Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/521

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PRELATES OF IRELAND. DERRY AND RAPIIOE, BISHOP OF. The Charles Perooval, Rector of Bruchenny, Diocese of Right Rev. Wifliam Alexander, D.D., eldest son of Cloyno; 1. 6 No,. 1812; educated at Trinity the Rev. Robert Alexander, Prebendary of Aghadoey College, 1)’ dIm, whore Ito took lngh academical (see ante CALEDON, E. OF); he was 6. 13 April, 1524, honnurs, attd where he becateto a Fellow ; he was and was educated at Tonhridge School, and Exeter for sonic years Brats of the Chapel Royal in Iseland, and Brasenose Colleges, Oxford, where he obtained first Chaplain to the Lord-Lieutenant and Cha1dain classical honours and several [Jnivereity prizes. He to the Household, lie ‘a-asconsecrated Bishop was ordained in 1847, anti after holding in sue- of Lisnerielc, ho., 29 June, 1866. Ills lordship • cession three benefices, was appointed Dean of Emly, ot. 15 Sept. 1840, Selina, clinch dan. of John in 1863,and consecrated Bishop of Berry and Raphoe, Chc3-ne, Esq., M.D., Physician t1,’ns’r:d to the Forces in Oct. 1867. The Bishop is of note as a critic, in ireland, by whom he has hail issue, Johut-Cheyne, orator, and theological writer. His lordsldp m. CecilFrances, Indian Civil Service, 6. 16 Nov. 18-lI, ci. 0 Sept. clan, of Major John Hnmphreys, J.P., of 1868; Alfrod-I’crcaval, 6. 22 July, 1546; Arnold. Miltown House, co. Tyrone, and has issue, I RobertJocelyn, Felix, 6. 17 Nov. 1847; Charles. -i,’trcon, 6. 15 Dec. 6. 11 June, 1852 ; 2 Cecil-John-Francis; 1856; Robert-W’yndltam, 6. 6 July, 1858 ; Helena- I Eleanor-Jane; 2 Dorothsa-Agncs. Arsss sftlze See sfDeri’y—Gu., tn-s swsrds in saltier, ppr.; Ida-Margaret. The llight Rev. Prelate has hail the pssunsstlcd snd hued, geld; on a chief, sz., an Irish hsrp, followhsg brothers and sisters, 1 Jnhn-Thomas gold stringed, srg. Arms of Ike Sec of R’ipkoe—Erss., a chi”f, Oraves, Esq,, MA., barrister-at-law, 6. lSfmf, sn. per psic, so. and sr; in the dexter side a sun in sptendaar, in Atnelia, dat,. of William Toke, Esq., F.R.S. 2 The the sinister a crass pattte, go. Fee,, hg Aims (0cc e,,l Unto— Rev. Robert Pcrccval Graves, AM., anh-dean of DON, E. or). Residesce— The Palace, Deny. DOWN, CONNOR, AN1) DROMORE, BISHOP eldest dan. of the late Ocorge-litti hing Bellasis, Eoq. OF, the Right Rev. Robert-Bent Knox, D.D. ; 6. of Holly Hill, Win derniore; 3 Jssues.I-’erceval Graves, 25 Sept. 1808 ; cdncatcd at Trinity College, Dublin; Esq., is. 1811, sn. Geot-giua, dat,. ef ‘l’h,nttas-OrdLees, formerly Prebendary of St. Munehin, and Chancellor Fe51., and has a son, Ft’anc)s-,Jobn, anil a clau. of Ardfcrt and Aghadoc; made a D.D., nit ii Ansclia’, 1 Helena-Clariasa, ‘ Leopold Von consecrated Bishop of Down, &c., in 1849. His Ratake, of Ilerlin, llistoriographt-r to the King of lordohip is cousin of the prcsesst Earl of Raisfurley. Prussia, ansi Professor of history its tlte (Jutis-ersity (Sec that f/tic. ecsstc.) Aims of Sees of Thisca sod (‘namer—As., two keys, indoreed, 2 Caroline-Fnntcos, deceased. in saltier, or, snppreeecd by a lamb, in fssse, srg. Arms of crosier; in the stnioter, a mitre, labol’,rl, coil in base two usc See of Dromoee—Arg., scmée of t,-ofoilo olippsd, vert, s cross pattte, gn. on a chief, as., the sun, ppr. Fus,sily Arms kove, i,idorscd, salticrwtse, at! or. Fc-’rt1- A,-.,, —Quarterly,—(SeeRiaruntsv, East. or. ants.) Residence—The Palace, lot and 4th, per pate, go., sitS so • an e”g’ 9etslaveit,ducatty Holvwssd KILLALOE, KILFERONA, CLONFERT, AND three crosses pattee of the field; s crescent for difference; KILMACDUAOH, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. for Psacevac. Residence—The Petsoo, Limerick. William Fitzgerald, D D., son of Maurice Fitzgerald, Esq. of Lifford, M.D., many years physician OF, the Right Rev. James-Thomas O’Btien, D.D., to the British govcrnsucnt and to the Nabob, at Madras, by his 2isd wife, Mary, dan. of the late son of Michael Burke O’Brien, Esq., 6. 