Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/520

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PRELATES OF IRELAND. The Irish Prelates are Lords of Parliament alternately, fear in each Session. ARCHBISHOP S. APMAGH,A1iCHl3ISFIOP OF, s% DUBLIN, ARCHBISHOP OF, and CLOGHEPi, BIShOP OF, II%1 and Bishop of Glanielagh and the Iliht lion, and Moet hey. thNj of Kildare, the Right Hon. and Marens-Gervais Bereeford, LID. 0 Most Rev. Richard - Chenevix Primate and Metropolitan of all LX/ I Trench, D.D., Primate of Ire- Ireland, Prelate of the Order of K q”%ji land, Chancellor of tho Order St. Patrick, Lord-Alnaener to I J’ of St. Patrick, and a privy-cennthe Queen, 5. 14 Feb. 1801 ; I ( cillor in Ireland ; 5. 9 Sept. edncated at Richmond School, I I 1807 edncated at Harrow Yorkehire, and Trinity College, School, and Trinity College, Cambridge; formerly Rector of Cambridge, where he gradnRildallen and Vicar of Lamb ated I 82i’ ; formerly incnmbet Vicar-General of Kilmore and Archdeacon ofArdagh of Cnrdridge, Hants, and rector of ltchin-Steke, made a DI). 1840, and ceneeerated Bishop Of Nil near Winchester; Hnlsean Leetnrer at Cambridge more, Re., in 1854, translated to the A rchhishoprie Divinity Professor at King’s College, London, and of Armagh, 1862. lila grace is conein of the Mar- Dean of Westminster, and of the Order of the Bath. qness of Waterford, (See lIt at title, once.) Ceneerrsted Archbishop of Dublin, 1 Jan. 1864. Die grace, who is of very high literary attainments A’s,, ef Arrlinpt’cspat So’—Az , an epiespal staff, a’-g.c and n’,te, is mt cousin end hither in-law of the enemgnsd with a crss,-pathe, or, sn:eoos,ntsd 1,3’ a pa11, 0 present Lord A shtosyn lsce that title. cute). the secend, edged and fringed, geld, charged with four , - erss,se termbe-filehEe, as Arms “r(5, A -eh;oi.ccs1,fl 5, ‘—Sameas thsee of Armagh, Fan,,;, A coo—_kr act, Waa’caronn, 3Lsv,s-rosi I wish th.’ cxcspli,sa the pall has live crosses instead of Theist’ sr—The Palace, Aricagh ‘42, Prince’s Gardans Is ‘;r- Fail/c A-is— Irds as?’, .anTcwn, It,) South Kensington, ‘Reshhceee—l’alace, 15, Stephen’s Green North, Dnblin. B I S H 0 P S. The Arnie of the Asnelgasui’iled Sees of Ireland hare nerer been officially tea,’almssllecl: therefore engravings of them casuist well be e1rs. The separate blazosse of nsoat of the Sees ace, /iesrerer, here attached. 1IIEATII, BISHOP OF’ CASHRL EMLV, WATERFORD and USthe hislil Host .an’l Mast Pies” MORE, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Robert Daly, -,ø - b mod hotelier, DI)., P.C., D.D.; 5. 8 June, 1783; edocated at Trinity College, a ceond :‘‘n of the late Rear- Dnblin, where be obtained the gold medal in 1803 t Admnn’nl bamnel lioteber (5. at formerly Dean of St. Pats-ick’s; made a D.D., and eon- I )t A bo1l”. cc. Bedcnml, 30 Oct. eeerated Bishop of Cashel, Re., 1843. His lordship I I 1771, las’ his wife, Flizaheth, is nncle of Lord Dnneandle. (See that title, cute.) dams, ot 1helmarl -T. ,srn,.nn,l Her- Ai-i,,, of See of Csstrl—Gsi., two keys, in saltier, wards uplmem’t, B-iq. of ‘‘shim;ue,a, le- wards, or. Fends .4i’ose—(Sre aisle, DosesAwnLE, Bxaoie.) di sr”m,lanl, ‘fthe H ‘-r’’mrtsof F.eeidcnce—The Palaee,Weterford. ‘-&F..t..M’sckru,, em. Kcrry. TIme —le.lmnp was /‘, 9 (Art. 1111’ anml CORK, CLOYNE, and ROSS, BISHOP OF, was edncat”mt at ‘I’rinityC.mlleyr. Llssblin he was a the Right Rev. John Gregg, D.D., son of Richard of that nniversity in 1 s32. a Fellow in 1837, Gregg, Esq. of Cappa, co. Clam’e, by his wife Bar- Professor of Ecelesia —iictdII i’tory in 1850, mad barn, elan, of —Fitzgerald, Esq., co. Clare, and Regin5 I’rnfese.’,r 01 1 tivinity in 1852 ; he became sister of the Rt. Hon. Janice Fitzgerald ; b. 1798 Beet ‘‘riseIloll money in 1854, and was consecrated formerly Archdeacon of Kildare, and Minister of ]mslmnl. i MenI.h, 14 Oct. 1866; his lordehip en, Trnsity Clsnrrb, Dnblmn, consecrated Bsehop of Cork 23 Nit. 1847, Mary, dan, of John Leahy, Esq. of 1862. His lom’debip ii. 1830, Elizabeth, dan. of the Killmmrnm’y, and has issue, I Samnel.Henm-y, b. 18 late Robert Law, Esq. of Dnhlin, and has had April, 1550; 2 John-George, b. 15 N’,y, 1851; 1 iesne 1 John-Robert, b. 1831, in holy orders, Elizabeth ; 2 Itlary-Frances ; 3 Angnsta-Emily 4 citrate of North Cerney, cc. Gloneester ; 2 RobertEleanor.Lonioa-Gertrede. His lordship has fonr Samnel, in holy orders, precentor of Cork Cathedral, brothers and tsvo eistere, of whom the second and incumbent of Carrigrohane, co. Cork, b. 1834; m. brother is Iticham’d-George Botcher, Esq., M.D., 1863, Eleanor,dau, of J.-H. Bainbridge,Esq.of Frank- President of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ire. field, co. Cork; 3 William-Henry, 5. 1844; 1 Rlizahand. The Bishop derives his descent from an beth; 2 Frances-Fitzgerald ; 3 Chsrlotte-Browne. old Englisb family, the Butchers of Ce1de, cc. Ar,ss of etc Sc as’ f’srt;—Arg., a erase-paths, go., charged Bedford, Lords of the Manor of Raye.nsden, with a erezier, in paIr, enfiled with a mitre, labelled, or. Faooly Arsse—Arg. a Sr tree gr’swing sat of a mount, vert, Arose ef Sn—Se., these mitres, org. F,ss Pp.4 res—Vert in base snrms,nmslel hr a ew-ord in bend ppr. ‘on a dexter an elephant, erg, - Palacc—Ardbraeeen Hence, co, Heath, canton, az,, a rsyal crown, also ppr, Bnidessce—The Palace, Taut Hsmsae—--4g,mtzwillmam Sqnsre, P ablmn, Cerk,