Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/58

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M E D M ED LYC o T T. MEOLTCOTT, Sin WJLLIAM-C0LEO, 1801; s. his father 10 June, 1851. of Von Ifonse, en. Somerset ; I’. 31 July, 1806; m. 16 STarch, 1830, This is a branch of else family of Drsnss, of Arnisfsn, ilselfa Sarah - Jeffrey, only dan. of the scion of the grent and ancient house of Dundas, sf that ilk. 11ev. Edward bradford, rector of (doe Brese’s Ls,solod Gtnlry). Staibridge, Dorset, and has issue, ltslsert Pnn,las, of Arnislen, lord-president ef tise Court of I. Ws5,L5Aa5—COLES-I’AlisT, 8. 6 June, 2831. is. Edward-Bradford, 8. 20 Sept. 3832. iii. 7iorvin—I3r,sdf, N, heat. EN., 8. 20 Sept. 1637. Is’. ilulsert-.i.snsoo, 8. 0 tIer. 1e41. i. Sarah-Eliaal,eth, so. 23 May, 8863, Captain Joshua-Frederick 1002, as 12,sross Ds’soir”, and Vsseoey-ee 3IELvsLLe. [its lord— T3stly, ILL. Ii. llary-I-l’stehings, 01. 18 Aug. 2816, to George-Sydney Caslie, ansi 1y tier 11051 issne, Strode, Esq. of Newonliam Park, Devon. iii. tans-Mervin. in. 27 Nsv. 1860, to the Rev. Edward Elisal’eth, s,. in Mao’, 1787, to use Right lion. Robert Poke, of 3,ake Moose, Wilts. iv, Fl,,renee-t’an’lii,s, se. 3 May, iool, to J,’hn-Thsmas 3iedlyeotr, Es’ ., only son of the itev. J.-T. Oledlyeott, of Rsekstts Castle, so. Waterbed. (See Bul:ae’o Anne, ,e. 1st, in 17sf, is Henry Drnmnsond, Esq.; and 2ndly, Lrsa’le,t Gentry.) Sir William s. his father, 25 May, 1835. 3Liitrar. Joun I-trvcnrnos, Esq. of Sherhsrne, es Dorset, os The viscount so. Zndly, in 1703, Jane, dan. of John, 2nd Earl of Elieabeth, eldest dau. of James 3iedlycott,° Esq. elf St. Hepetesm, but Isad ns ether issue. Lord OlelviilIe seas ias— Clement Danes, en. Middlesex, PP. for 3lilborne Port, and i’eaelwd by the hiesise of Commons, 1000, fsr alleged malversation i>sse of the noasters in Chancery, by whom he bad issue, four sons, and was e. at ins decease, in 1774, by the eldest, his leers is? Westminster Ball, adjedged Net Guilty Be d. Tsnnsss Herrsssnos, Esq,, liP. f,,r tililbome Port, who 20 May, loll, and n-as .s. by his son, assumed, in 1765, esnforsoahly ts tIes will of Isis maternal IlonrisT, 2nd viseounl, general of the Royal Archers efSeetland, uncle, the surname and arms of 1[reeveswr. lie so. Jaoe, only dan. of William Csles, Es,1. of Salisbury, and had, W’lLLIAas-CeLEs, his successor, lIP. fsr tiuill,snse Port in 1791. grand-niece and ee-hrhr of Adusiral Sir Charles Satmders, ht.B. ‘rhsnsas-llerrln, effleer of dragssns; 8. 1774 ‘1.4 Jaly, 1703. by whose (seise ,O. Sept, 1041) he has issue, Jane-Pages5 01.22 hay, 1704, to I’hilip Ainslie, Esq. of Lincoin’s inn, barrister-al-law; sO. op. 30 Mareis, 1830. Ties sen and heir, 1. Wss.Ls.eai - Cos.en hienLvcoTT, Esq. of Yen house, Sosnersetslsire, lIP, for Miilts,rne Port; 8, 22 Oct. 1767, iii. l2saeisa’, storekeeper-general ci the ssavy; 8. 14 Sept. was created a Borsnet.3 Oct. 1800. lIe so. 28 Jan. 1706, sv. (‘hones, IdA., in hey orders, rertur of Epss’orth, cc. Lincoln; Elinal,eth, only dan. of Wiltiasn Tagsseli, Esq. of BradSsrd, Wilts, and Isad issue, WsLeiAsi-CsLEs, present baronet. Mary-li alehnsgs, d. 10 3 sine, 1010, aged 10. Sir William 1 23 hay, 1823, an,! svao s. at Isis decease by his son, the presesit bar’.ssset. Crc’’! :,,s,—3 Oct. 1000. A ‘oss—Q aarleris’ I per fesse iadenled, go. an,1 as., tisres liesss,r•a1111sIst, org. 61,55—Oct of a esural cr555055. go a dessi—eagle, soisegs