Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/57

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M E A SIR WILLIAM BnAoAzore, Rut., who was appointed, in whom inherited the pecroge, and the fonrtls ot. yoiuug ; and 1534, vies-treasurer and general-receiver of Ireland, and toro dons. ; Jane, no. to Itomodob Moore, and Nary, wife of remained in office until his decease, in 1552. Sir William Robert Needhom. liii lordship heioog ionfortnoootoly was placed thrice at the head of the Irish government, as drowned in hia passage between Jiolyheod and Beaunsano, lord-justice, in 1543, when, npon the alteration of the king’s 25 May, 3675, was a. by his eldest son, style, from Lerol to King of Ireland, uew seals were transmitted WILLIAM, 3rd carl. This nobleman sO. Elizabeth, Ouol dan. to hino for the ooe of the Chancery, &c., in 1544 and of Francis Lennard, Lord Dacre, and had bane, in 1550, Ire m. Elizahoth, dan. and co-heir of Nieholoe Edward, who ci. young. Cllgord, Esq., aud had, with EDWARD (Sir), his heir, Anthony (Sir), of Ballinasloc Castle, ascoetor ef the BRABAZ0SOS CATuARLOC, a. to Alamo Vere, Fog. of Brabazou Pork, co. 101 aye, whose loot male JIbe lordship of. in 2604, and woo a. by his brother, repreocototive, Sir WLLLIAM-JOUN BRAOAZON, I3art., d. in 1540, leaving his nepheov, WILLIAM-JOUR SHARPE, Fog. FIIwARD, 4th earl, ranger of the Phmuix Park, near Dublin. of Oaklauds, co. Sasoex (ofterwarde BaABAzon), his heir (eec BuRKe’s tended &‘eolrg). Anne, In. let, to Andrew Wioe, Fog, of Dublin; and Sndly, battle sof tloe Boyooe, and woe wounded in the soiboegnent to William Thwoito, Fog. of Kent. Elizabeth, i,s. lot, to John Giffard, Fog. ; and 2eidly, to Sir o, jo ho 1707, ovas .0. by his brother, Henry Duke, of Cootlo Jordan. Sir William Brobozou woo a. hy his elder son, Sia EDWARD BRABAZON, Rut., SIP, for the eo. of Wick- CloA000aru, his heir. low in 1505, and high sheriff of Staffordshire in 1656, who FDWAaD, e. his brother. was elevated to the peeroge of Ireland, 15 July, 1616, as Juliana. Mary, of. aeon. Paren Brnbeeen efArdee. He II. Slot-, dan. of Sir Thomas Catharine, so. T. Italbewes, Fog. of Gbapwell, co. Derby. Smith, Knt. of Sliteham, Surrey, and had, I. WILT,IAM, his heir, ci. Wollop, of Eotou, in Herefordohire, sheriff of tloot Co. CloAwoRru, 6th earl, b. too 2806; on. in 17M, Jnllomoo, don. in 1630, no. Anne, don, and heir of Diehard Blount, Fog. of Sir Thomoo Prendergaot, Dart.,’ bnt of. iosueleoo, in 1758, ot Drindon, and hod ieone. III. Anthony (Sir, Rut.), of Tolloghitown, or Calliotown, EDwARD, 7th earl, who ooo. Slartha, dan. of the Ron. in Leoth, too. Margaret, don, and heir ef Christopher Hovendon, WUliam Collina, of Warwick, and hod issue, Fog., and had, with other issue, a son, CAPT. Jaoieo 0. Aosvnoxr, Lord Brafooszen. BRAEAOON, killed in 1671; he no. Alice Boteo, of North Wales, II. William, of Tat’s abuse, co. Sbeath, 0. in Aug. 1723; no. and hod, inter alice, WILLIAM, ancestor of the tlaAnaeoao of Roth Honor, ee. LonGs, and Jaaes, who sot. Story, don, of Dodley Celley, Fog., and aunt to the first Lord Slorniogton, and was ancestor of the BaAoA0000 of Slorningtoa, eo. Sleoth, now repreoenfed by Jaorrd BaAoaeeo, Fog. of Morningtoo Hoose, who no. 1835, Amelia, doo. ef Sir li.