Jlarob, 1815; csspt. 34t1s The assccstor of this family, which assumed its surname rogt., is. in 1840, Ilary, 2nd doss. ‘if the Ven. Archdeacon frssm the castle of Mratsozon, or Mrabaneon, in Nornssndy, lii ‘bert Wallis, ssf Nova Scotia. 1 Margarsst-Lossieo- Eliza, I, Catberhsz, it. in 1541, is. Mary-Rliossbsth, so. in 1789, to Eslsvard, Lord do Clifford Joists LE BRAOAwZON, who resided at Metcbwortls, in n-ho 4. 30 Opt. 1012, without iossso ; she sI. 28 Boy 10-15. Surrey. lesssjs. ltewssv 1. and Hr.esnv II. ; ond from him we 155. Elizabeth, ii. in 1046. iv. llary-Ansse. s. is) 1906, to the late Adsniral Ssstlsaby, Jonts Lc MsyeeAzssa, svho was a great commander in the and sO. 24 llarcb, 1510 v. Cbai’lsstte, s’s. in 1794, to William h’rowsse, Req. of martial times of Esso’Asso Ill., assd a gsneral under the Brow-ne’s Hill, co Cariow, ansi si, its 1596. vs. hornet, d, 5 Oct. 1781. vsi. Lssssis’s, si, 14 Jan. 1855. Lcicestersslsiro. Ills grassdsoss, visi. Tlseodosia-Elsanssr, is, its 1807, to Itobert lisle Esq. Jonse Ms,oaozssss, of Eaotwell, fell at Moeworth Field, of Aldcrlcy, cc. Gloucester, and ,i. 21 Aug. 1845. Ills lordship if.. 29 Aug. 1794, asssl was o. 1 ‘y his eldest sen, Nicholas Jervie, of Hardhy, us Leiceoterohire, five ssns, of This lady and her sisters obtained a patentor precedence Joists lJs.ssazon, carried on the line of the family. He as earl’s dassglstssrs, 19 Oct. 0849. 758 I1 E A 1797, ansi as, 3 Aug. 1020, Anne-Cbarlotle, only ‘child of the Hon. Jotsn Jocelyn, of Fair lull, co. t,ssstls (see ROOmS, F. or), is, ,islsn-Joceis’s, eel, in the army, D.L.. 5. 1023. eldest daa. sod cs-heir of the late Marquess sat PalIsoasic. Soerey, 0. 1019; as, 9 Dec. 1050, Mory-Heursetta, eldest daa. stIlir Most Rev. Dr.Longlsy, Archbishop of Cooterbury, and has hod Walter-Longley, 1,. 20 Nov. 1959, ends don., Kottslern-Mary, st. on isfasst, 2 Feb. 1284. v. Clsares-Fosaier, 0. 1031. vs. Edward-Rssdrn, nsaj’ ‘r 615 dragoons, is. 1035. vss. llcory-l.ortssn, t. 1040. 4s’ssso—Ps.’r fosse, or assd ems., a croes, gn. ; in the lot Crrot—A tat-a-mountain, sejasst, guas-dant, ppr., collared and elsoisest, or. Ses’ie—T’almorston tlouse, near Noas, cc. Ksldare; and Hayes, near Navon, to. Heath. M E A T TI. Brobazon, of Ardee, in the peerage of Ireland Baron Cisawoith, of Eaton Hall, Co. Hereford in 5. 25 Oct. 1803; a. his fatlscr, as 11th earl, 15 is. 31 July, 1541 ,‘sa. 7 Jan. 1068, Mary-Jane, only surviving dass. of Thomas, 11th and present EA0L or LzuncaoALE, 5. Katlsleess-tlas’s-iot. }LiI1cagc. JArqces ye Hnoooacssn, tolled TAs Gresi Warrior, appears oss the roll of Battle Abbey. lIe was fssther of pass to his deocsssdosst, BLACK Paissce. lIe resided at liloseley and Eastwslj, in 53 Aug. 1491, leavissg by his wife, Matilda, dau. and heir of whssm the 3rd ssn, as. a lady named Chasvos’th, and was a. by his only son,