elevaee,1, sr. P3,tt,,—Dat euro qmeteiu. dm1—Yen house, P ilbonse Porl, Sonsersetsisire. MELDRUM, BAn0N, see ITUNTLY, MARQUEES OP. MELEORT, VIOCOI’s’T AND EAnL OF Ste TEnThS, Lord Melville, nbc was Iced-privy-seal in Scolload, gsvernee of Eans. OP. MELGUND, VISCOUNT, ore MINTO, EAnL OP. MELVILLE, Eans. ne, see LEVER, EAns. OP. ST l’fA’ILLE, VIecol-NT (Sir Ilenry Dandas, 0. C.B.) of Melville, en. Edinburgh, and Baron Duneira, en. * The yeunger brolleer of tilts ,iass,es II odli’eote, Tssoa,as MeaLveoTr, M ‘ 31.1’. Sir Westesiest,’r, seas greal-gi ae,1falh 51 she present 11ev. Juua-l’iseasss M000re,,TT, Of lleeketts Castle, ee- Wasorford. 760 M E N [‘ertli ; general in the army, governor of Edinburgh Castle, aisd eol. of the 60th foot; 8. 25 Feb. iLincagc. Heossv Ilessnos, Em., 8. 20 April, 1742, ysungest son of Sessisu; sons appointed lsrd-sdveesle sf Seeflaed in 1770; and having sulsseqssentl3 filled souse Isigh oeial situatie,,s iss tise government of Engtsnd, during the adssdnissratisn of the hiight lIon Williaes Pitt, was slevstsd Is the peerage 24 Pee. sisip ii,. 1st, Elirabeth, faa. ef Ilarid nenele, Esq., of Melsihie R,sBeeT. late visesent. Issindas. loni-ehief-baross e’f Scotland, soho 8. in 1010. SIse ,3. 10 March, 1s33. Their grandson, llsl’ert Dun,las, is new of Arnisten, and Iheir Led son, llenry Pandas, a vies— adsnieal, tiN., ,t, 11 SepI. isSf3. in 1798, to James Shrange, Iisq.; wheel. 6 Oct. 1040. She d. in .laisssary, 1012. Oisstagss, 5’S. in 1700, to George, the late Lord Aberrrensby; and ,t. in 1037. in his ciRce as treasurer of the unvy; and after a teial by IllS., ItT.; 8. 14 Marsh, 1771; so. in Aug. 1726, Anne’l es-Iseir of Richard-Buck Sassnders, Esq., lID., and i. Ilssnv, present viscount. ii. ltiohar,l-Saunders (Sir), It.C.B., 8. II April, 1502; vice5dm. ll.N., a lord of the Admiralty, and a distinguished seasna,s ; sf.3 Jasse, Mel. 1003. 0. Ii Sept., i866; s. i Ang. 1833, Loaisa-3taeia, eldest staes. of Sir ivithians Sr,eIhly, Bas 6, ansl has issue, henry, 8.0 Maceli, io3S. 2 Clssseles-Sassssders, 8. 27 Jsesse, 1842, S Willians-Walter, 0. 28 hlay, 1047. 1 Edith-Anne, is’S Eel,. 1063, ho Lieut.-Coionel Reeve, late gnn.-guards, eb,lest son of the late General Reeve, of Leadenlsaiss Iinssse, Lisseslnslsire. 2 Fauay-Emnso, sI. 20 Jssly, 1804, 10 Capt Ellis-P.-P. Deere, Coidstsvasu gaards, eldest son of Ellis lteeve, Esq. 3 thrrless,le-Sosan. 4 Losiisss-3t,snsngsss. 0 l.assra-tiiary e Iaanehse-Ceeil-Jane. 7 Ahiee-Cas’oliiss, tn-ha with Wtll.iaus-Wahtsr. i. Jasse, d. 13 Nov. 1802. ii- Anne, 0. 50555. 13 April, 1812. the Bank of Seotloed, and olsassesllor of the University ef St. Assdresss, ci. 10 Jesse, 1851. C,-rahbos—24 tsee. 1802. Ar,,ss’—Arg., a lieu, rampant, go., within a borslsss’e, an., risarged sotth sisree boors’ heads, soaped, or, two to sidef assd 0551’ ill base. to, st—A tisn’s head, affrontS. gss., slnsggling Ihrsugh an oakbuds, all ppr., and ever hIss crest, the motto ‘ Essayex.” Ss’ppvs’tso—lbexter, a leopard, regordaat; siuister, a stag, houls Pl Jf,,hto—Qaod potui, perfeeti. N, ab—tilelvilhe Cashlo, Edinisnrgh. ill ENTETIL STtT.ORT-MENTETB, Ssn JAMES, of Closebssrn, en. Domfries, 8. 1792; s. his father, as 2nd bart., Dec.1S17; Oh. 1711cc. 1846, Jane, dan, of Sir Joseph Bailey, Bart., MT., of Glanusk Park. He claims to be chief of the anciesut house of Montetla, and heir-male of that of Stssart ; but these claims are disputed by the family of Dalyell of Biuno, M ELY ILL F.