-E. Aosteo, of Shalford liense, eo. Snrrey, and hos iosoe. The late representative of the Brabazono, of Balh itonoe, WALLOP SRARAOON, Fog. of itath House, on. lol, in 1396, Jane, dau. of Josias Do Cr4, Fog. of Wilton Park, eo. Bucks, The earl of. 24 Nov. 1772, and was a. by lois elder son, and by her hod hone, 1 WILLIAM, In holy orders, incumbent of Sydolon, cc. dan. of John Leigh, Eeg. of Bose-Garland, en. Wexford, aood Iteath; 5. 6 Slay, 1791; on. in 1627, Georgians, dan. of by that lady (who of. 23 Oct. 2825) had leone, the late William Crone, Fog., nnd boo had issue, JOopriAlexondem, WILLIAM, Ills earl. d. in 1851; Wi1.llom-Ilenry; Elizobelh-Jone; Joiss-CHAoInao, successor to his lorethec. and Ada-Georgina. 2 1)II Prf, d. in the Foot Indies in 1622. 1 Rebecm, sos. to G.-I0. Peulland, Fog. ofBloek Hail, co. Louth. Martha, no. to Slanidee-St, Leger lteating, Fog., orboo of. 1835. 2 Catherine, so. to Themoo-ltnox Armstrong, Fog, of Jioliona, of. 1848. Cecilia, of. 1049. Fellowee hall, co. Armagh, orho of. is 1840. SIr. Brabszen so. 2odly, in 1810. Margaret Croue, gmuddon, Catherine, oa. 6 Aug. 1799, the Hey. Francis Srooonleoe, and of the late George Eooke, Fag, of Fellerten, Devon (of Arahella-Barbara, ooo. 21 Sbareh, 803, to the ltev. John-SI. a very anoient family in that county, allied to Shot of Lord Rolls), amid by her hod bone, 1 Arlhur—Wellesley, 0. 10 Sept. 1011; on officer in the 54th Rio lordship ol. 4 Jan. 1780, anç( was e. by his eldest surviving regt.t d. in India, in 1631. 2 Wallop, 0. 2 Peb. 1813; no. in 1035, Victoria, dau, of WILLIAM, 8th earl, 5. 0 July0 1760; who fell in a duel, George Cash, Fog, aod has had hone, Wallep, EN., ol. 26 Slay, 1707; and dyhsg noooo., was e. by hio brother, 26 Sept. 1058; Femeyo-Tynle, of. in 1565; Arthur; and JOHN CUANBEE, 10th cool, F.P., lord-lieutenant of thr Alexandrine. 3 Edward, 5.10 Aug. 1014; an officer in the 16th regt.; d. county of Dublin and cuotoo rotuloruin of the co. of iu India, in 1835. 4 Jonses-Du Fri 0.24 Jan. 1019; majer lote 17th regt.; so. Witklew ; 0. 0 April, 1772; on. M Dee. 1801, SleloohosAdelaide, 2 Aug. 1055, Sephia-Catherine, only child of the late Rev. her (who of. 26 Slarch, 1866) had toone, John Coorlney, of Beverley, co. Tork, rector of Sander ateod, Soorrey, oud Goxhill, Yorkshire, by whons (who of. i. Aothony, 0. 10 Nov. 1802; of. 9 Feb. 1826. 15 Oct. 1862) he hoe hoot issue, Janoeo-fleorge Coorteney, hi. WmLLiasi, present earl. 1. 13 Jan. 1057; Modelino, of. an infant; ond Beatrice. III, Joho, 0.29 hay, 1005. Elizabetis-Mory. 1 Vineentia, on. in 1041, to Chorles-Johu Kenoeyo.Tyote, v. Henry, to. in 1807. Fog., SIP., F.R.S., of Cefn-Sloblsy, eo. Glamorgan (eec I. Theodosia, 000. 