1794; Edward-William Burton, Eeq. of Clifton, co. Clare; educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he 6. 3 Dec. 1814; educated at Trinity College, Dublin, received a gold medal; was a Fellow there, and and professor there of moral philosophy and ecclesiastical Archbishop King’s Lecturer; formerly Dean of Cork; history; formerly Prcbcndary of Dromore, consecrated Bishop of Ossory, &c., in 1842., His lordolsip Archdeacon of Kildare, and Vicar of St. Anne’s; made a D.D., and consecrated Bishop of Cork, Re., Edevard Pennofather, Chief Justice of the Quoon a in 1857, translated to the see of Killaloe, 1862. Bench in Ireland, and sister of the late Countess His lordship sn. Anne, elder dan. of Oeoree Dowager of Courtown, and has issue their 2nd Stoney, Esq. of Oakley Park, Queen’s County, dan. Dora-Letitia, was sn. 6 Aug. 1867, to Var- which lady d. 1859. Arsss of the Sc of Killieloe—Arg., a crass, gu , between Yarburgli-L.-Lloyd Dreams, of Sewerby House, twelve trefeils, slipped, vcrt; on a chief, as., s key, in pale, Vos’ksl ire or. Arms of the See of Cm fert.—Ao., twa ereziers tn saltier, or. Family Arms—Erm., a saltier, gu. Resist’ ssce—The ttieroofe cross pattée, between five crosno,s pattée fitch-c, or. Palace, niuamoc, eo. (‘tare. Cecilia; Rosamnnd-Selina; Angsssta-Caroline; and the Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle, 8.1510, ste. Helen, of llerlin, author of “TheLives of the l’opee” Arias of the See of llmc,-kh—Az., hut the dexter chief a crowned, or; in the dexterohief point a os-iso patotthe of the last for Guano; 2nd and 3rd arg-, on a chief iode,,trd, gil., OSSORY, FERNS, AND LEIOHLIN, BIShOP Os. 1836, Ellen, 2nd dan. of tho Right Hon. burgh-Lloyd Dreams, Esq. only son of the Rev. Arms of the Sec of Osoory—Gn., s covered cup, on the top Arms of the Sees of Ferns cad Li bghlba—S’a., two crasicre in saltter. onrmes,ntsd by a mitre, or. Residence—The Palace, Kilkonny. KILMORE, ELPHTN, AND ARDAGH, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Hamilton Verochoyle, D.D., I Chancellor of Christchurch and Dean of Ferns, TRAM, ARDAOH KILLALA, AND ACHONRY, consecrated Bishop of Kilmore, &c., 1862, son of BISHOP OF, the hon, and Right Rev. Charles John Verschoyle, Esq. of Stillorgan, 00. Dublin; I Bredriek Bernard, D.D., second eon of James, 2nd 6. 1803; educated at Osweetry School, and Trinity Earl of Bandon (sec ante that title for birth, marriage, Coil. Dublin; sn. 1832, Cathcrins-Margarct, dan. of issue, Re.), educated at Bnliol College, Oxford; for- the Very Rev. Thomas Hawkins, Dean of Clonfert, I merlv Prebendary of Kilhrogan in Cork Cathedral, and has issue. I and Rector of Kilbregan, 00. Cork; consecrated Arms of the Sec of Rtpht,s—Sa., two oresicru, indorsod, In Bishop of Tuam, &c., 13 Jan. 1867. saltier, or; in baoo, a lamb, couohsnt, arg.. in ohief a mitre of the second. Residcncss—Ktlmors Palace, Cavan; Elpbin Assess of tee Sec of Tee,,s—Ao., threepersone crest ssndsr as House, so. Rooosmrnen. i many otunopios or stalls of Gothic ws,rk, ,‘r, tbsir faces, ——hendo, and loge ppr- ; ths first reprcocnhs an archtstshisp in LIMERICK, ARDFERT AND AGHADOE, h’s pontificalo; the soesnd the Nab- Virgin Mary, s circle ol glory over her head, holding Iii her loft as-rn the infant BISHOP OF, the Right Rev Charles Graves, I).D., Semis; the third an angel, hsvinghisrtghtarm elevated, and yonngest son of John-Crosbio Graves, Esq., by Ins nuder the left ares a lamb, all of the Cud. Fsssiily Arms— avife, helena, eldest thu. and co-heir of the Rev. (me aide Itasoets, S. or.) Residence—Team Palace, Galwey. 1223