22 June, 1032, to Ao’eloibald, 3rd Earl of Gooford, BURKE’S Landed Gentr,s). 2 Sladelina. 3 Gertrude. 4 Adelaide. 5 Gooegiaa-Slsada, no. to Jameo-Cranbenrue Strode, Foq. Ria lordship was created Baron Chnaorllo, of Enteos Hall, cc. (great-graudoos of William Strode, Fog., SIP., by Lady Hereford, in the peerage of the United Kiugolom, ill Sept. Anne-Cecil, his wife, dan. of James, 5th Forl of Salisbury), 1831. PIe of, 25 Starch, 1851. who of. 0. p. in 1002. 6 llorriette. 7 Emily. SIr. Brabozen d. 20 Oct. 1831. Hie lordship dyiiog in 1625, was o. by his oldest son, WILLIAM, 2nd boron; who woo ereotod, 16 Apr 1, 11157, mea. Senb—Filmddery house, near hh’ay, en. Wicklow. EARL OF MEATD, with remohoder, tu default of direct mole issue, to hia brother, Sir Anthony Brahoeon, and hia mole * his second wife seas Derothoea, dan. and eo-heireos of Cal. heira. Rio lordship an, in 1607, Jane, eldest dan. of the James Stopfocd, of Tara, en. Sieath; she seas sister to Fmilia, Eight Hon. Sir John Bingley, Rut., and woo e. in 1651, by Lady Bather, and annt to the lot Earl of Conrtooen, She woe hia only sou, EDWARn, Sud earl; who on. in 1030, Mary, younger dan. first husband’s death, oho 0000 on. to General Richard Gorges, of of Csleot Chambre, Eoq. of Deublgh, On Wales, and of Caruowe Filbrne, cc. Sheath, by wheno ohe left issue. Ss’ift’o humour- 5 co. Wickiow, by whom he hod four sons5 three of coo epitaph on her and the general, “Dell amid Dickey” is 759 M E A FLIzAnevu, no. 1st, to Sir Philips Coote; and 2adly, to the lIon. l’hibip Bertie. This nobleman had the comnsand of a reglroeut at tho attack npoee Limerick. OTis lordship ooo. twiee* ; lout dying ColAoonnn, 5th earl, who 055. Juliaooa, only dan. and heir of Viscount Chan’orth, and had issue, Frances, so. to Brigadier-Geueral henry Ponoonby. Re was e, in 1715, by his older Comm when he was e. by his only brother, 10 Slay, 1764, Catharine. dan, and ode heir of Arthoir Gittoed. Fog. of Atherne, and by her (who of. 11 Feb. 1823) had, 1 Edward, wha no. SIlos Tuke, and of, o. p. 2 Aethur-Gifford, is. 15 June, 1768; ooo. 20 Jan. 1780, lIargaret, eldest dan. of John llaig, Sf.D.; and of. op. 1817. I Sfarlha, of. young. 2 harbor’s, on. 24 Slay, 1788, John Slooiv, Fog. of Tora honor, eo. Sleath. (See BUKEE’S Landed Gerdo-y.) ANT000NY, 8th earl, 0. in 1721 ; who no. in 1758, Grace, Mary, ooo. 23 Joae, 1781, to Arthur Knox, Fog. of Castle Rca, ca. Mayo, and of. in 1051. ci. 24 Dee. 1847. Scott, of llallygannon, cc. Wicklooe, soo, 4th dart, of Johos, 1t Earl of Clanwilliam, and by iv. Biehard, to. tn 1856. who of. 1864. Uo’eotiona—Baeoa, 19 July, 1616. Earl, 16Apr11, 1627. Boron of the United Kingdom, Sept. 1031. Arona—Gn,, ens bend, or, three noartlelo, sa. Co-eat—On a mount, vert, a falcon, rising, or, beilcol, gold. Sooppsrteo’o—Two oryrerns, or, orieFed smod noemloseed, gn., collared and chained, gold. Jlfotto—Vela vita the “Countess Doll” of Dean Soeift, and alter the cad’s, her well known.